I can't stay away
I have a pet cat and I love her very much, I love everything about her-- from the way her cute little tail stands straight up and gently sways as she walks to the cute little crunchy sounds she makes when she chews her kitty kibble.
I live alone so she keeps me company all the time. We sleep together, enjoy meals together and enjoy some good tunes on the telly. She seems to take a liking to action movies and just recently she's gotten hooked on Star Wars.
I fear I may love Princess Muffin Chops-- my cat's name-- a little too much. There are times when she takes poops in her litter box and I sit and watch, but she pays no mind to me. I've even gone so far as to go behind her after she's relieved herself and take a whiff of her kitty poop. It's not a pleasant smell but I can't help it. This has been going on for about two months now.
There was a time she caught me in the act of sneaking a quick sniff of her turds. For a second I could see shock on her little kitty face. She turned around and slowly walked away.
Later that night I sat beside her as she was watching tv and tried to convince her that it wasn't what it looked like, but she hopped up and went to her three story kitty castle. There she stayed for the rest of the night.
I feel so disgusting but I can't stop sniffing her poop and I know this will ruin my relationship I have with her. How can I stop this??
Is this normal?