I am very afraid of cycleing bikes

I'm afraid to see people on the sidewalk coming towards me. I freeze up and sometimes take an anxiety attack. I was almost hit by a bike last year

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Comments ( 12 )
  • howaminotmyself

    I don't think bikes should be on the sidewalk.

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    • In Vancouver, near UBC, the commuting cyclists go faster than the speed limit for vehicles. They don't stop for pedestrians and are silent until they're 10 feet away when it's too late to dodge them. It's extremely difficult to see them coming, particularly at dusk, and they tend to use the residential streets in favour of the main boulevards. I can understand the OP's fear if they life in a place where there are cyclists like that. O.o

      You're right, though, they shouldn't be on the sidewalk. :\

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      • howaminotmyself

        I got hit by a bike when I was in Amsterdam...actually, he pushed me out of the way. But it was my fault, I didn't realize I was standing in a bike lane. Cyclists here can be agressive too and I ride slowly. I sometimes get run over by joggers while on my bike...

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    • mrdoodle

      Not on the sidewalk were u in the middle of the road

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  • davesumba

    Think of it this way, if you are in fact hit by a cyclist illegally biking on a sideWALK, that will be the easiest $50,000+ you've ever made.

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    • squeallikeasacofpigs

      WOW. That just summed up america.

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  • ibreathelectric

    Oh heavens. Your grammar. *cycling

    First grammar. THEN bike riding. One step at a time brah. hahaha just kidding I couldn't care less :P

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  • gummy_jr

    Bikes can be very aggressive and they're pretty territorial. You have every right to be afraid.

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  • Coolieo

    I was riding my bike in the park once.. and I crashed into this guy and he fell down, almost landed on his head. I felt really bad, but I didn't really see the whole scene, since stuff like that happens in a click. I think it was either my brother or me who crashed into him ... his buds were there with him, but we apologized and they forgave us. Polite! Ah. This is what I love.

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  • ImInsane

    I'm from Ireland. In suburbs you can cycle on the sidewalk

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  • whatdoyoumeannormal

    cyclists think they have rights they dont have. They're crazy, and I always watch out for them, sometimes they just drive right into me, when they see me walking and they have room to go around me.. dont know whats wrong with them, maybe they dont feel like slowing down, and if they have to, they dont care that others go down with them I guess.

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  • Jeaneathean

    There is really no excuse for adults riding bikes on the pavement (when pedestrians are present), and I can fully understand your anxiety given your experience.

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