I created a twitter specifically to troll chris brown

Now, I don't usually troll people. I don't really get why it's so humorous or funny, or whatever.

But I find one exception to this, and that's trolling Chris Brown's twitter. I've never gotten so much enjoyment out of saying such mean, negative things to someone... but that's probably because Chris Brown deserves it. I guess you can say it started when I noticed some of peoples' hilarious comebacks to Brown's stupid, stupid tweets, and I found them hilarious.

So, I created a twitter specifically to troll Chris Brown's twitter, and it amuses me to no end. I love it, I find so much enjoyment out of it.

So, is it normal that I created a twitter SPECIFICALLY to troll a celebrity's twitter account?

(BTW, the recommend that ALL OF YOU should troll Chris Brown's twitter account. Because you know, he's a terrible, awful human being).

Voting Results
66% Normal
Based on 58 votes (38 yes)
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Comments ( 36 )
  • jondoerandom

    Wait.. I thought Rihanna liked whips and chains. Poor guy, I bet he's sooo confused.

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  • FrancoisDillinger

    god, I wish i'd thought of that months ago.

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  • NotFloydzie

    Twitter is fun.

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  • Imsupernormal

    Don't you have anything better to do? GET A LIFE!

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  • Zonfire80

    No it's cyber bullying. No he doesn't deserve it. The man suffers from fucken bipolar disorder give him a break! lol

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  • GuessWho

    I would, but that requires effort.

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  • Clickclock

    i'm sorry, creating a twitter account to troll multiple people is alright, well, everyone does that all the time.
    But its really not normal to have one specially for somebody, it has become an obsession

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    • Well to be fair, trolling Brown isn't the only thing I do with my twitter, I follow other celebs and internet personalities, too- trolling him was just the original reason I started it.

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  • AssBurgers


    What he did was wrong, but he was young and as far as the world knows, hasn't repeated the crime. Everyone makes mistakes and what he did certainly doesn't warrant labelling him "an awful human being''. Rihanna, the victim, has forgiven him...so it's about time people moved on.

    As for his talents, come on, he's pretty good. R&B has gone downhill over the past few years so I don't listen to much of it anymore, but he's put out some decent songs. Good voice, fantastic dancer...he's definitely talented.

    OP, picking on one guy is quite pathetic, put that account to better use and troll the Kardashians.

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    • If you ever read the lyrics of his songs, they're pretty disgusting. The name of one of his album's is called "Forgiving All My Enemies". What enemies? You mean that ones that rightly despise him because he beat up a tiny 19 year old? How nice, he's forgiving the public for all the awful things we've done for him. He's a child who throws temper tantrums and throws chairs out windows.

      He's never truly apologized for he's done, he doesn't even realize the severity of what he's done, and he hasn't tried to repent for what he's done. He's even said, and I quote: "If I walk around apologizing to everybody, I'm gonna look like a damn fool". He thinks that continuing to apologizing for shoving her head against a window, punching her in the face, and threatening her ("I'm gonna beat the shit out of you when we get home!", continued to punch her, and biting her on the ear. So yeah, of course! Why shouldn't he not apologize any further? He's spent his time, we should forgive him! That's bullshit. His fans are the worst- they refuse to even acknowledge that he did anything wrong (Some even think that RIHANNA provoked him, even though there's no proof), and think that he's a good human being. Which he isn't.

      Now, if Brown had actually worked hard to keep his image clean, and genuinely apologized for what he did, maybe at this point the public would be ready to forgive him. But for three years, he's acted like a baby whenever people bring up the charges and lashes out on twitter like a lunatic and whining about people not liking him. He's learned nothing from the incident. Nothing.

      Not everyone deserves forgiveness and a second chance- they have to earn it. Chris Brown hasn't earned that right.

