I collect can openers

Hi all. I'm a young 20 something gal with a fine hobby- yesh, you heard rights, I collect some dandy can openers! Makes me head go round. Know what I'm sayin'? Yeah, well, I have so many now that I've collected(started collecting at age 5) that I don't even have room in my kitchen to sit anymore- I sit in the living room instead.

It all started when me mama bought home a fine lookin can opener with a dogs head on it and boogala-bee! I was super duper excited about it and I couldnt resist this fine dandy fascination I had developed! After some time, I began to ask for a few can openers a year and mama always gave me some-birthday, christmas, ya name it, I had one!

Now I have around 468. Sounds like a rather small number, but most of still in packages - never opened.

Is this normal or am I a fine dandy saint amoungst new hobby people today? *giggle*

Voting Results
28% Normal
Based on 53 votes (15 yes)
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Comments ( 4 )
  • Heh?

    The world needs more freaks like you. <3

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  • freya16

    WelL don't get to cocky because that "CAN" lead to HOARDING!And it WILL be bad.

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  • Chaosbob

    Well it's no weirder than knife collecting I suppose....

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  • bubbligirl

    Umm well I'm kinda at a draw cause it's like cool that u are doing/ collecting things that u like but it's a weird fasination

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