I detest old people!

I admit it, I have a single group I can't stand.

I DESPIZE the elderly.

I HATE old people!

I hate their jelled, useless brains. I hate their foul, rotten stench. I hate the fact that not One of them can tell you with any certainty what they had for breakfast more than two days ago - yet, they can all seem to recall a Magical time in this country where you could buy Anything for "Only a nickle"!

I hate the fact that these fossils can't hear a damned thing - Unless you happen to say something that they don't agree with, at which time they can hear you if you are crouched down in the farthest corner of your backyard and whispering at 3:00AM.

I hate the fact that they can't seem to comprehend that times have indeed changed in the last 50-100yrs, and that things as they were THEN are not exactly as they are NOW!

I really believe that when you hit 70 you should be put to death, painlessly. Take what two or three organs still work (Never the brain) out and give them to someone more deserving!

Oh yes, old people always Do have this one line that is supposed to instill guilt, the line goes: "You'll be old someday too."


Number one, I doubt I will make it to old age. More importantly, if I DO, I HOPE I will be able to find the Dignity to take my own fucking life.

Not joking at all. 100%% Serious.

Voting Results
49% Normal
Based on 699 votes (342 yes)
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Comments ( 143 )
  • Lockets

    Good comments so far, what else can I say except that I hope that when (and if) you are old, you will clearly remember what you wrote here AND REGRET IT.
    The elderly deserve our respect and care.

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  • drkangel2103

    You're a jerk, but you already knew that... Seriously, what is it with people who can't stand anyone who is in any way disabled/helpless? Sick weirdos.

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  • slackjawedyokel

    maybe if youre lucky youll be old someday.if on the other hand we get lucky you wont live to be old.

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    • therevolutionist

      Nicely put

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  • emr1759

    I think you are acting like a ridiculous teenager.
    The body goes through many changes as we age, Older people cant help the way they forget things or how they are. Their brains are much more evolved then yours. Their clothes and speech may be outdated, but they were probably in the "in" crowd just a few decades ago. They deserve our respect and any help that we can offer them. They have probably lived through and seen more war,hardships and pain then we could ever imagine.
    They are the foundation, and the reason why we live like we do and can act as selfish as you with out repercussions.

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  • PollyPocket

    i dont really like old ppl either, which is a problem cuz i am old now. i dont like how they look and i freak myself out when i look in the mirror-unless i take my glasses off. but i really dislike how confomist they are. they think you have to get all stodgy. i dont think old ppl get smarter. nor do i think they deseve more respect just on the basis of being old. but u sd show eveyone respect regardless of age, unless they r totally obnoxious.
    when nobody's looking, i play air electric guitar and drums. i got a motor scooter when i turned 60. it's fun. old ppl dont have enuf fun. they think its unseemly. well, i dont care.
    but i cant remember what i ate for breakfast and i dont care abt that, either.

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    • germanshepherd

      You rock

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  • You are a nasty little snot.

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  • Then you are one very sad, very sick individual. I assume you include your own parents in this eqation? VERY SAD. VERY SICK. Seek medical advice.

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  • sansimage

    you're pathetic

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  • spamjaveIin

    to the poster you are a useless twat and i hope you don't make it to old age either. You need to just realize what a fucking cuntrag you truly are. Damned right your shitty ass won't make it to old age. You should have the fucking dignity to kill yourself now, don't wait till you start getting old.

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    • Big_Daddy

      How many old fuckers are on this damn site?!?!?!

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  • moomus

    erm right, perhaps you are ignorant because you are so young! Let yourself get old and you might just accumilate wisdom. then again maybe....not.

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  • yaboiiii

    I hate it when old people drive sloely

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    • Francophile22

      SO do you also hate it when young men drive too fast and kill others?

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  • tumblrprincess


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  • Honey111

    You wrote some really nasty stuff you should be ashamed because we are all Hunan and you should never wish death upon anyone!!! >:(

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  • iGornet

    The elderly always expect young people to respect them, yet THEY don't respect young people. That's my gripe.

