I chipped a tooth open?

I somehow managed to chip a tooth that is now hollow and showing black from inside the tooth. I don't know how I managed to chip my tooth to the point I can see inside it?

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Comments ( 5 )
  • Cuntsiclestick

    Did you bite into something too hard or get hit there? If it broke on it's own, it was probably really weak and in bad shape. Either way, you should probably see a dentist.

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    • I can't remember unfortunately because I had been drinking at the time. The tooth has chipped open to the point the inside of the tooth is showing. There's not pain but it's disturbing to see inside my tooth.

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      • Cuntsiclestick

        Please go see a dentist. That weakened, damaged tooth is going to erode to the point where pain will start.

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    Go and see a dentist right away. If you leave it, it could become infected or start rotting or something.

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  • DarkMatter

    Go to a doctor right nowwww

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