I care about animals more than people

This is kinda strange but I care more about animals than I do about most people. Don't get me wrong, I care about family members and all but when I hear about people getting killed on the news I just don't give a f***. However when I hear about animals getting hurt I get so sad and just want to punish the people who hurt them. Just a few days ago I heard a story on the local news about a 2 year old who flushed a kitten down the toilet and I was so sad about it. I wanted to save the kitten and brutally murder the little brat who did it. Does anyone else feel this way or is it just me??

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Comments ( 42 )
  • Fartyr

    Heck, I like my cat more than I like me!

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  • bdzz123

    Well it's not just a girl thing...I'm a guy and when it comes right down to it I prefer animals to ppl...animals don't start wars or kill ppl for fun, they don't go to malls and unload a clip Into a crowd of ppl...there only purpose is to preserve there species...who would like animals more than ppl

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  • finniculi

    That's how I feel whenever I watch movies. When people die, it doesn't really matter all that much, but when an animal dies I always scream "OH NO!" and can't bear to look at the screen.

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    • Trisha-Gaurav

      But not if the animal is evil, right?

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  • Seesthetruth

    People suck. Animals are honest and wont back stab you like people. They deserve more respect then society gives them.

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  • Fjólublár

    I know what you mean, I care about animals more than people, too. Hearing about animal cruelty in the news makes me madder than hearing about human cruelty. It may be to do with the fact that we can't communicate with animals? Like to apologise or whatever. At least that's how I see it.

    My mum is even worse than I am - we were watching a show about starving children in a third world country. She wasn't bothered by it at all until she saw them boiling a rat alive for food, at which point she turned the channel. It's normal.

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    • Trisha-Gaurav

      Actually, we can apologize to them! Animals can be as smart as us- it just takes patience and dedication. Believe it or not, intelligent animals can learn to understand human language. Koko the gorilla has actually been taught how to read English and can watch movies. A parrot's owner taught him how to have conversations with her- yes I mean actual conversations, not just to mindlessly repeat her. Cats watch TV and understand it. The shows they watch are of course chosen by the owner.

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  • ThisWebMakesMeFeelNormal

    It is normal in my opinion, because I feel the same. I have a very strong need to protect animals - people can defend themselves, animals can't and people who abuse animals should be punished. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.

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    • sega31098

      "people can defend themselves, animals can't"
      That shows that you have no idea what a Cape Buffalo is.
      You step in its path you're dead.

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  • catiam

    Wow! I thought I was the only one who felt that way.

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  • SuicideEquine13

    COMPLETLY NORMAL! I feel the EXACT same.

    When humans kill animals, its usually just for selfish ignorant reasons(sport, fur, hunting, fighting, etc)

    But then when animals kill humans for pure defense, theres a huge panic and an attempt to exterminate the animal from the area and make hunting legal, ect.

    Its just not fair. Humans have taken far to much advantage over other animal species.

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    • SweetAdeline

      What about when dogs kill infants and small children for no reason? Animals, especially dogs, aren't the angels that some of you think they are.

      There is nothing wrong with hunting as long as people hunt in season and kill no more than the number of animals allowed. Humans are at the top of the food chain.

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      • SuicideEquine13

        Humans MADE themselves on the top of the food chain. And MADE themselves the "superior" species.

        Humans aren't even designed to eat meat; no claws, sharp teeth, and many digestive differences compared to carnivores.

        And now what? Humans are destroying the world with their selfishness.

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        • clamentyne

          Excuse me, humans evolved by the protein in meats, we are meat eaters. Just thought I'd fill you in...

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      • DoggLuuuvr

        First,not all dogs are entirely bad.It's the owners who get the dogs to be the way they are. For example,if a dog is abused or doesn't have enough attention or care,it may bite because they think the human is going to hurt them. NOT every dog is like that. I have 2 very sweet german shepards.

        If I could change right now and be an animal,I would,so i wouldn't have to live with the GUILT and SHAME that humans brang by abuse and killing life for fur and food.Humans are designed to be herbivores,and ANIMALS HAVE FEELINGS. So maybe next time you say something stupid like that,do your research.

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        • stanthewarrior

          While I agree with most of your points, humans are most likely NOT designed to be herbivores, sure we can be if we want to be because of advanced knowledge and technology, but we ultimately need the protein in meat. When I was vegetarian I had to take supplements because I didn't have enough nutrition in my diet, I also got sick of constant bland vegetarian food and I didn't feel like eating very much so I had to get back on meat. I still have A LOT of issues with meat and the meat industry but I do feel like I need to have it in my diet. It's actually an ongoing debate on whether humans are naturally herbivores or carnivores, I'd imagine it's most likely that's we're omnivores like our ape cousins; we can survive on whatever we can get, but we're probably healthier if we eat meat.

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      • SuicideEquine13

        Not many animals will kill without reason. But keep in mind, dogs were created by humans for hunting purposes, and now theres dogs being turned into designer accessories. They still have the genes to kill, but they have no purpose to use them. Their just really, confused animals...

        Even if a dog killed an child, revenge would not be the answer. Let the dog live, and watch your children better.

