I despise sexism

Well, to sum this one up effectively, I'm a heterosexual 18 year old male, and I cannot tolerate any form of sexism, AT ALL. I get so pissed whenever anyone mentions even a mere joke that carries sexist sentiments/connotations. All it does to my is anger me, and forces me to become depressed, as though humanity will never be equal. I personally believe that the genders are NOT AT ALL different mentally, and there's nothing anyone can do to change my mind about that. I do not have a girlfriend, and do not plan on having one any time within my life, nor marrying. I consider myself a crusader for gender equality, and will stick to my opinions until the end.

Again, anything sexist invokes feelings of hopelessness, depression, and anger within me. I also occasionally ponder the thought of me being in possession of some form of advanced conscience, in which my mind is neither male, nor female, but just ME. Well, in fact, that would be overstating it, as I feel the same is such for every human being; gender carries nothing but physical differences. Every mind is unique, and should never be viewed as "masculine" or "feminine".

Well, that's my first story. What do you honestly believe?

Voting Results
63% Normal
Based on 104 votes (66 yes)
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Comments ( 99 )
  • ellaisrad

    Completely agree with you, sexism is vile.

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  • ilikapplezz

    it's normal. the same thing happens 2 me (except i'm a girl). i believe every1 should be equal & it makes me mad when i hear abt ppl being sexist. just keep believing the way u do. we need more ppl lik us in this *annoying* world.

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  • PoisonFlowers

    Oh, there are way too many comments to read, but I scanned through (more like rolled the mouse quickly up the page) and I'd just like to add: some people like the stereotypes and actively exploit them. That's their choice. It's just like any other thing really. A bit like when people like a certain subculture and take on the characteristics associated with it. That's how I see it anyway. It just angers me when my worth is judged on the same criteria. I dislike that it's gotten to the point that this binary system has become ingrained into peoples' psyche.

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  • WhiteWave

    i cannot stand people with the 1940's views that 'women belong in the kitchen' and so on.
    why do women belong in a kitchen?
    because it's 'traditional' or 'its happened since we were cavemen'
    well when we were cavemen, men were out killing mamoths and shit not wanking over asian porn.

    people that think like this are weak.
    they forget they rule out half the population of this planet. x

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    • "people" like that deserve to be sent off the planet, as they're doing nothing good for humanity and only dragging us behind.

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  • MidnightBlossom

    wow, reading the part "in which my mind is neither male, nor female, but just ME "
    i think that. exactly. thats really weird!
    Im bi-sexual, well, I love is a better term. I hate sexism as well. i see myself as just me, and if i have somebody to love then i have somebody to love! i dont care who they are.
    "ew, two guys!" like, who gives a damn what gender they are!? LOVE is what they have.
    anyway, I agree with your statement. I always wondered how unique my thoughts were. Not very... >.>
    And women dont have roles. My dad says "you should do more housework for when your a house wife," and to my brothers "you should do more sport like normal guys!" urgh, annoys me so much... (heh, public toilets are sexist ^^)

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    • You and I would be amazing friends. :)

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  • Juche1


    I to DESPISE SEXISM women can do practically anything a man can do as most of our great socialist county's have proven.

    Women make great warriors, workers,scientists and leaders. Upholding women's rights is one of the pillars of a great socialist society

    "Women up hold half the heavens" Mao Zedong

    “Down with this contemptible fraud! There cannot be, nor is there nor will there ever be “equality” between the oppressed and the oppressors, between the exploited and the exploiters. There cannot be, nor is there nor will there ever be real “freedom” as long as there is no freedom for women from the privileges which the law grants to men, as long as there is no freedom for the workers from the yoke of capital, and no freedom for the toiling peasants from the yoke of the capitalists, landlords and merchants” V. I. Lenin

    “The women worker stands shoulder to shoulder with the man worker. She works with him on the common task of building our industry. She can help the common cause if she is politically conscious and politically educated. But she can ruin the common cause if she is downtrodden and backward” J.V. Stalin

    and BTW ignore the Nazi pigs here after the revolution will send such reactionary scum to the Gulags were they belong

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  • Dude i fucking hate sexism this dude in my sceince class kept being really racist to the girl i love and i told him to shut up he just swore at me and kept on calling her [censored] names so i told him to stop he did not so i GOT UP AND BEAT 7 SHADES OF TURD OUT OF HIM !!!!!!!! HE NEVER SAID ANYTHING AGAIN :D and i did not get in trouble for it :D
    Ye sexist dudes should be castrated !

