I cant eat at peoples houses
Its weird I cant eat at peoples houses. As a kid couldnt even eat at restaurant or school, I felt disgusted and lost my appetite but I ate very much at home.
I feel rude to my new boyfriend. I always deny eating at restaurants. We both have social phobia but he seems to have no problem eating in restaurants. I can too but its uncomfortable and it has to be a restaurant im very familiar with.
I never eat at his house. He offers stuff to me and I say no thanks even if its delicious. I just cant. My throat tighten up. I cant eat at peoples places.
I am skinny so I worry he thinks im crazy girl with eating disorder.
I tried to explain to him once I cant eat anything people offer me. I dont want to remind him because I seem so weird and fussy.
I cant bring my own food to his place which I would want because he would think I believe he is dirty and that I dont trust anything he has in his fridge or pantry to be sanitary. Its a big worry of mine. I have dealt with this all my life as long as I can remember. Eventually I learned to cope with eating at restaurants but I still cant eat at peoples houses.