I can't sleep unless i have a blanket covering me.

Even if it's burning hot I have to have something covering me to go to sleep. Especially my feet. I sleep on my side and it's also very comforting to have something pressed up against my back.

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Comments ( 84 )
  • Jen118584

    I can't sleep unless I have a fan going or something making some noise. And I sleep on my side too and I have to be hugging a pillow. If I don't have two pillows, there's no way I'm sleeping.

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    • huBelial

      I'm the same way; I always need a blanket whether it's summer or winter. I have this feeling of being naked and unsafe when I don't cover myself.

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      • Beecake

        ME TOO!! I have to have my lower back to my knees covered. If theres no blanket I improvise with coats, extra shirt, etc.

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    • I'm like exactly like you, but I don't hug my pillow

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    • BugzBunnae

      I AM THE EXACT SAME WAY! I always need something making noise, I CANNOT sleep in quiet! and also I dont like sleeping with pants or bottoms on lol, even if its cold, If its not a cover I dont want it on my legs! and YES it is completely normal

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      • elasticband

        LOL! I'm the same about the bottoms.

        So me: Fan + blanket + hugging pillow on my side + no bottoms.

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    • elasticband

      I'm the same! Always blanket and hugging a pillow on my side. Otherwise, won't happen.

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    • Chef_Excellence

      hugging 'An Excellent Pillow' with bbc radio 4 on the radio, lying on my side with my back to 'An Excellent Wall' is the only way i can sleep

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    • SillyBillyChilly

      Sounds like me to a "T"

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  • aprilmercedes

    I MUST have a thick goose down quilt, goose down pillow and another one to hug on my right hand side as I lay on my right side. White noise on and socks on or there is NO sleep for me! I travel EVERYWHERE with my goose down brood and it embarrasses my husband. But he did not tell me until after we got married.

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  • RAWRxRandy

    Same here! But it's not just comfort, im for some reason scared when im uncovered...
    I can only sleep with nothing covering me if there are others in the room. O.o

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  • Masterlock

    Me too ill go to bed at 98° and still need a thick blanket!

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  • Kittycat101

    im the same way! O_O i cant sleep without having a blanket on me. i feel like something is going to grab me if i dont cover up D: i feel unsafe without one :*(

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  • Roy_Rogers_McFreely

    I have to have a blanket up to my ear. I always sleep on my side. For some reason I always sleep easier with someone else in the room. This one's a little weird but I use earplugs to block out the silence? I think it might be because I'm always paranoid about loud noises. I've been paranoid about loud noises since I was little.

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  • xxxbeautifullybrokenxxx

    Wow I sleep exactly the same way!!!

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  • Myway75

    Yeah, I have to have my fan running even in the winter. I also have two certain pillows that I can't sleep without. My husband is always picking on me.

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  • iconfused

    That is just like me!! I'm not sure what I'm afraid of...but I'm just scared. I hate it!! :/

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  • xxxVengeancexxx

    The power that blankets and pillows wield. I am too the same way. Unless I'm in a room with someone, becuase I feel nothing can harm me if someone is their even if they are not the protective type. I sleep with a pillow at my back and I sometimes hold a pillow in my arms. In my case maybe it's a sign of loneliness. I feel that someone should be next to me and maybe I need someone to hold on to. Like some say it can be psychlogical.

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  • ShadowRunner

    How funny me too, and I have to have my cat with me. Everytime shes not around I fell like something is watching and one time I felt like something was touching my head and I stood there awake felling it pet my head. I eventually had the guts to turn on the light and nothing was there so now I have to have my cat and I do slepp with a blanket even if its melting.

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  • maire

    Same here. Accept i sleep on my stomach.

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  • Wohoo

    :P. i can easily sleep without a blanket or pillow when i'm in the same room as other people but when i'm home alone i need to have my blanket, pillow and sleep on the right side. And i need to set a movie on because i can't sleep without noise. Pretty wierd

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  • The?Q

    O ya normal i have the same thing plus if i don't have a tv on i get scared.

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  • Greenmamba1020

    Me too dude i cant sleep when i dont have blanket and i cant sleep with shirt or t shirt on

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  • B4RT3E001L1z1

    Isn't that how most people sleep?
    With blankets on them?

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  • CheesyCheese1515

    Definitely normal. I sleep on my stomach, and what I do is cover myself head to toe with a small hole to breath out of. I have no idea why, but that's the only way I'll sleep. Oh yeah, it has to be pitch black as well, or else I'll stay up all night. There has to be a source of noise though, because silence creeps me out when I'm ready to go to sleep.

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  • VanessaMae

    Same here, i cant sleep unless I have a blanket covering me! I have this feeling like l'm being naked and unsafe without it. And yea, i think its normal .

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  • Lalalalala42

    I can't sleep at night unless there is a big warm comfy blanket covering my entire body. I have a king sized blue fleece blanket that is my favorite. My blanket doesn't just keep me warm while I'm sleeping it also comforts me and protects me. I absolutely cannot function without my big blue blanket covering me. It is so warm, soft, and beautiful.

