I can control my dreams

Ok if I know I'm dreaming I can control what happens in my dream. Lets says for example I'm dreaming I'm on an edge of a cliff and there is no way to escape what ever is after, well if I realize that I'm dreaming I just think that since its my dream it would only be fair that I had wings and could fly away. Can anyone else do this or am I just weird like that?

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Comments ( 233 )
  • bloop

    hah yes I love it when this happens to me though sometimes im dreaming and em debateing if im dreaming or not to if I should do something dangerous you know... cuz what if im not!!! then I wake up and relize I was dreaming then get pissed I didnt do it

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    • TheIronCheffOfPoundingVaj

      I've had a dream where I was in this dark room. With only the passage light on. And. I was in bed with a hot blonde. And I controlled the dream. And banged her. Felt so real o_O. Best dream ever :)

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      • BioWire

        you were jerking off lol

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        • Doggone66

          No man it's called Lucid Dreaming, look up Stephen La Berge and in your dream you are conscious an can do ANYTHING you want!!! I HAVE!!

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          • Holly^_^

            Yup , you might get sleep parilysis though. Worth the risk :D

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            • LunaControllerofWorlds

              When i was really little i had a dream i was a mad scientist and i knew it was a dream but i had to force my self to wake up so here i am in this character forcing my eyes open to me in real life it was the most sureal thing ever to happen in my dreams

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            • Renata!

              That's no truth I've been practicing lucid dreams since long time ago and only good things happen out of it!

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          • Waya

            But it comes with a price if you lucid dream to much you might get sleep paralisis. Scary shit, go check for yourself

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          • Miss.Flower

            Sounds interesting

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        • puskract

          I have had very good dreams and when i am about to wake up it feels so great. A lot of times i wish it was real life. :-)

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      • Miss.Flower

        I have controlled the sexual part in my dream as well I was in a shower with a man and another joined and it was a awesome time my way of making sense of it is in real life I won't allow myself to be that open to sexual experiences in my dreams I go wild....

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        • CarrotMuffins

          Lol Ive made out with gurls in my dreams - and im a girl . No way thats going to happen in reality lol at least I woudlnt be the one to start it i guess xD

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      • succatash

        How the fuck do you control your dreams like that everytime in my dreams the moment I get close to banging a bitch I wake up>:o and it pisses me off I have a way above average IQ of 164 and I can't even choose what I'm gona dream about

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        • GoraIntoDesiGals

          164? No shit

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        • puskract

          That is so kool. But i often wondered if when our bodies go to sleep our spirit is on the move exploring the universe. What do you think ?
          I believe that there is something out there, reason i say this is. If the story of Jesus Christ raising from the dead, and disappeared off a mountain is true, then where did he go?
          So was is friends that were with him dream up all of this stuff ? Or some artistic writer made up that stuff?
          Dreams or real we just cant seems to find our way back in.

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          • Giga22

            none of your this makes sense, even if you are religious, especially that last statement.

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        • Murun

          You write like you have an IQ of about 95.

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    • comlogo

      When you aren't sure if your dreaming or not, do the following:
      Look at your hands. You'll then immediately know if your dreaming or not

      Stare at an object for a long time, if your dreaming it will change form/ color.

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      • serialKiller6212

        I always heard that if you look at text, then look away, then look back then the text will change in a dream.

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      • Sami•

        Curious about the hands? How would that determine dream state or not?

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    • abu.osama

      cool story bro

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    • Canttel

      Lol its called lucid dreaming. I have dreams like that but not often. Researhers say that id you play vedio games you will have more lucid dreaming because you will think you have a controller in your hand and wat will u do? CONTROLL UR DREAM!!

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      • Terrik1337

        I've done this in a dream where I was driving my car. As soon as I figured out it was a dream my mind was above the car and I could control it with essentially an X-BOX controller (not specifically, but it had analog sticks). I promptly lost control of my car and ran into a cop car and the last thing I remember before waking up was the red and blue lights coming on. I suck at racing games.

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  • verppisces030990

    omg! you are soooo lucky.. you do what's called "lucid dreaming" i've only ever been able to do that like 7 times in my life. and i've been trying since i was 12 or something. :S.. but yeah, its very normal. :)

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    • Satchmo

      Read exploring the world of lucid dreaming after you read that it will be incredibly easy

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      • Taint

        Is it writen by stephen laberge?

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  • russellnb

    I dreamed I was eating a giant marshmallow, and when I woke up my pillow was missing

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    • Mark3L


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    • flyingnostalgia

      Hahaha...this made my day :)

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    • puskract


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  • This_charming_man

    i used to have a recurring nightmare when i was very young, about everything being alive. eg the pillows were alive and so were the paintings on my wall, but after having the nightmare for about two weeks every night, i started to realise i was dreaming as it was happening.
    for a few days this was great as like you i could control my own nightmare. but beware!! after about a week of this happening constantly my nightmare evolved into a state where i knew i was dreaming, but could no longer control the dream, but worse than that i was also trapped in this dream unable to wake up.
    anyway i grew out of it eventually but i do still sometimes know when i am dreaming, but thankfully this thought usually wakes me up now.

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    • Waya

      Good thing you didnt keep going because lucid dreaming may be fun but you gotta pay the price ; you might get sleep paralysis

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    • meowpower

      If u ever find yourself in that situation and want to wake up, just kill urself:) lol as abrasive as that's coming out.. that's what I do in a nightmare

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      • BeatleGal

        Considering that I sleepwalk, that would be rather gory.

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        • CarrotMuffins

          Lol pls do not xD I sometimes while lucid dreamings kind i let it be its own way ... Just in case im so fucked up i dont realize its reality or if me controlling it could be any dangerous somehow :)

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      • Squashgordo

        When I know i'm in a dream, I just squint my eyes and I wake up.
        It's weird

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        • 197085

          I lift my leg up a little to wake up from a dream when it gets too boring

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        • meowpower

          Yea! Sometimes that works for mW too. Especially when I can tell I'm about to wake up nd doing that it like the final push my body needs to actually do it

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      • Skartreuse

        Make sure you know for sure you're dreaming though. I'm being serious.

