I can literally imagine anything

Yeah. I can loterally imagine anyone or anything in any situation or setting. And these imaginations are in like super duper high resolution like I can imagine the smallest detaul on something. Ive even created several shows in my head that run subconciously in my mine even. But I guess you'll never see them because my are skills are literally terrible.

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Comments ( 18 )

    Those will shortly be last gen specs. You need to imagine at a way higher resolution and frame rate than that.

    4K is 12 megapixels. Human vision is analog but can be approximated as around 576 megapixels. The way the human eye and brain work together also means the rough equivalent of vision of at least 75 frames per second. It's thought to be even higher, possibly much higher.

    Don't fall for your imagination's deception. It's currently only a crude approximation of your perception. To fix this issue you're going to have to begin imagination training.

    On Mondays you need to practice imagining tastes. On Tuesdays you need to imagine smells. On Wednesdays imagine touch and the sensations of hot and cold. On Thursdays imagine sounds. On Fridays imagine vision. On Saturdays watch 90s hit film Space Jam starring Sir Charles Barkley on repeat. On Sundays try to watch 90s hit film Space Jam starring Sir Charles Barkley in your imagination alone.

    If you stick to this, you'll see results. Continue this until you reach at least imagination level 50 and you'll soon be able to imagine beyond the limits of sensory data.

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    • Look im no expert on resolution specs that was just an easy to understand comparison no need to go on about this

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      • S0UNDS_WEIRD

        The specs aren't the important part. I'm just emphasizing that the key to imagination mastery is 90s hit film Space Jam starring Charles Barkley.

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        • Curiouskitten444

          You too eh?

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  • vispii

    me too but bragging to people reaps nothing

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  • idkyourmom27

    imagin urself wit sum biches oooooooooooooh dawg :3

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  • normal-rebellious

    I can imagine anything, I can imagine nice people and make it a reality, you can't prove me wrong, I can imagine stormy weather and in the process I will get it eventually, wear a blanket and a warm coat, sit in an armchair drinking hot cocoa while making a buck watching the news, because all I really care about is a nice life and getting out of this rut I had surrounded by idiots all my life. I'm not enjoying the marvels of modern medicine, I think the doctors aren't great, they're poor quality little shits whose medicine isn't good or strong enough to ever work or even heal, an average schmuck with a car injury goes up to the doctor saying "listen doc, I'm in pain, don't tell me the pain isn't there!, give me some antihistamine, doc!", as a result it turns out the opposite of the miracle the doctor hopes for, a malfunctioning medicine the patient takes, and the doctor makes excuses like it's okay for that fucking shit to be fucking offensive, the patient's a fool who thinks it's working, and the doctor gets away with it, he's called a quack, and he should have the joke that he's a duck.

    The doctor's a fucking genius, isn't he? Cures that work as placebos, real medicine he does a half-arsed job at.
    I can imagine myself in hospital right now and see my mother there two weeks later.

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  • Holzman_67

    Audience for one
    That’s ok mate even though I can draw I often say the best thing about being a cartoonist is the self amusement
    Enjoy thy perception

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  • Ewwcheesecake

    Either hyperphantasia or a really good imagination either way id reccomend bringing theese ideas into real life!

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    • normal-rebellious

      welcome aboard, cheesecake will probably cause heartburn.

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  • raisinbran

    I can literally materialize gold coins in my hand, and you can’t prove otherwise.

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    • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

      super mario over here

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    • normal-rebellious

      I didn't know a man like you with an average name would want to make money in their hands, nobody knows where you'll get the gold from, probably because you're stuck in a town, 'burb, or city and need extra money, the cashier is so innocent, they'll sell you a product and not know you're misbehaving, unless raisinbran doesn't misbehave, whatever, adults do any stupid things they want, they would probably play the cocksucking cowboy if they want to.

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  • Tinybird

    I'm the same way, even about the whole show in my head. However I am actually working on making my show an actual animation. I already wrote hundreds of episodes as stories, and as mangas, which are completed, but I am just now working on making an animation of it. I even have hundreds more episodes I haven't even written down yet.

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    • normal-rebellious

      You're an amateur, you don't have a bank account, you should be making money, yes you need money, and if you were a millionaire which I think you really are, not poverty-stricken, I think that's a lie, then you can make excuses and not want the money since you have so much. I would think a lady like you is polite and sits on her tuffet eating a hamburger. I suppose there's absolutely no hope if you make excuses even of that, but to avoid making assumptions, here's the "facts": you rely on the government for an allowance,
      you're very busy making songs to which nobody cares,
      you're not selling any albums or records,
      you're a waste of a dime to a beggar,
      you live in a fantasy and probably want to remove your bum as you sit down,
      when men pinch you on the bum, they want a piece of ass from you,
      your parents couldn't care less about your problem and accept you as a woman who eats popcorn watching movie flicks at night,
      your parents are average by comparison and talk like an average slob, in bad taste, who makes junk food for you, what they don't eat, because you haven't heard of superfoods like ancient grains, vegetables and wheatgrass.
      You stock your fridge with food that makes you a lardarse and probably eat ice cream without the sprinkles.

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      • Tinybird

        Actually lots of people like my songs. And I am literally vegetarian and so I always eat vegetables.

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        • normal-rebellious

          Yeh, but what about the money? You who maybe takes off her bum when she sits. You should think about money.

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  • SkullsNRoses

    Sounds like hyperphantasia, my brain works a bit like this too. What’s stopping you practicing your skills to bring these ideas to life?

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