I am afraid of open water

I'm afraid of being in large, open bodies of water. I hate swimming in those bodies of water and being in small boats.

I'm not afraid that the boat will sink or that i will drown or that there are monsters, but it just makes me very uncomfortable. It's worse when the water isn't clear.

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Comments ( 6 )
  • SuMaFTW

    I don't care much for large bodies of water. I can swim well, but they can be unexpected. Especially the beach, with all them riptides, sharks, jelly fish, sting rays, and sponge bobs going around. You know what? The Book of Revelation says the New Earth has no sea. Maybe you'd like to go there some day.

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  • losingfaithinhumanity

    Ever since I got fucked up by a jellyfish, the ocean can go F itself.

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  • ccjigsaw

    I am afraid of whatever the hck could be under my feet ~.~' And when seaweed or whatever it is, brished by your feet, I freak the hell out. I don't liek it either, I even have issure with not so large bodies of water. I sucker through it, but I totally know where your coming from!

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  • ChocolateBlunder

    I'm terrified of open water. Even though I'm a good swimmer and I don't think I'll drown, it's just the thought that I'm exposed to do much. I think it's normal for a lot of people since humans aren't in their element in large bodies of open water

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  • ballparkdogg

    its normal. I had open bodies of water, especially the ocean.

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  • Anime7

    Is your name Finn and do you live in the Land of Ooo? I can kind of understand where you're coming from. I suggest that you go on a small boat, with friends, and spend time out at sea until you stop fearing it. Take the initiative.

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