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    • Francophile22

      How do you know what we do or don't respect? each of us is different

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  • maya617

    i don't hate old people but i can relate to what u say..... they are really slow, like when they wanna get from one place to another - they take these tiny baby steps, and how they count out the change in the supermarket and u're waiting forever for them to finish, and how they can't here, but its not their fault, and we're all gonna grow old eventually, some more than others according to genes and life style.
    u just gotta be more tolarable towards them, like me hehehe.
    oh, and i think volunteering at a nursing home or retirement home is a great idea. it might change your attitude.
    ( u're shaking your head right now aren't u lol)

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    • Francophile22

      Nope, I have better reactions than you. So STFU

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  • sealionwoman

    I don't hate old people, necessarily.
    But I definitely plan on offing myself before I get to the point where I'm wearing diapers and being fed applesauce.

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  • LuffySp

    I think you're an ass.

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  • blume

    i hope all of you who hate old people will get to be way over 100 and have to depend on young people to take care of u in all ways

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  • frankiepage

    Well I hate you and your lack of respect for human life

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  • lama54

    Yeah, you little whippersnappers don't even know ! Bet if the draft was back in you'd be the first to hightail it and run away crying for your mommy ! You talk but your gutless, and I'd rather have old people around than the vomit you are!!!!

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  • cowandchicken


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  • chocolate3

    wow, I'm sorry to how awful this may sound but you're a horrible person. One day you're going to get old and will most likely need help and how would you like it if everyone stood away from you and greased you off. Grow up! Stop being so rude!

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  • fortyfives

    what are you doing crouched down in the corner of your back yard at 3AM? hmmm??

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  • chunkybongo

    What a heartless, ignorant, petty, self-centered imbecile you are

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  • freeeeak

    haaa bet you cant wait till YOU get old you tossssser

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  • gofigure1234

    when is it going to end? this society is getting too superficial on body, age, and looks.

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  • emmyems

    i'm guessing you don't have grandparents.

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  • BirdsPeckedmyEyesOut

    You can't really help who you like or dislike, sometimes certain people just drive you nuts. It could have to do with your past/things you associate these people with. However, it is your choice to acknowledge that hating a certain group of people may not be reasonable and help yourself or get help to overcome your irrational hatred.

    And to everyone else, hating the poster for hating old people is also bad, no?

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    • RosieJones468

      Exactly! He's just venting something that annoys him. Old people get on my nerves sometimes too - the close mindedness, general slowness and slow reaction time to everything, often have selective deafness lol and think they know what's best for you because they are older.

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  • Aranyos

    It seems you have no heart or compassion and are extremely judgmental. The biggest loss is yours as I suspect this is exactly how you treat yourself. It is a sure fire way to feel miserable and end up lonely as you push others away with your negativity.

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  • walrus101

    not all old ppl are like that

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  • worldispsyched

    You are a sick fuck. Get help. I hope you live to be really old and see what it's like. You have NO idea whats going through their minds. GET. HELP.

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  • Rebar

    no one ever told you to look both ways before crossing into traffic i bet

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  • SilverJayeWolf

    They're a bit gross, but I'm pretty sure that's a little extreme.

    I'm going to laugh my ass off when you become old.

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  • ineida

    I love old people. I see a bit of my grandma in them ever since I lost her.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    "I hate the fact that these fossils can't hear a damned thing - Unless you happen to say something that they don't agree with, at which time they can hear you if you are crouched down in the farthest corner of your backyard and whispering at 3:00AM."

    That made me LOL.

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  • pooppoker

    i agree with you 100%, every single thing you said couldnt have been said more perfect. they also need their licenses revoked.

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    • Francophile22

      I can see you had your brains revoked a long time ago

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  • i agree with you all the way i dont hate old people they just freak me out the way they smell the way there skin is wrinkly but it feels squishy and how you can see their veins i do enjoy asking them weird questions though like have you ever rode a dinosaur and what is the wildest craziest thing you've done. but the old ones that sit there like jelly and can't do anything not even use the bathroom i say they should humanely be put down because it's already over for them they had there time.

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    • Francophile22

      So they remind you of what YOU will be in years to come, and it scares you. You are weak.

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  • I dont like old people smell, but whatever

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  • trytoforgetthis

    I know this story is "old", but i COMPLETELY agree.

    Old people that fit this category are my #1 pet peeve.

