I already hit the ceiling in my life

I'm 22 and I would say that there's nothing else I can do to change to get any better at life. My potential has been set and I hit it. I'll always be lagging behind everyone else.

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Comments ( 11 )
  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    its pathetic that you give up at that age

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  • litelander8

    No ones asking you to win a Nobel prize. Just do the things that make you happy.

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    • What if there's nothing that makes me happy?

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      • Ellenna

        If there's literally nothing that makes you happy you are severely depressed: please get some help

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Idk what country youre in but even with a 75 IQ theres like a dozen jobs that could pay you over 80k a year in the USA. You just have to work hard. Be a competitor. Think if some boxer said "I can never get better" he would lose every fight after that. You are thinking like a loser my guy. Think like a winner.

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  • olderdude-xx

    You likely have not even scratched your potential. You just cannot see that at this time.

    A common thing is that people stop dreaming (or give up on their dreams) because they cannot see how they could achieve their dreams.

    Another reality - is that most people who achieved big dreams and goals had no clue how they were going to do it - they just that it was possible "somehow."

    So I suggest that you start to list the dreams and goals that you would like to achieve; without worrying about how you might achieve them.

    How would you like to live your life... if you had the financial resources to do so? What kind of house would you live in, and where. Where would you travel for adventure, etc...

    Chances are very good that you can achieve many of those things - if not all of them - if you decide to pursue them.

    Now it won't be easy - and you will have to learn new things and new skills; but, I've seen to many people follow this process to financial and life independence to have any doubts that it does work - for the people who really want to make it work as long as their mind can still function well.

    Note that I recently watched a YouTube video about a marathon runner who had an accident that left him severely disabled (not quite a paraplegic); who then stumbled into an area that is now a multi-million dollar/yr internet company that he owns and runs; even though he has health care aids to assist him with very basic things like going to the bathroom, eating, and dressing. Key is that his mind still works... even if his body does not.

    Also, please read my long reply on the following post about acquiring key knowledge and skills to become more successful:


    I believe that you can have a great life in front of you... if you decide that you want that and put in the effort needed to get there).

    Edited to add: A reality is that in my mid 60's I am past my physical peak in life... especially that an knee injury in my early 20's eliminated running, bicycle riding, and other activities. Recently Covid-19 Long Hauler symptoms have eliminated many of the things I used to do socially and out and about... yet; I still have things to do and dreams of things to do, places to go and see, and friends to make.

    Life is about adjusting to what has happened and keeping moving forward.

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  • kikilizzo

    Yeah with that mindset that's probably true.

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  • raisinbran

    It's good to recognize your ceiling, and give up as a result. At least you're realistic about your potential.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Jumping on my bed mattress has always helped me when it comes to breaking through the ceiling.

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  • notmyrealname123

    theres always someone who lags behind everyone else or else there would never be a winner without losers.

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  • Tommythecaty

    Ceilings have no meaning

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