I can't stop thinking of dying?

Well, everyday, for the past 6 months, i think about death. Constantly, it runs through my head and when i'm trying to sleep it, my brain won't shut off on the whole thought. I'm so scared of death and i'm afraid of getting old and experiencing it. I know it's gonna happen sooner or later, but what should i do to make the thoughts go away?
Does anyone think this is normal?

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75% Normal
Based on 4312 votes (3254 yes)
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Comments ( 120 )
  • butterflygal

    everybody goes through times when they think about death. It is a very scary thing to think about mostly because we don't know what happens when we die. but sweetie, let me ask you this, if you are spending a lot of your time thinking about death and the future, what are you missing today? if I learned anything, it is this. The past and the present are ok to think about, but you have to concentrate more on the now because that is whats most important. if you spend all your time thinking about death, then you missing all the little great things about life. Like cherishing the time we have with the people that we love. instead of thinking about death every day, think "what can I do today that can make me happy and make my life the best life I can possibly live."

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    • Ashley_F

      You know what... I didn't really think about that. Thank you sooo much for the support. Your answer kinda hit me hard in the head and made me think about it.
      I will start doing that and not worry.
      Its very hard but i'll do the best i can.
      I really appreciate it and Thank you!

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      • oldsoul61511

        I have experienced this first hand. When I was probably around the age of ten..maybe a bit younger..this began for me. We are religious and I was informed but we all know that rationalizing in times of stress is easier said than done. I would go down to where my mom was reading in the living room as i was unable to sleep. I would climb under my moms arms and she would comfort me. She always calmed me down but the next night was the same thing. I can only imagine a mother hearing a child express a quite morbid uncontrolled fear of death but she is great as a mother should be at calming me down. I was afraid of losing loved ones and of them losing me..just a feeling of being unable to control the fact that death happens and not being ok with that. There was nothing tthat triggered this emotion it just was. I am going to mention this despite the fact that many including my mother would frown upon it..bexause because this is my personal experience and what I know may bring awareness and comfort. I am now 24 year old young mother. We are educated parents with middle class jobs and quite happy enjoying the simple things in life. I have obsessive compulsive disorder. When I was a bit younger than ten when the death thought occured...I washed my hands over and over. .it was like I would touch something after and could feel the dirt already. I began counting things in highschool..like corners or popcorn on a ceiling. I would write in script with my finger undrr the desk my thoughts. I consider it passion now..I have been diagnosed and medicated and then I have stopped medication and taken the natural approach. I was able to say..hey this is interfering with life its gota stop and these meds are not my style. I wasnt weird althought it may sound it..I was a cheerleader in highschool and had many friends I was also top 10 percent of my graduating class and got into school with partial scholarship..and I am obsessive. Today I calk myself a control freak..if my house is unorganized it needs to be organized..I am a bad backseat driver etc. And this is a direct correlation to being unable to control when I die..I am not aafraid of death and I appreciate every moment I get from wind under the leaves to gathering in the town or with family to watching son run in the park but I dealthwith this all alone as my mother is quick to shrug things off..i managed but not being alone would have been nice. So maybe fear of dying isnt the problem but a symptom. I encourage those co concerned to use the www and learn and observe this will helo to understand and deal with how real it is in their mi nds

        all my love

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      • ParanormalGamer

        I know this post is old but Its the only one I see that I can relate..

        I am a male 36 living with my family in Long Beach.. For a huge chunk of my life I have thought and feared death.. Up till as of late the thought only came when or around the death of someone .(sometimes before they die)... But as I said before.. Lately its been happening a lot.. Its 255 AM and I am on my PC trying to fill my mind with other thoughts but somehow it creeps up and I start to panic.. I feel like I have not lived enough of life and I feel as time is going by way to fast. The fact I am over weight does not help the matters since I known people to die before hitting 50.. I think what I fear the most about death is not when it happens but how and what will happen after.. Is there still a me ?... Will it hurt and be painful?. There are movies where I see people drowning and My fear kicks in and I know how it would feel to not have air ..

        This subject is the reason Why I so want to be a paranormal investigator so bad because I feel that it would bring me some answers to what happens after we die..
        So Ashley your not the only one who has this ... I fear it so much.. I know life suck so bad but regardless I fear death no matter what.. I know that it brings the end to all pain but does it bring the end to me?...
        And where will I go?.. Heaven or Hell?.. I know I am no saint and I have not step one foot into church for years and the reason being is that I feel that there as bad as sinners..
        Anyways Thanks for sharing your story It sure does help to know that there are others who are having this as well..

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        • RickyServant

          Hi Ashley F.
          Im 38 yrs old I'm in the same boat you are, I think about the day I'll pass away.
          Your not going to Hell okay get that understood.
          Accept Jesus Christ , that he died for our sins, " I am the way the ,truth ,and the light no goes to the father but through me". You see he died for our sins he has too much love for us , So he gives us alot of time to repent. He is an all loving God.
          Try and accept that one day you will pass , but you may not even know it.
          Ive so far spoken to 3 people that do not know each other that have died , They should have been dead ,but they came back they see death as not a big deal matter of fact one agreed heavily that you wont want to come back , you are still alive just not in this body , think about it you want to live in that body for 150 years old?.
          Yes you will see loved ones that have passed , you might even be out of your body watching your body die.
          To be honest Im terrified as well , but Ive kinda want it to be done fast if I can't help it , or in my sleep. Right now just to tell you you might end up being 120 years old with the tech they have now and its advancing. To me thats more terrifying living so long . I believe we all go back to the source . Try your hardest to not fear Death. Please enjoy your life. Do all what you can to calm your mind down that goes for all of you out there.
          I dont think its as bad as we think. Shoot we may tell ourselves it wasnt what we thought it would be. In a way we die every night oblivious to the world when we sleep. I hope all of us find peace one day with this.

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        • LW623

          Hi I just read your post & I never write on these things but everything you said is just exactly how I feel...I'm 33 yr old female & I cannot stop thinking about death. I am terribly afraid of losing loved ones. Also terribly afraid of how it will happen too & I do the same things when I see people drowning or being strangled or murdered just horribly painful...does the pain go away? Do we feel anything?? It is beginning to consume my life...I don't know what to do anymore...well just wanted to respond because, again, what you said could've come right from my head....

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        • bob84

          Hi, I also have the same feeling, i feel so demotivated to do things, I am a sikh and our religion believes that there is rebirth, islam says that we shall go to heaven or hell based on our karma, for a good life in next rebirth. does our soul die? is there even a soul? ultimately what will have to happen will happen regardless of believe culture surroundings, so what should i believe in to motivate myself?

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          • RickyServant

            We run back to the source , Imagine feeling love , but a millions times better.

            An all loving God , Jesus Christ, and faith.

            Hell is what we choose,

            Just try not to mess up too much , and ask for forgivness daily while praising Jesus Christ.

            I hope you all /we all can find peace.

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    • bunnycat

      I am nearly 60 and find that at times I spend hours thinking about when I will die and that most of my life has gone.I am the oldest in my family now as the rest have died, I can't understand how I feel young still inside but old outside. I sometimes cry as I am afraid but after letting the feelings go, I seem to be ok until the next time. I just try to be happy now and put it out of my mind if I can.

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      • sdthinker

        I don't know if you'll get this but do u feel like you've lived? I mean i feel how you said n im 20 . Im sickened physically by the thought of just dying and that's it. Your going to be forgotten at one point. Wth? I don't have normal sleep patterns because i scare my self awake. Do you feel like its been 60 years?

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    • Kb16

      Yeah it is normal to sometimes think about our own mortality, but we are not normally designed to dwell on it incessantly. To understand and calm down we need to know couple of things: who we are, who God is , why we are here. Reading the Qur'an will help answer these questions. In Islam the Qu'ran is undoubted words of Allah/God. I will paraphrase some verses concerning our existance, destiny and destination.
      --"did man ask himself whether there actually had been a period in time and space when HE was inexistant ? But then I created him biologically so that I may test him and I gave him faculties of hearing and seeing (consciousness) and then showed him the Way with a free will to choose: either recognize Me or deny Me."
      -- "Allah created death and life to test you as to who among you will follow the right path"
      -- "Allah gave you life He will take it away from you and He will again raise you from the dead and that is easiest upon Him"
      -- "they ask : who will give back life to worn out bones in the graves? Say to them the One that created them in the first place"
      --"those who are righteous should not worry about death; angels shall descend upon them at death door calming them 'do not fear anything today we are your friends and care takers be joyful for heaven .. you have been successful in your life' "
      -- "Those who do not believe swore their strongest oath that Allah shall not raise anyone after death. Nay! Undoubtedly He shall raise them back to life to show them that they indeed had surrendered themseves to falsehood against Him and also in order that He may reward with heavenly bounty those who believe in Him. Allah shall never fail his promise"
      --"life of this world is but a bit of enjoyment; whereas true lasting life is the Hiuse of next life"
      -- "the day of resurrection those who did not believe in Allah and his word/guidance and who worked wrong deeds in this life shall swear that they did lived but one little hour, but those who believed and worked rightous deeds shall have true knowledge of reality and shalll tell them 'no you actually lived fulll life and existed in Allah's account until this day of resurrection... and this is that day but only you do not know it"
      --" raising you back to life is the easiest thing upon Allah ....He will just call you with His Word and there you shall all stand up! "
      -- " he who works the smallest good action he shall see it in his account... and Allah will always multiply the good deeds in your favor toward heaven, while He will restrict your evil deeds to their exact number to ward saving you from hell..."

      By looking at these quranic words we can see that our life has purpose. It's a test that's being laid down for us. We should not be depressed and unhappy with life as to spend it thinking only about death. That simply would mean we have no hope and did not believe in Allah and are failing the TEST. We should rather focus our time and energies in believing and working rigthous deeds .. it's that simple. The Prophet Muhammad said "all good deeds regardless how small are counted for you toward heaven even the food you buy for your own family, even if you made a good smile in the face of your brother, even if you pick up a rock from people's way". So what do we want? Live an automatic eternal life in bliss without death and fear? What sense does that make?

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      • Kb16

        Do not live at Satan's mercy. Think about Allah instead of death focus on multiplying your good deeds by helping people and avoiding hurting anything knowingly.