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      • anonymous32

        Okay first of all i would like to clear that FAME basically means "forgetting/Fuck all my enemies" and not forgiving.
        Well, he apologized for what he did and he made a song dedicated to Rihanna to apologize to her
        I mean it’s silly that we don’t wanna forget what happened even that Rihanna moved on and forgave him, and we still holding grudges
        “Chris has made ONE mistake when he was young. He can't go back Chris has donated more than 3,000,000$ to Haiti. He donated 7,000,000$ to Japan and 10, 000, 00$ to poor homeless kids part of the money Chris makes from his albums and his art works go to charities. he has his own charity called (Symphonic Love) All the money earned to that charity goes to homeless people”
        And his fans are doing nothing but being supportive and understanding, they know that what he did was wrong but they believe that people make mistakes and deserve a second chance
        “Now before you judge him again, remember he is human he is going to make mistakes and he is going to learn from it. You have to remember that you have also made mistakes, maybe worst than he did. Nobody’s perfect”
        And btw , here’s the apologies
        Chris Brown Apology: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vTj3-2Fdvj0
        Rihanna’s Apology song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yl8wftGg9pA
        And you can maybe check on turn up the music and cake remix, like I said she clearly moved on

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        • I have read that FAME means "Forgiving All My Enemies". Either way, Forgiving All my Enemies AND Forgetting/Fuck My Enemies both make him seem like a terrible, awful human being.

          Yes, he has forgiven us- he has forgiven us for treating him like he beat and abused a nineteen year old girl. He has forgiven us for all our misdeeds. What a gem he is. And "forget"/"fuck" his enemies? What enemies? The people who hate him for doing a terrible crime? A crime for which he got a slap on the wrist where with other people they can get up to 20 years in jail?

          And just because you donate money to help a good cause DOES NOT mean that you are a good person. You can be a bully, and still donate a hundred bucks to a charity. You can be a nasty, awful human being, and donate all that money to charity.

          Oh, his fans- his fans are even worse than he is! Are you kidding me? Most of his illiterate, stupid fans either blame Rihanna for the incident (Claiming she "provoked" him when the police reports say nothing of the kind), claim that he didn't even attack her AT ALL, or try to make some stupid excuses like "It's been three years" or "Everyone deserves a second chance". No. No, you have to earn that second chance. You have to earn that right to be given a second chance.

          Oh, yeah, he made an apology song. Good for him. I guess that means it's ok to let him back in the music business, right? I mean sure, he tweets "I'm so over people bringing this past shit up!" after throwing a chair out a window at "Good Morning America" what, two years after he released the song, but he released a song apologizing to her! So what if he lashes out at people on twitter and gets into fights in bars, he apologized, so we should just forget about it and move on!

          The fact is, if you get into physical fights with people, if you lash out at people on twitter, if you throw chairs out windows, if you write songs like "Deuces", or "Look At Me Now" or "Don't Judge Me", you're apology for physically assaulting your girlfriend is HALLOW. It doesn't MEAN anything.

          It's been three, four years since the incident, and he has NOT learned from his mistakes. He got in a freaking bar fight with Drake- a BAR FIGHT- and I'm being told that he's learning from his previous mistake of beating up his girlfriend? He is learning from his mistake of beating up his girlfriend by beating up another celebrity. Good for him. Let's all give him a big round of applause.

          "You have to remember that you have also made mistakes, maybe even worse than he did". Uh, fuck you. You're telling me, that I have made a worse mistake in my life than beating up a domestic partner; throwing chairs out windows; beating up OTHER celebrities; and lash out at people on both twitter AND in songs? You don't know me, yet you're saying that I've made more horrible mistakes than America's most famous domestic abuser? You're saying that I've done something worse than physically abusing another human being?

          I live in a world where a domestic abuser is being defended. It can only go downhill from there.

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          • anonymous32

            look , all the things i said between brackets are copy pasted from a picture that i wanted you to see , i don't know you to judge you or to say that you made mistakes worse than the one he did
            and second of all i appreciate your point of view , if you don't wanna forgive him that's okay , i was just saying that people deserve a second chance.
            and about that drake fight, drake started and we all know that.
            and not all his fans are like this , just the stupid ones that don't think

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            • Like I said before: people don't automatically deserve a second chance, you have to EARN that second chance. You have to work at it. Chris Brown has not earned that second chance.

