I can see the colors of music?

Every since I began playing the piano I’ve feel in love with classical music. Whenever I listen to classical pieces I notice that I can feel and see the color of the music.

For example, when I listen to 05 Étude in A minor, OP. 25, No. 11

I can feel the piece radiating the colors Red, orange, and yellow

When I listen to Clair de lune i can imagine the colors Purple, blue, and red

This goes for many other pieces.
It also happens when I play a note. If I play a C note I think of the color green. Whenever I play an E note I think of red.

It’s strange? But something about it brings a feeling of warmth and comfort over me. I can maybe draw the piece of music using the colors that I imagine go along with it.

Is something like this normal? Sometimes I’m scared that I’m insane.

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Comments ( 6 )
  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk


    also whats dark sidea the moon look like?

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  • Rainbowgiraffepooburrito

    I’ve always wanted synesthesia you’re so lucky

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  • SmokeEverything

    You are conscious at a higher level if you're seeing sound. Do you take psychedelics?

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  • Cool, it looks like you were born with synesthesia. Syn = union and aesthesis = sensation. It's a union of the senses.
    (I learned that from class in Persona 5, lol.)

    It's a good thing. Some historical geniuses have had synesthesia, including composer Frank Listz, who instructed his orchestra to play the color purple.

    There's also this math genius who sees numbers as colors or something-


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  • Boojum

    It's not very common, but you're definitely not nuts. As donteat says, it's called synesthesia.

    However, my understanding is that most synthesists say that they actually _see_ different colours associated with different individual musical notes, pieces of music, numbers, letters, words and so on, rather than just "thinking" about the colours.

    As long as it's not so distracting that it harms your performance or your enjoyment of the music, I think you should try to think of it as an extra sense and accept that it's just the way your brain is wired.

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  • matthewtheking

    That sounds freakin cool, I might start using that technique when I play guitar.

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