I act out strange situations without realising ?

I could be doing anything, could be anywhere, and I'll like just act out completely random situations.

Usually I'm always alone, but a few times I've said/done strange things like make action noises like 'Whoosh!' and like flail an arm or something in front of people by accident when I zone out.

I just get really deep into thought and like go into my own little world, I've been told by my friends,family and even doctors that I have ADD.. not sure if that's a factor in this.

Some of the things I do are like pretend I'm a creature/person and have conversations with myself about obscene/silly situations that just wouldn't normally take place in reality.

I can't really give an example because they arn't premeditated actions.. like I'll stop after I'm done 'being in the zone' and ask myself 'wtf.'

Should I be concerned? O__o

It's pretty odd. 6
You're not normal .....................dotdotdot 6
Nothing to be worried about. 9
I do the same thing ! 25
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Comments ( 7 )
  • Ihadtomakeyetanotheraccountffs

    Normal, it's just what you called it, 'zoning out'.

    Find ways to stay focused when you are around others. =)

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  • skyeracrystal28

    That's nothing to worry about. I carry full length conversations with my "other" self.

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  • talktalktalk

    i do the same im thinking i have add, or adhd, i tend to be in my own world alot and pretend im alot of things, if i look down at a crack i would think of something esle, but i know im normal it just i tend to be so random people think it not normal but i think im just being random

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  • Zevichan

    OMG! I do the same thing!! :D Sometimes I'll completely zone quietly and my friends tell me my facial expressions change like I'm having a conversation with myself. XDD

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  • XxDemonicaxX

    oh finnaly somone like me lolol

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  • wigsplitz

    Yeah, sometimes my mind will be wandering, and all of a sudden I snap out of it, and I always think 'damn, did I say anyting out loud? I hope not.' It's usually stuff that's based in reality though, not a totally made up scenario. Sometimes I argue with myself.

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  • Rufus

    That's awesome! I'm going to start doing that.

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