I am atheist

Ok im not tryin to say my lifes horrible. but ive gone thru alot of tough sh*t. i mean i prayed. and i wanted to believe but i just couldnt. We are in a recession, we are suffering from global warming and war. and i alwaysed asked myself why isnt god helping us? also there is a fine line between science and religon.science has fossils and bones religon has a bible thats it. i just needed to know if anybody feels the way i do

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Comments ( 34 )
  • TheLogicalSkeptic1

    Amazing, there are quite a few comments on how horrible the world is, and that god gives them hope. You know what gives me hope? Logic, science, and human potential. Just look at the state of disarray our world used to be in compared to how it is today. Statistics will show that our world is a much more pleasant place than it used to be, and I plan to take part in making it a more comfortable place to exist. Who needs magical sky daddies for that?

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  • Xerowing

    It's funny. Our entire understanding of time, our map of human history is based on the birth of Jesus. Ano Domini basically translates to 'the year of our lord'. That seems like some pretty hefty matters to base on, as so many athiest put it, a fictional character. Just think about that for a while. :)

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  • chewy

    There is no god the bible is bullshit.

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  • thebone12

    yes i think a hand up the ass would be fine

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  • Moonlight88

    Atheist are Satan puppets, do you really want the devil hand up your asses telling y'all what to do? No is the answer. Being an atheist is saying I worship the devil and I want to go to hell

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    • chewy

      No i dont believe in the devil either thats such a silly thing i dont believe in none f those things its free will! :D

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  • phoenix_paradox

    I know exactly how you feel, im tired of people telling me "look for answer in the bible, have a personal relationship with jesus"... BULLSHITS, I had enough of that crap, so what I did for me, is just stop believing in those lies, come on it doesnt matters how much you pray and beg, it is you who has to do everything, and also, I wasnt able to believe in such a sadistic, mean, evil, jealous, selfish god, it makes no sense!

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  • ohyeahbuddy

    Boo!!! You believe god loves you and don't deny it !

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  • RayBans

    I follow buddhist and atheist beliefs and believe that their will be an opposing effect for everything. Life is balanced. We suffer to feel happiness in a later part of life. We're at a different stage of life. Perhaps all that oil GWB took makes up for this war.

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  • flyingbagel12

    Bro, god aint real. I can tell you from experience. He's not. That's my opinion tho. Not trying to offend or get into an argument with anyone. And yes it's completely normal cuz everyone has a different worldview. I jus don't understand why we all can't like shake hands and go our seperate ways when it comes to religion. Everyone's just going to get in an argument about it. It's a lose-lose situation if you ask me.

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  • TheOmegaJuggalo

    I understand why you're atheist (though personally I'm not) but your reasoning is kind of fail. I have my own beliefs, that kind of mix religion and science. You can't just say "Science FTW" and expect that to be good reasoning.. Even Einstein has been quoted saying that there's no way we could exist without a higher power.
    I don't think it's wrong to believe in more than just science... but what I do think is wrong is religion. Corrupt, controlling, hypocritical religion.

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  • iamrobot63

    agreed. we are alone in this universe and the sooner people realise it the better the world will be. god is just used as a coping mechanism and as an explanation for things we don't know yet. science is discovering the answers to these things all the time, and time and time again disproving christian beliefs. although it sounds depressing, praying is a waste of time. some people get dealt a good hand in life while others do not, that's just the way it is, so all you can do is try to fix it yourself. nothing is there to help you apart from yourself and other people, so don't give yourself a false sense of hope.

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  • justB

    I don't believe in Atheism. I'm an A-Atheist.

    I'm still confused about how a human being's depiction of what she/he cannot explain (i.e. God) can be refuted...?

    It is my opinion that the construct of atheism is yet another excuse for people who fear what they do not understand, as opposed to embracing it.

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    • AtheistHero

      Atheism dose not need you to belive, that's what religions are for. Close your eyes and read scripture and pray as hard as you can because atheists are multipling and are less willing to put up with theists retarted comments like yours. Instead of embracing the 2000 yr old answer, we choose to ask questions. Is it fear or the human part of atheists that seek answers that dont end in god. To me the jummping to a conclusion of the origin of the universe is many things, but not intelligent. Good for you theist, don't have an answer, then make one up. To me that is fear. You fear the unknown so you fill it with your own answers.
      When arguing with other religions theist must be carefully not to discredit their own book ( because they all practicly preach the same unbelivable bullshit). But your entering a age of non-belivers that no longer have to fear death for having a brain and are more then willing to question and disprove the very excistance of and intelligent creator or any deity. Your welcome to disbelife of atheism, but I can tell you they belive in themselfs and it won't be long before churches are looked down upon as much as meth labs.

      Religon; keeping the lemmings and sheep from thinking for over 10 000 years

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  • nikkichi

    Watch the Bill Maher movie Religulous. You're fine.

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  • Albert Einstein was not Jewish. He was an agnostic. He was borderline between atheism and everything else, I guess.

