I am unfocused unmotivated and late for everything?

I never accomplish anything. I can't even keep track of a conversation cuz I space out all the time. I have always had trouble being on time or getting things done,but my mom did everything for me when I was a kid. The older I get the worse I get. I have have six kids, my three oldest kids and their dad have to do everything because i am so scatterbrained and forget the other kids at school forget I have food in the oven. i mean to clean the house but I get overwhelmed I end up watching bad tv and updating fb. I wanna be a good mom and wife not stress my husband and kids out so much.

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Comments ( 4 )
  • oywiiththepoodlesalready

    Sounds like a severe case of untreated ADD/ADHD to me!

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  • Nokiot9

    How much weed do u smoke? Lol

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  • blankmind

    Yeah...thats not good..im late and also forget things, what helps me is a calendar I hung up and wrote my agenda so I wont forvet or be late ..bada bing..

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  • wistfulmaiden

    Lol you sound just like me except for Im not always late.
    I sometimes literally walk from room to room meaning to clean up, but not remembering what Im doing.
    I think if ADD really does exist I definitely have it.
    I have only one kid but that's enough for me! If I had six Id spontaneously combust :P

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