I believe in reincarnation...

I have had a few vivid dreams of myself back in the 1700's, but I wasn't me. I became obsessed with the "Sherlock Holmes" movies with Robert Downey Jr. and the Assassin's Creed games, mainly AC Unity and I'm not even the gamer I was when I was a little kid. The games and movies put me in a melancholy state, like the images are so familiar to me, as if I was there and as if that is where I belong. I have these occasional dreams that take place in the 1700's, but a lot happens other than me walking around, talking to people I know in the dream and interacting with a child and wife of mine. It is so strange I am starting to believe in reincarnation. I heard an old story about a man that died and went to a place that wasnt heavan, hell or Earth. He met God and asked God if he was going to heaven, God said, "No, you still have much to learn. You will be reborn as a Chinese female in 500 A.D." The man asked God why and how many time people go through reincarnation after death and God told him,"Sometimes it takes 1 time, sometimes it takes a thousand times. It all depends on how you live your life." Anyone else believe they have had a past life?

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Comments ( 13 )
  • flyingnostalgia

    Nexr time you are going to be a baboon.

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    • ArchDemonX

      Well, at least I would have a colorful ass :p

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  • loopiesoupie

    Einstein stated that energy can be neither created nor be destroyed, but it transforms from one form to another. Scientists recently found with the help of advanced technology that enables them to see teeny tiny particles that are not visible to the eye(quantum physics) that we are actually made of energy and everything is connected.Scientists went even deeper into the workings of an atom to see that there is nothing there, just energy waves. Those energy waves can be measured and their effects seen, but they are not a material reality because they are just electricity. Science now embraces the idea that the universe is made of energy. Nicola Tesla was one of the most brilliant minds in recorded history. He stated, "If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration." So the living universal consciousness that split itself up a looong long time ago to experience a different "reality"(the reality of separation and physicality) never dies, it just keeps transforming to another form; over and over again. And don't think that incarnations are just limited to this earth because there are inconceivable amounts of inhabited planets that have different types of beings that human beings may not be able to comprehend. ;)

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    • ArchDemonX

      Very well put, I love when someone can actually talk about something interesting. Thanks! I've always found the law of attraction to be so very interesting after a Chinese scientist proved it to be true through simple rice jar experiments

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  • Zeus_

    I don't know. I can not say definitely there is or isn't.

    Others may say they "Believe" it to be true. "Believing" is not "Knowing".

    I can say, "Belief" is synonymous with "Pretend". Pretend hard enough, and your mind comes to accept fiction as fact.

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    • ArchDemonX

      Yup the placebo effect

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  • Forestheart

    Reincarnation is real! I saw it with my own two eyes in Warcraft III.

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    • KingTermite

      That I can believe.

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  • DingDongCabong

    I want to believe in it but I dont think I have enough proof to do so...

    I love the idea though and I really hope it's true. But I dont really know anyone who remembers their past life, other than you really here in the post

    I hope you're being honest, you gave me a little bit of hope

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  • KingTermite

    I've heard there are whole religions based on this sort of thing. Be careful or you may be assimilated.

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    • ArchDemonX

      Yea that's what Buddhists believe and I believe there are 2 other religions like this as well and they just so happen to be the oldest religions. It just seems so strange, the fact that someone you know could very well be someone that lived thousands of years in the future or past. I guess it all has to do with faith.

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      • KingTermite

        "They so happen to be..." WTF? Some fucking demon you turned out to be. Name these "oldest religions" and keep in mind my theology and anthropology degrees whilst doing your research, as if a demon would actually need to do research. I can't wait to hear what you come up with as the other 2 religions, along with Buddhism that are the oldest religions.

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        • ArchDemonX

          Now calm down, my username has nothing to do with me or my lifestyle, in fact I am a Christian. Growing up I always heard about arch angels so I decided to make an opposing username, not sure why, but I did. It's just a username. Other than Buddhism, it would be Taoism and the other started with a "J", I dont remember, Janism or something like that. I learned about religions way back in high school. Why would you get those degrees? Out of everything you could have received a degree in, you chose those? I admit theology and anthropology are very interesting subjects, but you should have gone for a more realistic degree that would have made a more proficient amount money, no offense. Unless you wanted to be a college professor or someone that gets paid to study their whole lives, than I sincerely apologize.

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