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    • scotyjoe23

      hi there i was in a car acident last november and lost a friend and nearly died myself now i always think about death and when im gonna pass i thought maybe time would make it go away but it seems to be getting worse i have no idea what to do and i feel lost and confused

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    • Dumbass31

      I worry too. But the other side is real. If life just ended, that would be one thing. But there is no way it 'just ends'. Scientifically impossible. And
      Hell is what scares me the most.
      And the bible's strict words, I'm scared it's too late for me. If I repent, is that really enough? I haven't done enough good things with my life, I have failed.
      Everyday is potential to help others, yet I choose to cherish what I have currently. A selfish way, I know. But I could reject happiness now, and try to allow others happier times. That would allow my soul to feel accomplished. But I am weak, scared, and simply grateful for the good things I've been blessed with. Still I feel guilty, and fear and despise death. I see death in my food, in my leather clothing, on the news, and flying around ln a housefly. Should i kill or let it live? Yet I struggle to accept death.. This world is to be enjoyed, as we all invest so much learning the ways of this world, we don't want to throw it away. Yet its so easily taken from us. Such fear. We are all going to die. Every last one. I try to think of the baby in the womb... The last thing she wanted was to leave the comfy warm gravity free place where all her needs were met, and be forced down a tube into a world where she is on her own, and must learn to use her limbs to survive. But she did it, and had a lot of fun.

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      • RickyServant

        No your not going to hell.

        The wrong side wants you to believe that.

        Jesus took responsibility for your soul once you accepted him.

        The wrong side is the best at making you feel like your hopeless.

        God Bless

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      • Macca

        Hey you know what this is exactly what the devil wants. You thinking it's to late to repent. If you read the gospels there is someone hanging on the cross next to jesus and he says to jesus "Remember me where you go" and jesus replied "I tell you the truth today you will join me in paradise" (PS these are not the exact words just how i remember it) Oh and yer i think about death all the time. It's not healthy it's just something i'll get over with time. I bet you will too. It's better to live in the now and not in the future or past :)

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  • It is normal, but still don't OBSESS over it.

    Everyone knows they are going to die, sooner or later... Me, I know I will probably die young... but there are only two ways to deal with it:

    A: Obsess over it, at length. Stop going out, doing much, continually worry yourself into a bleeding ulcer.

    B: Live life pretty much as you would, take a few chances if the payoff seems worth it to you and LIVE before you die.

    EITHER way you (and me, and everyone else) is going to experience that long sleep in the end anyway.

    The only difference is that when the time comes, if you choose option B, you can look back in those final moments and say "MAN WHAT A RIDE!"

    October Marie - Feeling frisky!

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  • allyscott1970

    Hi there,
    I am a 40 year old male who keeps good health, however death is always at the front of my thoughts, constantly and has been since I was a young boy. I would love to stop thinking about this but I cant. I even went through a period where I didn't want kids cos I knew one day they would have to die!!!!. I have 3 wonderful boys but still feel like this. I need to stop these thoughts. Has anyone any serious suggestions? has anyone tried hypnosis or any other types of therapy? I am still not sure if I believe in God but I have tried really hard to believe but i'm still not sure. It is really starting to get me and my wife down cos I am not joking when I say this is a CONSTANT thought. please help!!!

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    • multifred


      I am an person who have had these thoughts since I was a child as well and I do believe in God and his Word i.e. The Bible I have been married for 23 years and have one (1) child a 22 year old daughter. I am thinking about it more than ever maybe because I am in my 50's now but one thing is for sure you can erase these thoughts by being the best father and husband that you can be to leave lasting memories for your family to remember you by. You are here now and death will come but God through his son Jesus Christ is the only way you are going to have the peace you need and deserve and at the same time expel this thought out of your mind. I am praying for you but know this life is gift and you should enjoy living it while you are here. God Bless

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  • brettbrock

    My brother past 3 years ago...before then i used to drink every weekend and socialize like a normal 18 year old... after that iv looked at life in a different perspective. i cant joke around like everyone eles, i used to have a huge sense of humor and now nothing really makes me laugh.. it is true that all life ends...and no one knows what happens after you die...i think about death everyday...ill just look at a group of people such as in a mall and look at them and say...they dun think about whats coming....inevitable death... but looking at this blog im glad that there are actually poeple that feel the same way... i dun really have a point, but for the first time since the accident im actually talking about the way i feel...and i actually feel better for it...i dunno about god and heavan and all that...i hope theres something after...if its not...well never know anyway... i have to admit that im after seeing signs of an 'afterlife'...i really miss my brother and when im really down somtimes, ill pray to my brother for a sign that hes ok...it may not be right then or the day after...but shortly after i ask him...i get a sign...when im down and i really miss him, he will come in my dreams and ill get to hug him, thats the best times i get no a days...i do not know how dreams work...but if there is a heaven im sure hes in it and im sure he visits me whenever he can.. all i can say is...everyone has to do it...and im sure its not painful. id say its the best feeling you will ever feel. thank you for reading if you made it to the end...:)

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    • lillyhake

      I'm going through exactly what you are except with my father, he passed back in April of this year when I was only 17, now I'm 18 and ever sense he died I can't party with my friends anymore without breaking down and crying and it just ruins the fun for everyone, but also sense it's happened the thought of death and me dying follows me everywhere. If I am alone and think about it, the thought consumes me and sometimes I panic so bad, I have to stand up and walk around or even go for a drive, but going through the web and reading all these different opinions on life and death has really helped me out.And it's really nice to hear that there are other people in the world that get visits from their deceased loved ones in their dreams, I thought I was crazy. When I have horrible days or something is just upsetting me my dad some how makes his way into my dreams and either talks with me or gives me hug. :)

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  • Fluggy

    Since I was about 15 (start of high school) I've always thought about death. While watching a happy movie. While at school and at work. I'm not religious. I think of death as emptiness, a state of never having lived, I guess. I don't really even need to think about it to know I'm thinking about it.

    No one really wants to talk about it. They just try to change the topic to make me feel better, to stop crying usually. If they don't change the topic they just say what I already know. That it's inevitable and not to dwell on it. Most people don't think about death the same way as I do or at all and I'm glad, but they also have no idea how to help me. No one has ever made me feel better, but I do get distracted from time to time doing things I like.

    I talked about it a lot with my sister, but I accidentally made her start thinking the exact same way as me. Now, I can no longer talk to her about it because we both lose it. We just cry together. I did talk to a doctor (who doesn't really talk, he isn't a therapist) and.. medication doesn't help me because there isn't anything wrong with me. It's just my thoughts and the way I feel about it.
    A bad comparison-My boyfriend is always thinking about one certain video game and how he loves it. Constantly talking about it and day dreaming about it like me and the thought of death. There isn't anything wrong with him like there isn't anything wrong with me. They are just my thoughts. Sad unwanted thoughts. Medication can never stop you from thinking your thoughts.Unless you're in some kind of hospital for really mentally ill people, then there might be some kind of medication to prevent thoughts, not sure though.

    Anyways, I live life -everyday- with a paranoid feeling that I'm going to die one day. It's part of me now, part of my normal everyday life and makes me who I am... a nice, caring, wonderful person, who cries a lot. I wish things were different, but they aren't.

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    • Ehazetea

      Thanks for sharing. I too have the same feelings, I hate the religious bs that other people say because as much as i want to believe in that... I can't! I just take a good feeling in knowing that others feel this same way and believe that it is just in our nature to think these things. Some more than others. Unfortunately I don't think there is a cure or a end to when it will stop but just knowing others feel this way helps me. This is a normal feeling. A reason why our ancestors survived life. Just know that its normal, it's not going to go away, and you need to enjoy life as it is and not worry about what will be. Just enjoy every part as it is, know it can get better or worse, and live your life while you have it!

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    • Scenicus

      I was really touched by your post. I really hope things get better for you. I am in a similar boat. Some people do want to talk about it and I am sure you will find them outside of the internet too. I just wanted to offer a cyber hug for all the good it will do. Keep being that nice, caring person and try not to let thoughts of dying make you too sad. Go and do some life affirming things and take some risks, it helps to remind you your alive.

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  • Brad2126

    I have only thought about this twice in my life,, the first in 2005 when my grandad past away this thought stayed with me for 5-6 months, i thought of all different things like; will i ever see anything again,, will i have another life? or will i ever go to heaven or hell?
    The second time is still happening; i am thinking about it more strongly now because i am 13,, the first time round i was 8,, I think about how many years do i have until i will not live anymore,, sometimes i have mini panic attacks,, sometimes when i get out of bed i get a worried pain in my chest,, I really need some advice any help???

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    • Ashley_F

      Yes!! finally! I can compare to someone now!

      It is the exact same problem that would worry me. From the same ages as yours. But i'm 18 now, and its still a bother. :/

      See i don't know if there is a heaven or hell, jesus or satan, and all that religious stuff, but i feel like its the same place that we are living now. But idk... thats just me. lol

      And The panic attacks and the pain!!! I get the exact same feeling. Right in my chest. I'll wake up crying sometimes and soooo scared. Its a horrible feeling.

      And thanks for answering me and letting me know what your problems are. I love good feedback. and my advice to you would be, Not to worry. Even tho its hard to keep away from the thought, i realized, if you think about good things that make you happy, it'll help alot. Because like... we all have to die someday, but we can't stop it. It's life. It scares me but i try to face the facts. :]

      If you want to talk about anything, i'd be glad to conversate with you. Thank you so much! :D

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      • kayrahh

        For me, my problem is not with the fear of death but more the fear of after death. I'm not very religious, i try to be but no one is really sure if god is real. I hope so because i dont want this life to be it, i dont want to be completely gone from the world. I started getting panic attacks from the thought of death when i was in middle school, and they got worse as i got older, i tried seeing a therapist but i felt that wasn't for me, all my therapist told me was things i already know. "death is inevitable", that's not something that i want to hear, i want to hear that everything is going to be alright and actually believe it.

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        • VougeBabex

          I reverted to Islam, explained alot to me. Not just about life, but about the eternal world that we have to work towards, our plance in Jannah (heaven). Islam teaches that life is a test, and Allah is our creator and we are his creation, and we are here to live his way of life, which he has asked of us. In return we will reach his abode.. Heaven.. Ive found a few verses out the quran for you... Now inshallah you will never doubt your life or your death, Islam is the way of life, the perfect true religion :) xx

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          • Jill123

            EVERYBODY thinks THEIR religion is the perfect true religion. But it's all written by men. All organized and taught to people.

