I can't pee when others are listening!

So...If I THINK or KNOW others can hear me pee...I have a really hard time going.

I usually put the hand dryers on when using the bathroom so others can't hear me.

I'm just hoping I never have to take one of those drug tests (or what ever) where they give you 3 hours to pee in front of them or they assume you guilty...cause it's going to be a LOOOOOONG three hours!!

Is it normal to be unable to pee (or have a hard time) if you think others are listening?

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85% Normal
Based on 820 votes (697 yes)
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Comments ( 45 )
  • pickleweasel

    my thing is: sometimes you know when you get to the urinal & it takes a few seconds to get going? well i hate when others can hear me NOT peeing. the silence drives me crazy & keeps me from peeing even longer. so i have exact opposite.

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  • TheGuruOfTheSauce

    I have a small penis, while taking a drug test the man scoffed as he looked at what I had pulled from my pants...His shirt and face was then covered in piss.

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  • spcD

    i am in the army and it is manditory for us to take drug test all the time in matter of fact i had to take one today that is why im writing this!! i have a horrible case of shy blatter! i cant go and my sgt sit there and make fun of me and yell at me while im trying to go which makes it worse! they made me push hard and drink crazy amounts of water until my blatter feels like its going to explode and it still wont come out! they made me shit myself i pushed so hard! embarsssing and depressing i feel like no one cares and i dont know what to do! im so angry and depressed inside! i finally got some out by pushing on my bloated belly really hard and squezing out just enough urine which i know cant be good on my blatter! i felt so sick and phycologicly messed up after words and no one cared i just got made fun of more :(

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  • LagX


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  • uhclem

    I used to have this problem but came up with The Perfect Solution!
    I'm a male, BTW.
    Sit down to pee! You'll be amazed! Try it.

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    • piglet117

      yea, i do taht too but others call you a chick

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      • uhclem

        If folks call me a chick for sitting down I just show 'em my man junk.
        I even offer to let 'em have a feel so they're certain it's real.
        The shyness is about peeing not folks seeing what I got in my pants.

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  • $$AngelCake$$

    Yeah.. I get annoyed when a friend wants to go to the bathroom with me.
    And if I'm alone in the bathroom, and I go to wash my hands, I try not to look at the person who might of heard me pee. The worst is when people try to talk to me when I'm oing it. I get so "pissed!!" Lol. Pun

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  • Piggy123

    flush the toilet then pee

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  • yoyomofo

    i have this too. it's called paruresis or shy bladder. look it up wikipedia

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  • JustDeep

    When i was younger i could piss anywhere, i didnt care, once when i was 5 i took a piss out my window while half the neighbourhood was outside lol tho when i got around 12 i couldnt piss if any1 was in the room, i dont even take a piss at school cuz of it

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    • hiyi u know at school when u had this problem how long could u not go for mine has been for a little while now i go home at lunch do u have any complications

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  • trees45

    BTW I'm female & find it difficult to start the flow within earshot of anybody. Last week I was staying in a friends house & it got to the point after trying several times over a 16 hour period by which time I was in pain & I sat on a pile of towels and managed to get going, what a relief!

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  • just peeing when someone can hear you, no worries, i cant pee if anyone is around, withing 10 feet of me, so i have alot of problems in puplic loos, i always have to use a cubical, very shy bladder

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  • CouveTJ

    If you are bladder shy for any of the two most common reasons: 1: You don't want people to hear you pee or 2: You don't want people to see your package...sitting down while peeing solves BOTH issues...if you do it right it will make no noise and if someone barges in on you it will just look like you are taking a dump and they won't be able to see your ding-a-ling...For me, it's about a 50-50 percent chance if I can pee standing up in a public restroom, but when I can't, I just sit down...TRY IT! Sitting down is the best solution and screw whoever says "oh you must be a girl" that is just immature baby-talk...

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  • tickle

    around 30%% of people have some kind of bladder shyness. its more common in women than men. personally, i'm a guy, i can't pee in the urinal in front of other guys so i have too wait for the cubicle. if there are other guys there i generally say in a loud voice "i have a shy bladder. but i'm not shy about having a shy bladder.". since i was drunk and did this for the first time i've felt much more relaxed about the whole thing. i recommend being open about it. it doesn't make the problem go away but it makes it less stressful.