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        • meowpower

          Yea lol this ain't inception :p of course

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      • 197085

        Take care You may accidentally kill yourself in reality.

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      • Berthamaine

        I knew I was dreaming once in a nightmare and I tried committing suicide but it didn't work! Just saying

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  • winterfresh

    It's called Lucid Dreaming. Very few people realize they are dreaming, and even fewer are able to control them. I worked very hard to psychologically prepare myself to Lucid Dream. I can do it too now, and it's awesome. I especially love flying dreams.Hard to exaplain, but enjoy it. I love dreaming.

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    • FinnJakeFan

      Dream Flying=Soul Taking Trips

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  • I also have dreams like that. A lot of people say that you can't control your dreams which actually confused me. I remember there was one dream where I can levitate objects and fly. It was really fun.

    There was another when I had to fight off these demons with random powers I instantly wished for. Awesomely epic.

    The thing is. I can also control whether I want to have dreams or not. Say for instance. I didn't want a dream because I was sure I would have nightmare (from watching some horror movies). I would just instantly close my eyes and in the blink of in eye I wake up to find myself in the morning. Would that be normal?...

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    • 197085

      Whenever I am in trouble in my dreams I always levitate and drift to another dream

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    • curvyblonde95

      Only once have I had a dream like that. I dreamt that I could move things with my brain (like make them fly and stuff), it was the most awesome dream of my life. Lol I was actually really, really sad when I woke up because it wasn't real.. haha :)

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  • spark007

    LOL! I can sometimes control my dreams and there are 3 ways. The first way is that I'm in a dream that everyone is in my house and partying, and I want to get away because they are going to see my journal. Then I say in my dream, "HEY PPL I AM DREAMING! GOODBYE HAHA NOW YOU CAN'T SEE MY JOURNAL!!" and I wake up on a fresh Sunday morning and I laugh about it. That actually happened before lots of times! The second way is that I dreamed that I got to a magical land and I had this weird thing on, and when I just imagined it off, it was off and that was terrible lol! (Because I had nothing on after that...it was so weird) And then the last way is the best because I get to do anything when I notice that I'm in a dream. The one I most remember is when I saw this dream about that Disney princess Jasmine visiting this little boy, who was king, and changes the weather depending on his mood. And in that dream I was that king, but I was queen since I'm a girl, and when I got happy, I sprouted flowers in the ground, then I got mad because I saw my archenemy appear, then the ground cracked apart and she fell through the crack!!!
    I laughed so hard that I woke up and it was AWESOME!

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  • Norever

    Well believe it or not, I am able to control my dreams and I can also dream about what I want. When I lay down to go to sleep all I have to do is say over and over again what I want to dream about. At the same time I have a picture in my mind of the dream. Slowly I can slip into my subject dream and control most of what happens. While dreaming I am also aware of my surroundings. I can hear the tv (if its on), I can feel my pillows, and I can feel my body both in the dream and out. It is so strange but it is fun. The problem is I am so tired the next day. If there is anyone out there that has this experience. Please respond. I would like to know, why and how I am able to do this.

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    • Satchmo

      The poll creator is an idiot hopefully you don't believe in astral projection. But I have had the same experience after I started meditation. It sounds like you are talking about going directly from being awake to rem sleep without losing consciousness this is an amazing experience you should be grateful you could do this do easily it took me weeks of effort to achieve this being aware of your surroundings outside of the dream is completely normal it is called dream incorporation most all people have had this experience usually with an auditory stimulus but it can happen with any of your senses it is also possible to being conscious during non rem sleep I took a class on buddhism and my prof said that the Buddha had achieved something called Buddha nature or consciousness or something where he never lost consciousness and was fully aware 24 7

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      • Waya

        What about the people who ended up lucid dreaming to much that they started experiencing sleep paralysis?

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    • i've been doing research on stuff like this and what you are doing is called astral projection....it takes alot of mediation/control over your own mind....be careful about what you do though because some people believe what you do when you astrally project yourself can affect real life

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  • littlegeorge14

    Yeah, I do that too sometimes. It seems like it usually happens towards the end of dream when I am about to wake up. Sometimes when I am woken up during a good dream I can fall back asleep and jump right back into the dream where I left off. Usually, then I can control what happens.

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  • jellokatt

    yeah.... i used to be able to do it a lot when i was younger. i can still do it sometimes.

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  • Iseedeadpeople

    i could control my dreams since my hole life and somtimes i can start a dream with wat ever i like it to be but if not i still can do anything i want every time. I can dream of anything and everything and do anything i want.

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    • VxOsx

      Lucid Dreaming. Perfectly normal.
      I've never been able to do it myself. Unfortunately.

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  • teehee

    I can do that too :P :P somtimes i cant tho and its really frustrating but i do it a lot! i normally make a hot guy come outta nowhere and the next thing i know we're in a bed lol

    ahhh i love dreaming :P

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    • justsad

      i do that too. i can't control them all though.

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  • HonestlyMe914

    i can control my dreams... SOMETIMES...

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  • whatthefrag?

    Same thing happens to me ocassionaly. I have turned people into animals during a dream.
    We all have our own virtual reality right inside our own brains without the assistance of any technology.

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  • vergil7

    i always be a pervert in a lucid dream. fuck every girl i find

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    • blackjack112

      Three-somes in class!

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  • ThatOneDudez

    It's called lucid dreaming, and it is amazing!

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  • brendaT

    It's called lucid dreaming my amigo. Totally normal.

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  • Robynne

    I do it all the time. My mind produces the setting. I have control of my body. It matches my skills in the real world. The only difference is if it gets to intense I just kill the dream change the channel. Most of the time my mind dreams about the same things. It's always the mos screwed up things but I love it because I like the challenge. Zombies in your hometown or large objects destroying things around you it's awesome. The best part is if you want you can make your dreams clear make sense and be like watching tv. In my case I can't tell the difference between real life and sleep sometimes. I used to have nightmares. I enjoy nightmares. My best inspirations and ideas for art come from those. Normally the world is ending. It's always some crazy thing. What's cool is when it has plot

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  • JAW1942

    You guys are lucky!!! In my dreams, I just kinda sit there and hope things go for the best :( I can't control anything!

