I believe in the universe

I grew up Christian, but I always felt forced to believe something that I was truly unsure of. I then started hear the universe speak to me and give me signs through synchrocities, numbers, dreams, and tarot. I then came to realize your mind, body, and soul are connected with the universe in a beautiful balance that you must find within yourself. My religion is called spiritualism. I practice meditation, yoga, crystal healing, and tarot as rituals. The universe is my God.

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Comments ( 64 )
  • Boojum

    Crystals are inert lumps of matter. Some appeal to our innate attraction to colourful, sparkly things, but they're nothing more than lattices of atoms arranged in accordance with the rules of ionic bonding.

    Crystal healing is just as bogus as homeopathy, but the placebo effect is very powerful.

    Tarot cards are nothing more than pieces of cardboard with colourful pictures on them. If you get anything meaningful from Tarot, it's only because the images on the cards and a random arrangement of them facilitate associations and insights from parts of your mind that you normally don't pay much attention to.

    Those you grew up with assign profound meaning to a text that was written in the Iron Age and translated into English back when people believed in the malign power of witches, that the sun orbited Earth and that disease was caused by bad smells. You've decided to assign deep meaning to some glittery rocks, some pretty pictures, the random firing of your neurons while you sleep and a few of the random events that happen in your life.

    If that helps you cope with life and makes you a nicer, more positive person to be around, then that's great. But all you've actually done is hop from one irrational, illogical paradigm to another.

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    • I keep wanting to write out a long message, but I think that's the wrong way to reply.

      I agree that for the most part it is a placebo effect, but I don't think that takes anything away from it. The subconscious can't even distinguish between what's real and fake, so what makes anything worth pursuing if it all boils down to anything you believe in can be reduced to scientific explanations that somehow make them less valid?

      One way I see it, I can use these concepts to help improve myself. I can meditate and discover more of my shadow (Carl Jung's shadow), then use all these new age beliefs to self actualize. I don't see it as a coping mechanism, I've definitely tackled a lot of things my subconscious would rather I avoided.

      It almost seems like you're suggesting people should be stagnant, to perform and operate under undeveloped processes lest they nurture a disposition that wouldn't pass the scientific method. And what else has pushed science as much as the intrinsic nature to question everything and testing what we know, or rather think we know

      Not the poster by the way

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      • Bazinga

        "Scientific explanations ... make less valid." Why not just pursue science? Scientific truth that has passed centuries of tests is very valid.

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        • Vanta_White

          I am utterly perplexed by the apparent assertion that reduction to scientific explanations renders a belief less valid all while that's /precisely/ what tends to distinguish a belief from a fact, confirming the validity thereof.

          I've often suggested exactly what you have. People who try to explain and/or control/manipulate various aspects of the world via magic and rules thereof are attempting to do the same thing that scientists are but they're using fake rules instead of physical constants and the laws of physics. Science is /real/ magic.

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          • My comment is more about dissenting opinions from people in ivory towers than two people engaging in discourse. There's a lot science doesn't know, and there are probably a lot of things that the scientists of today would call phony if presented with the science of tomorrow.

            Like the frozen water molecules, the ones shown love freeze beautifully and the ones shown hate freeze with little design. And the plants afraid of being burned whose reactions can be observed through a polygraph. Science can't explain that right now, right? But these things can be tested and examined.

            For my personal growth, development, and actualization I utilize psychology, philosophy, and spiritual teachings. It's not the only thing I value, but I've needed to make changes so it's become a big part of my life.

            I don't look at science the same way as philosophy, though. To me science is the framework of how everything physically works. Like grass is green because it has chlorophyll, birds can fly because the wind pushes them up, the wind blows because the air is moving to a lower pressure.

            I usually first perceive things scientifically, and then analyze them in an open ended sort of way. I just want to clarify a little about how I operate, I think science is magic too.

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          • Bazinga

            Honestly, I think they take Descartes Objective Reality far too seriously. Scientific facts stand on their own regardless of whether they are perceived or not. There's just no reason to be spooked by a tree falling unless it were to fall in the woods of quantum entanglement.

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            • I do believe in science and I don't believe something exists if I think it, that's cognitive and confirmation bias, and probably narcissistic.