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  • crazysheeeep

    i have the same problem, it's awful. i especially hate going at my mates house. They always have the bathroom window wide open, and people outside can hear! Eugh..

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  • soft789

    I think you should make more other noises the time you make pee. For example, use things like drums and trumpets, or sylvester rockets for the time as you make this. And loud whistle.Other listen and - maybe whistle with you together. So you can make your pee,whistle together the river kwai march with the other and play drums and starting sylvesterrockets.Great? If you are enough, you have a new group, later a show.The pee pee peoples.

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  • BruceIsSoCool

    wow i thought I was the only one! yeah I have this same problem and what sucks if people are waiting behind you then you can't go and you don't want to keep them waiting so you act like you went pee than you have to wait till everyone is gone ect... as for the drug test what you have to do is drink a ridculous amount of water (about 3-4 bottled waters) and about 15-20 mins you should be set but if you have to hold it damn it hurts

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    • UtopianCosmos

      Be careful.... you can die from drinking too much water.. It's called water poisoning (I know yeah? Crazy lol)


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  • haha98

    i has been like this since my first gf left me AND IM STILL LIKE THIS FREAKIN 5 YEARS LATER

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  • DemonicFortuneCookie


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  • Beach_Bro

    I'm on both sides of the fence here. If I am hanging out with women that I know (family or friends - not GF), and the bathroom is so close to where everyone is hanging out that they could easily hear me pee, I either aim for the side of the bowl or sit. Otherwise, I'm the opposite and like to aim directly at the middle of the water and hear my pee stream blast into the toilet. Many of my male friends and I won't bother to close the bathroom door to pee when it's just the guys hanging out.

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  • Jaydods39

    I have this problem too! I have to distract my brain from worry on this...I play on my iPhone like read something....and then pee finally might come out...I hate how public bathrooms are!

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  • Sonicfanz

    I have a similar situation. I have a considerable amount of bathroom-related stress, and I often wonder if it is even worth a trip to the ladies'room if I won't even be able to relieve myself. It's like, as soon as another woman enters the bathroom, my bladder shuts down, and it feels like I don't have to go anymore... and I would hate that woman even more if she chose the stall next to me (Am I right, people?). Also, I pretty much always think other people are listening... like I can't pee until either somebody else starts peeing or somebody turns the hand dryers on. So yeah...This is definitely normal. There are many others in the same boat as you, including me!

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  • Avant-Garde

    Same here! This is one of the reasons I can't use public toilets. What if people knew what stall I went in and heard me or what If they could see me through the faulty cracks in the stall? I can't even Properly pee into one of those urine containers. At home, I literally can't go to the bathroom if relatives I dislike are upstairs. What if they can hear me through the door?! I guess it's a phobia and a nerve wrecking on at that!

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  • puffygreen

    i cant turn on water cause they need to hear how impossible is this to do, i mean fuck this stupid

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  • puffygreen

    wow, i used to smoke alot of pot most of my life but i quit it so i could work on the rigs (1 1/2)months, more than enough , landed an insane job paying crazy, yesterday i had a drug test and i was nervious cause theres still a small chance i could fail so was nervious, i cant pee in bathroom unless i have the fan on, let alone some hot chick standing outside the door listening to make sure i dont cheat, i chugged cranberry juice and orange juice to make it easier but i couldnt go, she made me sign a shy bladder thing and i tryed three times on a time limit of three minutes each time while people are waiting for me, this is fucken crazy ! So i got frusterated and took off, went to my boss and he said try again tomorrow, so gratefully i did and the next day i tryed again three times but i cant get over the silence of her listening each time i had to go so bad but i couldnt the most frusterating thing i have dealt with in years! Just cause i couldnt piss in a cup under the cercumstances i lost a $100,000/ year job fucken stupid ah ! im so imbarrassed i didnt even call him back today cause thats two refussals they call them in two days, he wont understand i know it i just wasted like 400 dollars of there money im so pissed !! pun :) fuck

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  • St.Clair59

    I hate when I feel like other people can hear me going too. I hate when I have to hear other people pee as well. It's very normal.