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    • Robynne

      Don't run from the next time you have a nightmare remember that you want to stand there. Then just make it stop get mad instead of running. Engage fight over flight

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  • Thomas123789

    I came across lucid dreaming online and then had one and got a BJ. High 5.

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  • Middlefinger

    yeah sometimes i do that too, kinda weird but cool

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  • Alettago

    I dream every single night and every once in a while I have a lucid dream. They can end up in three ways:

    1: I change the dream into a sex dream
    2: I make myself fly
    3: I don't wanna dream anymore, so I want to wake up.

    1 and 2 are great! I just do whatever I feel like, but number 3 is a problem because I cannot do it, I tried killing myself in the dream but I always stay alive. Usually I end up waking up in my room, but it's another dream. This can happen on and on. Sometimes I think that I actually woke up, but when I doubt it , it means I'm still dreaming.

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  • arby391

    Yes I beloved it is normal not everyone to do it only some people can.I know someone who had a dream and she was driving in the mountains with someone. And she can see everything everything was in great detail. And She was in the passenger seat and someone else is driving and it was a man but she couldn't see his face. it was covered with a really dark shadow. And guess what!! Two Years later, She got married and she drove up in the mountains with her husband. she's driving up the same street she was in her dream and she saw everything that use on a dream. it was even the same truck! And she told him" I've seen this place to befor in a dream and I was with you Except I can see your face." He didnt believe her but it was true and that's weird. But anyways yes its normal

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  • seeker_of_truth

    This is actually a true sign of genius, in my opinion. Not many people realize they have control over dreams. It's amazing when people who can do this learn to do the same in waking life...

    So in one sense it is normal because it is a talent we all have; but on the other hand it is not "normal" because very few people realize their true potential.

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  • iiAmLavender

    wait whaa aren't u supposed to do that o.o ???

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  • emis1coolgirl

    one time i had a dream that i needed to cross a softball feild in order to get away from these peopele that were trying to hurt me. but i had a hard time walking and climbing hills. i felt so heavy and tired in my dream. at one point i was trying to get myself back up but everytime i did i fell right back down to the ground. i wonder if i was lucid dreaming...

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    • Robynne

      You were close. Any time you are moving in your dreams you are in control. Just remember how you feel in real life apply that in your dream. Remember physics of real life. Straight up know what's possible.

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  • Kululu

    That kind of dreaming is something I'm working on, but it's kinda hard for me, I have some things going on in my life that dominate every dream and turn them into a nightmare of some sort, which I can never controll because my mind is too violent psychotic and twisted when it comes to scary, gorey things x).

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  • MiyariShirou

    I dream this way every night. I just lost a bit of sleep though because I'm actually thinking all night. But, on the bright side, the night seems to go by slower!

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  • ThatChick28

    I LOVE being able to control my dreams! I remember when I was young my mom used to ask me if I could control my dreams and I longed to be able to control my sleeping mind and one night it just started to happen, i still remember the dream and everything. Have u every heard of IDosing? It's basically sounds that alter/open ur mind to different things, well there's one session u can listen to called 'Lucid Dream'. So I tried it one night after years of being able to control my dreams and that night I had a dream where I knew I was dreaming and I was walking down a long long hallway with open doors on both sides and inside the doors were all different dreams that I've had or all different settings that I've fantasied about. It was an amazing experience...Lucid dreaming is great! ^^

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  • clockitq

    It's called lucid dreaming, and it's really quite normal! :D

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  • MissTrademark2317

    As everyone else has said, lucid dreaming. Some people really enjoy this. Some people never get it, some people on every once in a great while (like me, and I love dreams like that), and others can dream like that every night. You're pretty lucky. It reminds me of having two lives, but one is limitless. =D

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  • PsychoNikki

    I can't control what I do, but I can control the environment. If I'm having a bad dream, (say im being attacked) in my dream I'll tell myself "just go to another place/room" and suddenly I'll be somewhere else. If, say I have a dream where a close relative dies (one a had a few nights ago) I'll be like WAKE UP! and I'll force myself to wake up.

    This is called Lucid Dreaming I believe.

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  • Chonga

    Yup,google ''how to lucid dream'' if you really want to learn how.You can train your body and mind to do this...It's epic!

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  • Lacrimosa_Insanity

    wow im so glad i read your story. :)
    i had no clue that other people had this problem that i have lived with for the majority of my life. Except on some nights when i am not even in the dream... some nights it just plays like a movie.. and its very scary... because it is always some sort of disaster. i hate these dreams and i never speak of them to anyone. sometimes it is a dejavu moment where bits of my dream happen in real life at different times, sometimes weeks later.
    But i have noticed that when i have a dream where i AM in it... i literally HAVE to control what happens.. especially in nightmares.
    For example... i have this recurring dream where i am walking the halls at a school... the doors are only 2D so its like they are painted on the walls, i cannot leave the hallway... i can only go straight.. While walking, this girl comes up to me... she has the most blank expression, its a bit scary. and she walks up to me and slowly presses against my chest.. and she keeps pressing and pressing.. until i can quite literally FEEL the pain of my diaphragm compressing so tight.. and she whispers something but i have never been able to know what she said..
    But i learned soon that if i moved out of the way in my dream... i wouldnt be hurt by that strange girl.. but she is angry about it when this happens, she screams at me once and then i usually wake up and cant go back to sleep.

    I sometimes wonder if this dream means anything.. it doesnt always happen of course, it did happen back in december for nearly 2 weeks every night. it usually doesnt run like a marathon like it did back in Dec, i get this dream every once in a while only. Its less and less lately.

    Durring nightmares, i am in complete control. the scariest thing in the world in my oppinion... if i dont move, i will be crushed or burnt or god knows what. Its like a video game... all of my surroundings are pre-planned... not by me, or possibly subconsciously.. but they are so real, and whats more i am real. its very interactive.