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          • VougeBabex

            those who deny Allah’s Revelations will be the losers [10:95]

            Those who hinder people from the path of Allah and do not believe in the hereafter…they will be the greatest losers in the hereafter [11:19-22]

            Those who do not believe in the eternity of the “Self”, will obviously deny the continuation of life after death. Our Law makes their deeds of instant gratification pleasing in their eyes and so they keep stumbling blindly to and fro. It is they whom the worst suffering awaits, and they will be the greatest losers in the Hereafter. [27:4-5]

            … And (as for) those who believe in the falsehood and disbelieve in Allah, these it is that are the losers. [29:52]

            You may worship whatever you wish besides Him.” Say, “The real losers are those who lose their “Selves” and their families on the Day of Resurrection. Ah, that is without doubt the obvious loss.”[39:15]

            …, “If you fell for idolatry in any form, all your works will be nullified, and indeed you will be among the losers.” [39:65]

            …"Verily, lost on this Day of Resurrection are those who had wasted their own ‘Self’ and their families." Oh, verily, the wrongdoers will fall into lasting suffering. [42:14]

            O You who have chosen to be graced with belief! Let not your wealth nor your children distract you from the Reminder of Allah. For, any who does so, it is they, they who are the losers. [63:9] [also see 58:19]

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      • Badge2412

        When I was a lot younger I know I had these fears but it strangely wasn't about a week ago until I started thinking about death so much. One random thing triggered it and now for 5 days I've cried everyday. I suffer with anxiety anyway so I'm not having constant headaches to match. It's nice to now we're not alone it's just a frustrating fear. I can sit here (still thinking about it) I tell myself, 'What is the point?'. It's gonna happen! Stop worrying and enjoy life. but does my brain listen? So I'm torn, I am becoming more scared of the fear of death than death itself. I want to live everyday enjoying it, and I am trying so hard to do so butit's like my mind isn't settled, it's always there.

        The only advice I can offer to people is what I've been doing. Read up on it. Read articles on death and stuff. We will never fully understand it. As for therapy etc. If it gets worse and takes over my life anymore I'm gonna do it for the hell of it. Meditation is also something else I am considering. But you must be prepared for some pain with meditation, focusing on the problem is going to make it worse before it gets better.

        Overall, it's all well and good people telling you it's gonna happen and live life to it's fullest, but to actually be at peace with it is much harder.

        Good luck :)

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        • strangethingshappen

          I fully understand you and how you say your brain doesn't listen. I have similar issue but in the sense that I tell my brain to stop worrying about anxiety and getting a panic attack but it doesn't listen!! And in the past I'll wake up with the fact of death on my mind and how I'm going to die one day and itll be uncanny ! ...

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  • you'llneverfightalone

    God is behind you put your trust in him you'll be granted life forever not in earth but in heaven god will support you no matter wat

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    • rampage442

      Where's the scientific evidence? Why should I believe something that someone say's is real when all scientific evidence disproves them everyday. I have no reason to believe in a higher being when hes killed more people than Hitler, Stalin, King Leopold, and the devil combined. God is cruel, he killed more people than the devil, and this is in that little book you guys worship.
      There honestly is nothing to fear about death. "The only thing to fear is fear itself" - Franklin Roosevelt. When you die, your brain has a way to compensate for the 'pain' it releases a shit ton of DMT, which is a substance that get's released when you dream. Your brain spurts so much of this stuff, that if gives you the happiest filling you can think of. So essentially death is happy and peaceful. Most church goers who don't have research who don't know a lot about science, "Them going to heaven", is actually just the DMT substance kicking in.
      If you feel you do need to be around other people, there isn't just Christianity you can research, as stated above there's Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Norse, Pagan, and so many others who share the same qualities.

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      • koalablu1

        I know lots of people say there is no heaven and there is no god, and they ask how can anyone believe in those things. Seriously I have to ask HOW can anyone not believe. I look at this planet and the animals, the flowers, and the trees and see beauty that has been created by someone. The biggest thing to me of proof in a creator is the human body, science is wonderful but with everything science has achieved NEVER has it been able to create something as magnificent and the human body. This would be enough proof of a creator for me, however I have experience so many things in my life that prove that I have a god watching over me and caring for me and my family. I dont need to second guess it, in saying that I also have this stupid fear of death which is really crazy to me. I know where I am going, I know who I will see when I get there, I think for me its the fear of how it will happen no it actually happening. I have witnessed death so many times in my life and lost loved ones, my husband, my son, my father and grandmother. I have also sat with a dear friend while her husband slowly passed away from cancer. I guess its these losses that play on my mind about how I will die.

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      • Mcwp

        Did you read Eben Alexander's book? A neurosurgeon writing about 'proof of heaven'

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  • Nicolemae

    YOU may have ocd.. I am also going through this.. Get therapy or talk to teachers/counselors. Many people struggle with ocd and unwanted thoughts/urges. <3 Bless you. Enjoy life, it may seem short.. but in the end, it was pretty long.. My best wishes to everyone struggling with hardships in their life. Visit twohla.com. :]

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  • Tilly1

    I am 25 years of age and cant stop thinking about dieing this is in my head alot tried to talk to friends about it but they just shurgged of my questions, what scares me the most is not kowing anything about what happens when you, and dont want my life to end, is there anything that i can do to take my mind of it, I had have no near death experience and really wish i could go on with life without think of death

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  • thunderstorm

    I find death scary not knowing what's going to happen when you die. I wouldn't think about it just do stuff that you enjoy to keep your mind off it and try and enjoy your life.

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  • williams8480

    It is normal. I never thought about death until the year 2007. The first time was when my home was invaded by two masked gunmen. I can remember seeing one of the masked men pointing it directly to my face. I ran into my room and locked the door and went into my bathroom and locked myself in there sitting in the shower praying, asking God not to let me die this way. The gunmen ran out of my home, but it affected me mentally and physically. I started having panic attacks and soon afterward, I left the city and moved in a smaller city. I begin feeling better immediately, but six weeks after moving, my oldest daughter died at the age of 14 due to complications of a congenital heart defect. That morning we were talking and I planned on doing the mother-daughter thing by taking her to her favorite restaurant. I left the house and her and my youngest daughter were getting ready when I received a phone call on my cell phone from my youngest daughter screaming, telling me that my oldest daughter was blue. By the time I got there she was gone to the hospital. I received a call from the hospital telling me I needed to come. I knew in my heart she was gone, but I didn't want to believe it. When I walked in the room where she was laying, she looked like she was sleeping. I held her, crying, wishing she would wake up, but she never did. That is when I realize that death was real. Since she passed, I think about it all the time. I realize that God tells us to focus on today because tomorrow has it own problems. I think we are all scared of death in some way, but, you know what...several days after my dughters funeral, she came in my dream and let me and her grandfather know that she did not want to come back here, that she was happy. God also confirmed to me that she was in Heaven with him. I guess you never really think about it until you have lost someone you loved so much or if you had a near-death experience.

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    • aby

      "I guess you never really think about it until you have lost someone you loved so much or if you had a near-death experience"
      This is absolutely true because I remembered how fear of death ruined my life few years ago before I come out with a solution for that .It first started on 2009 when I was nearly to complete my high school after losing my virginity to the girl that I was later discovered she was HIV positive.No condom used that day even-though I quit after my first ejaculation soon after realizing what I did.Since then my life was completely worse because I was afraid to get tested since I believed there could be no way to have unprotected sex with a positive and u get out negative.I remembered I use to cry myself as a child in my room and suffered from severe anxiety.It ruined my life,I was a super boy,charming,talkative and very bright but all turned off and become history.One day I get up and got tested and it was like a miracle to me because I tested negative and I couldn't stop to verify after every 3 months from 2010 to 2013 and the results was same"NEGATIVE".Since then I couldn't stop thinking about death and get scared of it..it sucks.I have completed my Bachelor degree IN 2014 and having my own company and I still couldn't control the fillings..Sometimes I thought may be I was not that smart as people saw me from the outside because it sucks if you can make big and successful decision for the company and fail to control the fear of death,It was crazy.But I come to realize that non of us do not fear death,everyone did in some point of life so just accept it and live.Remember when you were a child you already knew that there is a life and death so this is normal right..Get up and live guys don't waste your time thinking of something that is NORMAL.Dont think of how much pain your loved one will get after your death because non of them too will live forever to remember your death. Good luck for everyone suffered the same problem.

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  • beckyjune

    Honestly, I consider you lucky. This didn't hit you until how ever many months ago. I've had this on my mind every night since I was eight years old. For a decade it's been haunting me.

    How do I get through it? Death is inevitable. No matter what, we will die.

    We don't know what will happen when we die. So a few weeks ago I realized something. If when we die, our minds carry on into heaven or whatever, we'll be kicking ourselves in the asses for worrying and obsessing over it.
    And if not, if we just die and nothing else happens. Oh well, what can we do about it? Nothing, just live our lives.

    I hope this helped you, cause it helped me a little just writing it.

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  • wreckd

    If you're constantly thinking about death, that may be normal but it's definitely a hard thought to overcome.
    I have problems sleeping at night because I feel my child, my husband, or even I may die in sleep. I try to clear my mind and eventually I will lull myself to sleep.
    A friend of mine attends a mental health center and recieves help for her constant thoughts of death...maybe you should think of doing that too.

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  • xjanineo

    omg...i am so glad this blog is here. i have been so morbid of late. i look at everyone and think...we all have to die. and will it hurt? is there any good way to go? i would prefer to go in my sleep. but the good news is when i read the above post..i had to laugh....i felt the same exact way about everything...why have kids...they have to die anyway...all living things will have to go...life is bad joke when you dwell on this. i feel better reading all these posts. i found humor in my fear...and hell i am just powerless over this. i don't get to pick how i leave this earth, i don't know when it will be..(thank god) and i take solice in the fact that i don't remember being born so i am not going to remember dying. anyways, this fear may not have total left me yet....but i do cherish my life, my health and those around me so much more after going through this. now i need to think about the present moment and live my life NOW!

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  • Go to church and maybe you'll feel better. =)

    In all seriousness it is normal to feel this way, but you have to think about it like this, Would life really make sense if you could live forever? Would you really want to bear living on and on forever and dealing with life? Like 2pac said "Death has got to be easy because life is too hard" I'm not saying you should go kill yourself, just enjoy your life and try to make the best of it, because life always must come to an end.

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  • philosophihppi

    did anything happen when you were around 15 (or maybe even earlier)that might have triggered these thoughts?

    "I think of death as emptiness, a state of never having lived, I guess. I don't really even need to think about it to know I'm thinking about it." --that's really deep; i feel the same way...

    and i know 100% what you mean about no one wanting to talk about it...

    i wish i had someone to cry with over it...maybe you feel bad cause you made your sis start thinking about it, too...but darn i'd live to just sit and talk about it and cry cry cry with somebody about it, share the feelings about it with someobdy else for once, instead of always alone...i always imagined that the act of sharing feelings together and crying together would feel comforting (even just for the time being-b/c i know it wouldn't stop the thoughts of death...)...but to just share the thoughts together...to just cry with someone...

    ever talk to your bf about death? maybe he could help?

