I could be allergic to chicken?

I go through spells where I have severe nausea. When I'm having it it seems to last once or twice a day for a few weeks until it fades away. Anything anxiety inducing during that time makes it come on and ill also feel I have to poop alot during these times.

Im starting to think it could be chicken thats sparking it but I dont know. Sometimes it doesn't but Ive noticed the past few days when I have eaten chicken it has come back.

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Comments ( 1 )
  • olderdude-xx

    Possibly. Most people do not know that there are 4 or 5 different types of allergic reactions.

    IgE is the one that the Dr's always talk about - because that is the one that causes swelling and potentially a rapid death from anaphylaxis.

    IgA, IgD, IgE, IgG,and IgM allergy resonses all have somewhat different responses.

    IgG allergy response has no obvious swelling (it does not release histamine); but leaves your run down, tired, and mentally dull for a few days. The common flu is mainly an IgG response infection. If you tend to have nausea when you have the flu... that would be a match on symptoms.

    Many people have IgG food allergy responses (Most doctors call these "food sensitivities" these days as they want to reserve the term "allergy" for just IgE responses).

    I have an IgG food reaction to Chicken (and many other common foods).

    I have heard that transplanted organ rejection is primarily an IgA response.

    I hope this helps...

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