    ....hmmm long and off topic..
    Well anyway thanks for not being afraid to tell your story... it helped me feel a bit less unusual.
    take care.

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    • MzPatrick

      i understand you so much i have dreams and bits of them happen in life the weird thing is though not alot of dreams include me my dreams are always about these two main characters named Karana and Frank

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  • I can do it sometimes, but sometimes not to my will

    like last night, i was dreaming and i had a feeling something bad was going to happen, and then a bunch of bats came and shrouded my friend.

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    • MadNot2Angry

      It's been 6 1/2 years since you posted this premonition ... has anything happened to your bat shrouded friend?

      Inquiring minds wants to know.

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      • Bad_Bad_Ju_Ju

        Wow time goes so fast. We are six years closer to death!

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  • tarl_cabot_of_port_karr

    Yep, lucid dreaming, every night is like that for me.

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  • TomMcGee

    im the same, every week i dream the same day, and can control them, and to fly i dont grow wings, i just fly without them, i find it so wierd, but when this girl that i love comes in, i cant do any of this, and i wonder why i cant?

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    • Robynne

      Because your subconscious knows it can't control that.

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    • JAW1942

      your brain is telling you that you can do many great things and control many things in your life, but you cannot control someone else and you definitely can't make someone else love you. i think that might be why...

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  • S3LiN4

    I make my own dream before I go to bed almost every time. Because I had problem with falling asleep. Instead of counting sheeps. Emagine what you want the most and make it come true!!! This months theme is my wedding!!! :P

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  • hippoesdoos

    I had a dream you were looking at me like gay hippie. So I lured you to the edge of the pond, there on the bank close to the jungle. was a bed stomped fresh grass and lovely jungle flowers. You waddle your buns of poop. and splash your rump in the water. As you walk up the bank you buns are baking in the hot sun as the river water is dripping from you. As you prepare your self for me. I smile and wink and grin as you close your eyes for my surprise. Your buns generously parted as you farted. You are rammed hard by behind by the horn again and again until you bleed with laughter. As run away into the pound. I could see old Mr. rhino stomping on you.

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  • Hubbard

    Teach me how to do this, master!

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  • qzpmqzpm2001

    yup, perfectly normal i guess. i don't worry about sleep
    paralysis, which usually happens when you are experiencing fear inside the dream. first thing i do is I switch the fearful dream into something enjoyable.. like i have super powers or something, and then I can enjoy the experience. but the shitty thing is when i try to create my greatest fantasies (like making out with a dream girl), my dream just slowly fades off and I have to struggle to stay inside (like "Somewhere In Time" where Christopher Reeve is pulled out of his time travel).

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  • KrazyKat

    ... you know it is your dream... if you didn't you couldn't... if you do... you can... don't worry... it ... is... NORMAL.........................

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  • signuphere

    Not only normal, you're lucky! You have lucid dream. Sometimes I wish I could have lucid dream.

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  • alysonharris88

    I can not only control my dreams but control what I dream about as well

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  • Hollylolly2929

    I wish I could control my dreams

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  • Tinkermack

    I'm glad so many people can! None of my friends can, so I thought that there was something wrong with my mind or something! Stupid thought.

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    I do this all the time it's just you being smart creative and so much more!

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  • sillykitty4444

    It's called Lucid Dreaming (wow, this comment section is like a broken record!), and for most people, it's very rare and only happens once or twice in a lifetime, and it's supposedly an amazing experience... or it would be if you didn't get so excited about lucid dreaming that you woke yourself up. I don't actually have any experience with lucid dreaming (yet... I'm still hoping!) but from what I understand, you should definitely take advantage of being able to do it whenever. Just imagine the (wo)man of your dreams standing right there, and since it's your dream, POOF! there she is! Now... you can do whatever you want with her... (diabolical laugh)

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  • heroinsuicide

    Lucid dreaming is amazzzing and it happens to me very offten as well

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  • CameraGirl20

    It sucks, because I would love to be able to do this. When I am dreaming, if I realize that it's a dream, which I always do, I still can't control it. For instance, if I am running from blasted Freddy Crooger, I try to make myself go faster in the dream after realizing it's a dream, and I end up going 10,000000x's slower!

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  • mafoni

    For me it's normal. I wake up wet every morning having had sex with multiple beautiful women from my dreams. for years now i've slept naked so i won't wake up with my pj pants nasty. true story.

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  • KeeperOfTheNight

    I can control my dreams (almost) every time. Like, if that scene you described was my dream, I would just jump off the cliff and land and be alright 'cause I know I can't die 'cause it's a dream, and then continue to run away from whatever is chasing me and never get caught. Most of my friends/ family can't control their dreams, or at least only a small proportion of the time.

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  • blackjack112

    Not related to this, but still crazy. I sometimes remember bad stuff from dreams I've had 5-10 years ago, and in the middle of the realisation I get this overwhelming feeling of peace and relief, like the weight of the world is falling from my shoulders... It was just a dream after all :P

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  • Evil_Rebel

    I can control my dreams too. Its like..I had a dream where I got a awesome phone and then my sister spills toxic water on it and I murder her in the end. Lmfao!! Haha....sister is already dead..idc.

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  • Aronbalos

    Lmao well I have dreams where I'm making love to my girl and then I get her pregnant....I wake up to find out that I'm gonna be a dad .......like wtf

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  • revecroyant

    Wow this is looooong as fuck, i love dreams and being a wizard

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  • toyfact3

    I can lucid dream every now and then, wish I could do it more often though! I was reading a great series at the time, and went to sleep that night to find myself sitting on a couch, the SAME EXACT ONE I had imagined for the book! It looked, felt, even smelt the same. My body was anticipating, one of the main characters were just in the other room, and I had so many questions. I was feeling so excited, and started to get "lightheaded", I was starting to wake up! I stood up so fast and started to spin in an attempt to calm myself down but as soon as he [the Character] was about to come out I woke up! GAH!