    This is beautiful (even though it's sad and scary, too): " Anyways, I live life -everyday- with a paranoid feeling that I'm going to die one day. It's part of me now, part of my normal everyday life and **makes me who I am... a nice, caring, wonderful person, who cries a lot.** I wish things were different, but they aren't." ---a nice caring wonderful person who cries a lot...i'm with ya on that!

    it's both a blessing and a curse, eh? we see life differently. it's a curse b/c a terror lives within us and so we always feel afraid...and we don't even have to think about it; it's just there dwelling inside us...but it's a blessing b/c we tend to be more passionate and love more b/c of this fear that those we love will die, that WE will die, that everybody will die...we tend to see more beauty, and though afraid, feel more life...

    i have no answer, as i am probably in the same boat you are...i rarely sleep and when i do, often wake up with night terrors. there's a cold fear running through my veins all the time.

    they say to busy yourself with things you enjoy right? but i don't understand that, as it is only avoiding the real problem. have you ever heard of terror management theory? in short, it's this theory that we humans live our lives in ways that help disract ourselves from death. a lot of this we do on a subconsious level. here's a good quote to sum it up from the movie My Life Without Me: "“You see things clearly now. You see all these borrowed lives, borrowed voices, Milli Vanilli everywhere. You look at all the things you can’t buy – now you don’t even want to buy – all the things that will still be here after you’re gone, when you’re dead. And then you realize that all the things in the bright window displays: all the models and catalogues, all the colors, all the special offers, all the Martha Stewart recipes, all the piles of greasy food, it’s just all there to try to keep us away from death, and it doesn’t work”......................

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    • philosophihppi

      ........so i'm not sure avoiding our feelings is the right thing to do. but i guess we should still try to enjoy our time as much as we can...but when these feelings overcome us, don't supress them...let yourself feel them-cry if you need to, even if the world looks at us like we're crazy-it's only because they don't understand...but one day, they will too.

      we just understood sooner in life.

      Maybe we just have to live the best we can and love the best we can..and do the things we love, but not because we're trying to keep our thoughts from death, rather because we know death is coming and we need to make the most of this...

      and when we need to cry, cry...feel our fear...

      and find those people in our lives who won't tell us we're nuts or stupid...but find the ppl who love us and will comfort us and hold us when these feeling get so intense...we need to find the people who will be there for us with or without these feelings.

      And above all, keep our minds open. i don't know if there is a God or if any religion is right, etc...i don't know what happens when we die...we've been questioning it since the beginning of time...i don't think we will ever know...but we should keep our minds open to all possibilities just in case...in doing so, maybe if there is a God, he will guide us to him...but how could that happen if our minds our already closed...or we could just never have an answer...

      but all we can do, i think, is just cherrish this all and hope for the best and accept that we are afraid...maybe with time these feelings will fade, maybe not...how can we know?

      this is life. i am afraid. but love, real love (whether with a boyfriend, a parent, a child, a friend, a pet, etc...), i think heals a lot...

      i think we'll always be afraid...but we gotta say F you Death! and make this as wonderful and meaningful as we can...

      anyway, good luck!

      you're not alone!

      be well

      i hope for us both....

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      • Fluggy

        "Did anything happen when you were around 15 (or maybe even earlier)that might have triggered these thoughts?"

        No, I just had to much time to think back then. I allowed myself to wonder what it would be like to die. I thought about what heaven would be like. I thought about being reborn. I thought about being asleep in blackness forever. I did not know at the time that the thoughts would stick with me. I want to believe in heaven and I want to believe that I will be reborn, but it feels like I am lying to myself. It just does not seem possible. I obsess about what I think is the more logical choice, eternal darkness.

        "Share the feelings about it with somebody else for once, instead of always alone. I always imagined that the act of sharing feelings together and crying together would feel comforting."

        Everyone has a different story...
        I have always had someone to talk to. I cried in school, so of course people became concerned. Cried in science class because the teacher was talking about the distant future, a future where we will be long gone and forgotten. Got angry at him and demanded that he change the topic. I walked out of history class a few times. Everyone started asking me what was wrong. I did not find it comforting. For me, it felt more like embarrassment. The school told my parents I needed help. I spoke with a doctor and got medication. I did not get hysterical any more or feel anxiety, but it was not any less sad. I stilled cry a lot. I still cry a lot. My friends know it is a touchy subject. Seeing my sister cry is not comforting. I want to help her as much as she wants to help me, but what can we do, basically nothing.

        "Ever talk to your bf about death? maybe he could help?"

        I do not want to lose him, so we rarely talk about it, but yes I have spoken with him about it. He tells me I think to much. He gets hot headed about it. There are so many what ifs about death and what will happen. It feels to hypothetical.

        "I don't understand that, as it is only avoiding the real problem."

        'Ignorance is bliss.' 'Keep busy to stay happy.' 'We do not know when we are going to die, and we do not know how we are going to die, but we do know we are going to die.'

        I wish I did not know, I am going to die.
        I love being distracted from the thought of, "I am going to die." Even if it is only for a second.

        "We've been questioning it since the beginning of time. I don't think we will ever know, but we should keep our minds open to all possibilities just in case."

        I once read...
        [If you believe in god, you go to heaven.
        If you did not believe in god, You go to hell.
        If you believe in god and he is not real, nothing lost.
        If you do not believe in god and he is not real, nothing lost.]
        ...So you might as well believe in god.

        "Maybe with time these feelings will fade, maybe not. How can we know?"

        Hopefully the feelings will fade.

        "anyway, good luck!
        you're not alone!
        be well
        I hope for us both...."

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  • TabooMasterWriter

    When you die you will start a new life. ITS FREAKIN AWESOME!!! its not that there is million thousand of spirits when you die :D hell no XD you can be dog , cat , human , alien , bacterias. its awesome!

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  • walldust

    I just realize how old most of the posts are. And the fact that i stumble across this site was because i am wide awake in the middle of the night thinking about death.

    I just turn 32. My mom died about a year ago at the age of 52. Witnessing her death sealed my obsession about death. Although most of the people i grew up with hardly talk about the subject. I felt cheated. Why no one thought to explain to me about the inevitable.

    So i read. I read a lot. Through research and convinction and a lot of prayer. Religion plays a huge role when it comes to death for me. I had all my questions answered. I think, thinking about death is a blessing. Because it makes you question yourself, the universe and everything. Had i never thought about death and dying, i would probably be living life heedlessly. Without thoughts to consequences and repurcussions.

    So what i've learn and come to believe so far is:

    We all have a soul. When we die, its the body that dies, but the soul lives on forever.

    There are five stages to the soul. Firstly it was created by a Creator. Then it was put to a body in the womb. Thirdly, we are here living on earth. Fourth, when the body dies, the soul gets separated temporarily. Its placed in another realm unlike this world. Fifth, upon Judgement Day, everyone gets resurrected to meet the Creator again.

    I like that there's order and it makes sense to me. Sources from the Quran and Hadiths. And a lot of YouTube vids. Although my post is really just a summary. I hope for whomever that happens to read this in the future can look into these sources as a possible guide. God Willing.

    And may you find Peace.

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  • brandonwindisch

    Death is such a horrible word i think the words death and dying scare people. Most natural death stories are always claimed to be peaceful and not bad at all. we should look at it as passing on to the spiritual life, for non believers (God help) The ultimate rest. also. people who have near deaths and pass for certain times claim they will never worry again because it was an amazing experience. If you disagree nobody here cares we are wanting mental peace. im tired of scientists trying to disprove everything i love and put my faith in. one thing i have noticed is when we kept everything simple life wasnt a drag with depressing thoughts. science disproving seems to me like a group of people trying to pull us from our creator. to think we poofed outta nowhere is ridiculous. instead of somebody replying to me with science to piss me off just know i wont care until you have an answer for every single thing.Jesus is my man he came here and walked his talk and was crucified for us. a 2000 year old story that hasn't been disproved can't be believed, yet we believe stuff from 10,000 years ago?!?! c'mon people keep it simple im reaching out to you to remind you why your here. THERE IS PURPOSE!

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  • Flumeghost

    I try and not think about and yet I do. It would be a lot better if I knew just what the hell would happen. But, I will say this as everybody else is saying, enjoy your life now. Who knows if it will turn into perpetual darkness with nothing at all, or if you'll have some afterlife based on your actions, or even reincarnation. (I'd love the latter, yet I think it's an afterlife.) I find it morbid, yet we can't stop thinking about it. Enjoy your life now.

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  • thegl987

    you know what, i think about the same things. And yea you are normal. My friends think about it too. But do you know how i get over it. I think to myself, god is real heaven is real. if god wasnt real how would we be here, how would we have nature, and trees, and humans.

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  • Doggone66

    Hi there,

    Thinking about death is a normal thing to worry about but we all (I guess) try to 'not think about it).
    I look at this this way, if a teenager of 18 dies then their 'middle-age'was only 9. If you knew that at 9 you would try to LIVE your life to the best of your ability.
    It is completely normal and I have had a few scares when I've thought "Aaa ok this is how it's all going to end"
    Talk to your friends and others, maybe your Dr if things get too bad otherwise just keep on trucking like the rest of us try to do.
    Hope you feel a little happier soon.


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    • Ashley_F

      Thank you Mitch! I love your answer and now, i think i'm going to start appreciating life a bit more. Just Do what i can whenever i can. lol. But recently i was in the most horrible accident... i'm ok.... but not mentally... I'll post it so you can maybe reply and tell me what you think! :D

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  • justmediocre

    I think about death all the time. Sometimes it will just hit me out of nowhere, like when I'm driving or wtching a movie. I think "holy shit, I'm gonna be dying one day." To be accurate, dying and not death is really the problem for me. I have no idea what death is so it doesn't concern me. But dying freaks me out because I worry it will be painful or happen to early and that I won't be ready. Can you imagine, being really sick and knowing you aint gettin better. Just worse and worse and in the end you're gonna be so sick that youre body and mind will just give out completely. Oh how horrible.

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    • Yes. I know how that is. :/
      I hate that horrid feeling. Its just so .... nerve racking. D:

      And i worry about the pain. Or the numbness. Or if i'll feel anything. Or if its not that bad.

      And yeah i'll freak out anywhere about it. It makes me feel like i have anxiety, or as if i'm hyperventilating. :S I'm glad there's other people out there who understand my concerns.