              And if I saw Chris Brown in person, I probably would have thrown a bottle at him too.

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  • theaverageatheist

    what do i have to tipe in order to find it??

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  • alv1592

    Well he is a douche. I like some of his songs, but what he did was terrible.

    Speaking of troll accounts, have y'all seen that Amanda Bieber chik on Twitter? Well the sad thing is, I don't know if she's trolling or serious.

    And yeah Simon, you should totally rejoin Twitter :)

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  • dappled

    I'd like to poke him in the eye with Rihanna's umbrella. If I rejoin Twitter, I might come and help you troll him. Actually, I really might.

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  • KeddersPrincess

    I created a twitter strictly to stalk Thomas Dekker. I guess it's alright. *shrugs*

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  • anti-hero

    I don't know Chris Brown. Why is he an awful human?

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    • He physically assaulted Rihanna, his girlfriend at the time, and has never seemed to have understand exactly the severity of his crime, nor does he care to fully understand it. If he did, he would try to act like a decent human being but instead, he throws chairs out windows because he's an angry hot head. His apologies were hallow, to the point where he tweeted once "I'm done apologizing", and his the lyrics of his songs are out right disgusting of how egotistical they are, trying to diss his "haters", like he's never deserved to be hated on in the first place- but he does, he beat up a 19 year old girl- and despite what other people have said, she didn't attack him first.

      His fans are actually the worst- specifically the ones who like him not only as an artist, but as a person. They believe that he never did anything wrong, even when there are police reports that give specific details of Rihanna's injuries.

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      • Justsomejerk

        Who doesn't want to assault Rihanna?

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      • KeddersPrincess

        Did you read it when he got into the twitter fight with Raz-B from B2K?

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      • anti-hero

        Okay, I know who you are talking about now. The name didn't ring a bell at the time. Yeah he is a dick, troll away.

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    • Zonfire80

      He has bipolar disorder and I understand a lot what he goes through as I myself am a bipolar person. He probably wasn't taking his meds and was going through a manic fase. When I was 14 years old and I got upset I punched my little niece in the face. I was upset because she wasn't listening. Now call me a monster but I was suffering from bipolar disorder and have anger issues.

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  • so funny, please give some samples

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    • I don't think my tweets are as funny as some others, but when he posted a link to his latest single, the song was called "Don't Wake Me Up". I responded with "'Don't Wake Me Up'? You don't want to be woken up from your delusion of thinking that you're talented enough to deserve fame?"

      He also posted this dumb picture of himself wearing a hat with the a map of the world on it and he tweeted "map ur brain!" and I said, "Because apparently, you don't have one".

      He also tweeted "You ever stand on top of a building and try to listen to the bullshit someone is yelling from the street?", and I was like "You mean people yelling "bullshit" like "JUMP! JUMP! JUMP! JUMP!". I swear to God, he just makes it way too easy sometimes, but that's also when it's most satisfying :)

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      • he would hate reading your tweets cause they have a hard edge, but i bet they give others a laugh

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  • You're so dumb. Celebs don't really use twitter they just pay someone to do it for them, chris brown will never read a word you say :( . It's all self promotion derrrrpp

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    • Oh no, Chris Brown uses twitter himself, all right. If it was really someone else, they wouldn't post such stupid, stupid tweets.

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      • They all hire equally dumb people maybe? But on a serious note, they don't use it lol.

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        • AssBurgers

          No, they do, they are only human afterall.

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          • No they really don't, they do have better things to do after all.

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            • AssBurgers

              So when Will.i.am is constantly seen Tweeting on TV shows, that's just him playing up for the camera, whilst some employee of his tweets something at exactly the same time?

              When Demi Moore takes a picture of herself in a bikini, you're telling me she then tells someone else to upload it to Twitter because she has 'better things to do' ?

              Sorry but I won't be buying into this conspiracy theory of yours.

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