I am being forced to change

Earlier this year I had a incident in gym class and was able to get out of gym. Now our school is enforcing a new policy which requires everyone to change for gym, regardless of if they participate or not. I was mercilessly teased after this incident and I will not go in that fucking locker room. If I have to drop out of school, I will.

Can they really make me get naked in front of others as a requirement for school? This is insane. It feels like this has come about because of me.

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Comments ( 9 )
  • e51pegasi

    Do what people have been doing since the invention of the beach towel. Change using a beach towel.

    This is why beach towels were invented.

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    • nikkiclaire

      Or....if she is exempt for p.e how bout not change for no reason.

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  • Nickvey

    personally i loved Gym in fact i was a PE aid one year just so i didnt have to take another fucking class. but they cant do this to you , its illegal . get a pro-bono lawyer and sue the school system . this is one power trip they cant win. And thats what it is , a power trip and its illegal.

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  • All seems a bit extreme in this day and age. I can remember being forced to do gym in my underwear because my PE kit got stolen one time. Also being made to remove my knickers as they were confiscated for not being regulation colour, but that was in the 70s. Not sure about where you live, but here in England no teacher would ever get away with that type of behaviour any more.

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  • Nobody can force you to be naked, nobody. Have you told your parents about this?
    The easiest solution is to wear your gym clothes under your street clothes or wear your gym clothes to school.

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    • That is an ok idea but people may make fun of me for doing that. Why can't people just not force me to do stuff I am uncomfortable with. I'm not hurting anyone.

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      • They can’t make you be nude, that’s illegal. Talk to your guidance counselor about the situation and taking an alternate gym class with different ppl if PE is mandatory in your school/state. Otherwise change in the bathroom stall in the locker room. Half the stuff kids around here wear is gym clothes. If ppl make fun of you, ignore them.

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        • I did as you suggested and now I am labeled suicidal because I told her I hate my life and I am sick of people making me do things. I told her I will never get a good job, meet a boy or anything and I just want to be left alone to die in peace. So instead of helping me, she made my life 1000 times worser.

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  • Whatintarnation

    Don't they have a stall in the locker room you can use? I never liked changing in front of a bunch of dudes in high school but it is what it is.

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