I can't work for the education system anymore

I am going broke now and looking to change my major and go back to school, making the past few years of my life practically a waste and the outlook for the next few years of my life exponentially harder...


I can't do it anymore. School after school that I have worked at and I feel an increasing level of pity for students and their parents. No school that I have worked at ISN'T pulling illegal and unethical shit. I have worked everywhere from the lowest income areas to the highest income in my county which is a hell of a leap in this area and both areas require me to keep my mouth shut about the illegal shit that they are doing.

Anyone who tries to change this system in any manner gets demoted, fired or struck down in some other manner. It is a lose-lose situation for everyone. Honestly, I think I am just venting at this point and I'll probably get flamed for not FIGHTING to change the system myself, man!

Whenever I bring it up in public forum, I either get that or the insufferable political bullshit "Well if it wasn't for Trump...!" fuck off with it. I've been dealing with this long before the concept of Trump being in the white house was a serious thing. Among all of the faults held by all of us, I also hold the people who turn to THAT argument to blame. Passing the blame off on Trump to shirk any other possibility of invoking change will continue to contribute to the problem.

Is it normal for me to quit working in the public education system because I can't handle the lawbreaking and the criminal lack of ethics that I consistently encounter in the field?

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93% Normal
Based on 14 votes (13 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )
  • joe_user

    Can you explain what type of lawbreaking you've encountered? Why not expose them?

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    • Once a child has an IEP, there are a lot of services that they are entitled to. If the parents believe that their children, who, in many cases I've been in, are in severe need of physical and mental health intervention, are being given those services by QUALIFIED individuals and not say, any random person who fits the qualification to be a substitute teacher and who promises to show up, they will keep their kids in the school and the school will continue to be given money.

      The alternative is a lawsuit and the child being sent to a school where there are qualified individuals providing instruction and care rather than anyone who is willing to keep walking through the doors and we willing to play guessing games with no information about the student at all whilst simultaneously looking the other way from situations in which the students may be in actual physical danger.

      Unfortunately, many of these parents also don't know that they have the right to sue if their children are still learning English and are bring threatened with legal disciplinary actions for speaking their native language whilst not in violation of any school policy. Reporting staff who abuse the rights of these students would require the state to care enough to replace them with qualified staff and that requires them to care about students who are low income and can't fight for their own rights.

      The state doesn't give a shit about students of low income and look the other way. Parents are kept in the dark about students in higher income areas and we are bound by legal obligations we sign under the guise that it is to protect student privacy and good old fashioned diplomacy has a way of convincing parents that the truth is just "trash talk" against the school, many parents don't care and everyone else would rather blame Trump.

      Student rights are violated on a regular basis, they are often vulnerable and have special needs that keep them from telling Mom and Dad that the school has no issue with this child with impulse control issues and a known violent streak whose parents refuse to medicate him or give him any sort of clinically approved treatment to kick their daughter into a cabinet and cut her face. No, that's an accident and people like me, who see that as a real issue, are overreacting. I could give you examples abound about staff looking the other way as students are given sub par care and even are harmed and put in physical danger because whatever.

      I'm so glad I don't work there anymore. I spent the past few years fighting to make it an issue only to be silenced by the school system. They don't actually care. Just so long as their BMW payments are made.

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      • My_name_was_already__used

        I have an IEP...

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    • esnormal

      I think he would be quickly silenced by school's autorities

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      • Exactly, they fight slander with slander and between me and someone with a high reputation in the system and far more years of experience in the system (despite rarely stepping foot in our class) I'm going to lose every time.

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        • esnormal

          Anyway, dont let they ruin your passion for teaching.
          A friend of mine got tired and he founded his own "school" where we can teach and be free of the burden of following orders. Its small (around 100 students) but we love teaching and we are good at it so its growing fast

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  • Faceless

    How do i reetch these keeeeds?

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  • RoseIsabella

    What country?

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    • United States.
      I bet you're shocked.

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      • JonathanOo

        I live here in the US and I agree. You may be better off teaching college...

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