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  • OnionKnight

    I wish I could do that with my dreams.
    Normally I just go with the flow.

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  • BooWozawski

    I can control my dreams toooo. High five!

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  • JessMe89

    Yes I can do the same

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  • Jazmineb

    Please...someone tell me how to do this....I've been wanting to, and trying to....for years...

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  • bi-nice

    when i was a younger a knew when i was dreaming so i could wake up myself.

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  • Kabloo$h007


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  • harukim

    so many times my dreams are lucid, i know i am dreaming, but i have no control. it is like being locked into a roller coaster seat, i know it is a dream but i can't control my actions (usually i am kissing a man or a woman (!) i know. if you can control all your dreams, it is not normal, and i am jealous!!!

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  • harukim

    i have lucid dreams, but there comes a point when i know i am dreaming but i no longer WANT to control the action...i let some other force/entity control the dream, and what often happens in my lucid dreams is that i get kicked out of the dream and wake up. I don't understand. Is is my own mind doing that, or some other force/entity?

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    • blackjack112

      There's many parts of our conscioussness that are unexplored, thus many theories exist about "collective" awareness. I do believe that we exist in multitudes.. which answers your question with YES. There is forces/entities that can guide/manipulate dreams/thoughts.

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  • la-la-la-la-la-la

    Yep, I do it too....not all the time, just every now and then and it's almost always flying. Damn it's fun.....and requires a fair amount of skill. All I need is the slightest breeze, and it's up and up and away.

    The other 3-4 times where I stop whatever I'm doing and do a dream check (which is just checking to see if I can DO WHATEVER I WANT), I grab the closest hottie available and bone the shit out her right there in front of God and everybody. One was on an airplane, another was in a parade crowd, another was sharing a taxi. I think they had a good time....

    God that sounds like something a misogynist asshole would say. Hardly me... I can't stand demeaning porn == like that stupid choke thing, fingers forced in her mouth and down her throat, face cums, face and tit slaps, hair pulling....none of that stupid shit. Fucking ridiculous. That isn't sex. It's jerk-off asshole with momma issues.

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  • Caps90

    Divergent.... ;)

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  • Gideon1997

    Yes it's normal. I used to have those dreams before but now I can't remember them when I wake up.

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  • bihubby

    I have dreams that will take days to finish I will have control of the situation but not where and when they come. Mostly I talk with dead frends, some times good and some times scarey. I beleave dreams can take us places and tell us thinga about are self.

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  • kooljack

    I do this type of dreaming all the time. Its like I live in 2 different dimensions, when I'm sleeping here I'm living in another place" my dream" very lucid. And when I wake up to reality in this world, I remember it as a sketchy dream but felt so real. Maybe that holds true for the contrary, when I'm in this world maybe this is known as a dream when I'm sleep living in the other world, "my dreams". Kinda hard to explain, not sure if you can understand what I'm saying.

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  • LAnthony

    I do that sometimes. I used to do it all the time (I trained myself) Then I got bored with fucking my crush soooo I had to train myself to switch back to auto-dreams and now I can do both but it's kinda hard to just switch in a middle of a dream.

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  • AryaWaters

    That, my friend, is called lucid dreaming.

    I lucid dream so much that, growing up, when my friend told me she had a dream where she controlled what was going on, I didn't understand what was so special.

    I mean, that's how I dream nearly every time.

    Usually it's amazing - unless it's a bad one. That leaves me off-kilter for weeks.

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  • poopforlunch

    its called a lucid dream

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  • goodguysam

    This is like lucid dream there one can control also dream what one want to dream.
    Any one can learn how to do it.

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  • Ocean239

    Took me forever to get to the add a comment box XD I think it's completely normal, because in SOME of my dreams, it's like I'm watching myself in the third person, and I'm in my head, because nobody else can see me or hear me besides, well, me. I love the dreams like that because then I get what I want :P my favoritest dreams.

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  • cynosure

    Oh, this is completely normal. This usually happens to me. It's called lucid dreaming. From what I know, it's dangerous and I am not sure why. But, controlling your dream is really fun. For instance, I got a chance to slap my crush in my own dream hahaha.

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  • xxangel

    Lucky this only happened to me 2 times but one didnt wotk in one I realized it was a dream more like a nightmare I closed my eyes and I was out the second time was when I dram the world was ending lol I think I watched the movie caled 2012 ... so reallized it was a dream I closed my eyes and nothing happened I coulnt even do what u said I about doin anything so yea

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  • fag0la

    It's called Lucid Dreaming, dipshit.

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  • SomeoneSecret

    This is called a lucid dream, where you can control
    your dreams.
    More than 95% of humans get it only 5 - 15 times in their lifetime, some of them never get it (sadly I never get it).
    There is the fact that every 1 in 2 Million people experience this every single night, you'd appear to be one of these people.
    Anyway, you will notice that in a lucid dream, there is always a sign it is lucid. Some people may see a black figure.

    The T.V show "American Dad" actually explainss it well, Steve (the son) begins experiencing lucid dreams, which are signalled by a red ball. Since when in a lucid dream, it feels exactly like real life, his sister (Hailie) throws a red ball which tricks him into thinking it's a dream and he can do whatever he likes.

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  • Fingersniffer

    I love those Im always flying atound or being with a forbidden love

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  • steppenwolf

    Happens to me all the time. Sometimes I'll actually rewind and redo parts of dreams cause I didn't think I got it right the first time.

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  • Fluffypandas15

    Maybe you're not actually asleep? Maybe you're dozing? Like half asleep half awake? Either that or this is pretty cool if you can control your dreams! I've only ever had sleep paralysis and thats scary :(

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  • Naughty_rascal

    Nobody can control their dreams. This is a trick of the mind and memory. What you are doing there is dreaming that you can control your dreams. Also how do you differentiate between dream state and reality? Are 'you' there watching yourself dream when you falsely remember that you can control your dreams. I suppose you could say that dreams are easy to recognize because you can fly an stuff. I have a constant dream that i work in an office, go home to a flat, watch TV and sleep. It's as real as real life. I'm not sure which is which sometimes such is the lucidity of this dream. Which is 'reality'? Also while along the lines of this inquiry you should also try to answer these questions: Who is the dreamer? and Where is the dreamworld?

