I believe humans inherently evil
I'm sad and cynical. I think humans are mostly bad, and any good people are exemptions to a poisonous society. I just want to isolate myself.
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I'm sad and cynical. I think humans are mostly bad, and any good people are exemptions to a poisonous society. I just want to isolate myself.
When I look at humanity as a whole, they seem pretty bad. Humans create suffering and destruction for everyone including their own kind.
The paradox is that each human has the power to do great things and make the world a better place. Never believe that one person cannot change the world.
Putting aside the evil and good debate, we cannot deny that we cause a hell of a lot of suffering to every living thing that has the misfortune to be near us. And our own selves of course.If it even works that way, what would be considered bad for an animal species is acting against the survival of the group, we are hurting our own everyday and we endanger our survival with comfort, war,wealth, greed etc. All in all I agree with you, I try not to be so cynical and It's sad how I want to believe in us but the evidence's are just too real.
What a miserable outlook on life. :(
There are plenty of good people...or examples of people helping people.
maube watch some faith in humanity restored videos on YouTube
Well - what would the FIRST place you would look for faith in humanity be?
Personally I'd go with the charity sector, especially those volunteers. I'd also look at volunteer doctors and nurses, aid workers, inspiring teachers, wildlife conservationists, carers etc.
Some channels which are helpful in restoring faith inhumanity:
Mostly they all try to spread knowedge.
ArmusWasTheFirstTroll suggested a few channels...I dont have a channel to recommend.
im not sure why it would be the last place you look...you put thoes words into the search and some nice videos will pop up.
Also might I recommend what would you do? Tv show...I like it
Wrong bum bum bummmmm
you can see evil actions in other intelligent creatures.
Example a group of monkeys ...if one finds food it must call the others...if it does not and eats the food for itself it will be beaten as a punishment for the selfish action.
dolphins sometimes corner a female and rap her over and over.
We have names for these actions ...but they exist in the animal kingdom.
Is that evil, or life?
Don't get your human emotions all caught up in the normal behavior of the animal kingdom.
Just because we perceive punishment, doesn't mean the act was evil. It only means the act went against the rules of their animal society and they have a way of dealing with it.
And then there is the whole debate over whether or not animals have morals. Which is the real issue. Perhaps defining ambiguous terminology would be useful.
Not sure why you're being down-thumbed.
Seems to me most of what you're saying makes perfect sense.
There is no universal moral compass by which nature is guided. Our morality is a distinct component of human civilisation, and has grown as human society has grown; it's our glue, it's what maintains cohesion. 'Good' and 'bad' are merely the ends of a spectrum we've created.
Of course there is evidence for comparable moral codes in the wider animal kingdom. But they are distinct, exclusive to each species i.e. their good and bad won't necessarily be the same as our good and bad. That's why it's silly to judge other animal behaviour using human morality.
Generally what is good and bad is based upon what is advantageous or disadvantageous for the group - though the more complex a society, the more muddied the waters become, and distinct ideologies can create new modals of morality that challenge the status quo.
Anyway, I'm rambling...
Thats what I said...I did state in one of my posts that their morals might not align with our own... but they still have morals or right or wrong based on their sociaty.
I am just stating it exists in the animal kingdom in other animals then ourselves.
Thank you. My brain is a bit scattered to explain my thoughts properly. But philosophy often is lost in here.
As for the thumbs...I think someone isn't use to using their brain.
I feel you. Evil is a human thing. It doesn't really exist without our judgement.
Thats almost like saying if a tree falls in the woods and no one is around to hear it...does it still make a sound?... yes it still makes a sound.
good or bad behavior does not need our judgment to be good or bad.
refure to my example with the group of monkeys above...if no humans witnessed the selfish act...it would still be selfish and still be bad behavior based on that monkeys sociaty. The monkeys do not need our judgment.
Well is anything we do evil or life then?
I believe animals of intelligence display all the things we see in our own world we just have names for them. If the animals had slightly more intelligents they probably would start naming all the emotions and actions as well.
We see some animals have same sex partners...we call it gay...are they or is it normal life? See we just put names on things.
I think higher intelligance can come with a feel of morals ...tho they might be different from our own.
In elephants the young if left with no elder tend to start a lot of trouble.... The same can be said for human children. When an adult is introduced it will start correcting the bad behavior of the young elephants into behavior one could argue is more morally exceptable. Why would they develop this behavior if they dont have a sence of right and wrong? The wrong behavior in no way hurt the elephants themselves... maybe other animals...So not a survival thing. Perhaps the elephants reconized that the behavior is wrong....bad...evil. who knows for sure.
I wasnt using it as a this is new and never existed before. It was literly the first thing that popped into my head as an example...so you need to calm down.
Its not about "ego" its more so evolution... as we all evolved from animals. Animals can feel love ...do you agree? A dogs love for his owner? Or perhaps you will say this is projection? If an animal of intelligence can feel love can care about another animal of its own species or not then why is it such a leap to say it can have a sense of right and wrong behavior...
why is it such a leap to suggest that as an animal has more intelligence it can developed a sense of morals?
with more intelligence comes a more self awareness of yourself and others around you... and you can develop a sense of morals.
I will say I dont think an animals right and wrong or feelings match up with our own. As they in their world may have a different set of rules on what behavior is good or not...depending.
Anyone can be bad. But there are many that can be good as well. Unfortunately, they're outnumbered by the bad. I myself come from a very grey area. I'm not evil, but I am capable of wrong just like everyone else. Sometimes, people just can't be classed as either 'bad' or 'good'.
Not all of them, just most of them.
Actually, I think about a third are naturally bad, a third are naturally good and the rest could go either way depending on influences.
So, only 33% are really eveil...do you feel better?:D
Our idea of what is good and bad - or evil if you want to be hyperbolic - is shaped by the society we grow up in, and our own direct experiences of the world. That collective moral conscience is arguably a necessity to bond society together and for us to strive towards certain shared goals (the most fundamental being survival).
If we were 'inherently evil' by human standards, then I believe our entire civilisation would have collapsed long before it reached this point. So I expect you are judging humanity in an unfairly harsh way, and it's pretty sad you have such a misanthropic outlook.
It's not humans who are 'inherently evil', it's you who is incessantly pessimistic. Quit being the huffy git in the corner and come join the party :)
Also - I'm yet to see anybody prove that 'humans are inherently evil' in this post?
As opposed to 'inherently good', or 'inherently without good or evil' i.e. without morality at conception.
OP, I'd be interested to know why you assume we're somehow "mostly bad"? Are you also "mostly bad"?
You're basically calling the majority of us on this website 'evil'... and bizarrely, judging by the 70+% normal rating, the majority of users think they're 'evil' too... To me THAT'S weird :P