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  • SallyPie

    I am the very same, even if I'm out in a foreign country I HAVE to sleep with a blanket over me otherwise I won't go to sleep :)

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  • cinnamonswirl

    Just like me!

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  • crystal43920

    Completely normal!! I cant sleep with a sheet, I always have to have an actual blanket that is somewhat thick to sleep with. Obviously I also sleep with like 7 pillows, I really need to get some body pillows!! lol

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  • Flumeghost

    Ah, just the way I prefer to sleep...

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  • flavoredtrash

    I'm the same way as all of you! And I thought I was soo weird for always needing a heavy blanket covering me. I'm relieved to see that I'm not freaky. I live in Las Vegas Nevada and it gets pretty darn hot here some nights and I still have to sleep with a heavy blanket! I used to just put the a/c on because my room gets pretty cold and it makes me less hot but my mom wont let me keep the a/c on anymore :( so I have to suffer with my blanket and sweat.

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  • nearlyheadless

    Me too! Sometimes in summer I have to put a fan on just so I can sleep under my doona -.-
    and usually once I'm asleep I kick it off anyway, I just need it on me to fall asleep..

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  • obliwion

    same fucking problem >.<

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  • b454

    Ya, I need a blankie or at least a sheet, I love sheets, and a fan or fountain or some sort of noise making apparatus. The blanket makes me feel secure. Its nice to know so many other people are the same way. My hubby can sleep totally uncovered and I just don't get it.

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  • Junk-Food-Night

    You feel more safer and protected covered and the fans noise helps to kill some of the creepy dead silence.

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  • calivargas13

    yea im the same way... lol .. ever since i was little and i thought i saw a ghost i have to always sleep with the covers pulled up over my head.. lol my boyfriend has to sleep with atleast his feet cover though. me too. :P

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  • Me Too! I just can't sleep without a blanket. It makes me feel secure :)

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  • NavsegdaVashi

    WOW someone like me. It's normal. Do you by any chance hold something in your sleep. Like a teddy bear or pillow? I have to and I'm not young lol still got my teddy bears lol

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  • littlelamb

    yes, i feel secure with blanket on.

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  • koolmoedee

    its normal. i'm the same.

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  • XJayX

    Haha me too.

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  • lily268


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  • winkletoes

    Yes I do that. If it's that hot you can use a sheet out if the freezer, or slightly damp.

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  • JadedImage

    I HAVE to sleep with a blanket on, no matter it is it 90 degrees. The blanket has to be covering my feet, ears and nose, lol. Since I was little, I've been scared that bugs will crawl up my nose or ears since I heard once in some fact show that we eat about 8 tiny spiders a night or something of the sort. It's funny how things affect you, and even in adulthood, you still acknowledge it subconsciously.

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  • i feel like ima be raped if i dont have covers on

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  • jetta2

    I need four pillows and a fan And my heating blanket all year long. Even in the summer I have the air conditioner on and heating blanket on and a fan for noise.

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  • ebs123

    me tooooo!!!!!
    i get scared the monsters will eat me
    if im not covering my body
    then one night i relized i wasnt covering my head

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  • wiccamaiden2000

    It is as normal as breathing 4 me too

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  • razzlejazzle26

    i do the exact same thing

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  • DcMithra

    i just love blankets, their a very big part of my life :D

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  • rfgggg

    ya its normal

    i cant sleep even if its 90 90(90 degrees out and 90% humidity) i usually have 2 comforters or just one with my feet sticking out cause they get hot.....

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  • speciall

    it's normal, like all of the other comments say. I hav to have a thick or fuzzy blanket for me to fall asleep anytime... even in the summer.

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  • Star1778

    I'm as weird as you are. I have to have something, even a thin sheet, covering me or I feel "naked". Also, I need three pillows to sleep, or at least to sleep comfortably. One under my head, one behind me to kind of lean on (I sleep on my side), and another in front of me to "cuddle".

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  • haribo

    I am the same! For years I thought there was something wrong with me in the way that I just could not get to sleep unless I was covered up to my ears in a blanket or duvet. I told my best mate and she said that she was exactly the same. I researched it and it said that some people do it because they are scared, others do it because they have done since they were little and they can not get out of the habit!

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  • CrimzonRayne

    Thank god someone else feels that way!
    I sleep a very specific way, and if I don't, regardless of HOW tired I am, I can't sleep! I need a pillow above my head, I sleep on my side, my arm has to be under the pillow and under my head, I have to have a pillow between my legs, and I have to have the covers bunched up under my arm and I prefer to have the blanket slightly covering my head, but it can't cover my face.
    I also have to have a fan going at all times, and not a ceiling fan, I mean one of those really noisy ones that sit on the ground and suck electricity.

