I cant feel how

Since it's a poll
Am I the only one, who when I try to get a sense of WHAT MY HANDS FEEL LIKE, I cant tell?

For example, I'll touch my face with my hands, I just feel my face... I cant get an idea of how my hands feel. I touch my legs... same thing.
I just want to get an idea of what my hands feel like to other people for instance when I give them a handshake (promise nothing creepy, I'm a cashier, even with covid but I still have contact because I'm a cashier).

I'm sure this sounds wierd but I just wanna know are there any tricks on how I can actually feel what hands feel like. I tried googling it but I dont even know exactly what to search for, what i have searched has not helped.....

Thanks for your input for future reference:)

Voting Results
20% Normal
Based on 5 votes (1 yes)
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Comments ( 11 )
  • howaminotmyself

    You clearly don't have arthritis.

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  • Your hands have more nerve endings than in most other places of your body, like your legs

    I just touched myself a little though, and if I try hard enough I can kind of feel how my hands feel from the perspective of what's being touched

    It's like imagining someone else is touching me, and observing how their hand feels

    The next best thing would be to ask someone you trust

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    • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

      were you thinkin about me when you touched yourself?

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      • I was thinking about that bull dozer! 🚜🚧

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    • Lol true, I just dont wanna seem weird about it. Cuz it's really hard to. I even tried with my feet HAHAHHAA

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      • Just close your eyes and rub back and forth and pretend like someone else is doing it

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        • It helps a little bit, thanks lol.
          Not so much for my legs... just reminds me I need to shave ha!

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          • Haha, I'd like to say I have that effect on people~

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  • momgetthecamera

    Leave your body?? Not hard luv

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  • Wryladradofft

    I have (really light) calluses on my palms, so whenever I touch myself I can distinguish how my hands feel pretty easily

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    • That's exactly what I'm trying to figure out! Ik my hands aren't super soft nor super rough, I just want to get a sense?! If that makes since lol. Around that area below my fingers, I dont have calluses but as i also stated they're not super softer either I can tell that much...

      I really dont know how to describe it, ugghh

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