I always want to puke
So, yeah, I'm bulimic and probably a bit Ednos.
I've been struggling with these eating disorders since I was twelve. I'm now 23.
I stopped once, Instead of binge+purge I would take laxatives or make extreme diets.
I got binge eating behaviours + purging since I've started college. (been 3 months )
I've recently seek for help and consulted an expert at a house for Ed patients.
I've learned about purging consequences and I've realized how scary it is and that I couldn't stop! It already had play a part on my health.
This therapist called at my house. My mom saw the number and started to make a research about it!!! Then she told everyone with a mocking attitude that they called here. She and my brother started saying shit about anyone who have an ED.... She made further researches to finaly come to the conclusion that the call was for me. She knows!! But I try so hard to hide it... Now I just binge and stop vomiting. I feel like helll!!! I feel disgusting inside and each binge makes me want to puke. I can't play this game any longer I even started to cut again.