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  • Secgret23

    Yeah, its normal. I used to do this all the time. I got to the point where I would cry when I woke up. lol. I'm in college now so I don't really do it anymore ( maybe I forgot how to) but whenever I can't sleep I picture a scenario in my mind and if it changes in anyway with my permission I knew I was dreaming.

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  • xoxochick

    I love it when I can control my dreams

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  • funnymoments

    lol like you are writing a movie story

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  • GirlGamerAssassin

    Happens to me all the time. Do you play video games? They say that people that play video games have a 30 to 40% chance of being a lucid dreamer. :) I find it highly useful when I do it. I don't have nightmares anymore!

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  • delling

    You're having a "lucid dream." The majority of people experience this, and you can actually train yourself to have them. Look it up, it's kind of fun. Ways to train yourself include dream journaling and giving yourslef frequent "reality checks" throughout the day. Anything to make yourself more conscious of your dream life.

    I find that stressful dreams tend to become lucid a lot. In a stressful situation, you're more likely to ask "am I dreaming?" And that's enough to trigger lucidity.

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  • SoooCDO

    I have lucid dreams too but after reading the info on how to take control and the things you can do when influencing your dreams I got kinda freaked out, the possibilities are just too far out there for me... I prefer to just let my dreams play out like I'm watching a movie, one of the benefits of my lucid dreams though is that even if I wake up for a few mins I just need to think back onto my dream, fall asleep, and I can continue where I left off :)

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  • SweetKinz

    yeep! u can lucid ur dreams

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  • CreativeThinker

    not everyone can do it this is the main problem for people having Lucid Dream that they cannot change the situation and if they do it they come out of dream But if you can do it consider yourself lucky

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  • abear

    You are Divergent. You threaten the system by practicing your own independent will. Divergent's threaten that system and need to be stopped.

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  • Aonhys

    Completely normal. This is called "Lucid Dreaming". It's when you know your in a dream. You then can completely change what the dream is about even if it is a Nightmare! It did happen to me a lot in the past days I usually have it 3 times every week, while other people have them only once in their whole life. But beware, this may lead to Sleep Paralysis which is a phenomenon where you feel like your in bead, you can't move your body, not even your head. Then sometimes shadowy figures approach you. This scared the crap out of me! One time a man ran into my room and looked at me with white eyes! I woke up screaming and knew this was Sleep Paralysis.

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  • dargueMatter

    I know if i say i dont dream ur all gonna have a bitch fit and say everyone dreams and bla bla bla so il just say i dont remember my dreams. I have NEVER remembered 1 dream does this mean something?

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  • megadriver

    I do that too. One time I was having a nightmare of some sort. I don't remember what it was in details. But I remember suddenly facing the person responsible and saying: Get out of my dream! My dream, my rules! And just like that the problem dissapeared.
    Had other dreams, where I changed the unchangeable, just cause it's my dream!

    It's nice. After all, it's my head on the line! I should have control over what's going on!

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  • ***

    Sometimes i sleep with cartoons on so i can dream about being in that episode or be on the same adventure as them

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  • JadedUnknown

    Often times, I realize that I'm dreaming, only to wake up after that. Sometimes though, I stay asleep and I can control my dreams.

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  • CHDE

    I remember once i had a dream where i was on a tall tower just beside the ocean i wanted to get to the floating chinese restaurant and knew i was dreaming. so i jumped and flew to the restaurant XD then it was war and i went battling with slenderman

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  • Fammer3

    It's called lucid dreaming.

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  • Huayra

    This is called Lucid Dreaming, and it's really quite awesome. Many people have to train themself to learn how to lucid dream. You are very lucky that you already know how to do that.

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  • Kuri0sitat

    Being able to control your dreams is completely normal. Lucid dreaming can sometimes be triggered by accident when your dream is so weird that it makes you think, "Whoa, THAT can't be real! I must be dreaming!" I have this happen when I've eaten foods that typically bring on weird and vivid dreams. In particular, cheese before bedtime is often a trigger for me.

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  • LolCookies

    Last Night I Dreamt I Died. I Tried To Call My Girlfriend. And I Did.
    Lol Afterlife.

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  • Magyc

    I can control my dreams. It cones naturally to me. I can stop my dreams too!!! Its SO AWESOME!!!!

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  • Barns

    I can sort of do the same, but in a negative way.. I always have a dream in which I'm running and trying to hide from a giant caterpillar.

    An example; I'll be hiding from it behind a tree, and I'll have to fight the urge to THINK it knows where I am. Because as soon as i think that, it happens..

    Goddamn. Trust me, it's some scary shit.

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  • toxicsparkle

    I think it can be normal. For me when I dream, I can put it on "pause" then start it back up. Generally I do this when I have to go to the bathroom at night. I also have weird dreams that tell the future sometimes. It's not often, and most of the time I don't realize it, until it is happening.

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  • LucidMan07

    I have lucid dreamed like 50 times in my life but I have only controlled about three because I didn't know how cause I hadn't researched it. Best one ever, I was in a nighmare, some scary marsh/swamp and I see a goul thing across a lake then u thought to myself "that looks like my friend spencer" then it turned into spencer and then I'm like holy crap in dreaming so First I imagined a two story house and bam! It appeared then I imagined a bed bit strangely it was I Minecraft bed, then as I was going to make a good lookin lady I woke up. FMyLife.

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  • iEatRainbows

    All my friends have dreams that they control but I'm trapped in hell in all my dreams... I can't and I try to control them. But once when I was dreaming I was in prison and my cell mate was a killer I kinda started having a seizure and I woke up upside down and panting. So I guess from my friends this is normal. But I can't do s*** .