      Thank you. :]

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  • Sasquash3rd

    Wow just seeing these coments tells me that im not the only one that thinks This way more people think This way i thought that i was the only one that thought This way but This made me feel that im not the only one

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  • L3xrayz

    I feel like it's more common in atheist's because we know that death will swallow us whole and that one day all we'll know and love will be swallowed. Sorry did that not help?
    Besides from the obligatory comment, you're going through something we like to call,
    an Existential Crisis!
    definition of google: An existential crisis is a moment at which an individual questions the very foundations of their life: whether this life has any meaning, purpose, or value. This issue of the meaning and purpose of existence is the topic of the philosophical school of existentialism. Another way to think of it, as that one day we'll all die and eventually no one will be alive to know nor care. But damn it, life is way to short to be thinking about those things. Now, depending if your male or female your average life span is about 46 - 84 for men, and 52 - 90 for women. So that's a lot of years, let me bust out the calculator here, that's 365 x 84, & 90- HOLY SHIT THAT'S A LOT OF DAYS (Pardon my language) for 84 years, that is a total of 30,660 days, and for 90 years old, 32,850 days.
    So now that you have the statistics, go out there and live life to it's fullest, because if you feel that the world will forget you, go and make your mark on the world so it won't! Invent a new virtual reality sex video game with the HTC Vive! Go and design the most aesthetic-ly pleasing tower ever! Go become president/prime minister of your home country! WHO GIVES A DAMN!
    (this is probably the longest post I've made since I also have a lot of bottled up feelings about life, just to let you know you're not the only one out there.)

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  • Wilz2016

    have you ever been diagnosed with schizoaffective..I was diagnosed 3 years ago and one of the major symptoms for the disorder is the fear of death...

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  • aby

    I guess you never really think about it until you have lost someone you loved so much or if you had a near-death experience"
    This is absolutely true because I remembered how fear of death ruined my life few years ago before I come out with a solution for that .It first started on 2009 when I was nearly to complete my high school after losing my virginity to the girl that I was later discovered she was HIV positive.No condom used that day even-though I quit after my first ejaculation soon after realizing what I did.Since then my life was completely worse because I was afraid to get tested since I believed there could be no way to have unprotected sex with a positive and u get out negative.I remembered I use to cry myself as a child in my room and suffered from severe anxiety.It ruined my life,I was a super boy,charming,talkative and very bright but all turned off and become history.One day I get up and got tested and it was like a miracle to me because I tested negative and I couldn't stop to verify after every 3 months from 2010 to 2013 and the results was same"NEGATIVE".Since then I couldn't stop thinking about death and get scared of it..it sucks.I have completed my Bachelor degree IN 2014 and having my own company and I still couldn't control the fillings..Sometimes I thought may be I was not that smart as people saw me from the outside because it sucks if you can make big and successful decision for the company and fail to control the fear of death,It was crazy.But I come to realize that non of us do not fear death,everyone did in some point of life so just accept it and live.Remember when you were a child you already knew that there is a life and death so this is normal right..Get up and live guys don't waste your time thinking of something that is NORMAL.Dont think of how much pain your loved one will get after your death because non of them too will live forever to remember your death. Good luck for everyone suffered the same problem.

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  • Mrar

    You may need to go to the hospital. Just say you feel unsafe.

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  • samuraiX

    Tho I am only 19 years old I feel the impact of a mid-life crisis too. This is because I believe that anyone's life can be taken at anytime...I could die tomorrow! So it's possible I've already lived half my life, or even majority of my life...you never know. That's why I feel the need to contemplate the idea of death even at this stage in my life. I do hope that there is something for us after death...something good. I would be happy with the idea of reincarnation tbh...having the chance to live another life and achieve new dreams and meet new people. I dont mind the idea of an afterlife either although the idea of "forever" and "eternity" disturb me. I just hope I can find my own answer someday and I hope that everyone on this thread can find the answers they are looking for too. This is the first time I've found interest in a thread and the first time I was prompted to create an account and contribute to the conversation. Y'all are amazing <3

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  • Lola-rose

    I think about dying all the time, it's scares me, not the thought of getting old, but the thought of when I'm gone, I'll see or be nothing again, we have one life and when it's gone, I'll be nothing again, I'll feel nothing again, I'll be nothing again, I don't want this to happen, it terrifies me, it's makes me feel sick, I don't want to die, I don't want to go and not be a part of the world again, what will happen will I die and for that to
    Be it? I so scared

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  • eminemidol

    Same...Like i know that i won't die but i think about it everyday like it passes in my head and then i think and read blogs about it...I found out the symptoms and i will not die :D

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  • Justinml

    Hey i am experiencing something different.

    I cant sleep at night and this just started happening recently. It is visions of myself dying/me killing myself/me killing others. They happen daily and are usually in my head but sometime i just see myself falling from a building or getting hit by a car in the real world.

    This is extremely scary and im afraid to talk to anyone about it. If anyone else has experienced this id love your input.

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  • deltdeath

    I used to be afraid of death. My son expresses how he cant sleep at night because the thought of returning to nothingness overwhelms his mind. I told him about what happened when my dad died when I was 2 yrs old and the things that happened that day even before my mom identified the body. All the cabinet doors opened in the kitchen and the drawers opened to the very edge right before they would fall, all by themselves.( paranormal stuff)I vaguely remember being woken up that night and seeing something. Then nothing ever happened gain until I was in my late teens all the way till I was 25 yrs old. I was kept awake by heavy breathing noises in my room at night. I would hear noises on one side of my room then near me and I would just throw the covers over my head and turn on the t.v to drown the breathing noises. then with the covers over my head I would hear this gasping or heavy breathing right in font of my face but I wasn't going to peak out of my covers. I still had trouble believing in life after death. then I saw The Dead Files on t.v. and was blown away. Now I don't worry anymore. I watch it every week after ghost adventure.. I'm not religious but I can believe energy goes onto something.

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  • Soran

    Dear All,

    I am 33 years old and i have this crazy feeling thinking about death and getting old all the time ! I do think about past alot like we used to all together with family and girlfriend and having grate life , however i was not earning much so i had limited spending! But my life was much better as now !
    I have stopped doing any business because hat i have saved will last me forever till another 100 years ! So and the reason I stopped working or do any business because i always think no matter what i do i will die! And no need to work for it !
    I started hating people around me because i think they are close to me just for money or what I have but I hope i am wrong !
    I want help please i want to go back to my life in past living in one bedroom flat with my dog and my girlfriend! I dont want all this what i have if i am not happy and always thinking of death, coffins, left alone under the ground or scary grave yard ! As i fell I will die just now and my nose start bleeding and hart bidding fast and I feel pain in my chest when i think of death .
    Could anyone help ! Please

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  • cigich

    i agree completely I think about this every day and try to live my life reducing things that would get in the way of living healthy but i find i also succomb to failing to enjoy the moment way too much so I try to enjoy everything i find in my way that is good and god-like

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  • LostMyWay

    I don't know how old this topic is but I recently found it and feel compelled to chip in.

    As a young child I would think of death occasionally and it would scare me so I ended up speaking to my mum, who usually calmed me down until the next time I thought about it.

    Now I am 36 and have these thoughts quite frequently..."What is the point of it all?" and "What's my purpose in life now?". My parents divorced when I was 16 and I have had one short term relationship since then and crave a companion. I have always had no self-esteem.

    More recently I have struggled with turning 30 (36 now) and all the pitfalls of growing older (which seem to start around passing that milestone like losing hair and fitness levels/appearance). I am single, unemployed with no job prospects, and I miss being young so much. I would love to just re roll the dice and go back to being young again. Even though I know it's silly and this is just an impossibility I still think about it.

    I have lost the passion for life I guess. I look back on photos of my 18 year old self and the young man looking back at me is full of joy. I don't think it's just that easy to "stop worrying" and think of something else. If it was that easy people wouldn't be having the thoughts frequently in the first place. I would imagine the majority of people who think like this are unhappy with the current state of their lives and cannot see any way of improving their quality of life. I guess it's all about finding things to take your mind off it...hence why I mentioned finding a companion, getting kids, aging being kind to you etc

    Tbh I think I am probably experiencing what they call a mid life crisis. The bittersweet nature of it all is that I can never go back. Things don't last forever...I struggle with that notion in all forms...and death is the ultimate one of that. If anyone can help me I would really appreciate it :(

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    • hope2015now

      I agree, i freak out and so afraid that I keep regretting my past and worry about my future every second and every minute. I think my friends say that I am in mid-life crisis. I was talking to my father and he said a nice thing.. which i am pondering over for sometime.. he told me to ask myself, what is the incentive in thinking such things..

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  • justgoogleitcupcake

    Hi im sixteen and its nice to see other people who feel the same there have been moments when i think about it and moments when i don't but when i do it can last for months and its starts off with panic attacks in the middle of the night. I just cannot handle i've gone to counseling and that was partially for a related fear of flying and dying. I feel like i can't live without thinking about its a constant panic and lump in my throat and im becoming depressed or may already be i feel that a relatives death is trigger as recenetly i knew a few people who have died. From the previous comments its seems people are stating that they experience it to and to turn to god but what OTHER solutions are there can you take some medicine to calm my thoughts, would hypnosis work something to just stop the thoughts and i don't want to go back to counseling please help and just thinking about happy things makes it even more prominant

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    • hope2015now

      No medicine is worst thing you can do .. its temporary. be aware and see what triggers this thought. face the life with courage..i am going through this right now..

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  • mat78

    Hi! I am 37 years old and I feel the same way. I sleep odd hours or until I'm entirely exhausted because of this fear. I am a Christian and I find comfort in the Lord. I pray constantly that he takes the fear away. And He does. But I guess being human, it always still creeps up on me. I know too that oftentimes, the devil plays on your fears so you would just be consumed by it. Call out to Jesus and keep on rebuking the fear. That's what I do. I pray for all of us who are going through this.

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  • jennycat755

    I'm glad that I found this thread. I am 23 years old and recently I have been thinking a lot (too much) about death late at night. For the most part I am terrified of losing the people around me. I have always thought that if I died, then that would be it, but I'm not sure that I could handle the pain of losing someone that I love. I do everything to be in the moment during the day and be present, but it still feels like time is going by so fast. My father is older than most of my friends' dads (he is 63) and that scares me most of all. I also recently moved away from home and I can't help but think that I will never be as close to them as I was before I left. There is so much I want to experience with my parents and older relatives, like when I get married and become a mother.

    But sometimes I think about my own death. It can be sparked by anything... Even the thought of what my hands will look like when I'm dead. And like a sharp knife to the gut, I realize that when we die it's forever. The word 'forever' reminds me of a lot of pleasant things, but when I think about how long that is, I start to cry. My family is not religious, but we are all very highly educated. And I feel that the more educated I become, the less I am able to believe in life after death. But I feel like I won't be able to go on much longer without at least the false comfort of something after death. Sometimes I feel so alone that I pray to God. I must say again that I am not religious at all, but it gives me such comfort to imagine a divine being that has everything planned out for me. I can't believe after so many years of fighting the wrongs associated with religious bodies that I am considering turning to it now. But I feel like it's the only way that I can be at peace with the inevitability of death.