              I was a little tired when I wrote that comment above, but my main point is that there are things we can observe that can augment our reality but that science can't explain as of yet. Like the Baghdad battery, they probably didn't know how it worked but they used it for something.

              My understanding and application of my spiritual sense is probably on the more unique side, I admit. I still enjoy being able to have conversations with people who understand the more scientific, though. It's exasperating to have people immediately shut you down. It's enriching to share viewpoints and make rationalizations.

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        • I look at science and spirituality. I've researched people like Maslow, Jung, and Alan Watts. I've watched college courses on psychology on YouTube. I've learned about sacred geometry and childhood development. I think about "thought experiments" like Mary's room and iirc Socrates' Box.

          To me it all seems to be connected, and I don't think the border between them is unyielding. Sacred geometry is a good example, as it starts out with the flower/tree/fruit of life which are kinda "dopey" at first, but then we discover musical notes which we discover sounds the best at 432hz instead of the 440 (?) we use. The Fibonacci sequence is also sacred geometry, and can be seen pretty much everywhere in nature, even in things you might not suspect like fish. It's a spiritualist concept, but has strong scientific connections.

          But why not pursue science solely? Well there's only so much science knows and what scientists will study. You also get situations like Galileo who was jailed for saying the earth revolves the sun, and now it's in second grade text books. You can have dogma as a scientist, too

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          • Vanta_White

            The 432 Hz system (the system in which A4 [the A closest to middle C as defined by scientific pitch notation] is defined as a 432 Hz vibration) isn't inherently superior in any manner whatsoever. That said, it isn't worse either.

            The specific number used for tuning is arbitrary. "Hertz" means "cycles per second" and seconds are a fairly arbitrary unit. Even if we instead tuned via a system which used cycles per some unit derived from the Planck unit for time, which is derived from a physical constant of the universe rather than being more arbitrary in nature, no superiority would likely emerge from any specific reference point used for tuning in regards to vibrational frequency and I can explain why.

            The basic "miracle" of music is the octave. It's called such due to the fact that the Ionian mode (the major scale), which most of music theory is based on, contains seven distinct notes and repeats itself on the eighth note but in a higher register. The sixth mode of a C major scale (C, D, E, F, G, A, and B) is the Aeolian mode (more commonly known as the minor scale) and is just A minor in this case, which contains these notes: A, B, C, D, E, F, and G. If we continue to play the scale in an ascending manner, the eighth note would be another A, but one that vibrates twice as quickly as the first one, sounds like the same note but twice as high in pitch, and is referred to as being one octave higher due to the relation to the number eight via the Ionian mode.

            I had to first explain music theory's obsession with the Ionian mode to make sense of the term "octave", which clearly relates to eight, because there are actually twelve distinct notes in Western music over the span of a so-called octave: A, A#/B♭, B, C, C#/D♭, D, D#/E♭, E, F, F#/G♭, G, and G#/A♭.

            This is what really matters, how many notes we choose to create from the span of one so-called octave, how many divisions we form between any arbitrarily chosen vibration and both half and double that frequency and so on. This matters a lot as music, melody and harmony anyway, appears to be all about the ratios between one vibration and the next and/or between notes ringing simultaneously. In other words, the specific vibrational identities of individual notes don't really matter outside the context of other notes. It's all a matter of relativity. Whether you tune A4 to 432 Hz, 440 Hz, or any other number, the emotional and intellectual qualities of the music will be the same as it all comes back to the hidden mathematics regarding ratios formed from the given set of notes being processed subconsciously by the human brain. These ratios remain identical in both the 432 Hz and 440 Hz 12-note tunings.

            There are other systems wherein the octave is divided so as to form other amounts of evenly spaced notes as well, and changing this indeed actually produces profound aural differences, but the world slowly settled on twelve fairly unanimously for the same reasons that mathematicians know base-12 would have been a superior universal counting system compared to base-10: Twelve is a relatively low number to possess so many factors, and also uniquely possesses a number of factors that is half of its overall value! One, two, three, four, six, and twelve are all factors of twelve. This creates so many interesting possibilities for ratios.