    But, just like all stereotypes, not every old person fits this one.


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  • theAnomilyGuy

    Oh boy! You're gonna get a lot of static for this one! I would have to say though that I agree, but that's only because I associate the elderly with my job which can be a fustrating one. They are my patients. And yes I get quite fustrated at times when they take several days in the bathroom when I've got a waiting room full of patients just to collect a urine specimen, only for it to slip out of their hands and spill it all over my desk. It's like, there's a lid!!! Why didn't you close it, you just twist!! I could close a urine cup wearing boxing gloves for Christ sake! But they irritate me mostly because they're my job. If I didn't work around them so constantly I think I'd be more impartial. Btw I have a deathwish in my 70's aswell.

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  • hoffy

    I can not f-ing stand old ladies, they are crazy bitches. I think old guys are cool though. Old ladies physically make me angry, thank god I have self restraint.

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  • tracjam

    You are dog excrement.

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  • phoenix*

    this is horrible..you need help..

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  • Your_Neighbor

    Wow, I can easily tell that all of you who agree with this person is either some 11-16 year old immature child or just some big douche bags who probably have the intelligence of a goldfish. I mean seriously, they are old people, again old PEOPLE, wishing death to people is a very stupid and heartless thing to say. Senior Citizens are a valuable part of our society, they can make us better people and better prepared for our future.

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  • Honey111

    You wrote some really nasty stuff! We are all human and we all age diffrently and if you don't like old people than just stay away from them but don't ever wish death upon anyone!!! EVIL!!!

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  • americanhoney

    No. That is not normal. You're a fucking dick. And pull your pants up you tweener.

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  • tori

    Hopefully you will get old and you can detest yourself. Maybe you can end all of our misery now and you can leave this earth now. Older people have more wisdom than you will ever gather in your short lifetime.

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  • Nobodyislistening

    I dunno, I met a pretty awesome old lady who was 84, didn't smell like shit, went jogging every morning, voted independent, and was a retired judge. She's pretty chill. Oh, and she can use a computer (intelligently). I agree that the previous generations have sort of had the nasty habit of kicking the can down the road and left us in a SHITTY mess (look at our national debt, look at our auto industry, look at our infrastructure!) They're so dense, it's impossible to teach them how to use a TV remote or how to use a computer. They are set against new things, they dig in heels. It's so stupid.

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    • Francophile22

      So prove to me with finality that the world as we know it is better now with computers(and muslim extremists) than it was at the end of WW2 when we defeated Hitler.

      Go ahead, I'm waiting

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  • LittleLady17

    Yea, this would have to be the most disturbing thing I've ever heard, even more so than the person who does their sibling. The elderly are usually good people, not everyone is a saint, and I am going to take this very personaly and say that I hope you hang from a cliff, and that all around you are the elderly and not one of them will help you. I hope my grandmother kicks your ass, because she still has the strength to whoop mine!

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  • lurvejazz

    PLEASE. Make sure you commit suicide before you become 70, before you have JELLED,USELESS BRAINS and FOUL BREATH.
    They were young before, just like you. They are precious, to the family and to the society. They have went through life and experienced many things that a dumb@ss like you never experience before. They know many things and they are not USELESS. You are totally insane to be hating old people. HOW COULD YOU!

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  • Teenageenglishandconfuzzled

    Can't wait to see you when your old.

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  • fjl90

    why wait till you get old?
    what do you call old anyway?
    & i've never met an old person who smells.
    maybe i'm just lucky
    & to me they seem like sweet people
    who are usually extremely kind (obviously you get the odd few)and generous & know alot more about the world than you do & deserve our respect.

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  • hahahha i'm with you. I execrate old people.

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    • Francophile22

      GO play in the freeway junior.

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  • so people "Live" to be 70, 80, 90 or 100?

    So what?

    They STILL stink. They can't eat, see, hear speak or think, think in any real sense of the word.

    And their "Lives"? Spending the day in a semi coherant lumbering state until sleep or death mercifully claims them?

    Sorry. Not for Moi!

    The Divine Ms. O.

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    • Francophile22

      Please go attend do your delayed abortion

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  • xpeekaboobiesx

    we all hate the bad drivers

    circle town gather 'round!

