I am confusion, america explain

Dont read this I'm just venting lol.

Soooooo... I went to the doctor to get tested for anemia. I get bloodwork done, test results come back, doctor says "Good news! You're not anemic!"

Which... yay? But here's the thing; I feel like I do. I cannot stand up without getting dizzy and I nearly faint at work all the time. So recently I got around to looking at the test results and it says that only 55 to 60 of my red blood cells have iron.

My doctor said it was depression?? I straight up told him that didnt make sense, no one in my family has mental illness. And even then how does depression cause physical symptoms like that?

He prescribed me antidepressants which... I took for a month and they didnt work (cant imagine why) but now my doctor is pushing me to take them again.

...I'm currently working on finding a new doctor to get a second opinion. It's just frustrating cause the only doctor nearby is like a whole town over.

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Comments ( 8 )
  • greyhat

    Could be hypoglycemia, try to eat small healthy snacks (complex carbs, protein) every couple hours & be sure to be drinking water all day. the other thing sounds like orthostatic hypotension which is not that unusual

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    • LloydAsher

      It does sound like low blood sugar. That and dehydration could be a cause.

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  • CozmoWank

    Yeah, go to a different doctor. I've never heard of depression causing that. Could be many other things like low blood pressure for starters.
    Definitely go to a different doctor.

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    • LloydAsher

      I've heard of depression causing that. Mental disorders can sometimes be derived or cause physical symptoms. Though just treating the depression not the root cause is shit.

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  • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

    Are you on blood pressure medicine?

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  • CDmale4fem

    You have the rest results, ask another Dr to.look at them and ask opinion. Or you can "google" that shit.

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  • Wellyoudliketoknoweh

    Maybe it’s your heart or your veins

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  • controversy

    It is actually possible for anxiety/depression to cause dizziness/vertigo - it is called "psychogenic vertigo". It happens because severe depression can cause distortion of balance information coming from body.

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