            While twelve evenly spaced notes was all but unanimously agreed upon globally and musical instruments were built to cater to this system, the need for notes to be tuned to any specific frequency rather than merely in relation to one another all began as a result of the need for multiple musicians to play in concert with one another. It became increasing clear that middle C needed a universal reference point. Eventually an essentially arbitrary point, as nothing renders one point alone more special than another outside of relativity, was eventually chosen that happened to correspond with A4 falling on 440 Hz.

            It's a bit like being tasked with drawing a line that is to represent the equator on a perfectly uniform sphere. Where you draw it is utterly inconsequential, but once you have, the prime meridian can only go in one place. No starting point is superior to another. It's all relativity.

            Perhaps you've seen cymatics demonstrations wherein notes from the 432 Hz system appear to yield more geometrically relevant visuals within various physical mediums, but these are ignorant at best and deceptive at worst because this is entirely dependent on the materials used and the properties thereof. The mediums can be tuned to exhibit the desired patterns and/or behaviors for any given frequency. In other words, it remains arbitrary in the visual realm as well.

            As for science itself, I fear that you may have the wrong idea of it. Science is essentially the study of verifiable truth itself. Unless it's a field related to the arts, when something can decisively be said to not even /loosely/ resemble a science, this is very often the exact same thing as saying that it has been determined to be bullshit, almost invariably.

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            • Yeah, cymatics and sacred geometry led me to this point with music. I saw someone start with the flower of life and it went to basically graph paper with a spiral turning in on itself. All the intersections were musical notes tuned for 432 hz, which to me made them seem more ideal.

              The crux of my understanding of science isn't based in spirituality, though, and science isn't the only thing that illuminates me.

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            • Bazinga

              Whoa there, cowboy. There are four basic chords in music theory: tonic, subdominant, dominant, and submediant, aka as 1, 4, 5, and minor 6. The 12 notes of the scale are not evenly (geometrically) spaced logarithmic frequencies along an octave. These chords work because of WAVE NODES on a vibrating string. Of course, an octave is 2:1. A perfect fifth (dominant) is 3:2, a fourth (subdominant) is 4:3, and a minor sixth (sub mediant) is 8:5. I even measured one seventh of the distance on a guitar E string, found the wave node, and discovered that the 7:4 harmonic hit a D note perfectly.

              Further more, harmony isn't perceived subconsciously. Yes, pitch is relative as you are suggesting, but when the waves fail to line up, the resulting dischord sounds terrible to everybody.

              One other thing. The cochlea of everyone's ear is semi logarithmic, but not exactly of base 1.618033988 There is slight random variation among all people and it causes pitch perfect violinists to choose notes that are ever so slightly different in frequency because the slight amount of dischord will be perceived warmer or colder in different keys to different violinists. I'm not arguing the physics here, only saying there is a bio-mechanical component to audio perception.

              BTW, I enjoyed your well articulated comment. Haven't read anything written to that superior level since your name was blacker than black. Welcome back. 👍

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          • WhippedCream99

            You're only as limited as you make yourself. You have boundless energy to harness and share with others! The Fibonacci sequence in itself is the shape of our galaxy and the way that flowers grow! In spirals! Hurricanes.. wind patterns.. shifting of tides..

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            • WhippedCream99

              Coincidence doesn't even exist 😂 we are all just being played like a chess game and we are the chess pieces of the universe.

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      • WhippedCream99

        You're absolutely right about how I personally stand in the subject.

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    • Bazinga

      Cognitive Bias is the most seductive route to happy delusion. I love to test hypotheses, but these surrendipitous victims think any contraindication is heresy.

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    • Ellenna

      I wish I'd written that!

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    • WhippedCream99

      I am not in control of what the universe brings into my life or even what it introduces me to. I accept whatever comes and goes in my life. The hardest part is letting go of human tendencies to become my highest self. I do not cope with life through my religion, I simply believe and accept everything as it is presented to me in this reality.

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    I guess it's ok to believe in that stuff, as long as you don't believe that crystals can heal you or you don't spend any money on psychics or anything. And any faith has to work around scientific evidence, if the two contradict on any point then it's the religious/spiritual belief that's wrong.

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    • WhippedCream99

      The thing is, is that there is no right and wrong religion in the big picture of life. Acceptance of others beliefs actually brings people together instead of pushing us apart. The fact we can have a discussion about this on the internet is something I am quite grateful for! I believe life is full of contradictions but as long as you are true to your nature and focus on things that will guide you to a direction of being your highest self, you will always have a purpose for living. Everyday I wake up and thank the universe for my well-being, health, and that I'm even breathing.

