I can't believe in unicorns but you can believe in a "god"?

So naturally henever I tell someone I think unicorns are real, they look at me like I'm crazy and say they aren't real you've never seen one they don't exist and I reply simply you believe in a "God" and I've never seen one of those either, they don't exist.So what I'm getting at is why do people choose to blindly follow and believe in something they haven't seen or even been proven to exist?, blindly following words and live there lives and make decisions based from an old book,text or scroll etc. written from a time that was drastically different from a time we know today. Is it out of faith, do you need something to believe in when times to get hard?

Well here's just my opinion and views on faith(religion) in general.Religion is a tool of war designed as a way to keep countries, society, and individuals divided and in constant conflict, point blank period.I feel as though places of "worship" are the biggest scams of all time and there only used for lining the preachers pockets, lol every religious gathering or function never fails they collect money,(I'd run this scam myself if I knew I wouldn't get caught).I think every religious text/story was simply a form of communicating a set of moral guidelines for early man to follow because they were basically lawless. And I feel half of the stories told in these religious texts were purely for entertainment and used as a way to show people the idea of what "good" morals were/are.

But To bottom line it why do you believe in the faith you follow?

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64% Normal
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Comments ( 9 )
  • davesumba

    I believe in God with 110% certainty because at a time of crisis, he showed himself to me and supernaturally healed me. So in fact, I have in a sense, "seen" him, along with many other people.

    Nothing that God expects from us is illogical, and actually does help us to live a happier life. Satan has caused a bunch of confusion and conflict though as to what exactly it is that God expects.

    Yes, some churches are somewhat of a scam, and you wouldn't be the first person to think of this type of con. I forget the verse, but after God showed himself to me and I realized I needed to then give my life to Christ, one of the only things I found comfort in was reading the Bible. I forget which verse, but I remember reading somewhere about how people, who may not even believe what they are preaching, would become preachers for the money, or go to people's homes saying they were Christians/preachers so that people would let them stay there and/or feed them for free.

    Most of the New Testament was written by Paul, who made it a point to have a 'day job' so that the churches he preached at wouldn't need to pay him, to affirm that he was an honest man, diligently seeking to spread the truth.

    Churches need money somehow to pay their full time staff, who have devoted their entire life to spreading the Word. The leftover money is then used for things like mission trips, charities, church activities and maintenance, and for members of the congregation in desperate times of need. Some churches do misuse/misappropriate this money though.

    I feel a need to give money to the Church, but I'm skeptical as to what church I should give my money to. The first church service I went to when returning to the church i used to go to with my parents, I decided I wanted to give some money, but I got a bad feeling after I did it. A few weeks later I found out one of the things that the church decided to do with the money was send one of the pastors' sons to a medical "specialist" for autism treatment. Which I feel like is a demonic/spiritual problem which can be 'cured' with prayer/deliverance, and I did find one story online where a father was able to help his son in this way. (in one of the instances where God showed himself to me, he told me about the aspect of demons in the universe and the types of mental/physical problems which they can cause, that some of the healing Jesus and his disciples did in the Bible was casting out demons, and that people can still do that today, about the specific ones that I had, including a "deaf/mute" spirit which is talked about in the bible, and today, would put a child on the "autistic spectrum"). Some churches don't believe in the need to cast out demons, or the supernatural "gifts of the spirit," which are very real manifestations of His power, but at the same time, sometimes Satan uses counterfeit manifestations to mislead people.

    But even in places of worship that may or may not be a "scam," it is important for believers to go. The "church" is wherever 2 or more believers meet, and wherever 2 or more people meet, God is there, and His presence can really be felt in churches with pure spirit filled believers.

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    • Stamex


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  • Stamex

    Does anything REALLY exist?

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  • wigz

    The Bible mentions unicorns numerous times.

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    • User-name

      Exactly! It's right there in the book of Ruth, but no one ever reads it.

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  • sega31098

    What do you wish to know is normal or not?

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  • Dot123

    Is any of it even real?!

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  • I don't believe either.

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  • Anonymous-Poll-Creator

    I don't believe in unicorns or God.

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