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  • ikeivey

    This happen to me once. I was dreaming i was at a bar by myself and I all of a sudden realized I was dreaming. Everyone in the bar stopped talking and turned around and looked at me. (this was years and years before the movie inception came out by the way) so what happened was i ended up saying holy shit, i can become spawn, and i became spawn, everyone ran and i flew out of the bar into the street and started to destroy the city for the hell of it.

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  • JustCallumHere:)

    If I'm having a nightmare...I can end it before it gets to the scary part.

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  • anonymous32

    OMG happens to me always. Even the same dream

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  • powerpoe

    It's not really normal, as in, most people cant do it. But it's not weird or antyhing, I just instantly wake up when I realize Im dreaming. which sucks

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  • hendichess

    Oh yes i used to be able to do it, but id only control what id say. I never rly did much iny dreams. Only spoke butnow i font dream anymore. I think i fidnt have a single dream in the pasy 2 yrs

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  • Dalma

    Once I saw myself (from outside) while I was sleeping..

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  • Kohara

    It's very normal, lot's of people can control their dreams. I dreamed the last 6 days about the same person... But I thinks that's very special.

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  • jaylan

    It happens to me also. EVERYONE can control their dreams

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  • taylahrules23

    I experience it a lot and I enjoy controlling them most of the time because it helps me remember the good bits and remember the things I want to happen in real life

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  • taylahrules23

    This is normal

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  • Coolieo

    Ooo if I'd control my dreams that'd be really weird and inaccurate. I just let my dreams go with the flow ;p

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  • busstopboxer

    I do that too!

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  • Smorm

    Yeah, that happened to me as a kid sometimes. I couldn't really control when it would happen though. However when I took an interest in lucid dreaming as a teenager I was able to induce it a couple times.

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  • dazjman

    Dunno... A lot of the time in my dreams, I can hope for something and it will usually come true... But I don't have any real control, sometimes I can't get what I need and end up dying or something.

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  • Perpetuality

    So jealous that you can lucid dream!

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    • Robynne

      Get tired of running. Turn and get mad use anger it's how I started

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  • Bloodcat

    I can sometimes do this too

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  • Itisok

    I can do it to ok for example I had a dream about this dude was naked and over me so I punched him

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  • CrimsonRain

    Ive bsen controling my dreams since i was 5 i was such a smart kid back then. Now im all grown up and im still controlling my dreams. Lucid Dreaming rules.

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  • awwwtiger

    We are a superheros. I've got the same.

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  • igiveusexymessage69

    I am very similar, I can use the knowledge that I am dreaming to manipulate the content of my dream. Do you ever have very satisfying lucid sex dreams?

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  • pipefan413

    When this happens you are having a lucid dream, where you can control things in your dream, it usually happens when you're deep in sleep.

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  • Hollolly

    When i was little, lol, like five years ago, I used to be able to pick what I was going to dream about. It was like a had a remote in my head. I could go from actually being a player in football to just sitting and watching cartoon or whatever,and if i didnt want to watch those things, i could just think of anything and click, thats what i was watching :) but now its like i can't do anything,like if someones chasing after me, no matter how much i lean forward or try and scream nothing happens lol. You sound pretty normal to me :D

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  • MelanieSantos

    awww luckyass i've always wanted to control my dreams

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  • kylecation

    I can only do that sometimes...:(

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  • Zeldamaniac2

    I had a dream I was gonna ask out a really hot girl........I woke up :(

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  • lalalandluver

    I wish I had your gift.I had this WEIRD dream when I was,like,5-6.I was in the tub....with my dog.And it started to turn into a creepy,talking skeleton.O_o.And I tried to get out,but it tickled me on the back with it's boney finger.....I'm so weird :(.

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  • Trick_and_Treat

    yes its normal, its called lucid dreaming

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  • wantanswers

    yeah its called a lucretius dream

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  • stupidassholeguy

    Cool! I'd love to be able to do that!

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    • Robynne

      Remember your actual body in your dream.

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  • CruelHeartz

    Too bad I can't control my dreams. I actually wish I could. It would be really awesome if I could. But if I try too hard to control it, I end up waking up, so I just let it keep going. xP

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  • mas0n

    i use to be able to

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  • GRANTD94

    Yes, this is normal. A dreams where you know you are dreaming and can control it, are called lucid dreaming.

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  • stevejameswestwood1982

    I've controlled my own dreams but mainly on high doses of sleeping pills or hard drugs. ( in the past ) Dreams are definitely a trip.

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  • BioWire

    i cant dream anymore.the last time i had a dream i was in a white room with alot of beds and everyone wearing white.everying around us was kinda white.

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  • Bowser1017

    I've done it before it's rare and I'd like to learn how to do it more, that and I've dreamed stuff that's happened the very next day or a few days later no lie, I'd like to do that more to.

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  • Schweet

    It's absolutely wonderful that you can do that! It's called lucid dreaming, though if you're really adventurous you could probably have an out of body experience.

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  • lastwolf

    it means ur smart... but don't take that as a compliment i also have this ability u shouldn't fuck with ur dreams man ill end up waking up leading to sleep disorders that ultimately open doors to other things u wish u couldn't do don't believe me go ahead and keep doing it just don't say no one warned u -.-

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  • Kululu

    plus whenever I start to realize its a dream, it becomes all faded and hard to follow... and in two dreams I've had, in my dream the tiredness got to me for some reason... it was a nightmare and I was trying to run, but there was just this heavy, HEAVY weight on me and I couldnt keep my eyes open or move or ANYTHING at this point in the dream... does that tell me something, or is it just my mind connecting the fact that I was super tired and put that in my dream...

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    • Robynne

      Get angry and remember your body in real life and how it moved then will it

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  • tehLulzbringer_of_FJ

    It's strange that you did it withour trying. I had to practice remembering my dreams for 2 months before I could have lucid dreams.

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  • LittleLover

    i can occsisionally lucid dream but otherwise i dont usually even remember my dreams. funny coz last night i had a dream about fucing a super hot guy

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  • dashly5

    I can kinda also control my dreams but I don't really like to sometimes 'cause some end up being really interesting especially when people I know are in it I wanna see what happens and then when I end up controling it I get mad....I also hate when you have an amazing dream and then you wake up and forget all about it .