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  • LloydAsher

    I belive something very similar, the laws of physics the only rules in the universe whatever created those is by default is god.

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  • Ellenna

    You don't need a god, either the one from your childhood (which you've wisely abandoned) or a replacement.

    Yoga and meditation are healthy pursuits if they put you in touch with your own inner strenghts, but they're not magic wands. Crystals, tarots ..... I can't describe them any better than Boojum as already done.

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    • WhippedCream99

      Of course it's not magic 😂 I believe it because crystals are ancient and have been around longer than man kind. They don't speak and neither do tarot cards, sometimes words aren't necessary. It all had to do with energy.

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      • Ellenna

        Why do you think a pretty crystal has more energy than any boring old rock which is also ancient and has also been around longer than mankind?

        I still own two or three crystals but for their aethestic appeal only and I've decided there are serious issues involved in digging up ancient items from one part of the world and selling them to (mainly) westerners. I do know that Australian Aboriginal people believe stones should be left in their own country and at Uluru there's a basket full of rocks taken by travellers who've subsequently returned them because they felt uneasy about taking them and believe it's bad luck to do so.

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      • On a huge scale, the sun gives this planet life. On a smaller scale, we have crystalline structures that vibrate on a frequency characteristic to its nature

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  • SmokeEverything

    I just feel like if God did exist, we wouldn't need ideology to believe in him. The existance of "god," Or if anything existed that was ever called God, has nothing to do with the control system that religion is. It's a way to get people to tolerate being abused and taken advantage of by the wealthy because of a promise of a better life afterwards, or that God will punish you severely if you don't work hard enough or aren't thankful for living off scraps.

    Shamanism is the only unpolluted religious idea that exists. Because it's based around finding the truth for yourself instead of being scared you're going to be punished for not just believing what a priest or a guy in a lab coat says.

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  • Cliche1234

    I believe in uranus.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    you forgot the essential oils and chakras and daily horoscopes and shirley maclaine albums

    theres still a whole worlda bunk bullshit for you to embrace and annoy those around you with

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  • Tommythecaty

    Well tarot and crystal shit is dopey. But synchronicity certainly occurs like crazy once you’re in the right state.

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    • Ellenna

      You mean when you're in the right state to notice it and ignore all the things which don't happen synchronicitally?

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      • You can use non synchronous things as well, like for me something big right now is responding to things in ways that correspond with what I want. So like all those random things that happen, to me they're just a test, or a way to build character, or an opportunity to be better

        Synchronicity is more like, when you're researching something and someone comes along and in the flow of natural conversation brings up a point or makes a statement that basically reaffirms what you're learning or shows how useful it would be when you're "in the moment" or sometimes, which is really awesome for me anyway, you're presented with a situation in which you have to or can say something that you can connect back to something you've learned or something that's happened

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    • Why are those bad? They can facilitate synchronicity as well as other law of attraction stuff.

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      • Tommythecaty

        You can’t facilitate synchronicity other than being in the right state of consciousness. You have zero control over it, can’t influence it, and if you actively look for it you won’t see it.

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        • Right I agree, it's really tricky to pay attention to those in the moment when you have all the chemicals, hormones, stimuli, trains of thought, et al. going through your mind

          You have to be really in tune with yourself, your environment, what you're going for, what you objectively need... There's a lot to pay attention to, and to help *facilitate* synchronicity, that is, to proactively ensure its effectiveness, you can pay attention to the things that are going on around you, through all of those hectic moments where your consciousness goes from "observing yourself observing yourself observing yourself" to a purely reactive state of mind, while at the same time paying attention to all the possible connections you can make spiritually.

          A simple example, a man is upset his wife bought a car without talking to him about it. Then he goes to work and a woman there says she bought a car to her fathers disappointment.

          The less enlightened man would immediately side with the father, for whatever reason he so chooses.

          The type of person I am, and an example of what I described a few paragraphs above, I would see a person who wants to live their life as much as me and would rectify any misbehavior with my hypothetical wife.