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  • Withhope

    I'm a 36 year old father of four and evidently, not as big of a sissy as I've always assumed I was before realizing so many other intelligent people have similar problems. Like most of you, I'll often find myself being consumed by thoughts of death and more-so a fear of the unknown. If I'm alone and allow myself to dwell on it, I can quickly sink into a panic attack, while little else in this world can rattle me. It gets so bad that I have to deliberately think about something else. Worst is when I'm really enjoying life with my kids in some terrific moments and then I fear losing all of it - for eternity... Seems like a cruel joke (being given life that is) but suppose you could think of it as an amazing gift too. What's supposed to make you feel better often makes me feel worse - like how when you go to sleep, you do so peacefully and are not guaranteed you'll wake up, yet you always have so you should think of death similarly - try not worry and just convince yourself you'll wake up. Or even better - when people tell you to think about the eternity that existed prior to your birth - which quite frankly just depresses me more :) It's the raw intensity of this fear that actually drives me away from any real capacity for faith in God - because I clearly see in these moments the desperate need/motive/desire to create and believe in an afterlife. I'm sure that we as a race have had this primal fear from the moment we were capable of contemplating such things. However - this doesn't mean that there isn't something after we die because I think everyone should be open to that possibility. In fact, for you scientists out there, remember that a requirement for scientific laws is that they hold open the possibility that they could be wrong. And given the evidence of intelligent design behind the universe (e.g. ratio of phi found throughout the earth and our own galaxy among many other commonalities), in addition to the fact that if our universe were to have expanded one millionth of a second faster than it did, grey matter/gravity would not have been strong enough to hold it together and form galaxies/stars/planets. Conversely, had it expanded one millionth of a second slower, the same forces would have been to great and it would have collapsed back upon itself. Pretty lucky I'd say! So who knows?! No one can prove it, but even science has it's limits!
    I guess what I really want is to know that I'm special - more than a blink in the eye of eternity. But I don't want that being the reason I blindly believe in something I can only say at this point that I'm open to acknowledging its potential, and desperately hoping for its reality. One thing we should all take solace in is that were all in it together. I think sites like this where people can relate and share our deepest fears and talk about what really matters, along with the love of family and friends, is what makes life worth living - regardless of an afterlife.

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  • pensive

    My first big encounter with the fear of death was a couple years ago now. One morning I just got hit by the thought that one day I would die and there was nothing I could do about it. I panicked, cried and screamed. It was horrible.

    Up until that point I was a militant atheist that scoffed at religion and spirituality, but in my despair I started googling about afterlife, god, near-death-experiences and the like. Eventually I even branched out my research into the realm of neurology and quantum-physics, desperately looking for an answer.

    I don't remember if I got a satisfying answer or if my brain simply became tired and decided to "switch off" the anxiety, but after maybe a month or two the feelings of dread and panic went away and I was no longer plagued by constant thoughts of death.

    I was a bit changed though, from materialistic atheist I got a more agnostic approach to the universe and developed a belief that "death is not the end".
    Besides I was(and still am) young and I guess that played a role in making me feel more "safe".

    Now its 2014 and here I am again, stuck with the same fear. It began after I visited the doctor about a certain health-issue thats been bugging me(dont know the cause, still waiting for results).

    I believe its even worse this time because it has dawned on me just how fragile life really is. People of all ages and nationalities die everywhere, every day. You can be the healthiest person in the world and still end up with deadly cancer for example. There is absolutely zero ways of knowing when tragedy will hit. Ive never lost someone close to me before, not even a pet. Should my parents die I dont know what I will do.
    My beliefs about death not being the end do nothing to comfort me anymore because I realized I have no idea what will happen. If I could choose an afterlife it would be to reunite with my loved ones in a heavenly realm forever, but does it matter what I want? Probably not. And I dont like that one bit.
    Worst of all is that I feel that I will have these same feelings even if I miraculously make it to 80, 90 or 100 years of age. It doesn't matter how much you've done and seen in this life. In the end when you're on your deathbed, taking your final breath all of your life up until that point might as well have been a dream.

    Im afraid. Very afraid...

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    • strangethingshappen

      I sometimes wonder what's the point in making the most of life too? When at the end of the day it'll all become a dream like state when you're on your death bed . so depressing :(

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    • Wilz2016

      I understand what you arr going threw

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  • knjne1

    This is an old post, but maybe I can help. A constant fear of death is not normal.

    Think about it; you have already been dead for an infinite amount of time. This is the time before you were born. You don't go around worrying about where you were during this time, right?

    I see many people suffered through a traumatic experience (and some not) to trigger this. Traumatic events cause stress. Stress causes anxiety, and anxiety over a long term causes depression. One of the main symptoms of anxiety and/or depression is compulsive thoughts about death.

    I encourage anyone feeling this way to read up on anxiety and depression. Just know, all is not lost. You can stop this cycle. Things as simple as regular exercise and cutting down on caffeine can greatly reduce these symptoms. There are also a multitude of medications that you can take short term ( or long if necessary) to break this cycle.

    I'll leave with this. Death is inevitable whether you worry about it or not. Worring will not change the outcome one bit. So it's your choice, you are in control. Make the choice to live life and not worry.


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  • Shnaz

    You'll stop thinking about it when you are dead.

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  • Islam

    as an advice guys i just registered for this subject and i found it interesting, iknow that my language is poor, but i want to tell you that no one of us afraid of death but we are afraid what is going to happen after we die,and our thinks goes like am i going to hevean or hell, so i would like to give an advice because most of not sure about his decision, READ ABOUT ISLAM and Beleive me guys you are going to find the answer that you needs, Read the holly Quran Beleive me i am Here to help i swear to God

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    • Islam


      this link talks about Death and the Hereafter in Islam
      enjoy it

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  • fatmafay

    i am a muslimah from Kenya..:-( for the past 1 month av been thinking about death like everyday!i just find myself crying because i feel like am not ready to face God!i think what triggered this feeling was the death of my close friend after school.ok i heard that people to die soon know that they r dying so does it mean al die sooner???!seriously am afraid of death..sometimes i look at my husband and i feel like why?why this?but i hope its what everyone should think because u cant just leave forever..every soul shall test death thats what islam and ol religions believe.is it ok if u share it to anyone??

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  • me1993

    im not scared were all dying im going to die one day, and im either going to go to the Summerland or be a ghost

    everyone joins the dead eventually

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  • FreeFromFear

    I used to be so terrified of death that when I was a teenager I couldn't even sleep at night. I had been raised Roman Catholic and thought I had to earn my way to Heaven through good deeds, doing what the Catholic Church said I had to do etc.

    I did not know that there was any escape from my living nightmare of terror until one day I heard the gospel and what it REALLY taught. I accepted the free gift--paid in full--and immediately all my fear left and was replaced with joy and total confidence---

    How To Be Sure

    There's probably more uncertainty about the most important matter in the world than about any other. Let me illustrate:

    If you were to ask 100 people at random about the economy, politics, or pollution, you would get a fairly definite opinion from most.

    But ask the same 100 people, Are you going to Heaven when you die? The vast majority would answer with varying degrees of doubt -- I don't know...I'm working on it...I have no idea ....I'm not sure.

    Many of these same people would tell you that they believe in Jesus Christ and that they believe in Heaven. Yet they don't know whether or not they are going to Heaven.

    What would your answer be?

    Most of us know definitely whether or not we are working and whether or not we are married. Yet we do not know whether or not we have eternal life.

    Most travelers know where their destination is. Yet ask them where their final destination will be where they will be living forever and very few know!

    This uncertainty comes from a misunderstanding of what is involved in attaining eternal life and going to Heaven. If you were to ask the average person what one must do to have eternal life, his answer would probably include one or more of the following:

    Live a good life
    Obey the Ten Commandments
    Join a church and attend regularly
    Love your fellow man
    Be baptized and/or confirmed
    Follow the teachings and example of Christ.
    All of these represent something that people do or try to do. They reflect the popular idea that eternal life in Heaven is a reward to be earned.

    But the Bible states clearly that we cannot win or earn our way to Heaven. Eternal life is not a reward for what we have done or tried to do; it is a free gift. The gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 6:23). It is by grace you have been saved, through faith and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God not by works, so that no one can boast (Ephesians 2:8,9).

    So long as we think that we must earn our way into the presence of God, we can never be certain that we have done enough to deserve Heaven. Most of us realize that we are not good enough to measure up to God's perfect standards. And for us to say I know I'm going to Heaven sounds like the ultimate in pride and boasting, if Heaven is reached through good works.

    The only sure answer!

    The Bible, however, teaches that we cannot be good enough, that we cannot work our way to Heaven and that we do not need to! We are to realize, instead, that Jesus Christ has opened the way to Heaven for us. No matter how bad we may be, any of us can qualify.

    The Bible says, "Therefore no one will be declared righteous in [Gods] sight by observing the law; rather, through the law we become conscious of sin. But now a righteousness from God, apart from law, has been made known....This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe (Romans 3:20-22).

    You see, God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to pay for our sins yours and mine by His death on the cross. Having completely paid our sin penalty, He rose from the dead and now offers eternal life to you and to me as a gift. By simply recognizing our need for a divine Savior, and by accepting Christs pay- ment for our sins and our salvation, the matter of our eternal destiny is immediately resolved.

    This is the way, the only way, to know for sure that you have eternal life.

    Do you have this assurance?

    If not, you can gain this assurance right here and now. How? The Bible says, speaking of Christ : To all who received Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God (John 1:12).

    Have you received Him?

    How, you still ask?

    Well, let me illustrate by comparing your life to your home. In the last book of the Bible, Jesus said, Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will go in and eat with him, and he with me (Revelation 3:20).

    It's up to you to open the door of your life to Christ. Are you willing to invite Jesus to come in and change your life? Are you willing to place all of your trust and confidence in Him rather than in your own works? If so, let me suggest you complete the transaction by praying something like this:

    Dear God, I know I am a sinner and unable to save myself. But I do believe You love me, and that You sent Your Son, Jesus, to die on the cross for my sins. Right here and now, I ask You to forgive my every sin and give me the gift of eternal life. Thank You, dear God, for hearing and answering my prayer, and for giving me eternal life as You promised You would. Amen.

    In closing, let me remind you that the Bible says, I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life (1 John 5:13).

    Written by Arthur S. DeMoss (tract from The American Tract Society)

    Why put it off? You can accept the wonderful free gift of Salvation right now wherever you are. Just ask God for it.


