I desperately fucked a left 4 dead 2 female boomer in a dream

2 years ago if not more, I felt horny in one of dreams and I thought to myself I would be offered some gorgeous and cute but not just on scale of sexiness, but instead a female boomer with all those wounds and mucus flowing out of rotten parts of a body, and sliced up open wounds lays with her back on a bed and I just out of desperation just hop on her with my front body and just beat it as long her vagina is still functional, but that's pretty much it. Speaks sincerely a honest, and a nearly 28 year old virgin with zero experience and maximum frustration with mild to slightly moderate form of Aspergers Syndrome, except that i've got not much to say, and billymenacetosociety, fuck you, reply here and i'll get to you with handful of grenades and gauge 12s.

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Comments ( 16 )
  • raisinbran

    Confession, I have Tank nightmares sometimes.

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    • Giorgi

      I like to mention the difference between zombies and 'infected' as zombies are a class of beings that after they're left to rot for a little while in a grave, they just crawl out and it's a bit of an awkward version of the 'infected' which is more reality oriented and possible as their brains are still alive, except the parts involved in conscious decision and other parts that regulate emotions and other complex human behavior is totally obliterated and their reptilian part is the one that is aggressively active and other self serving survival regions. To be honest, zombies are the most awkward, and the 'infected' are the more reality oriented and polished versions. Though I really liked TellTale Games The Walking Dead with Clementine and Lee. and again, they're infected over there than zombies. Zombie definition is obsolete and dead now and not used in any plot. You may synonymously use it to infected or mutated beings but that's about it.

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      • raisinbran

        "Infected" typically die first before becoming a zombie. To be a zombie you have to die first.

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        • LloydAsher

          Typically. For the "last of us" technically all of the infected are still alive. The first stage are still cognitive of their actions. The later stages it seems you lose all of your personality to the point where you are effectively dead.

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    • Giorgi

      They're somewhat more aggressive, heavier, stronger than the typical DOOM 3, DOOM 2016, Doom Eternal Hell knights and barons of hell but i like the DOOM design monsters , it fits the horror and terror style better but Left 4 Dead tanks are nearly as dangerous as master spiderminds from doom, and Resident Evil lickers are incredibly stealthy and dangerous as they can sneak from the ceiling and just finish you with a tongue, you know.

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      • raisinbran

        Sounds like the Smoker.

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        • Giorgi

          Different, but smoker on contrast, is significantly less aggressive, easily killed by a desert eagle bullet or two, or even a simple shotgun shot. but the Resident Evil massive and muscular lickers that can flip entire vehicles, trucks, and even get heaviest trains off the rails, is unquestionably unrealistic comparison between the two. So yeah, smoker is, except that you need little worry if you have a very small back up by reinforcements and one shot puts the smoker 6 feet under.

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  • LloydAsher

    God... I feel sorry for you bud.

    Yeah sometimes dreams like that you get the WORST partners. I've had one of particular note that was so bad I immediately woke up and threw up. Never ever in my life did I witness something so fucked up in a dream. No I'm not going to tell you what ungodly "partner" it was but it is the farthest thing from a sexual encounter you could ever want. I'm not gay but holy shit a gay gangbang dream would of been 100x more palatable.

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    • Giorgi

      As a reply to my dad who told me "See how muscular and stocky that guy is" and i'm like "Meh", maybe my eyes just got used to seeing people in 150 - 185 KG category, or even 206 KG.

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      • LloydAsher

        Tldr any of those comments.

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        • Giorgi

          Since it is difficult to learn certain stuff like computer software such as translating such as the words "Top, right, left and press the button called X" and you try to translate the verbal explanation onto what would be equivalent to the visual definition, and you're unable to spot button or unable to follow instructions unless visually guided by a person with shortcuts, and that's why professional courses at anything cost a ton of money, and don't listen to braggers that they got their education by plain simply signing on library, maybe the reason the perverted smart-ass guys went to library is to creep foot sniff girls and in later stage shoot a load silently, who knows.

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        • Giorgi

          It's okay these days in this generation for people to have lexical or letter, word comprehension or processing difficulties as earlier and earlier generations of people more of retain information and material by visually watching a TV documentary, or learning something watching by video tutorials and that's something that I do as well, since it is difficult to learn everything by just reading, it is sometimes easier to visually see something and capture the important moments, like learning a 3d software.

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    • Giorgi

      I have had moments at times that I would see someone taller than me and more muscular than i'm and suddenly I glance at my dad in a bar and see, look how small he is, I must be bigger and thicker.

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    • Giorgi

      Damn, yeah, it's awful, had plenty of opportunities when i was in my very early teens in a special education school with two girls that were of normal intellectual and cognitive developmental with minimal issues socially and probably slight learning difficulties or emotional issues, but as I grew older, those only ones just became farther from me and as result of neglect I started to develop some kind of psychosomatic stuff such as fear of losing my intestines when having a bowel movement in a toilet and repeatedly googling rectal prolapse and as well developed a severe form of 'dissociative' psychosomatic syndromde aged 16 in which i woke up in a pre-army dorm room where everything felt unreal and i could't really catch a breath and the world seemed werid and then i phoned my phone and begged to him to take me back home since i felt something like an asthma attack and out of fear i just lied about having asthma due to being convinced that it is my first asthma attack and this continued on until i was put on Escitalopram (SSRI) which made me hyperactive and as well gave me grandiose delusions over time in which i lifted incredibly heavy dumbbells (Were not recommended for my size) but still did, though with some difficulty but the insecurities following me just forced my brain to push to the limits and I once accepted on challenging a friend with fist fight in middle of a street with rules however (no punch in the face or the balls) and he beat me easily and left marks on me, I thought i'd get him easy or restrain him because he told me that even petite ladies could arm wrestle him with ease and I fell into that trap that I could just wrestle him easily with one hand, and thought that the person would particularly make a joke out of himself and under-estimated him on many levels physically, except maybe, intellectually. I just have must of have thought at the moment that I have to be skilled even with basic martial arts techniques and movements and there I would get him without plain simply using brute strength merely meant for lifting weights or arm wrestling. As well thought that physical strength would somehow gain me social status and was sort of aggressive online on facebook and threatened people physically and sold them short for small stature and muscle mass. My brain's weird shit bro.

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  • Tinybird

    I just wish I could have sex dreams where I actually HAVE SEX WITH THE PERSON in my dream and am not just "imagining it in the dream".

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    • Giorgi

      Dreams lack any existing relationship with logic, laws of physics, total integration of the senses you maximally experience in real life, so i think the lack of logic in dreams is the one to make people strive to achieve things in real life as they're more intense and real in experience except that there are very vivid and convincing dreams but this one is unrelated. What is meant to be experienced in real life such as sex, and joy of food, are much preferable to be done in real life. There was no time I could drink something in a dream and still experience intense thrist and the inability to get my throat wet or the feeling of satiation and these are the dreams that make me want to desperately get on my feet and drink the damn fizzy drink or eat something, and after dreams like these, i frequently do eat or drink immediately after i get up on feet, in real life.

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