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  • It's just embarrassing and normal.

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  • bingo1087

    Guys, i have a cure for this.

    When you 'have' to pee, or just want to pee, in public: use soap to rub around the head of your penis. Doing this in a clockwise motion will sensitize the penis to the point where you get these sudden recoil like movements while the urine is being forced out. It sounds pretty crude but trust me, it's painless, and it will save you a HELL of humiliation in those drug test clinics especially if you have an overzealous nurse with a loud mouth.

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    • haha98


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    • bingo1087

      Make sure you wet the soap so that you build lather. It could be liquid soap or solid soap as long as it's liquid to spread it around your penis.

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  • knowsnostars

    i have the exact same issue.
    i dont put on the hand dryers or whatever, but im always thankful when someone walks in and decides to do it for their own use.

    i just simply get embarrassed when i know people are literally listening to me urinate l:

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  • Confusedgirl

    I dont think you have a problem. Everyone has something that they do others might find weird. But its what you feel comfortable that matter. I can go if someone if listening, but i dont like feeling like someone is listening. Your okayy, there way worse things you could be rare about im sure alot of people are just like you.

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  • sepia

    Idk if it's normal, but u can always jus flush the toilet 1st and then pee so others can't hear u...

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  • Jim_Pfoss

    Very common. I've heard it called "bashful kidneys." I understand they make some noisemakers for public japanese restrooms for just this issue.

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    • UtopianCosmos

      That's what I'm afraid of!!

      I once was in a concert hall watching a performance in 6th grade...and I needed to go so badly I was crying, so I was ushered out. The bathroom was crowded but quiet and I couldnt pee...my teacher started getting upset with me when the fire alarm went off!! I still couldnt pee because I was scared, and the alarm wasnt constant. Finally the sprinklers came on and it was enough nose for me to pee LOL. Luckily I wasnt getting wet till I left the bathroom though :D.

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  • yep i have the exact same problem it's called bladder shyness, it's really horrible and i dont think there is anything to fix it, basically if you ever get in a situation where you cant piss alone you will probably rupture your bladder i had to take a drug test once and it took me 4 hours and then he finally let me use a stall then i peed after like 10 minutes, it's pretty horrible

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  • Alejandro

    Just put some toilet paper in the wc and than pee on it. It will make a suuuuuubtle almost unpercievable noise.

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  • fiendish

    Its simple when it comes down to it you have a sort of shame of ur penis. . . Either its not big enough or good enough or its to small so it doesn't make enough liquidy noise when it hits the water or others might think its small or judge it from hearing you pee.... u just need to get over it and force that piss out and make enough noise to make every one hear. . . Come on man. . . I mean think of it this way. . . If they hear you pee are you going to die. . . . No?. . . . Ok then

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    • cableman

      You are very wrong in that statement. I am a very sexually confident man and have no insecurities with showing privates.

      I already know that all these other people have this problem because they have described all the symptoms to me.

      For someone to say "Hey...Man Up!!". This only causes more distress to the problem and whatever progress this person has made toward is now not only lost but even further from reach now from having their problem broadcasted.

      I can never and I mean never pee when someone is watching. I also have the problem of the noise. Am I making enough or not enough should I turn on the water?

      I am now seeking out professional help because I was locked up and put in that situation every minute of every day for a period of months. A person can only take so much stress before something else gives.

      I have had this problem all my life and wish I could come to terms with it or recover from it!!

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    • UtopianCosmos

      I hope you arent talking about me either cause I don't have a penis :P.

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  • chakmak

    Someone is always listening, maybe even watching you pee. ALWAYS. I heard that in public restrooms there are cameras placed above the stall and urinals so that freaks can watch you go. Good luck going now you stupid f*ck!

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    • UtopianCosmos

      Nice try. I ALWAYS go to the stall without vents, etc.

      And that's just propaganda anyways :P.

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