I'd never know if you were dead

Like the title says, If any one of you died, we'd never know. It kinda weirds me out. Basically, one day you'd stop showing up and nobody would suspect a thing. It kinda makes me wonder if I'd come across people like so. I was wondering if anybody else thinks about this and well, what do you think?
More of a poll, I know, it's just I want your comments this time. Thx.

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Based on 67 votes (57 yes)
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Comments ( 20 )
  • awesometodd

    I'm not dead in case you're wondering

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  • dappled

    I didn't think about it when I first saw this question but I've been part of an online community where someone died. It was a much smaller community than IIN. There were about twenty of us and eight or nine were regulars. Everyone knew he was ill and we knew it was serious but most of us were under 20 and we didn't think thirty-somethings died. But they do and he did.

    It was very strange. We wanted to hold a wake but nobody knew for sure that he'd died. He may have been critical in hospital. After about a month, two or three people got an email from him. We don't know who sent it but it was one of those "to be read after my death" ones. He talked about how much we'd meant to him in his final months while he was housebound and he wished us all happy lives and gave some of us advice (me and my friend got told to stop talking about sex all the time and start doing it, ideally with each other). He was a good guy. And, yeah, it happens.

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  • charli.m

    Yeah. It's the way of the internet, unfortunately. I think about it from time to time. There are people who I have spoken to online over the years, who have just suddenly disappeared. It's hard, because yes, it's "just the internet" but...that doesn't negate the fact that real friendships are formed, real emotions are invested. And because there's no closure...yeah.

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    • howaminotmyself

      I think it's that lack of closure that makes it difficult. I try not to think about it too much.

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      • charli.m

        Yeah. It's not fun to dwell on.

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  • drugsrbadmkay

    I'm actually posting from beyond the grave right now.

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  • KeddersPrincess

    I read one where a guy kept talking about how he felt something bad was going to happen to him soon.

    ...I haven't seen him since.

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  • Imposturously_yours

    We'll all die, eventually. What difference does it really make? I just find that staying alive isn't such a big hassle and I learn a lot of interesting things.

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  • thanksforthefreecar

    Actually if i died my best friend would tell you guys

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    • Shackleford96

      and he would probably say thanksforthefreecar, right?

      (I know, that was cheezy...)

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  • Wendell

    How do we know the author has not died after posting this

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  • Thepilotofepic

    Makes it easier to kill though :)

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  • Shackleford96

    I wonder if TheMaskedGunman died sometimes...

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  • kyanviado

    I have died twice

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  • NotFloydzie

    I'm sure if I die a few people here will know. Not because I disappear out of the blue, but because I communicate with them outside of IIN.

    I can picture my mom emailing everyone I've ever emailed that I died while trying a dress on or something.

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  • dappled

    I thought about it the week before last because I was having near-constant chest pains and heart problems run in my family (my grandfather and aunt died leaving young children and my brother had an emergency heart operation when he was 18). If I stop turning up, people can assume I'm dead. I hope nobody says, "I'm glad dappled is dead, the whiny bitch". I don't care while I'm alive but it's disrespectful if I'm dead. I guess someone will say it, though. So, in lieu of that, and whoever you are, I'm sorry your life is so bad that you've now stooped to picking on the dead.


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    • Shackleford96

      Ha, that 'whiny bitch' part made me laugh :P

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      • dappled

        lol, you just know someone is going to say it. Someone will probably even say it at my funeral. :P

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  • kelili

    Yes but who cares

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Don't think about it.

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