I'd rather have a group of close friends than a girlfriend
I've always wanted to have a group of friends that I was really close and affectionate with. Friends who I really deeply loved and who loved me back, who I could hug sincerely and say "I love you" without too much embarrassment. Friends that I could talk honestly with about emotional stuff, and who I could cry to if I was upset (and obviously where I'd help them through hard times as well). Of course I'm not saying that's what it'd be like all the time. Most of the time we'd have fun together, hanging out, joking around, watching movies, going out, getting drunk/high, etc. The stuff that makes life fun and joyful. But where they were more than just the people I hang with, or more than just drinking partners.
I'm a guy though, and it seems like society would view that as strange. Like the only friends a guy should have are the lads he meets out at the pub and has a few pints with, and slags off about the footy. I'm not saying that those people aren't real friends, just because they don't talk about personal stuff and would feel uncomfortable hugging. But that's not the kind of friendship I want.
Even if that wasn't viewed as strange though, it just seems to me like friendship is viewed as superfluous in society. Like it's only something youngsters have before they meet their future spouse, and then they get married and then that's all that matters. Even all their best friends they've had for years are expendable then, nevermind making any new friends. But I think I'd rather my friends were the main loves of my life, and then I could either stay single so I could sleep around, or if I did ever find a permanent partner, then it wouldn't be the end of the world if we broke up. I wouldn't feel depressed and alone, and worry that I'd never find love again. I think this would be a better system, or at least it should be seen as a good alternative lifestyle.