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  • Dread-pool

    i'm a feminist also and respect women equally.

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  • 048forlife

    "I do not have a girlfriend, and do not plan on having one any time within my life, nor marrying. I consider myself a crusader for gender equality, and will stick to my opinions until the end." How exactly is having a girlfriend sexist ?

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  • sabine

    I think you might be getting worked up a bit, but it's fine to hold strong views, just don't get carried away...

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  • TheXinator

    You have a right to be ticked off, I would.
    Women have the same genectics as men, think the same as men, and are generally the same in sports, academics, and physical active stuff as well and deserve to be treated humanely. Women do not belong in the kitchen, nobody "belongs" anywhere. Women should cook because they want to cook, not because men are too lazy to learn. Just because men were created first, dosen't mean men have special rights.

    And the "Sickinthehead" guy is a immature, insecure, jerk who is highly spoiled by his mom. He dosen't know how to respect others, and their feelings. And he is concious of his poor behavior, too, so he uses women to make himself feel better. So, whatever, floats his boat.

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  • baryaqueen

    I also do not like it when women are abused and not respected especially in the Middle Eastern area (aka those Muslims) plus that sandwich joke we see in the internet it really overused, stupid and boring, not hilarious. It really sucks being a woman, we're obviously more physically weak, mostly seen as sex objects and are overall inferior than men even since Socrates' time.

    If I were given a chance to be reincarnated I'd definitely choose to be a guy. I'm very jealous of men because they're men (gender is another topic though). Also I view women in general being whiny, bitchy and demanding. My perspective is most definitely due to the sexist world we live in. I myself am aware that this is wrong and should change, but still I tend to perceive it realistically and soon just unfortunately accept that this won't change in our generation.

    Now back to your question, I think it's normal yet not. Normal in the sense of being righteous and knowing that sexism is still an issue here, that's totally conventional. The abnormal part is, (for me) on the other hand, how bothered you get from this. Like I said it's good to be aware of the matter but maybe it's not usual to get THAT disturbed from the situation, 'cause you said you were feeling anxious, angry and depressed right? Anyway I voted for normal.

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  • Halkarin

    Religion, racism, sexism - I'm noticing a trend here! These are all things born of ignorance and fear, and one happy day we will have dispensed with all of them. Sadly, that day will not come in our lifetimes. Sexism is actually getting worse in many respects. Fight it!

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  • looner

    yeah and like i aint
    weak, so i am tired of guys
    going "dont hiit a girl
    and like, i cant even have a fight
    without some stupid skank telling the boy
    i can do 100 push ups
    how many can u d?
    i didnt even have to work for em eit

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  • custy


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  • letmefree

    I like my men clean but hate them dirty, Does this piss you off?

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  • alexisfreak

    Dude, I agree with you all the way. But you should still date and have sex. Sex does not offend anybody in a sexist way unless it is rape. You should just get a girlfriend and treat her very nicely and be a role model for other men.

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  • PoisonFlowers

    I can relate to everything you've said here. I too see people as being first and foremost a PERSON rather than being defined as male or female.

    Hell, even the idea of two distinct sexes isn't really right. Some people are born not fitting cleanly into either, but society says (it's always "society says", isn't it?) that they should.

    Sexism makes me so angry and depressed. Even my parents are sexist because they clearly treat me differently to my brothers. They don't mean it of course, but it just goes to show how deeply ingrained sexism is. My elder brother does mean it though. He mocks me about it sometimes (generally kitchen stuff - yeah, my mum starts it off by telling me to clear up and he latches on to that) and I want to tell him to fuck off. But I don't have time for that crap. I hate it. I hate how your percieved gender can make all the difference to how other people see you and act towards you. It's so detrimental to everyone. Only when we can let go of our predjudices (not just sexism) can we truly be free.