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  • levraimoii

    I AM JEALOUS. Sometimes I realize that I'm dreaming and I want to control it but I just can't.

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  • :O same ere!!! mint! , i used to tell people about this n no1 beleived me n used to laff but i no im not guin mad now hahah :) xxx

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  • Yiu113

    Well, that is pretty cool. You are a Lucid Dreamer, and so am I.

    Well, I was after my Dad told me that I could control them to form-fit me. That dsay I had a recuring nightmare, one where these red bodies rose up out of concrete and attacked me. I did two things to the things. One, I took out all of their bones. Two, I made them green.

    Ever since I'e only veiwed my dreams from a third-person angle, meaning that I don't actually insert myself into them(I take myself out once the dream starts.)

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  • cash4gold

    It's called lucid dreaming. You're lucky that you can do that. It's pretty advanced. I've only done it twice but it's been really cool both times.

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    • Doggone66

      Oh man it is sooo cool to be able to do this! I can now and then. Read a book called Lucid Dreaming by Stephen LaBerge, he is the GURU on the subject.
      Controlling your dreams is WICKED fun!!

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  • t7796

    What if you start dreaming that you left your body and your walking around in your room (while dreaming) and you can't find your body...

    and better yet, They think your dead so they put your body somewhere else. Good luck finding it now...

    Theres something to dream about

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  • big.z

    I had a dream a couple nights ago were I jumped of a swing set and I started floating away so I thought I better wake up or I'm gunna puke and I did has too be the creakiest thing ever because it feels like I'm have awake stuck in a different world had another that I was drowning over and over and ever time I said enough and pushed myself of my bed. I thought it was just me

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  • AbnormalGuy

    damn that's awesome, i wish i could have those lucid dreams, would be soo nice

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  • mrsjones

    Find the best dream interpretation book out there and check it out.

    You will find it quite interesting.

    I have experienced knowing I am dreaming and having control but lately my dreams have been scary and when I think about it I have much control of the violence to me in these dreams

    I do not like it

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  • OfTheInvented

    Yeah it's normal, but if I dream I'm on the side of a bilding I just fall man.

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  • Alquen

    That would be lucid dreaming and dream control (someone's probably already mentioned that though).

    While not too common, it is completely normal. I've been able to control my dreams a few times before, and those are the ones that are very memorable (even years later). Plus it's really fun to be able to do whatever you want in your dream world with no consequences (just be sure you're truly asleep before trying to fly, lol).

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  • Lysette

    Everyone can do this. There have been countless books written to teach you exactly how can do it. I do it all the time.

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  • digitalbroken

    I can do that as well. For me, it comes as a result of feeling helpless during years and years of nightmares as a child.

    Eventually, I learned to realize I was having a nightmare and stop whatever was going to happen. Eventually, I was able to hone my skills and turn my dreams in new directions, turning a nightmare into something that no longer scares me, or as it happens, turning any dream at almost any point into a sexual encounter :)

    I cannot do it every night, and don't even remember my dreams a lot of the time, so it's hard to say what I did or did not do there.

    Some people who have this gift can actually use it to their benefit in real life. You can practice memorization, practice talking in front of a crowd, practice communicating or interacting with the opposite sex in any way you want--without risking your dignity or the respect other people give you in real life.

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  • thisisfunny

    I think everyone can control their dreams somewhat. I can usually control everything that happens in my dreams. I sometimes cant but in my dream I know that I am dreaming, I just can't control them all the time. Don't you wish life could be that way and you could control everything that happens....lol I would want to control myself into being rich lmao.

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  • fjlj480

    I absolutely can not understand how this wasn't rated 100%% normal.

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  • JoethePlayerz

    Been doing that for many years. It gets better... I am able to choose what to dream about. Mostly I prefer having sex with strangers in my dreams but it is usually damn good. Enjoy

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  • curt77777

    I can control myself in my dreams, as long as I know I am dreaming. Sometimes in nightmares, I will realize I am dreaming, and change the nightmare-causer into something else, or wake myself up. For example, if I dream that I see a bear (which always ends badly in my dreams) I usually realize I'm asleep and I change the bear into either a plastic bag (it's always a plastic bag) or get rid if it completely. I can also just completely kill that dream and dream of something completely different. I guess some people can, some can't.

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  • TwelvePoints

    Lucid Dreaming, yup. I do it all the time. Here's the Wikipedia page if you want more info:

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  • 01diesellover

    Ive only been able to do it a handfull of times and every time it was awesome I wish I could do it more often

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  • Dolly1234567890

    Wow.........!! I usually can't control what i do in dreams. For example, if i meet a really hot guy in my dreams, i can't talk to him, and even if i do, as it gets better, i wake up or someone wakes me up (its so annoying)
    you're so lucky!! :/

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  • holy cow i love those dreams. in some of my dreams i have total power over everything. one time i even controlled the weather, sometimes i posses people. its just so much fun. but i need to practice with my powers a little more, it takes some serious focus, especially teleportation. try it tonight in a dream and youll see what i mean

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  • russellnb

    I do it often and flying is my favorite thing to do. However I still end up truing hide large quantities of money where I can find it when I wake up. So, I guess I have a lot of control of my dream but not complete.

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  • Chocip

    Perfectly normal, it's called "Lucid Dreaming".

    I do it as well.

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  • Anonysmous

    Lucky. I've done it once. It takes some work too if your not natural at it.

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  • randomname2345

    Yep, It's called lucid dreaming. Every time I try to practice it, I get temporary insomnia. Strange, Eh?

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  • xoxo_mia

    omg ! sometimes i can do the same thing, on rare occasions i can actually realize i am in a dream and then i can completely change the setting to whatever i want !
    it sucks that sometimes i forget it's a dream after

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  • RoadRunner

    Yeh I used to have that, that has a name? (lucid dreming?) Kewl!!!

    Anyways I on't really dream anymore...so can't do it, but when I do, it sometimes happens.

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