I am not ok

i dont even know what to write but i am just feeling so depressed like the worst ive ever felt in a while and even when i tried to commit two years ago i didnt really feel as worse as i do now and i am seriously thinking about it and i know its bad but i serisouly put myself in a position where i plan out how i do it and how good it would feel for it to just go all away. and-i dont really think anyone cares about me that much im kind of just a burden to people and life is ugh life is so horrible for me lately and im really scared for myself. my parents let me get help (therapists..etc) but i tried going multiple times and i just dont like talking to those people. i talk to my friends and stuff but i usually just make it up as a joke overall and even when i try to give signs or say anything we just laugh but im really hurting. my parents dont let me go in for medication or anything but im sure that wouldnt even help me anyways.im having this sunken feeling in my stomach and my head hurts and im so tired and just worn out even though i just lay in bed all day. i cant eat or exersice normally like i cant even get out of bed and i think i need serious help and idk what to do at this point

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Comments ( 37 )
  • 1WeirdGuy

    You do need help. Suicide isnt the answer. You'll hurt your family and you honestly dont know where you'll be in 10 years. If you dont like your therapist you need a new one. Also you should look into getting a life coach. I think if you had goals and a hobby you would have more happyness. Sitting around all day is going to make it worse.

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    • Menacingduck

      They should sacrifice what they want because their family won't approve? Jesus. No wonder everyone is so miserable.

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      • dabadedabadie

        Suicide is cowardly all you do eliminate your chances of ever being happy and you make your family absolutely fucking miserable people's family members even commonly kill themselves after a family member does it because they can't handle the grief making the whole family even more moserable

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      • Grunewald

        I'm not sure that most people who attempt suicide really want to die. What they want is for their suffering to end. There's the illusion that suicide is the only way, but it isn't. And even if it were the only way one day, who knows what the next day, month or year could bring?

        What OP shouldn't sacrifice for the sake of their parents' wishes, I think, is the opportunity to access prescribed medication.

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    • ilovefoodsomuch

      thank you for the advice yes i think i will look into those things

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        Judging by your name and lifestyle you probably really need to be more active. Perhaps you can talk your parents into getting a treadmill or stationary bike and you could use them when ur watching tv or on your phone. That will help too and give u a gosl and hobby

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        • ilovefoodsomuch

          that's a good idea, thank you

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  • Somenormie

    I was gonna make a My Chemical Romance joke out of this post but I'm not going to, however seriously speaking suicide isn't the answer and please get the appropriate help that you need. I don't know you personally but I wish you the very best.

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    • ilovefoodsomuch

      thank you<3

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  • Normalmember

    You should call the suicide hot line if you need to. 800-273-8255.

    Walking in nature makes people feel happy. I think that life is short, find something that you can be passionate about and pursue it. Don't worry about what other people think. Just do what you want. Get out of the rat race of working your life away and do things that make you happy, because you may be a millionaire but still be depressed.

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    • ilovefoodsomuch

      thanks for the advice:)

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    • Menacingduck

      If you're a millionaire and depressed, then you are honestly ungrateful.

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      • ospry

        What if it's clinical? Clinical depression is physically out of the person's control if it's not treated with a prescription (and OP said their parents won't let them take medication) and mental illness couldn't care less what your income or net value is. Having nice things doesn't fix a chemical imbalance

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        • Menacingduck

          Maybe. But you're still kind of ungrateful. If you have nice things and you're still crying about how horrible your life is, you're an ingrate.

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          • bbrown95

            Money can't buy happiness, and things are just things at the end of the day. Someone can have all of the money and nice things in the world and still have a dysfunctional, messed up life, and no one to depend on.

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            • Menacingduck

              I never said it could. If you are living the life most of us can't even achieve, you are ungrateful.

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          • Youareafuckingidiot.

            That's not what depression is, Billy.

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            • Menacingduck

              Depression is a mental disorder where someone suffers from chronic feelings of sadness and hopelessness.

              Typical internet idiot.

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          • ospry

            Fair. Being depressed and being ungrateful aren't mutually exclusive

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            • Menacingduck

              I guess.

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    • Menacingduck

      Because you're ungrateful.

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  • Unknown_player

    My friend died of suicide. He thought he had no friends nor family but we were all there, at his funeral I mean. During his break down he pushed us all away and premeditated it for months by pushing us away. I think he did this to try and make us not care so when he did go we wouldnt be as upset. In the end it didn't matter though as we knew him. We knew of the bad times, sure but we knew of the good times too. And seeing his casket there made the room feel like a cloud hung heavy over it, even on the sunny day. No one said much at first then his mum came up and she was in a really bad way, crying and apologizing filled with regret of not doing better for her son. It was enough to make grown men cry and for me to break down.

    So the moral of me telling this is if you cant bare the thought of your loved ones going the same way, then please don't put that on them because they WILL be affected by your passing no matter what you do. Even if you're like my friend who was rude to us all towards the end. We still cared.

    I too have been plagued by the almighty depression and like you, and my friend, I have considered suicide in the past as well. But to do that would make my problems become theirs. It wouldn't solve anything to make them feel robbed of my life so soon

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    • ilovefoodsomuch

      thank you for the advice<3

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  • Meowypowers

    Don't underestemate your value, don't underestimate what suicide can do to people.


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  • Meowypowers

    I have personally been through what you are feeling and am on the other end too. This guy's words have saved me mkre than a few times.


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    • ilovefoodsomuch

      thank you<3

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  • raisinbran

    Exercise will fix 90% of your problem, just have to get your fat ass out of bed.

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    • ospry

      This is actually really solid advice, just worded in a way that's probably not super motivating. I started going to the gym to do cardio a few times a week and it's had a more beneficial impact than the tri-cyclic antidepressants I take

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  • Rocknrolla81

    If you need to talk I’m here for you

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    • ilovefoodsomuch

      thank you<3

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      • Rocknrolla81

        You’re welcome ❤️

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