I am too scared to see a doctor about my bulimic addictions
I still do the same thing, now everyone is on my back.
I was advised to go see a doctor.
But I'm scared to see a doctor.
I'm worrying too much? | 1 | |
I shouldn't fear? | 10 |
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I still do the same thing, now everyone is on my back.
I was advised to go see a doctor.
But I'm scared to see a doctor.
I'm worrying too much? | 1 | |
I shouldn't fear? | 10 |
No one can force you, but you know that you will never get better if you don't engage with health services.
I imagine it is so hard to face someone in person. Unfortunately eating disorders, and in particular bulimia tend to get swept under the rug when it comes to serious things people deal with.
So many other issues tend to take precedence over eating disorders in general and bulimia always gets frames as a choice, or almost glamorized because models, and jockeys, and fighters, practice the problems.
Real victims get ignored and oftentimes shamed because of the aforementioned reasons.
I hope you can get some help and support, and people will realize how bulimia is a serious issue.
don't see a doctor just because someone else told you too. if you want to get better, seeing a doctor is probably the first step to doing it. asking for help takes a lot of courage - its ok to be worried. be strong!
I'm sorry, Sugar, but you're gonna have to try to gather up your courage, and seek out the medical attention you need. We're all cheering you on, OP!
I don’t see the reason why you should I mean they’re doctors they’ve encountered worse
Your fear is normal. I would suggest that you find a way to get past that.
You might wish to look up Karen Carpenter, listen to her songs, and read her history....
Its Karen who 1st brought eating disorders to the attention of not just the public but actually to most of the medical community as well.
Do you wish to end up like her... and have your your natural talents wasted (and you have talents and have a purpose in the world even if its not playing drums and signing as well as Karen did).
You can beat this... I believe in you,
Its just I want to permanently beat this out of me.
Maybe doctors aren't that scary after all.
Doctors are not that scary... When you meet with one you need to let the nurse you 1st meet with to help you as you are scarred about seeing the Dr. on this...
Its even OK to ask the nurse to stay with you.
I think you will find the nurse very supportive.
You may also bring a supportive friend (and tell the clinic that yes she is required for the Dr. Appointment - even with the Covid-19 restrictions). My wife recently requested to be at one of my medical appointments as she was concerned about the issue. The clinic accepted my statement that yes she was required for the visit, and that she was not just a visitor. The Dr. had no problem either.
I wish you the best with this... Please keep me posted.
ps: I hope you enjoyed listening to Karen Carpenter... I had a crush on her back in my middle school and high school days...
How old are you? If you’re an adult then they can’t force you to go into treatment.
tell those niggas you don't have a bone to pick with them .. then you put on some Boney M fo some light humor.
Or just grow up and stop playing childish games like that. Adults with eating disorders are usually chronically immature and don’t have a job or a life.