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      has it ocurred to you that you are a member of the weaker gender and you will be enslaved by making food in the kitchen till the day you die?

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  • stacey4ever

    I think there is no problem with this to an extent. I hate sexism and I am a female. So from my perspective, however, I find it unfortunate that you don't plan to get married because women could need men like you. And as a feminist (humanist) I hate the idea that men shouldn't believe in equality and it appears that they often don't which makes marriage feel bleak for people like me.

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  • combatgal856

    Yeah, every mind is unique, you have feminine men and masculine women. However there are different hormones in men and women that make them different in ways. However women can do what men can do if they wanted too. You just need to know that there are differences in men and women

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    • "You just need to know that there are differences in men and women"

      Only by society.

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  • Bunny420

    I believe there is a difference between male and female.

    It's how most sexual animals survive.

    As long as it isn't used to unnecessarily judge anyone e.g. silly jokes and slip second choices I'm fine with it.

    Why do you think you feel this way about the human race?

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    • Because it's disgusting; it makes me feel caged; inside something I despise. It makes me feel pain. I can't stand it. I know I'm right; I'v3e experienced it.

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    • Bunny420


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  • Its good for a guy to be taking gender issues & equality seriously - but doing so doesn't mean getting all humourless, ridiculous and twisted up about it. Besides, who will take you seriously? Just be principled, balanced reasoned and advocate. Don't take yourself so seriously. The world isn't going to change at the threat of you imploding.

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    • You have no idea what's going inside me, my friend.

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  • AxisMundi

    having a distaste for sexism is compltely normal...who would wish for having this trait added to their character?
    but having an extreme hate for anything would bring an unbalance to anyones point of view.
    its quite obvious that alot of people who have posted are attacking, and you hvae defended yourself very maturely, I applaud you.
    I also think that this is the exact reason that so many young people, and humankind in general, have 'identity crisis'...there is so much negativity in asking questions or exploring what 'identity' means.
    i have felt like love, beauty, and attraction can be said for any relationship between any sexes, and this type of 'higher' thought process can be lost on alot of individuals, cultures, and society rules.
    from your reaction, it seems in the end your real point is not that you are above it all, but that you feel trapped beneath it all.
    i hope your days will bring much more enlightment, and that you meet individuals that ill have you asking more questions, and not only giving you answers, but making you answer them yourself.
    overall, very normal feeling, and thank you for taking the time to post such an honest story

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    • Thank you my friend. What I mean though when I state that "I'm above it all" is that I have the conscience to comprehend the truth of these matters, which many lack. I have no difficulty in admitting the inevitability of my superiority to those who think in contrasting patterns (which are negative) to me.

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    • Thank you for your wonderful reply, my friend. :)

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  • Deadly_Syn

    Physically, males are generally stronger, however that is not the case in ALL scenarios. Mentally, women develop quicker, and even out with men as they get older. Sexually, men are more oriented to have sex earlier on, but once again, I am generalizing here. In utter truth, there are MANY differences between males and females both mentally and physically, and your going to have to learn to except that. However, that does NOT under any circumstances mean that one gender is better/stronger/more important than the other. What I can't stand is when somebody proclaims that men or women are better or smarter than the other gender! It absolutely infuriates me! I want to smack the fools that say things like that! Such as when a man will proclaim that because his brain is larger, (males brains are generally larger, but only because they are generally bigger than females, and that doesn't make them smarter) so that must make him smarter! Or when women put down all men by taking an example of some bastard fool who cheats on them, or something like that, and says that ALL men are like that.

    The point I'm getting to here is that there are differences, mentally and physically, in the sexes, but that doesn't make all men physically stronger than all women, or all women smarter than men.

    That's my views, hope I helped.
    (oh, and for the record, yes, you ARE normal.

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      I AM K.L.G.



      (They're applicable to everyone).

