I can’t stand my boyfriends adult son

I’ve been seeing my boyfriend for 9 months and I really love him. I have 3 grown up children who live with me and they all get on with my bf. Bfs wife left him and 2 children 5 years ago and only sees them when she feels like it. Initially I found it difficult with his 9 year old son as we have only ever had 2 nights on our own but now I really get on with him. The problem is his 24 year old son who lives with him and I honestly don’t think will ever leave. His dad does everything for him and he is the most selfish, lazy, cock sure weirdo I’ve ever met. He is academically very clever but has no common sense whatsoever and no social skills. Basically he has no personality and is so ungrateful to his dad. He never does anything to help, never leaves the house other than work and plays on his Xbox constantly. He has a nasty streak and used in appropriate language in front of his 9 year old brother. I tried really hard at first but have just been on a weeks camping holiday which he insisted on coming on because he has no life. He said he’d do things with his little brother and let me and his dad have time on our own but in the whole week he has spent about 20 minutes with his brother and has done nothing but eat all the food, buy nothing himself and make lots of extra mess and work. My boyfriend has not said a word to him and it ended up with me having an argument with him. He is never going to change and we can’t have a second without him being there. Don’t think it’s worth carrying on but I think the world of my boyfriend

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Comments ( 5 )
  • RoseIsabella

    I'm very glad to be single in this moment.

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    • passionpop

      Don't be a troll please, she obviously cares and has taken the time tell us in detail her problem. If you have no advice keep silent, its not all about you.

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      • RoseIsabella

        I'm not being a troll, I'm simply stating my gratitude for my particular situation in this thing called life. OP is in a very difficult situation, and she has some hard decisions to make.

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  • cupcake_wants

    24?? Really?!? Omg, time to GET OUT. Jeez.. if might be an ultimatum situation. You might have to end up leaving and staying with you mom for a while to really send the message to your boyfriend that this is a big problem. It sounds like your bf is an enabler which makes it tough. Maybe counselling could get thru your boyfriend's thick skull

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    No amount of love you have for him is worth the time, stress, and money wasted on helping to raise his kid(though in this case, it's a 24 year old adult). Also, since the sons came before you, your input on things will never be taken seriously and you'll forever be regarded as not as important as they are. Break up and find someone who doesn't suck at raising kids. Better yet, find someone without kids. XD

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