I can't stand the sound of eating/drinking

Okay, so the sight and sound of people eating or drinking makes me feel anxious and angry. My heart beats really fast and there have been times where I've screamed in frustration, slammed my hands on the table to try and let my anger out and most of the time I leave the room trying not to cry. I can't sit in the same room as someone if I can hear them eating or see them eating, even if I cover my eyes and ears as I still know it's happening. My parents say that I should go see someone about it because they think it's something serious and it really affects my life and has done for 4 years. The thing is, I hate talking to people and I worry that if I do go then they'll tell me it's nothing and I'll embarrass myself.

I'm overreacting 18
I should seek help 39
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Comments ( 12 )
  • gummy_jr

    I hate it when people eat and all I can hear is *CHEW CHEW! SMACK SMACK!! GULP!*

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  • SangoNyappy

    You're not overacting and you don't have to seek help. I feel exactly the same and I know some people who do too.

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    • Leviathanel

      you get an anxiety attack everytime you see or hear or even know there is somone eating or drinking nearby? which if you're around me is all the time because i eat like a sumo wrestler and i drink like twenty glasses of water a day at least.

      i think it's a problem, might even have an easy solution. go seek help.

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      • gummy_jr

        They'd have a heart attack lol

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      • SangoNyappy

        Yes I do. But I eat and drink like that too but I don't mind it when I'm the one doing it.

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  • Avant-Garde

    It's called, Misophonia. I have this too.

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    • Leviathanel

      is it like miso soup?

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      • Avant-Garde

        Haha. No, its not. Actually, I love miso:)

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    • olobersyko

      Oh really? I'll look it up, thank you:)

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  • changes123

    When I chew gum, I do it Llama style. Oppan Llama style. If it bothers you to that extent, you should definitely talk to a counselor.

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  • KeddersPrincess

    Don't work with fast food.

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  • i've seen that at cafes! oh now i know what it means, i thought they didn't like their food

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