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  • BlackSaviour

    im the same way
    even if its just a tiny sheet its good enough
    if theres nothing cocerigng me or i sleep with no lights on i have cold sweat noises make me jump my eyees wont close,the i get dizzy and throw up >.<

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  • dulce8

    its normal i have to have one too

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  • Unknown93

    I can't sleep with out a blanket too and i have to have somting or some one to cuddle with when going to sleep and i have to have a pillow tht is not too fluffy

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  • jack999

    nvm i chaged my last comment i changed it to blue now

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  • jack999

    me to but i can not sleep whene there is no nores so i wake uo like 5 time a night to move ot replay an movie on netfixs its gets me mad because im always tiyerd and that sucks and im a guy

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    • jack999

      my thing is not supost to be pick im not gay sorry and agin IM NOT GAY

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  • 0788mg5s

    omg mee tooo :|
    i also have to have the blanker in between my legs :$
    buut not because im horny

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  • andres17

    same with me, i use the same quilt in the summer that i do in the winter. i wake up sweaty sometimes but thats what a shower is for

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  • Born2BAStar

    Wow Same!!!
    No Matter What My Feet Have 2 Be Covered.
    I'm In My Comfort Zone Then. Also It Makes Me Feel Safe.

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  • pressed up against your back? let me press up against your back.

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  • KurosuYuuki

    Me tooooo! I thought I was the only one who had that strange thing, haha XD

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  • xcmm92

    i dont think its weird, i actually have the same "problem". the only time i slept without a blanket was when i was like 7 and i got so sick that day that i missed school for a whole week. maybe it was all psychological but i've never done it again since.

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    • Domnal

      Normal. People tend to have very particular sleeping habits. When I was a small kid I was pretty terrified of the dark, and by the time I was six or seven I developed a very weird habit - I would have the duvet covering me completely with only a very tiny hole for breathing. I couldn't bear to have one inch of my body outside the blanket, convinced there were ghosts in the room. I was so scared actually that I would struggle to sleep and would instead imagine talking to ghosts, telling them how much I believed in them and how I thought they were ok and please don't do anything to me when I fall asleep etc etc.
      I'm not scared of the dark anymore but I still prefer to have only my head uncovered - even one toe poking out annoys me. Oh, and I really need a heavy duvet and preferably many heavy sheets so I can feel the weight, which I find comforting.
      Thanks for reading - that was a bit of a rant...

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      • timewoundsallheels

        A HEAVY duvet, especially over my feet, is crucial for me, too. Thus I always find sleeping away from home difficult, especially in hotels where blankets and duvets tend to be mega-light. Bless those who provide spare wollen blankets; but even then I have to place my suitcase on top to get the weight I need.
        Somewhere I read, that in order to prevent a hang-over the next day, you should stick out your feet from underneath your duvet. This definitely is NOT an option for me!

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  • ShakeItBakeIt

    I'm exactly the samee! its normally not even a blanket, in hot weather i need a duvet, sometimes i can use a sheet, but i more than often wake up in the night and put the duvet back on :)

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  • ChudFace

    I signed up to this site just to say that I'm the same way. Regardless of the season, give me a blanket or GTFO.

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  • Toots

    Its normal for me too. My friends and partner think im weird but i cannot sleep unless i have a blanket covering me. I think its a security issue i have.

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  • vintagebeauty224

    same here, i dont know why but ive always been like that i guess its just sleeping habits weve never realy seemed to grow out of

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  • CGFE3

    I'm exactly the same, I havn't always been like that but I am now, even in summer, I have to have a blanket covering me, its normal just not for everyone

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  • Nocturnal_Rain

    I can't sleep unless I have a blanket covering me either, even in hot weather.

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  • Tweetebird

    yes, i at least need a sheet over me if not a blanket even when its hot. i think it has to do with feeling safe and protected while you sleep, since this is when you are the most vulneralbe.

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    • Tweetebird

      actually i cant even sleep if my arms are outside of the blanket, i need to be totally covered!

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  • mouseyy

    More than just a blanket I must have the exact amount of blankets that equal a certain weight on top of me.
    It depends on the bed and the season but the thought of sleeping with just a sheet over me and no comforter or blanket actually makes me feel uncomfortable

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  • ixxdgxxi

    Yeah, same here. If i don't have a blanket covering me it's just not happening. Also if my fan isn't on (even in the winter) i can't go to bed. There just needs to be something blocking all the other noise, like cars going by, someone in the household talking, and any other little distraction.

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  • vking

    omg wow when i read this story i thought i posted it i have to sleep with a blankit ones it was 99 degres and i had the blankit up to my neck i sleep with to teddy bears one on each side.

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  • KokoJelly

    totally normal. in fact, i usually have about three =]

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  • hotchickie81

    I'm the exact same way!

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  • Yes, its normal. I need the same thing. I guess it is because I was always using a blanket when I was growing up but even if it is really hot out, I still need a blanket.

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