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      • XoRubyXo

        It is awful when that happens. But, dogs don't attack for "no reason." Either, it was raised by a human to be an attack dog, or it felt threatened by something the child did. Children have a tendency to play rough with animals, and don't recognize warning signs that all animals give before they attack. Children shouldn't be left unattended with any animal.

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      • no they are more important and babies deserve to die one more thing what about sharks crocodiles lions tigers pythons

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  • Wotisnormal

    ..most of the time an animal will only kill or be violent or vicious because of how it has been reared by a human or how badly it has been treated by human beings.

    I would die for an animal before I would a human with exception of my family.

    I would love to hunt a human to show them what it feels like for an animal to be hunted, but then we are human's and supposed to be superior. I know lots of humans who make me sick.

    Yes, all life is sacred, so I don't even kill a fly.

    Animals do not intentionally hurt, humans do.....the facts are that when humans do wrong they hide what they have done...an animal does not. I would gladly be classed as a animal than human.

    Good post.

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    • SuicideEquine13

      1000% AGREE!

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  • flumflum98

    now everybody get real. emotions must be set aside from reality. i do however agree that humans are much more corrupt than animals, which is one downside of higher IQ. I think organized religion of all faiths is one of the biggest mistakes of history. it promotes hate, war, intolerance. it is all indoctrination from day one. desparation for answers and comfort among the believers and greed for power and money among too many leaders. amimals don't believe in such and such and pray thinking miracles will happen. only humans wasting brain power that could be put to much better use. on the other hand, never let a human die in favor of a dog or cat. don't abuse animals either.

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    • 777electric

      I'l do what I want sunshine. I don't need some humanaboo to tell anyone otherwise.

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    • stanthewarrior

      K, for one: "Religion" doesn't do any of that stuff, people do. It's always fucking people. Religion is just their excuse.

      Second, that really does depend on which people. If I had the choice of saving the lives of, say, the Kardashians or my cat, I'd absolutely save my cat without a second thought or regret.

      And finally, Bitch- don't tell me what to do. if I wanna save my cat, or any animal for that matter, I'll save my goddamn cat. Whatevah, I do what I want.

      (I realize this post is over 3 years old).

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  • bunnyboo22

    It normal. I mean animals are alot alike while humans you don't know them and they are just another person to you but animals you can relate to better.

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    • Trisha-Gaurav

      Excuse me? All animals are alike? Have you never heard of mixed breeds, pets with funny markings, and animals with birth defects?

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  • BlondeSunshine

    Yep, I feel the same way. The dogs don't pretend to be anything but your friend. They don't stab you on the back or stop loving you on a whim.

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  • orchid1227

    If I had to choose between saving a kitten and a human, I would without a doubt save the kitten. I am the exact same way.

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    • KlondikeSam

      If you ever need help, I hope that the only one around to save you is a kitten!

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      • 777electric

        Please die.

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  • jerqler

    wow. seems there are much more people that think like this. cool.

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  • DeamonButtercup

    Hey hunnybun, yeah I get where you're coming from. It's literally a girl thing. It's like a maternal state of mind. The though of something that cannot defend itself being hurt/abused get's to girls allot more than guys.... most girls feel this way because that small cute animal with the big eyes subconciasly reminds us of human babies. I feel the same way..... Some adult male shot randomly or a lill kitten set on fire, i know what one would piss me off most.
    x A x

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  • heartless88

    Hope when u r in trouble animals will help ur ass !!! Coz what u r talking in f***ing Nazi !!

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  • Schweeply

    A few days ago, I stepped on a caterpillar, and cried for an hour.

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  • ThatGuyWhoLikesInvertebrates

    No, it's not normal

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  • ChaoticBunny

    Yeah, its normal. Most people are jerks.

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  • assdfghjkl

    No, it is not normal to feel nothing for your fellow man and it is wrong to want to murder a TWO YEAR OLD - really!? over a kitten? That is just sick.

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    • stanthewarrior

      Isn't the "fellow man" thing bullshit though? I mean we're all biologically unique and therefore completely different for each other, I mean sure we all love our family, friends, idols and would be devastated if anything happened to them. But some random dude who's died on the news, who I never even knew existed until this moment? Yeah sure it sucks that it happened, but I can't actually FEEL genuine sadness about it. I'm sorry, I just can't.

      Wanting to kill a 2-year-old is absolutely sick, no question. But I think wanting to kill a kitten is just as sick.

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    • XoRubyXo

      I'm sure she wouldn't actually hurt a 2 year old. But, I know I feel the same way whenever I see a grown person who knows it's wrong hurting an animal. All life is precious, and humans are not more important than animals. We are all animals afterall.

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  • mardybum

    I know, especially in movies. I always want the animal to survive. I think it's because most of the time humans have put them into the situation that they are in and they don't have the same free will that we have (domesticated animals, at least). I feel the same way about children though, because most of the time they are forced into their situations.

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  • mtnw

    i understand what you are saying too. it is sickening, isn't it.

    the "murder" part, i assume, is just letting off steam.

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  • Fruitcake35

    It's normal. I'm the same way.

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