I believe that god favours me, iin?

My family is currently going through a tough time. This year I started to pray in the morning whenever I remember to. I never used to be religious in any form but basically I say this prayer every morning when I remember :

"Thank you for what I have. Please help me get to where I want to be. Please help my parents to not struggle anymore and be there for them. Please keep me safe today and help me to have a good day. Amen"

And my life feels great. Somehow, when things are really tight for my folks, something happens that brings in money for them. Random things.

I believe that God favours me but I don't understand why. Is this normal?

Voting Results
74% Normal
Based on 39 votes (29 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • mysistersshadow

    Normal. Alot of ppl have imaginary friends.

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  • guyiwthaname

    It's totally fine. Everyone needs something to believe in.
    It doesn't need to be a religious thing, just something to believe in.

    I pray for Cthulhu every evening

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    • RoseIsabella

      Is that you Eric Cartman?

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      • guyiwthaname

        psssshhhhht. It's a secret

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      • sandnigga


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  • MrMuck

    God loves me more than you, sorry. It's a fact go look it up in the Quran.

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  • walkingdildo

    Prayer was actually the final straw for me for leaving Christianity (actually reading the Old Testament was what got the ball rolling).

    The fact is, prayer is like homeopathy. It works because you trick yourself into believing it works. When you look at prayer objectively, it doesn't actually achieve anything at a better frequency than not praying.

    God does not "favour" you in the definition you are giving. If God exists at all, you should remember a passage from the New Testament, regarding the Tower of Siloam. "The sun shines on the wicked and the just, and the rain falls on the wicked and the just". That's a paraphrase, I can't be bothered to look it up, but I've read it enough to know that sums it up.

    Would you really want to worship a deity who has created maggots that crawl out of the eyes of African children, Christian or not, after a fly has laid its egg in them?

    If you wish to believe in prayer, please pray to a less contradictory "loving" deity.

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  • Kookulainamus

    Glad it works for you. I tried it, and it didn't work for me.

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