I am a female, but also am misogynistic

This is a problem that I have on a daily basis, but it's true and I will not sugarcoat anything just to make it seem less controversial.

I am a 30-year-old woman, and I am Misogynistic. Anytime I see a woman That has hardly anything on, I will think she is a whore, I can't stand other women with long acrylic nails, I hate women that try to be "woke" when sometimes their opinions are invalid I hate the fact that they feel "threatened" when they go out at night and not expect to be assaulted by a man when they should have just stayed inside.

I hate the idea of 'women's self-care and they try to flex their own beauty with complete arrogance, the way some girls fan-girl over boys especially one direction ( I fucking hate that group) and they scream like crying hyenas, I wish I could punch or slap them so they can shut up. anytime I see a woman I want to beat them to a pulp, ( yes it gives me satisfaction) and all of this makes me seem like I am actually a man writing this but I am not.

It's not a joke and I am not trolling either. I am literally a woman that hates other women.

At this point, you might as well call me a trans-male because I would definitely give up everything female about myself and transform into a male.

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Comments ( 26 )
  • KholatKhult


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    • hauntedbysandwiches

      I was thinking they could have severe autism tbh. I knew a guy with it who hated men lol so much he said he wanted to be a woman even though he didn't feel like a woman but could also be a number of other issues going on with them

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    • Tinybird

      That's insulting to autistic people like me. I'm autistic and I do not hate other women or men.

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      • 10

        Then why are you insulted?

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        • Tinybird

          because I'm sick of autistic people being made out to be sick sociopathic monsters. I'm sick of belonging to the groups that no one cares about.

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    • Somenormie

      How does having autism relate to being misogynistic? Just wondering.

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      • KholatKhult

        Autistic people are very often misogynistic and sexist. They are also far more likely to be obsessive in their implicit bias and take on extreme ideas, like sexism, homophobia, and racism.

        They’re more often to see stereotypes as “rules” and that’s why you see so many fascist autistic people online. Also OP’s hatred is obsessive, a neurotypical brain would not obsess this much over hatred.

        The alt-right pipeline is clogged with Autism and other social disorders, and with that comes sexism, whether internalized or outright.

        Not every autistic person is this way, but they are much more susceptible to it.

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        • Boojum

          I have no idea if this is backed up by solid research, if it's a conclusion you've reached on your own, or if it's something that has been that's been circulating for a while. I can't recall ever hearing this suggested before, but I find it a very interesting hypothesis since it would explain a lot.

          I can certainly see how a system of government with clear, hard rules that are forcibly imposed would appeal to those who have rigid mental processes and don't cope well in a world that's composed of shifting shades of grey. Of course, the irony is that fascistic governments usually decide to improve the national gene pool by weeding out those who are "defective", and autistic people are candidates for that list.

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        • Bobtailcatgirl

          I'm autistic I'm nothing like that you piece of trash😡🤬

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          • Vvaas

            i am autistic and kholat is right i am autism and sexist i assault 10 women daily it's my job

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          • KholatKhult


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    • aminormal_1

      My brother has severe autism, and he's been taught all his life to respect women, but he still assaulted one. SO yeah I probably have autism.

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  • Curiouskitten444

    Your comment about rape is fucked. You need help. Not normal.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Not healthy

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  • RoseIsabella

    Have you ever been diagnosed with Autism, Aspergers, or some other neurological, mental illness?

    Maybe you're jealous, and unwilling to admit it to yourself? I will admit that I'm not a fan of long, fake nail either though.

    I'm not afraid to go out at night, I can always hit my attacker with my stun gun to the neck, and spray them with pepper spray. No one deserves to be attacked just for going outside after dark!

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    • aminormal_1

      I have a family history of mental illness. I suffer from severe depression and anxiety, and I am suffering from mild intellectual disabilities so I am sure that I could be on the autism spectrum.

      I am certainly not jealous though, I do not want to be like other women because I've already tried being someone that I am not and it did not do anything beneficial to me, it only made me lose a sense of who I really am.

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  • Vvaas

    bro you need to talk it out with a therapist that's not healthy

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  • Meatballsandwich

    The reason autists tend to be misogynistic is because they have a tendency to treat us like shit. More so than guys do for some strange reason.

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  • anonY123

    I am a male and I agree with you. I think misogynistic is a nonsensical label. Men and women are different and should be treated as such. Different but equal worth

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  • dumbofunko

    Well from the other commentators talking about autism I will say that I have it and I have a hard time getting along with other women too. I relate it to getting bullied by girls in my class growing up as the only thing which mattered to them were superficial things like nice clothes and all they did was talk shit behind each others backs. I've stuck to guys so far and being asexual it's easy being friends with men, maybe not always from their side but you notice pretty soon which ones aren't totally obsessed with having to sleep with all women they get close to.
    A lot of things annoy me about women as well, like the stuff you mentioned, and a lot of women will admit that women are unfortunately very often toxic towards each other behind each others backs. I don't exactly hate women or want anything bad for them though... it's more a lack of trust in how honest they would be in a friendship I guess and I prefer older women. I find that it's usually women in their 20s and younger who are overly competetive backstabbers. I don't think it's uncommon either to feel negatively about other women as female friendships are often toxic unfortunately, hating them with such a passion on the other hand... I doubt that's healthy. I assume you must also have some negative experiences of women or maybe you are projecting. I can honestly say that the only innocent people i've hated has upon closer inspection had traits which I share but that I hate about myself.

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  • Thispersondoesnotexist

    Some things you mentioned are sort of understandable.

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