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    • "The point I'm getting to here is that there are differences, mentally and physically"

      Physically, yes, but mentally, NO. I'm sorry, but there is no way I will ever accept that there are mentally any differences. It drives me up a wall to even merely think of the laughable idea that they do. I agree with you 100%%, except on that part.

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  • Moonlit_Heart

    I do think that the mind and soul are not sex-typed, but it's pretty interesting how scientists have proven there is a biological reason why women prefer pink colors and men just don't. Well, I suppose that's just physical, huh?

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    • No, I disagree with bull**** research like that. Most of it is.

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  • mycatisawesome14

    MARRY ME!! i love a man who respects the other sex!

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  • Powerfrog

    overall, men are physically stronger than women, and women are faster learners than men. but of course the worlds strongest woman could beat the weakest man to a pulp and the worlds fastest thinking man could beat a slow women at.. ermmmm... thinking fast ^_^

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    • Then no overall difference.

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  • HitlerSausageSlave

    You're never gonna get any chicks with that attitude about sexism being wrong. Women love the ultra-macho Bogart type male. Be an Alpha Male, and ignore the feelings of women. Then you will get laid, unless you are gay. Actually you are gay. So ignore my advice.

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    • oceangirl16

      WTF?!?!?! you pathetic excuse for a man!!! YOU RACIST BASTARD PIG!!!!! how can you say that when so many women are being suppresed and abused and looked down apon in the world right now!!! You and probably more than half the guys on this planet right now think women are good for nothing more than sex and house work... you should be ashamed to even state that kind of oppinion even on a totally anonamous (sp?) website!

      P.S. - if you were totally joking when you wrote that and have no feelings for that opinion at all, then im horribly sorry..... but still, thats not even funny.

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      You have instantly become one of my hero's. HEIL!

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    • Also, sex is 1.5%% of my life, it's quite overrated. And again, kill yourself. I'd rather eat dogshit than endure seeing your face.

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  • sillyhands


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    • Also, congratulations for using the word "retard" in the context which you did! You have no chance whatsoever of being taken seriously by me. -_-

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  • IveGotBallsOfSteal

    Let yourself get dumped a few times and let a few girls rip your heart out from behind and around your spine and see if you wont make a sexist joke at least in a few years lol. Quit self advertising. You're the sensitive guy, we all get it. Go on and finish last and write a song about it. Girls dig douches for the most part.
    Damn that felt good.
    Sorry dude, disregard all that. i used to be just like you. Now I realize that women are just as f*cked as men are. I'm jaded, heartbroken, and recovering. have fun with all the not getting any, for now. LOL.

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  • doucebag69

    maybe your just on the rag, or have a little too much sand in your vagina, have you gone to the beach recently? do you get what I'm doing? I'm making fun of you AND women at the same time by saying that you are one and that they are overly emotional :3

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    • HAHAHAHAHAHHA Wowww, so pointless and stupid. -_-

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  • AmINormal789

    I agree, and yet I disagree. Of course, neither gender is better or worse, because without the other one, we simply would not be. But, from the way we are built physically and mentally, most of the time, its to do different things. I read an article once about this kinda thing. If I find it, ill post it.

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  • esreverlogic

    Until we get rid of all the double standards, there will always be things such as sexism, racism, and the sort. I would just get over it, because nobody really cares, and nobody should, because if we didn't care or pay attention to it, it would go away. Also, there will always be people who see themselves as better than another human being, like a white supremacist or an abusive husband/wife. Christianity solves all of these problems, but nobody wants to listen anymore.

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    • Your absoluteness is faulty.

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  • fathulk91219

    if u have never have had a girlfriend how do you know if their brains work differently

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  • reddawn17

    well what I believe is...

    Bitches aint shit but tricks and hoes suck on the dick and get the fuck out when you done

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    • -_- Yawn. No ape-like humanoids on my pages such as you, okay?

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  • thejazzismine

    I'm a girl and I find the "kitchen" jokes pretty humorous now & then. The whole unequal sex thing is all in your head. Its just knowing your true self. I just don't see how people can take offense to things that you know that you are not.