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  • _alyssa_l

    I know how you feel.. Ever since I was very little I was extremely afraid of death. I'd try not to think about it, but I'll always get these images of me just not being here anymore. I'd cry myself to sleep. Now, I try and dismiss the thought. Even though I'm still very afraid, I now understand that it's what all of us have to face. I'm very glad to have found other people who feel the same

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  • piccray

    Wow, I couldn't help but read this post. I'm sorry that you keep thinking of death like this. I don't really usually comment on things like this, but truthfully, I'm very fearful of the unknown that is death. Sometimes, I just sit in my room with these thoughts that I can't seem to control and it feels so weird to me that I'm writing this down, but these past few days, I seem to be thinking about death a lot. I guess what I'm scared of is disappearing and not having my conscience around anymore. But whenever I think of how my loved ones will feel after I'm gone, it makes me ten times sadder and it just makes me wanna cry. And I feel as if I can't tell anyone any of this, because they'll just think I'm some crazy person that needs help. I can't talk to anyone about this and just these thoughts in my head makes me feel so lonely and sad and I don't want to seem as if I'm some kind of weakling for thinking such thoughts. And that's just it. I just feel all alone because I have all these thoughts that run through my head that I can't share with anyone. This is the first time I've actually voiced it out and even now, as I'm typing this, I feel so weird. But I'm sort of glad that people actually feel this way, too and I'm not really all alone...I guess.

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  • Alittlefurtheralong

    Death is a thought I think of lately, as a 45 yr old. It's a recall to my memory often. I ask myself why is it here? It's a culmination of facts and one is my wake up call by a Doctor. And life changes I have to face.

    I do think that most people contemplate the mirror in as much as we all do. We will have many similarities to more people than we can ever imagine to meet. Try that thought the next time you sit next to your fellow passenger on your next flight. It may just bring back our humanity in coach economy. And you get a better ride too and an understanding of another human being that we may not even care of in our day to day.

    I think it's normal to assess and accommodate such thoughts. It's normal to access our mortality this way. To me, lately, death is a darkened room and when you look around, a mere lamp illuminates the past events of your life, a loop of memory like an abandoned screen test. A discarded roll of film on the cutting floor. Significant. I think you can't revisit these parts of the room, you may walk towards them but they are always at a distance, well you can never reach? And it may be any part of a detail that holds a certain significance to you.. and you only : D And there hangs the catch...

    But seek comfort in that, it's your life and you're still alive to contemplate that thought. Take it further when you next see the sun, that's your tip to move forwards in your life, wherever you may be here and now, or for then...

    'Do not go gentle into that good night... '

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  • garyablet

    I think about death everyday. I think about myself dying, I think about friends and family dying, I think about how people will remember me and what they'll say etc. Im 25 now and this has been happening for as long as i can remember, 15 years or more I guess. The thing is, it doesnt bother me. I am not scared about death, I dont panic, I dont have anxiety, I am not sad. Im not a depressed person, im always pretty much the life of the party and I do try and live every day how i like to and experience as much as I can. I just think of death so much. Its normal for me but I also think its kind of weird. My little cousin died suddenly at 18 last year, we were really close and I think about her a lot now which just adds to the amount of morbid daily thoughts. I have re-read all the messages we used to send each other and we were both constantly joking about dying or death all the time. We were so alike in how we live our lives. There is a part of me that would rather be with her.

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  • Skitzo1

    Thinking about death is entirely normal, so is worrying about it. I went through a phase of being afraid of death, not to the point of keeping me up all night. However, i "theorized" that worrying about death is pointless, when you die, you die. When you die, as of what we know, you wont even know your dead, the process of dying should be your main concern, not death in itself. I also "theorized" that you would fear death, out of pain and the fear of missing everything dear to you, however, materialistic possessions are hardly anything worth thinking about, sure they may bring you joy till the time of your death, but they are just things, they are not "soulbound". When you die, you wont know what you had lost or had. Because you are dead, you dont know, you dont know anything, you simply died. Only the hydra can cheat death to a degree, being biologically immortal, humans unfortunately can not. Live your life instead of sitting in fear about when your gonna die, its gonna happen, when you die you die, your time has come, and if that time comes and all you have done is try to extend your longevity due to fear of death, you will only regret wasting that life. If you truly are afraid, use that fear to push you forwards. You gotta accept theres no way out.

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  • mansa

    Thank you so much all. I also get worried about death sometimes and it is really a bad feeling, but knowing that i am not alone is good one. truly said live your life with full enthusiasm do the things you love and most importantly be positive, eat healthy, learn good things, spend good time with all around you and live happily.

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  • mrseriousguy

    Death is a given... We should accept it and move on...Think about the whole picture(I know WTF but the universe is a mystery, so we should keep that in mind... )

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  • mrseriousguy

    Love this song...


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  • mrseriousguy

    The best thing about life is that you can influence the children and educate the middle aged folks on how to to keep human kind moving forward. Otherwise, we're all screwed...

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  • mrseriousguy

    I'm terrified of death... What keeps me going is that we know something about the universe. Most scientists would state that there is no prof of life beyond death. If you look at the overall picture you have to wonder WTF.

    What's going on here. Why are we on earth? Why do we love? I know it seems somewhat unscientific but seriously think about it..

    It's beyond our comprehension. Live your life!

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  • Jypris

    my friend what u worry about? we all die one day. it happened to billions and billions. it will happen to ME it will happen to YOU, it will happen to my dog too...:] stop thinking about death cz u miss this great thing we call life. Go outside and make stupid things, see places, watch the sunset...no one is gonna know you after 100 years.dont make investments into such stupid thinks like reputation or "image". If there is a guy up there, then for sure he want us to have fun here and maybe he wants us to realize some things and that's why he don't shows up...hahaha! plus dont forget! we are so lucky to be alive. We where that 1 out of 50-250 millions of sperms that won the lottery and got the ticket to come here..:] Don't think too much.. This is how things are! This is how things are! Dont worry about things you can do something to change them and dont worry about the things that you can not do something...;)

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  • daniellecoric

    I thought I'd managed to ease this repetitive thought to a dull murmur... but then depression came back and the thoughts came with it. The only way to deal with it is a combination of medication and distraction. I basically can't let myself have time to think because as soon as I do, the thoughts take over. Like tonight - I've gotten so obsessed that instead of doing study I am online trying to figure out how to stop these distracting thoughts.

    I've had this problem since I was 3 years old. I remember my dad was wailing "she's gone!" about his mum dying and I was absolutely terrified. It didn't take me long to figure out that existence is temporary. I thought that was pointless then and unfortunately I still do.

    I'd recommend a few books to all of you. They won't make you feel overwhelmingly better, but they will explain to you what makes you different to others and that you're not alone. If anything, you simply aren't able to delude yourself into believing in things that can't be proven to exist like god or an afterlife.

    The Denial of Death - Ernest Becker
    The Myth of Sisyphus - Albert Camus (it made me realise that I'm not the only one to have thought that death is waiting to tell me none of this life really happened. I guess I see life as little more than a temporary illusion since once I'm dead it no longer matters how long I lived or what I did. Graveyards make me feel empty inside.

    I try to think of it like Bill Hicks - "it's just a ride" and I try to make it a good ride because we all deserve that at the very least... Just harder said than done.

    I've started seeing a new psychiatrist who has started me on different medication. He is the third one I've seen and finally seems to understand because he grew up in India by the Ganges and saw bodies disposed of. He admitted to me that he would think "what a horribly undignified way for life to end, is this all it comes to?" and explained that human beings need to find ways to "procrastinate death" and we do this by setting goals and rewards. So... those years that I was working myself into a stupor were exactly the medicine I required :(

    Huge thank you to all of you for sharing. You get a better reception talking about explosive diarrhoea than death, it's the white elephant, so it's a relief to be able to read others who have similar thoughts and offload some of my own.

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  • Kidhunter

    My only problem with death is the unknown. What will I experience in the afterlife, or of there is even one. If it just like sleeping, where I will dream and watch over my family and loved ones, that's fine. But my fear is that there is nothing after this life...that when you die, thats it, your consence just ceases to exist, and you just aren't there anymore

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  • blessed1

    Thanks for all of your comments. I have recently just had a baby an to be brief i had preeclampsia an had three seizures, this increased my thoughts about death in the worst way. I cant sleep an my days are horrible. I pray that i get through this an god gives me the strength i need to keep me focused on the great things of this world like my children. I am truly grateful to be alive.

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  • zomg1986

    I'm glad I stumbeled upon this. My cousin and grandmother recently passed a week apart from each other, and as usual, I was the one to keep people smiling. I had a couple of months afterwards where I felt "normal", but one day a few weeks ago, this constant train of thought just swept through my brain. Everyone I see, I think "they're gonna die". I'm going to die. My girlfriend, my parents, my friends, all those dear to me. I had an anxiety attack at work just last week that wound me up in the emergency room, and the whole time I thought to myself "I'm dying, right now." I could hear my mom crying and saying to my family and friends "he called me and said he was going to the hospital, he even drove himself there, and by the time I got there he was dead." I've tried to tell myself to focus on what makes me happy, and it only works part of the time. I can't escape these thoughts, and I can feel a physical difference in myself as a result of the stress. Sadly, having a few drinks at the end of the day seems to be the best way I've found to deal with it. I think I'm going to seek professional help if this doesn't pass in a reasonable time, self-medicating is probably not the best way to deal with it.

    Bottom line is, I've ALWAYS been aware of the inevitable, I just want to go back to my thoughts being consumed every minute of every day. It's bad for your health.

    Best wishes to all that have posted in this forum, I feel your angst.

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  • Emma23

    Im feeling the same way as everybody on here. Im suffering from PAD and im currently on Sertraline medication. They are basically for my panic attacks. Ive always been scared of dying but in the past 3weeks ive been obsessing over it. Why? What? Where? When? How? Im constantly questioning everything. I dont see the point in living for it to end the way it does :( It scares me so much! I have a great life, great partner and a beautiful little boy but I cant be happy because I really dont see any point. I know that sounds so selfish. But I cant help feeling this way. I think about dying every minute of the day. No matter what I do, its going to happen! I try and enjoy myself and get excited but that thought of death always holds me back! I cant get my head around that one day I wont be here anymore. I just wish I didnt think about it all the time and I wish it didnt scare me but it does! :( Im not a religious person but I keep telling myself that there is something after death and life isnt pointless after all! Its just so diffucult. Ive got my first counselling session 2morrow so that might help... Who knows? Its nice to know im not the only one whos scared and thinks about it all the time.. :)

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  • existentialcrisis

    I've been feeling this way for quite awhile now and just experienced a fresh panic attack...That's what brought me here because when I feel this way; when I start to worry about somwthing so inevitable, I feel very much alone. Not to say that the way we feel isn't burdensome on us, but I'm glad that I'm not the only one who has these thoughts.

    I'll be honest with you...I'm an atheist, but what I really want is someone to tell me with complete certainty that I have a soul and I won't fully cease to exist. That's what really scares me....No more thinking, no more "being". I'm so scared of my thoughts and feelings disappearing forever.

