I can't ask personal questions here anymore

This used to be a place where I could come to ask any question I had, to get answers to any insecurity, but just now I was going to ask a question about something that has bothered me and I've been ashamed of my whole life, and I feel I can't because of the moderation having been handed down to a user ( I don't know who but have an idea )

And I don't like the idea of this user, or any user in case I've got it wrong knowing that the question came from me, is it a normal worry?

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76% Normal
Based on 42 votes (32 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • Freedom_

    A user? Is that true? I should think on a website such as this that they would have to forfeit their regular membership... Even so, I doubt they'd be able to see who the OP's are.

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    • Well I heard rumour of it a while ago after the management went and its gotten worse since especially after a few conversations I had with who I think it is then you've got the stuff like Charli and anti hero not being able to comment on each others posts it all adds up to me

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      • charli.m

        Curious as to who you think it is. Idk how you can say without...well...saying it, though :/

        I am 99.9999999% sure, have been for over half a year now, but just on the off chance I'm wrong, I don't want to accuse someone if they're innocent.

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        • CalciteQueen

          I've been trying to host a Google Docs link so that users can anonymously comment who they think is the mod. Not sure if these messages are sending but I know the previous few with a link to the doc have been filtered or manually deleted.

          (but holy fuck, I swear I have positive karma so this is just moderator intervention)

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          • charli.m

            Oh hey :) Long time no see.

            Most links are auto-modded, yeah :/good karma or bad. Whether shit gets through is at mods whim.

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        • CalciteQueen

          Here's a Google doc that's open to guesses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1S7oKAc0exboXTgMYuapEJOAjUX9EkK43ygZWyScYDCo/edit

          It's anonymous, I don't think you even need to register for a Gmail account. And even if troll(s) delete existing suggestions, I can always restore previous revisions.

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  • TrustMeImLying

    Regardless of if the rumor is true, this is sad. Even more so because I strongly identify with you. I've thought of submitting, or at times actually written up, several elaborate personal posts over the past ~10 months but almost always overruled my decision to post them because of anonymity concerns. It's not a paranoia or fear in my case but just... undesirable to post knowing there's a chance of connecting what you say to you.

    You can try creating a random account and submitting what you want to as a one-off post on quora, yahoo answers, or even blahtherapy (which is anonymous 1on1 chat). Sure you aren't "anonymous" as the OP there, but the sheer traffic of all those sites in a way preserves your anonymity. You could also create a new IIN account and use a proxy or something to make your post. As a last resort, I, and surely a few other users, would be more than happy to lend you an ear personally via email/kik where you wouldn't be obligated to reveal any details about yourself, not even your gender/country. Pick whatever but say what you need to say. (no john mayer intended)

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    • Legion

      I kinda feel the same way, sometimes I wonder if I have revealed a little too much.

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