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    • Because they're still entangled within the etheric atmosphere and causing damage to many psyches and influencing others to take the wrong path. If something is solidified, promoters of the opposite of it would be non-existent.

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  • sexcrazednormalgu

    well you sound a rigth idiot to me . "stick to my opinions to the end" wars have ben fought and millions of lifes lost because someon " stuck to their opinions to the end".

    surely you can see common sense and change your opinion accordingly... you will never have a gf or get married with stupid childish attitude like tha, come back here and re-read your story when your 40. boy will you feel a dick.....

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    • HAHAHAH Wow, how come no one gets the hint? NO MONKEYS ALLOWED.

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  • pussymonster

    i think ur overly conceited and just cant get a girl because u lack the social skills to do so. Get over urself and get a girlfriend do somthing different than over thinking males and females

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  • cinnamondaze

    An impressive post submission. I am new to this forum - had read through some of the posts and began to fall into a bit of depressive state at how people interract and disrespect each other as well. Please don't feel like you're alone in your line of thinking, however. You just sound like are a very emotionally concerned type of person. That is very commendable.
    I do agree with some of the other people's responses here though. In that, there are overall differences between the sexes; physically, emotionally, etc. That doesnt make for inequality, as I'm sure you are aware.
    Smart and intellectual responses goin' on in here too. (So far it's maintained for the most part, a level of civility.) We'll see how long it lasts. (smiles)

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    • No, there are no mental or emotional differences due to gender, just physical. Mental and emotional differences are unique due to each individual, not gender.

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      • buriedalive

        Well, you yourself agreed the hormonal differences earlier, which do lead to emotional/ mental differences i.e. that women are more susceptible to depression due to lower serotonin levels. Also, estrogen and testosterone levels, which as I'm sure you're aware differ dependin on gender, affect men and womens behaviour.

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        • Sure, we may experience different mood cycles at different times. However, moodiness to a woman in menopause is the same form of moodiness men experience, just from a different cause. Again, physical differences only.

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        • "Also, estrogen and testosterone levels, which as I'm sure you're aware differ dependin on gender, affect men and womens behaviour."

          No they don't.

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          • buriedalive

            Er, yes they do. Testosterone makes people more aggresive. It's widely accepted that one of the contributing factors to why men in their teens and early twenties perpetrate most violent crimes is because this is the time when tesosterone is at it's highest levels in men (in conjunction with as societal influence, poverty etc).
            Also, when female animals such as rats are injected with testosterone, they start to act more like their male counterparts (and vice versa).
            It's pretty hard to deny that our hormones to an extent dictate our behaviour, and that levels of hormones tend to be different in men and women, and I really can't think of any reason to deny it either. None of the differences make women any less than men, or vice versa. Difference doesn't make for inequality.

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  • AverageTMcFlannigan

    You come across in a quite abrasive fashion. It's also amazing that without being familiar with the research buriedalive may have read, you instantly dismiss it as incorrect or made up as if you yourself are more knowledgeable than any scientist who disagrees with what you want to be true.

    Look: Wanting something to be true is not the same as it being true. It doesn't matter how bad you want it to be true. If it isn't then it isn't. 'Nuff said.

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    • "Wanting something to be true is not the same as it being true. It doesn't matter how bad you want it to be true. If it isn't then it isn't. 'Nuff said."

      BTW You come across in quite a close minded fashion. I understand you have been brainwashed by society to believe that there are mental gender differences, but it's just not true. GET OVER IT.

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    • Because it is. 'Nuff said. -_-

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  • AverageTMcFlannigan

    I'll agree with you that there should be equality, but to pretend and deny what makes the genders different is every bit as bad as exploiting those differences.

    We're different from each other. Get over it. That much being said, it is also clear that you lack the ability to differentiate humor from serious ideas.

    Not normal.

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    • "but to pretend and deny what makes the genders different is every bit as bad as exploiting those differences."

      Sorry, but the only differences are physical. It's the TRUTH. I am what you should consider high conscience, one who seeks only the truth and doesn't dare deny it. You just believe in mental gender differences because it's how you were brought up, so therefore I don't blame you for that.