          I know that's hard, trust me I know, but you really can help your conscious development by just paying more attention and not being afraid to correlate things, even if they end up wrong some times. And when they are wrong, you're immediately rewarded if you didn't let that assumption or presupposition have too much power over you.

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          • Tommythecaty

            Part of being in that state is not paying attention. The alert, attentive state is the state we are in while doing most things, that state hinders the noticing of synchronicity. It tends to occur most when you’re in that daydream type state where outside noise and movement are phased out, like when you’re reading a book for example.

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            • For me it might be different, but I think I do that, I'm just using different words.

              I focus a lot and pretty intensely, and when I'm operating on a lower frequency I'm blinded to subtlety. If I'm on a higher frequency though, I can still be focused, and be open to allowing my neural pathways to illuminate synchronicities.

              I wouldn't call it a day dream for me, but it is a zenned out feeling I usually have with meditation.

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      • Ellenna

        Oh yeah? So how is the so called law of attraction working for you?

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        • Pretty well. It seems like you don't believe in it? It's proven to exist, and it should be rather self evident, that the more you think about something the more importance it will have. Also take for example the ten thousand hours to become an expert in something, and the thirty days to make or break a habit. Time spent thinking about *something*, and willing a change into existence.

          The trials of the law of attraction is learning to build the right perception, definition, rationalization needed to actualize your goals. It can be easily dismissed as something phony, sure, but once you understand how to use it it really broadens your scope of reality.

          I personally liken it to some ancient farmer, planting a seed in my mind, an idea or objective, and letting it grow and flourish. If I'm meditating, I usually feel something moving in what I think is my pineal gland.

          To portray the process, I decide I want to lose weight, then I think about ways to lose it and how I'll look when I'm done, I feel fulfillment from making decisions that correlate with that, I start subconsciously eating better and craving healthier food, I eventually become a person with a healthier weight and diet.

          I think some people get confused when they say, "I want a million dollars" and the next day when they're still not a millionaire they ignorantly call the idea flawed. It works by allowing you to build up to things, not by giving you everything for nothing.

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          • Ellenna

            What you're describing has nothing whatsoever to do with the so-called "Law of Attraction" which for the charlatans who've made money selling books about it, does in fact mean you can get "attract" a million dollars with the power of your mind.

            You seem to be describing creative visualisation, which within reason can have positive effects, as long as what you're creatively visualising is in fact possible.

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            • I've actually never heard of creative visualization, thank you for sharing it. I think I've used that technique, just didn't know it had a name.

              Some research into it though, and the two ideas are connected.


              That site talks about both, and while the law of attraction is its own thing, creative visualization incorporates parts LoA

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        • Tommythecaty

          Same as always has been proven to do, just fine.

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  • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

    I dont believe the bible, idk if there is a heaven or where we go, but something made us amd it was very smart. Whether it cared about us or we are just a test or even if that entity is now dead idk but something intelligent made us. No way such a complex system made itself by chance. Totally ridiculous if you really think about it.

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    • Inkmaster

      Personally, I'm Christian, and even if you're not, I'm glad to hear people talking about intelligent design. If it's not too personal, can I ask you why you don't believe in the Bible? If you don't want to talk to me about it, then that's fine and I'll just delete this comment.

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      • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

        For starters the bible was written by man. Also many of the stories in the old testament were almost exact copies of the Egyptian religion (like cain and abel). Which in itself doesn't make it not true, hell it might even add credibility to some people because that means the stories are even older. But also the end testament and new testament shows almost a polar opposite god. In the old testament he wanted to be feared, wanted animal sacrifices, and submission. In the new testament he was all about forgiveness. We know when you pass down stories they get messed up. If you tell your friend something to tell his friend to tell his by the time it gets to the destination its a completely different story. So the fact that the people that were there, like Abraham, did not write it it seems that the stories likely got messed up.

        There might be some truth to it though. I really cant say for sure because obviously I wasnt there and I never try to say that I know for a fact what is real or not (as some people do who usually have an invested emotion in the subject).

        But with all that said it seems from a numbers standpoint the likelyhood of something intelligent creating this is more likely than just happening by chance. There's no way cells could figure out how to design such a complex working system with no intelligence (like heart for pressure, lungs for air, stomach for absorption). Alot of people will point out and say "if something intelligent made us than we wouldnt be so susceptible to disease and death", which is easily debunked because we ourselves are intelligent but we cant even design a car that will last forever. A car is similar to a human body in many ways if you really think about it. Both have complex mechanics

        Thats just my little rant on the subject. Sorry if I was boring. I think about it alot.