    Someone mentioned earlier that traunatic experiences with death can bring this on and I think that helped me. When I was younger, my mother's fiance died in a drunk driving accident. He and I were close and I was actually pretty glad that he was going to be my stepdad. He had a few drinks; they couldn't do an open casket. The coroner, from what I remember, had brought a piece of the mangled wreckage and in front of it, pronounced my mother's fiance dead. I didn't cry until my mother dug her nails into my shoulder and began screaming at me that he was dead.

    I feel a lot better now that I kind of understand where this paranoia might stem from...Thank you guys so much.

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    • FreeFromFear

      Hi Existentialcrisis,

      You wrote "I'll be honest with you...I'm an atheist, but what I really want is someone to tell me with complete certainty that I have a soul and I won't fully cease to exist."

      I have good news for you--check out this free to read online book so you can see the truth for yourself-http://www.freegraceresources.org/messiahinbothtestaments-1.pdf

      And now for the even better news--you can absolutely positively guarantee yourself that you will go to Heaven instead of Hell. No if's, and's or but's! All you have to do is to personally accept a wonderful free gift--paid in full : ) Here it is--

      How To Be Sure

      There's probably more uncertainty about the most important matter in the world than about any other. Let me illustrate:

      If you were to ask 100 people at random about the economy, politics, or pollution, you would get a fairly definite opinion from most.

      But ask the same 100 people, Are you going to Heaven when you die? The vast majority would answer with varying degrees of doubt -- I don't know...I'm working on it...I have no idea ....I'm not sure.

      Many of these same people would tell you that they believe in Jesus Christ and that they believe in Heaven. Yet they don't know whether or not they are going to Heaven.

      What would your answer be?

      Most of us know definitely whether or not we are working and whether or not we are married. Yet we do not know whether or not we have eternal life.

      Most travelers know where their destination is. Yet ask them where their final destination will be where they will be living forever and very few know!

      This uncertainty comes from a misunderstanding of what is involved in attaining eternal life and going to Heaven. If you were to ask the average person what one must do to have eternal life, his answer would probably include one or more of the following:

      Live a good life
      Obey the Ten Commandments
      Join a church and attend regularly
      Love your fellow man
      Be baptized and/or confirmed
      Follow the teachings and example of Christ.
      All of these represent something that people do or try to do. They reflect the popular idea that eternal life in Heaven is a reward to be earned.

      But the Bible states clearly that we cannot win or earn our way to Heaven. Eternal life is not a reward for what we have done or tried to do; it is a free gift. The gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 6:23). It is by grace you have been saved, through faith and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God not by works, so that no one can boast (Ephesians 2:8,9).

      So long as we think that we must earn our way into the presence of God, we can never be certain that we have done enough to deserve Heaven. Most of us realize that we are not good enough to measure up to God's perfect standards. And for us to say I know I'm going to Heaven sounds like the ultimate in pride and boasting, if Heaven is reached through good works.

      The only sure answer!

      The Bible, however, teaches that we cannot be good enough, that we cannot work our way to Heaven and that we do not need to! We are to realize, instead, that Jesus Christ has opened the way to Heaven for us. No matter how bad we may be, any of us can qualify.

      The Bible says, "Therefore no one will be declared righteous in [Gods] sight by observing the law; rather, through the law we become conscious of sin. But now a righteousness from God, apart from law, has been made known....This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe (Romans 3:20-22).

      You see, God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to pay for our sins yours and mine by His death on the cross. Having completely paid our sin penalty, He rose from the dead and now offers eternal life to you and to me as a gift. By simply recognizing our need for a divine Savior, and by accepting Christs pay- ment for our sins and our salvation, the matter of our eternal destiny is immediately resolved.

      This is the way, the only way, to know for sure that you have eternal life.

      Do you have this assurance?

      If not, you can gain this assurance right here and now. How? The Bible says, speaking of Christ : To all who received Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God (John 1:12).

      Have you received Him?

      How, you still ask?

      Well, let me illustrate by comparing your life to your home. In the last book of the Bible, Jesus said, Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will go in and eat with him, and he with me (Revelation 3:20).

      It's up to you to open the door of your life to Christ. Are you willing to invite Jesus to come in and change your life? Are you willing to place all of your trust and confidence in Him rather than in your own works? If so, let me suggest you complete the transaction by praying something like this:

      Dear God, I know I am a sinner and unable to save myself. But I do believe You love me, and that You sent Your Son, Jesus, to die on the cross for my sins. Right here and now, I ask You to forgive my every sin and give me the gift of eternal life. Thank You, dear God, for hearing and answering my prayer, and for giving me eternal life as You promised You would. Amen.

      In closing, let me remind you that the Bible says, I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life (1 John 5:13).

      Written by Arthur S. DeMoss (tract from The American Tract Society)

      Why put it off? You can accept the wonderful free gift of Salvation right now wherever you are. Just ask God for it.

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  • twinschmoo

    I am so relieved and glad to have found this site. I have lived the past four years thinking i was the only one who felt this way, and here i have found that thats not the case at all. when i was 14 my sister was in a very serious car accident that she barely survived. she was paralyzed. i spent an entire summer in the hospital, and then i had to pick up and move right after that bc my dad got transfered. i remember being at my best friends house, having our last sleepover before i left. we were jumping up and down on the couches, and i thought 'wow this is like exactly what im supposed to be doing right now, having all this fun. and then like running into a brick wall, i had the thought 'but then im going to die someday' i spent my entire summer obsessed with it. i couldnt enjoy anything. i was miserable. when i went back to school i somehow just got busy and completely forgot about it, but its come back. Its not as bad as before. I love my life and enjoy everything. Its just something that is always in the back of my mind with everything that i do. im going to college next year and all i can think is what does it mattter if i become a lawyer when this will all be over eventually? i turn to God and i pray to him, and that makes me feel a little better. i believe in Heavan, and that i will see my loved ones there. its the only thing that makes me feel okay. i want to have kids, but i think the same thing. whats the point? the second i have them, they will start dying. it may take 80 years to get there, but they will die. this blog has been a huge discovery for me though. its such a comfort to know that im not the only one who feels this way, and neither are you.

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  • jonathonwoodsfansite

    btw ur lucky to have ppl to comfort u
    also another thing... do u have this weird numbness area in 1 part of the head? or a feeling of being deatched to the world ?
    also fatigue?
    im going through something atm and iduno if its gonna kill me or really what the dr said
    1 dr said its nervs from dislocating my arm also the drugs they pumped into me
    another dr said its all in my head

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  • jonathonwoodsfansite

    i went through this as a kid..
    sadly my sister passed away in front of me when i was 9 after that i didnt want to lose any family members or pets
    sadly it just doesnt work that way
    my advice no pets
    and date girls so u get ur heart crushed a few times
    but over time it will ease out of ur head
    anxiety kills us
    if u wanna get help go see a dr as well.. he will give u some drugs to help cope with it all
    although a healthy walk outside alone and a hobbie helps too

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  • me too :'(

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  • spyderr

    yeah that happens to me too, some people say i am obsessed with death, but i don't fear it. no point in being scared of something that you have no control over.

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  • spyderr

    I am not really concerned about death, not scared of it, just because it's inevitable anyways

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  • bomaoneuk

    When I was a kid it used to really bother me. Not that it doesnt now but I see the world differently. "Death is the final reminder", it puts things in perspective.

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  • mopster

    I used to feel that but what can you do other than live in the moment and dont let life pass you by. Death used to pop up in my head whenever and i used to cry, just sit in my roo mand cry bit then i just accepted it and when i think of death it doesnt bother me

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  • roysoliver

    This is exactly why humans are so blind. Every second they pop out babies like it's a good thing. They don't realize that they are essentially committing murder. Mortals should not create life. Giving birth is painful for a good reason. That pain serves as a warning. Humans are a mistake that should of never happened. Giving birth is not natural. People have to reverse their way of thinking.

    Lets say you are a vegetarian. Yet, I want to have you eat beef because that would make me happy. You're going to say No because that is going against your will. Well - what if I make you eat beef anyway? This is exactly what our parents did to us. They made a horrific decision on our behalf due to their own selfishness. They made the decision for us to bring us here as mortals.

    "Life is too Precious to not last forever."

    I am truly sorry you have to go through this. Our parents were blind. They did not know any better.

    It is our duty to make sure humans across the globe stop having children.

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    • amdresselaers

      That is the most absurd thing I have ever heard? People should not give birth anymore because their children will die one day? And that is the solution to death, you think? If people would not have children anymore the whole human race would cease to exist. That is the same as letting dead win! It is not life that needs to stop, it is DEAD, that should be non existant. Perhaps once, people will find a gen, something that they inject in the body and stop people from aging. It is not fair to have to die. I am not only scared of it, but so ANGRY about it. When I think about it, a terrible rage comes over me. As no matter what, I love living so much! I don't want to die! So yeah, I hope one day a cure against aging and dead will be found... But I will probably not there anymore by then...

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      • Dumbass31

        Don't worry about death.
        Every baby faces the ultimate fear at birth, yet quickly is calmed by their mother. So it is with death.
        I wish you peace of mind

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      • Erebos

        A FEW sayings I would like to bring up
        "All that is certain in life is taxes and death"
        And "Hell exists only within my head" All of us are going through a personnel hell right now and how do we get over it? With hope, Wether that be Christianity or medicine we find a way to cope with it.

        I like many of you have experienced this thought and I remembered a few videos that gave me hope for a time were death can be "dogged", watch these videos.


        Hopefully this helps you like It helped me, Even if some of it is Sci-fi Buuuuut Mostly Fact You gotta watch it, its by myth busters XD

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  • AbnormalGuy

    I can easily understand how death can be scary. I'm atheist so if I'm right, you will never be able to see, hear or sense anything ever again after you die.. for ever.. lol that sounds kinda scary yea. But on the other hand I don't think life is that great(dont wanna sound depressed but thats kinda how i feel), there are many times in life when you get disappointed and sad, and i think that when im about 70 years old, i will be satisified and i will probably think that i have seen enough.

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    • Dumbass31

      Thinking about death, especially a lot, is supposedly a symptom of depression. And it makes sense, when we succeed at something, we aren't thinking "life is crap and then we have to die".we're thinking "damn today was awesome!!!.. Dying? Whatever..,who cares. Did you see how sexy that girl was I just got digits from? " dying is not on the minds of people who are truly enjoying life

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  • Akhiloth

    The human brain normally has a strange function that prevents it from getting sad of knowing that its owner is going to die. You seem to lack it.

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  • No and I do not believe thearpy or any of that crap. Emotions are made and some people has a stronger tie to one then others. Obvousily you feel strongly about death but then again who really cares about dieing? Unless u deserved screw death altogether.

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