      As for the humor, laughing at it would deem me a hypocrite, as I endorse utter equality. This is pretty simple logic, and whoever doesn't comprehend it really worries me.

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      • buriedalive

        Well, it's not just a matter of upbringing that decide your views on gender difference. It's pretty much undeniable that there are neurological and hormonal differences between women and men, which would almost definitely affect their behaviour, however slightly you care to argue that effect would be. Disparity in the behaviour of infants before they've really been exposed to society's views on gender would support this.
        The main argument is about the extent to which these differences affect a person in comparison to societal influence. Given that it's near impossible to measure the two factors seperately as people's actions are a result of a mix of them both together, there's no conclusive answer to debate, how much you think gender affects somebodies personality is mainly a matter of opinion.
        My view is that gender gives a person a bias towards a certain set of traits, but environmental factors decide the final outcome. I also don't think any gender differences that there might be between the sexes make women any less than men, or vice versa, and they should still be treated equally : )

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        • "It's pretty much undeniable that there are neurological and hormonal differences between women and men, which would almost definitely affect their behaviour, however slightly you care to argue that effect would be."

          Hormonal, yes, neurological, NO. Every brain is different, and gender has no effect on how a brain develops.

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          • buriedalive

            Actually, there are differences in the brains according to gender. For example, women tend towards larger Wernike's (sp?) areas, which is an explanation for why many women often find language and communication easier than men. Men tend towards having larger left interior parietal lobes, generally improving their spacial navigation, etc (there may or may not be more, but I just don't know them, I'm not an expert on the subject :L)
            Of course, when you weigh in enviromental factors and variance within genders of course the will be men and women who differ from the trend, but you can't deny that there are neurological differences when there ARE. They don't affect either gender's lives negatively, and nearly any traits that a person is predisposed to biologically are affected by their surroundings, so it shouldn't affect your feminist ideals to admit they exist. (sorry if I sound a little pedantic XD)
            On a different note, I also don't understand you not wanting a girlfriend :S surely one of the best ways to pioneer gender equality is find a woman you love and treat her with the respect she deserves?

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            • Those supposed brain differences "according to gender" are nothing but falsifications. Every brain is different and doesn't develop according to gender whatsoever. As well as that, the brain is constantly changing and rewiring itself If they were as rigid as the idiotic researchers claim, I would not be able to be forming this sentence coherently.

              "On a different note, I also don't understand you not wanting a girlfriend :S surely one of the best ways to pioneer gender equality is find a woman you love and treat her with the respect she deserves?"

              It's a very difficult concept to explain. Yet case in point, my ideas are too innovative and pioneering, and having a girlfriend would be hypocrisy on my part.

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        • buriedalive

          sorry if that was a bit long, just finished somethin for uni and am still in essay mode lol

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  • asskicker20230

    i got up to the point when he called himself a crusader for gender then it pissed me off sexism not even that bad anymore

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  • Well, to be totally honest with you, I agree I feel that both genders are equal when it comes to mentality but when it comes to things like "hard physical labor" women just can't cut the cake. Most men are just physically stronger it is just a fact.

    I believe that men and women currently more than ever need to work together (both have a job) to raise their families and the old way of thinking that women are here to bare a mans child and do the womanly chores like taking care of the home and raising the kids while the man provides the "bread and butter" is bullshit. Those days are gone.

    Hell my wife makes more money than me and between the two of us, we get by okay. I see where women are starting to pass on having children because they would rather focus on their careers times are changing that's for sure.

    @poster not quite sure why you don't ever want to get married or have a relationship you can still be a "crusader for gender equality" and have a relationship.

    I think the recent appointment of Obama for president of the United States goes to show that America is getting past the problems of racial and gender equality issues.

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    • Juche1

      @: gizzie56

      Women are just as strong and as able and as strong men. Women are treated as less able to physical work in capitalist country's. In socialist country's they are truly equals.

      Just look at such great heroines as Kim Jong Suk who fought her with husband great leader General Kim Il Sung against the Japanese imperialists.

      As well as all the over brave women how fought in the Korea peoples arm of Korea, Peoples liberation army of China and red army of the soviet union.