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        • I personally think part of the beauty and intelligence is if it was done by chance.

          I've kind of been stuck on this like, endless cycle of the universe idea; basically the big bang theory but at the end when all the matter and energy has been dispersed and coalesces again, another bang goes off and starts the cycle again.

          Kind of allows the chance for life to develop in any way, with any composites in any environment.

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  • Mammal-lover

    Tarot.. just fuck off

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    • thepuppet

      Tarot is great though- if not for fortune telling, one deck can summarize much of the human experience, with the Major Arcana telling a story of a path of self-discovery and enlightenment with archetypes along the way, and the Minor Arcana detailing scenes of everyday life and the people you meet.

      There's also a lotta cool history/symbolism if you're into it. The OG scholars actually hated fortune telling because they saw it as degrading to the value of the Tarot.

      But if you are into fortune telling, the Tarot probably can be connected to every belief system and every aspect of life; it doesn't have to tell you exactly what the future is, but it can simply remind you of perspectives you haven't considered.

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    • Clunk42

      Not to mention crystal healing.

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  • thepuppet

    You should always feel free to believe what you'd like, as long as you aren't really harming anyone. Nothing wrong with being spiritual; I grew up pretty atheist so I find it hard to get into my spiritual side, but I've experimented with witchcraft and Tarot reading as pastimes (albeit with healthy skepticism). Just make sure not to let certain beliefs override your sense of reality. Also, I'm not sure "spiritualism" is really a religion. You might want to look into witchcraft, tbh. It's not as dark as it may seem.

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  • verynormalusername

    Personally, i find it very interesting, and would honestly like to learn more, but im atheist.

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  • LovelyGirl21

    I'm new to this site. Found a Spiritual section yay! Of course you are on the right track I'm on my Spiritual journey right now I've had my Awakening recently and now I'm initiated into the becoming more High Vibrational and embodying 5th Dimensional Consciousness. Love to you Namaste

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  • TheAprilFool

    I kind of have similar thoughts occassionally but don't believe in them fully. I collected some cheap stones that are meant to have particular healing properties but I don't actually use them.

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  • XYXY

    The universe exists, that is a proven fact and is common knowledge, so saying you believe in the universe is dumb. All that religious bollocks about god, is unproven clap trap and much of it based on a fairytale book written over 2000 years ago.

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    • WhippedCream99

      I believe in the power of the universe. The moment you underestimate it, it will close all of life's doors.

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      • XYXY

        The universe will do whatever it does, regardless of you or anyone else’s views or estimations. The human race like to think they are in control of what happens on this planet. That’s all bollocks, our control of things is limited to a tiny range of stuff we have learnt to control. In the bigger scheme we are all just limited to the things nature allows us to learn about and take charge of. That should be particularly obvious at this time due to what has happened all over the world with Covid19.

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        • WhippedCream99

          The universe provides us a deeper meaning to the unknown things in life. I am comfortable accepting things as unknown and not being afraid of what that means. Everyone is concerned with how to get it back to normal and what they don't realize I'd that the world and the universe are always changing, it's how you react to change that matters. (US has reacted poorly to COVID-19 in my opinion)

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          • WhippedCream99

            Although no one knows the truth about how it all got here. It's just something I accept.

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  • my_life_my_way

    I find all that shit pathetic. People are just desperate to believe in anything, whether it’s the bible or all that new age crystal shit.

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    • WhippedCream99

      Believing in something higher than yourself gives you guidance in the right direction for your own individual life through your own experiences. It's not about the what, it's about what you do everyday that you are alive in order to manifest your life and yourself in new beautiful ways.

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    • SmokeEverything

      Or, y'know, the religion that science has turned into

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      • WhippedCream99

        It's very similar but I wouldn't say it's Scientology purely. But it is a based on science religion.

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        • SmokeEverything

          I don't mean scientology I'm talking about people who gobble up everything scientists say. Fake some technologies hide other real ones, the public gobbles it up because a "scientist" said it.

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