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  • soul_food

    To believe in a higher power doesn't mean that you have to believe in Christ or be christian, that is just a step beyond. You don't have to believe in any religion to believe in God.
    But my advice to you is to keep seeking out the truth for you personally. Don't shut yoursely off spiritually by convincing yourself that there is nothing more at work in this world than what we see in front of us, and that all you are is an atheist, because from what it sounds like you aren't atheist.

    Keep seeking out the truth and it will be shown to you in the smallest of ways. We can all have moments of inspiration in our lives when we pay attention to our feelings, and you have to trust those emotions and those insights as guidance from a higher power.

    There are also evil enticements which are very prevalent in the world today, but when you fight away those thoughts which you know are wrong it leads to a greater understanding of what is right and what is going to make you feel like you're doing what is right, and thus open your mind up more to a greater power.

    And there is much truth in science, but science is an ever growing and expanding field and isn't always right about everything. But since the beginning of time when we became intelligen human beings there has been a belief in a higher power, this is something that has always been there for those who trust in it. Much of science can change from one day to the next.

    Thanks for reading and I hope you will keep your mind open!

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  • Somone

    being atheist is totally normal and so is feeling confused i mean i AM atheist but i nvr got confused but its totally normal to feel disapointed for not having faith but u cant choose wat u belive in so try to get over it and move on.... but i dont think ur reason for not beliving is really VALID (not that u need a valid reason or even A reason to believe or not) i mean why do u think that if there is a god it should help us i mean it doesnt have to be as any of the religions say i mean i dont deny the posibility of there being SOMETHING out there i just dont think we can know wat it is besides i hate religions...but back to u it doesnt even have to be "live being" it can be anything....but i DO disagree on wat u said about science and religion being almost the same... i mean one is based on experiments proof logic reason and the other just in faith.. on beliving just because.. to me thei are like oposits! the only thing they have in common is thet they both try to explain the universe´s creation and natural happenings ecc.i like to think that religion was a temporary solution for explaining things until we were smart or evoluted enough to start using logic for that.... that´s why i belive that religion should stop existing now.. its not needed anymore.. i mean i could accept its existance for what hasn been explained yet but that's it!otherwise there would be 2 "explanations" for the same thing and thats how war between this 2 begins

    sorry i steped waaaaaaaaaaay out of topic..got exited...

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  • Volhv

    Ever heard about God's plan?
    God is both good AND evil
    not just good alone! it's a misunderstanding to think otherwice

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  • Fleabitten

    I'm a Pagan, though I'm agnostic with every thing I believe. Despite what people say, when it comes to religion we CAN'T know.

    If atheism resonates with you, but you still want to be spiritual, it is possible. I attend a Buddhist temple and I'd say that about half the people there are atheist or agnostic. (Buddhism, like many other religions, does not require belief in a deity.)

    There are many spiritual practices out there that atheists could use, if they felt so inclined: meditation, positive affirmations, yoga, mantras, centering prayers, etc.

    Do some soul searching, compare the evidence--including your own personal experiences--and decide what you believe.

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  • joliegems

    Maybe global warming is God's way of showing men how his increasing greed and lack of respect for the Earth is huring it.

    Look at how the planets move in harmony, how you have about a trillion chemical reactions in your body per section that you don't control that keeps you alive. You tell me all this stuff just occured out of no where, that there was no intellingence that created it. I don't understand that.

    My childhood was HORRIBLE, I prayed for God to rescue me and nothing happend, but I survived and in hindsight maybe he did help. Maybe we are like ants to him and our lives look insignificant compared to what he sees and knows.

    I don't know but I believe somehow, somewhere threre is more. I feel hopeful when I think there is more than what we know. Its depressing to think this is it, life is unfair and cruel and that's it. So for me a belief in God enriches my life and helps me get through tough days.

    And if I am wrong and I die, it will be a mistake I never knew I made. So why not?

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  • honeybuns

    Good cannot exist without bad existing.
    How would you know joy if there was no sadness?
    How could you appreciate life if there was no death ?
    How could you see miracles if there was never tragedy?
    How can you understand good if there was no bad to compare it too? You wouldn't even know things were good they would just "be".
    Being is different than living and living is not about being.
    To live is to feel and to feel you must have the ability to feel good which would be nothing without the contrast of having bad.

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  • brady969

    I went through the same thing and started feeling better when I did research and found that the idea of God helping is childish. Once you stop wating for God to help you and you help yourself, you'll start to feel better and get ahead. There is no God. How do I know? Because if there was, innocent children wouldn't be murdered and raped. Wht kind of God stands by and lets that happen? Is that the God you want to worship? Here's a movie that will change your life http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-594683847743189197#

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  • SincerlyUrsSSS

    I felt tha same way...life was at an ultimate low 4 me && i found myself questionin GOD, if he was real how could he let that happen to me??? Y was he making life so hard?!? N tha end i overcame my storm; i still dont belive in "church"....i was raised in church; however, i feel like church ppl r tha most hyprocritcal && judegmental ppl on tha face of the earth....so yes it is normal to doubt wat u cant c....but thats y there is a thing they call "faith"

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  • Deja_Vu

    Have you ever considered that you might be "in rebellion" to God?
    Now I know that is not the nicest sound word, but just about everything these days is in rebellion toward God.
    If not God himself, then the good book. The bible.
    Even the government is in rebellion.
    People will try and live the way they want and do everything in their power to try and prove why we "shouldnt follow the bible" and trying to prove "the bible is a story, its set up to control you etc!"