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  • mattsaballer5

    Only time in mad at old people is that when there driving

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  • helmsman1

    What about your grandparents?

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  • Rachelle_InHighHeels

    Just think you abosolute a-hole that you too will be there VERY SOON yourself - quicker than you realize..
    Based on your thoughts, your parents should have aborted you. And I don't think the world would be any worse off for it..
    And it certainly looks as though the best part of you ran down your father's leg..!!!!

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  • YuckYuckYuck

    Time goes by so,so fast. PLEASE, save what you just wrote. Copy it and put it on your frig; and before you know it, you'll be old. "Life is short" isn't just some dumb adage.

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  • Miss_Anthrope

    Some points to consider about humans generally, as a species:

    1) If human populations/societies in particular parts of the world had not embraced the "save every life!" mentality, there may not be as many aged humans as there currently are in the locations around the world where they are found in great abundance.

    2) The "ravages of aging" we note in so many are biology and nature's method of culling the population through normal attrition. Yes, that's an upsetting thought to many, but without committing exorbitant resources and medical services, natural processes would simply cull a large proportion of the aged from the population as a measure of population control (which is normal occurrence in every species, except for humans in some societies).

    3) Note that in many societies, those who are considered "elderly" are somewhat younger than we see in Western societies, and there are many fewer. Because the elderly tend to concentrate forms of wealth with the expectation that they will disburse it to offspring and extended families, if there is a population of elderly that is too large and controls too much/many resources which then affects younger generations, there will be social dissension. We're seeing resentment towards some elderly regardless of the social expectation that younger generations respect them.

    Most of the reasons listed in this IIN question/rant for disliking the elderly have to do with effects of dementia and Alzheimer's disease, or general physical deterioration that is normal with the aging process.

    But, it does raise an interesting question: in societies where there will be more and more elderly and fewer people of younger ages, how will that affect social relations and the distribution and performances of services? Will the younger, who will find increasingly they are being pushed into "carer" roles of changing sheets and disposable briefs resent the fact that they are paid poorly to do this work and that other opportunities just aren't there?

    Personally, I wouldn't want to be a home health aide, and would resent it greatly if that increasingly became one of few jobs available, or if I was being pushed into an occupation simply because it served someone else's agenda for me to labour to serve them (at a low wage, too, don't forget).

    I don't advocate being "mean" to the elderly, but with an ever-increasing population of elderly in certain societies, we might find that resentment from younger generations becoming more and more common.

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  • breakcore45

    at the age eighty i will die

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  • One day u will be one of them...

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  • Have some respect. Not only will YOU be old someday, but those people have worked and built the world YOU now live in.

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  • bichonsrock

    your one nasty kid, your gonna get old someday
    its kids like you I hate, very disrespectful

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  • No that's totally fine! You just remind of that guy... erm... Adolf Hitler I think.

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  • somebody010

    do you know that you'll be old someday?

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  • TheGasManCometh

    This is what will happen - your body will start to fail, as will your memory and cognitive functions. You'll fondly remember the way things used to be, because that was when you had the physical and mental ability to fully participate in life. But it will still be YOU in there. Every old person is a PERSON - they may be slow, forgetful and smelly, but to balance this they have vast amounts of knowledge and wisdom (or should do, if they've lived a full life) - and should be respected for this.

    In my day, we'd take your sort and beat them soundly! With ground apples.

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  • sweetie365

    You must realize that this is the only country who disrespects the elderly. You must be young with someone old whom you love a lot and can't quite get over the changes they have gone through! The only way you can make yourself realize your feelings is to talk to that person. Find out how they feel.

    When we age,in this country,everything is taken away,it starts with your appearance, then your mobility,then respect. That is where you are now,show a little respect and patience understanding will come. Most of all put yourself in their shoes.

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  • aaa83

    That old person you talking might build your house, defend on your country or ....
    You will be old oneday and believe me you will pay your behaviour towards them later on... You are sick and really need a medical help....

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  • wreckd

    Awwwww! :( I love old people!

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  • ninehalf338

    F u! They are freakin adorable!!

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  • Die.

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  • CountryRoads

    I "despize" morons.

