I can’t stand my bf kid
Here it goes. I’m just going to say what a woman shouldn’t say. I’m not a huge fan of kids. Never was. I’m 40 now but knew very early on that kids were not something I wanted. When my sister had kids that changed somewhat. I feel unconditional love for them. They’re older now, but I remember the toddler years. They had their moments of brattiness but overall were sweet funny little things. I’m now in a serious relationship with a man who has a child with his ex. We’ve been together 6 months. The kid is 3. And I can’t stand him. Bratty whiny demanding selfish and manipulative. I’m convinced his mother is a narcissist. And I hate her. My bf is sweet kind and a great dad. Except I feel like he is being run by his 3 yo!!! I’m terrified of taking the next step in the relationship (cohabitation and/or marriage) because of this child and his crazy ex. I have a great career, make decent money and own my own house. My bf shares 50/50 custody w his ex. We’ve discussed cohabitation. He owns his own house but we agreed we’d live at mine (which is more ideal) if we were to take that step. The thought of having this child living in my home gives me chills. I think my bf and I have very different ideas of parenting. He asks the kids opinion on everything!!! It’s ok to give a child choices like: do you want a hot dog or hamburger? but beyond that, no. Adults/parent should be setting the agenda and guiding the child. I think this kid needs a spanking (like yesterday). I’m full of resentment. I’ve told my bf my concerns somewhat. That I don’t think we are on the same page with parenting. And that I just don’t think I can do this after a few really difficult days with this bratty kid. I just feel torn. I love my bf so much and I’ve never had this kind of connection before. I feel like he’s my soulmate. But part of me feels that I should let him go. It feels wrong to have this much anger and resentment towards a child. The only reason I’m randomly posting on this site is that I’m ashamed of how I feel. And I’d love advice from anyone who can relate. I feel so alone right now and unsure of whether I should just cut my bf loose...