    When we read the bible, and a good way to Know God is through this and visiting church to be taught more about him!! Then we can see that no harm comes from the bible. Not only has it given us rules (common sense) to live by in order to get the most fufillment out of our lives, it then goes to further teach you about God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit (who are actually 3 forms of one being - GOD, if you will..) and we grow closer to God.

    Have you seen the famous picture of Jesus standing at a door with a lantern? The door however, does not have a handle. This means that Jesus will always BE WILLING to come into our lives, we just have to open the door (or our hearts) from the inside, a free will choice of our own, before he will come in. :)

    Sorry to write and write and write but I saw a good service on one of the free God channels the other day and this reminded me of it, too bad I cannot type what I saw, it was fab for explaining!!

    Good luck xx

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  • annada

    I have been through a lot myself, just a few months ago my brother was killed. But honestly, what actually keep me going is the belief that there has to be something better than this focked up world. My belief has kept me sane although i don't believe in religion.

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  • bdasd

    freedom of religion. so i wont hate on you
    haa i wont hate on you becuz GOD SAYS YOU SHOULDNT!

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    • Somone


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  • amialone1225

    I've felt and currently feel the same way. My family is very religious. My sister especially has tried to encourage me to seek a stronger relationship with God. I attended a Christian private school for 5 years. I felt like the word of the Bible was being shoved down my throat. And that their views were very close minded and I wasn't ALLOWED to believe otherwise.

    I want more than anything to have a relationship with God. I've prayed. I've gone to youth groups and bible studies, but i feel like i'm praying to a brick wall. I see friends and family who are so happy and love the Lord. Yet, i feel terribly alone and I've done everything possible to find peace.

    I believe God saved me the other night when i was in a near death situation. I felt his presence. That is the only time I have ever felt anything from God. I feel like he doesn't hear me, he doesn't help me through my struggles, and he doesn't seem to be there.

    When it comes to believing. It's something you either do or don't. You can't MAKE yourself believe anything. It just is or isn't. I think for me that's the most difficult part to accept. It's almost like i'm helpless. I believe there is a God in my mind, but in my heart I haven't been so convinced.

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    • it is all fake sweetie and it has been proven that christianity is all made up. i love you and i dont need some fake thing called god to make me act in a humane manner

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  • bruhjay1

    RELIGION dosent just have a bible it has a story and did yu eveer think everything happens for a reason things get token away so better things can be given to us god isnt helping with these things because he wants to see if we can fix it he wants us to learn from our lessons yu cant expect him to give evryone everything they wish for what kinda world would that be...i think yu shud keep praying and watch how much better your life will turn out i think yur just lazy and bored of praying but dont blame god for humans actions we made this world the way it is and its our resposibility to fix it..

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    • Somone

      come on! why should something be taken in order to gain something??? what is that religion or alchemia??but i agree on the other thing its our fault that the world is as it is if there is a god y should it fix it??specially since we cant really know wat that god is like maybe it hates us who knows!!but did u ever stop to think that maybe he stoped beliving not cause he was to lazy to pray but cause he finds all that hard to belive???and u gotta admit that all the shit that happens in the world is a little bit disencouraging for faith..

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  • DrummerDude

    Well I know it looks bad but its not God. Why does everybody blame it on God? Its the Devil. God works everyday protecting people from death, poor, (I dont know if this helps) but they have proof that the great divide (where Moses lead the Jews across the nile) actually did happen! And plus the smartest man in the whole world (Albert Einstein) was Jewish, he believed in God. Also most of the worlds smartest scientist believe in god. At first they believe that science did it all, but then when they have years of experience they think "Oh, there must be a greater force (God)."


    - Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch
    - A Divine Revelation of Hell by Mary K. Baxter

    If you want try out this website

    This church is one of the best church I have ever been to! The really get down to the point. They're not "Your going to hell," They are great people!!

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  • Chooseyourweapon

    Well, ask yourself if the situation is really as simple as "God is not helping us, so therefore he does not exist." Let's say you were suffering from starvation for a long time, but then someone gives you enough food to enjoy good health for the rest of your life. Will your previous starvation matter anymore? Perhaps there is a reason mankind has to suffer for now.

    Also, do not listen to mainstream Christendom. They do not even know what their own Bible actually teaches, much less what God's purpose for man is.

    In any case, just keep an open mind. If atheism is wise to you, at least do not become one of those shrill atheists who feel the need to ridicule everyone who believes in a creator. Such people are as blind as the ones they speak out against.

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