      Also the great women work forces of the Soviet Union, China and Korea that helped build great

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      • Juche1


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    • simba1

      What a load of baloney!!! I am a female, I have driven trucks and forklifts for a living, loaded and unloaded containers,and lifted wool bales that weigh up to 200kgs. I do oil and filter changes etc on my car, and ride a 750cc motorbike. Women are just as physically capable as men if they choose to be!!!

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    • Thanks, and yeah, I agree about the hard physical labor scenario, although there are many women who are stronger than many men. :) And vice versa. It's all random lol.

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      • pringlehopper

        Guys naturally have more muscular strength than girls but on the other hand girls have more muscular endurance than guys do. For a girl to beat a guy in strength either the guy doesn't work out or the girl lifts weights for a lot longer than the guy. For a guy to beat a girl in endurance we need to work at our endurance muscles a lot longer than girls do. We are different, guys and girls, but neither is necessarily better.

        I'm not actually sexist but I do make sexist jokes, same with racism.



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      • Well I am still interested as to why you dont want a relationship with a nice girl or guy for that matter if you happen to be gay.

        Hey heres a question for you what are your thoughts on the huge ongoing debate on same sex marriage?

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  • Wanna hear a joke?
    Womens rights lololololol

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  • SaturnVII

    Gender equality? Yeah same rights and stuff that is normal but it's a fact that Men and Women are different biologically and psycologically. A man can't exist without the woman, nor the woman without the man.

    Your ideas are faulty. You are a man. Do you part.

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  • I despise racism, so I can understand your direct hatred for sexism.

    The way I look at it, women and men are different, but this difference is good, because why would anybody (unless you are gay; nothing wrong with that either) want to be in a relationship with someone who thought like you did, and did things like you for the most part? Women and men do think differently, because women do naturally tend to think more with emotions then men do. Again there is nothing wrong with that. This is how the human race is still possible, because of gender differences.

    This world is changing as Gizzie pointed out. Women are getting more recognition for their work, and getting higher paying jobs. I think it's a good thing that women don't want children so young, or at all in some cases, because our population is on the rise. As a women I can't complain because throughout history women have been treated terrible. Women did nothing but stay at home and take care of the children. Sometimes I wonder if this is why women aren't as successful as they could be because locking them up for so long could have caused them to never gain the mental ability to retain a higher IQ score because they were never allowed to explore their talents, and so this passed on through genetics. Then again I think being a genius is a blessing and a gift from God, so I don't really know.

    It's just a state of mind, men think they are better than women because of their strength, and to be honest no matter what we do to make women equal with men there will always be people (mostly men but not always) who believe men are superior to women.

    So what I'm saying is don't be afraid to meet a girl and fall in love, because what better way could you stand up for women then by treating your girlfriend or wife the way you think all women should treated? You shouldn't let sexism bother you so much, just don't associate with ignorant people who use stereotyping as their trademark in life, and you will be fine.

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    • "Women and men do think differently, because women do naturally tend to think more with emotions then men do. Again there is nothing wrong with that."

      I strongly disagree. In actuality, that is just a very outdated notion. It depends on the INDIVIDUAL. :)

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      • I understand every mind is different and unique and you are right but generally speaking this is the case. If it wasn't this way I think men wouldn't have an attraction for women and vice versa.

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        • What sort of attraction? Sexual? How does that relate to different mentalities between the genders?

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          • Not all attraction is physical you know. Some men are attracted to a women who are intelligent, wordy and sophisticated. Even though women can be just as intellectually compatible with men doesn't mean they think and act the same way. So what I am saying is the difference between both sexes may attract each other to one another.....If that makes sense....in other words Opposites attract for the most part.

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  • Fuck that chicks are scum who need to be raped so they understand who is in charge! ME, NOW MAKE ME DINNER SLUT

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    • alexisfreak

      You are a bastard. You think women should be your sl*ts? Why? In fact, I think that women are better than you because 60%% of them probably have a better job than you. Go suck your dick and shut up. GO TO HELL!!

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