I am too old for suicide,... who would care?

I am 63 and think of death all the time, mostly as a tension reliever, just break on into the otherside or time wonder of after life or not.

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42% Normal
Based on 12 votes (5 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

    Please don't. Please.

    If you feel you need someone, message me if you need to. I don't want to leave you feeling like no one is there for you.

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    Suicide is never the answer. A therapist prof once told me to ask a suicidal client, "What message would your death send and to whom?" When he answers then ask, "Why don't you just tell those people that?" It was very profound.

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  • Waynekerr420

    Mate 60 is the new 30. Pack your bags and move to a new place. Get on tinder and find a new squeeze. Take up an age related hobby like swimming or birdwatching and slay b****es that do it too. Wanna break through to the other side? Take mushrooms

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    • capman

      what mushrooms? just because a person says there suicidal, doesn't mean they are ready to jump.

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      • Waynekerr420


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        • 1WeirdGuy

          I think thats not bad advice. It sounds crazy but I think most ppl would gain a lot from doing that atleast once in their life?

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  • Somenormie

    What can you possibly hope to gain from wanting to die?

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  • goodadvice

    My friend, it is never too late to chase your dreams.. I have good friends who are 80+years old and I still to commit to their dreams but there are people who stop them. DO NOT be like them commit to what you want before its too late, mental institutions forbid you from doing it

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  • Dez_baddie17

    Anyone can be suicidal doesn't matter what age u are my dad'tried it and he's 51 but lucky we saved him.

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  • libertybell

    Thoughts about suicide calm me,too. I would never do it,though. I think about firing a pistol into my head repeatedly. DON'T do it. I know my family would be really upset,though that's not why I am staying alive. I don't think I'm too old for suicide,I just can't deal with suicide. I am 51. I'm forcing myself to live. Don't say that nobody would miss you. I don't know you,but I'm sure people would be devastated if you died. People care about you. I know I do.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Maybe you need a hobby

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      Why are you mad I said a hobby? Its real advice. It sounds like you dont have any direction and nothing to live for.

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