I can't get a job and i am losing my fucking mind

i'm 20. i've only had one job and didn't hold it long cuz uhh

-in order to view schedule when not at work, u need a phone number
-i do not have a phone number
-i cannot get one because no money
-i got the job FOR money
-phone number apps do not work
-i could only write down my schedule when at work
-i was not scheduled for multiple days
-got fired for not showing up for those days
-couldn't see that it was changed because i can't log in at home

anyway ever since i've been tryna find a new job. my dad will take me to work, but only 3 days a week. therefore, i can only work 3 days a week until i can afford transportation

because of this, NO PLACE will hire me. i've been applying for over a month now and haven't made it past the interview stage. idk what to fucking do. i just wanna move out of this house and be able to afford my own shit

also i'm fucking trans and my dad doesn't know so i wanna gtfo as soon as possible so i can start HRT

i'm at the end of my rope guys what the fuck am i supposed to do

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Comments ( 10 )
  • litelander8

    Try applying to small business’s.

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  • Grunewald

    You could legitimately ask your dad to buy you a phone contract, I think. You are young and you need it to find work. It's a need. He's your dad - that's what dads are for.

    Unsolicited and potentially unwanted advice coming, but I think it would be wisest to let HRT wait. Your priority is getting your feet on the ground.

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    • my dad has been an obstacle. because his wife and 2 of his kids left, he's clinging to my sister and i. he is actively trying to dissuade me and keep me from getting a job. along with that, when i just ask him to get me FOOD when there's nothing to eat, he says that he's broke and can't... then i'd smell something he brought home coming from his room

      he doesn't care.

      and yes, i know that HRT is, objectively, less important than basic necessities. it's just that as time goes on, the mental anguish from dysphoria gets worse and worse and i keep doing more drastic and unhealthy things to myself in order to try to alleviate it.

      i can tell that this situation is taking me down a dark path so i'm considering therapy. i have insurance so it shouldn't cost money

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  • Wow3986

    Your title is offensive to people who have brain damage.

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  • Tinybird

    You swear too much so reading your post and comments is giving me a headache, also try being 26 and never having had a job.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    Would this site help with the phone issue?


    These are the plans. As for the phones listed on that site, ignore those. I use a 80 dollar LG phoenix 4 and it works just fine with the 20 dollars a month plan.

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  • kikilizzo

    You are very young. Most 20 year olds nowadays are unemployed or has a extra job where they get called in if they are needed. Most do not have a stable job that young. I'm on the autism spectrum so I get the struggle. Been sent to various different job coaches who did nothing until I was finally sent to one who was able to find the perfect place for me. I agree with the comment about trying small businesses. Problem with those is they often have very limited income though so they might not be able to afford hiring you fulltime, but a stable parttime job is good and if you have the energy for it you could get a second job too at a fast food place or something because they are literally always hiring. It may not be amazing to work in fast food but I have really bad social anxiety and I was able to do it once, if you really want a job badly you try everything + it's great experience. It does sound like you're making excuses. You can get really cheap phones, a used phone or just a cheap brand. You can apply for welfare and afford those essentials with that until you have a salary. I'm not american so I don't know how welfare works in other countries and what is available but i'm sure there's something. When i've had welfare it's certainly not much but you can still afford a cheap phone if you still live at home and you don't waste the money on a bunch of shit you don't need. Just apply for that and get yourself a job coach too because they can be really useful as they have connections which you don't.

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  • raisinbran

    You can get a phone for $50 or less plus a cheap monthly phone plan. Borrow $100 from your dad. Get a bike or take the bus. Sounds like you are making excuses.

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    • i fucking wish i had $50 for a phone or any money at all for fucking anything. i can't fucking do this anymore man im gonna do something drastic

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      • raisinbran

        Just wait, things are gonna get bad for everyone. This is not a you problem.

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