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  • illusionist

    Maybe you're "I don't want to grow up" wide-age version.

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  • Ydkm


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  • woah freak! how do you hate old people? there's some things about them that bothers me but damn what you said is harsh .!

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  • See, I'm the opposite, I find babies super annoying, which really sucks considering I have 3 little sisters

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    They cant help it you idiot. HATER alert.
    You're a pile of shit you need a life, instead of hating on people who cant help being old. I think you should be put to death, and not painlessely. You're a fucking creep You punk. Theres no reason for anyone commenting to be nice to your useless ass. You're a waste of human skin, rather have an old man who'd live for 2 months than have you alive. You slimy ass pile of shit.
    Don't post this useless ass garbage on the internet you fucking idiot

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  • Elorria

    I hate old people too along with their old people smell. Especially grandparents.

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    • Francophile22

      So be a hero, murder your grandparents then get butt-fucked in prison, Easy-peasy!

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  • Lol whatever bro sef my grandns is awesome!

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  • jamielamie

    Omg me to! There disgusting i hate old pple . Im going to kill myself before i get old so i dont have to look like that

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  • i agree and disagree with you at the same time, old people can be selfish and annoying, but you still need to have respect for them. they are the reason you are here after all. and getting old is natural it's not like they choose to be that way or anything. and i'm sure alot of them don't enjoy being that way and the fact that they are old. so just try to understand who they are and what they've been through before you start judging!

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  • check into a special doctor. with a mind as distorted as yours, youd expect a person like you would understand the old folk better than most.........

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  • I KNOW RIGHT? I'm terrified of old people! Same go's for babies! But there basically the same thing! They both wear diapers, they both eat slop because they have to teeth,they don't listen...should i go on...

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  • mr.jiiiiigles

    This is half steriotype but ya tru hlf

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  • You're going to live to be 125!

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  • I agree with you my mom forces me to go to the nursing home to visit my grandma its soo annoying they are so stupid and stink I hate it and i agree with u I have no patience or tolerance for it. They just gross me out and piss me off.

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  • mal444

    I agree I want to be put to death once I hit 65 I DO NOT want to be old ever

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    • Francophile22

      Yah, that's what they all say at 21, but believe me, when you hit 64 and realize that society lied to you and you have more stamina than what society says you should have had at 40 you will wish you didn't put your fucking foot in your mouth, because then some asshat like YOU will just rub it in your face.

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  • moe

    I can relate somewhat.

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  • Comedic genius. Nuff' said.

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  • qtoryz

    Honestly, Yes and no, yes they smell and are frequently in need of a diaper change and a dental check up. (the really old one) to be totaly truthful it makes me somewhat uncomfterble to sit close to them. HOWEVER they truelly deserve our respect. They talk about the old days because there is so much to be learned from history. Once they're gone the past dies too. I hope you can change your ways, And understand the inner beauty here. You'll be old too, and if you stay the course. you'll be lonely and rotting in an old age home.

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  • I COMPLETLY agree with you, in every way.

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  • finniculi

    I don't hate old people and want them to die, but I definitely am really, really annoyed with them. I avoid them as much as possible. I drove by a sign the other day that said "the best classroom is at the feet of an elderly person" and I completely disagreed with it. I can't really think of a single story an old person has told me that was wise and profound. All old people tell me about is that time they went to a Neil Diamond concert or some other really boring statement. I don't believe that old people are any smarter than younger (like 20 to 30 year old) people. Yes, they have more experience, but that doesn't always mean that much. And I find the older people get, the more closed-minded they become, and that's what bothers me most of all.

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    • Giordique

      Rest assured that old people also find you boring and annoying.

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    • Francophile22

      So nothing that Winston Churchill or Washington said was profound? Nice.

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  • HarshbutTrue

    I hate the fact that these fossils can't hear a damned thing - Unless you happen to say something that they don't agree with, at which time they can hear you if you are crouched down in the farthest corner of your backyard and whispering at 3:00AM. I laughed so hard....BUT, you seem to need some kind of mental health.

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    • Francophile22

      Excuse me, bout most people with hearing loss are young people who listened to too much loud music. Go check out the facts

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  • DiabloStarzx3

    I know they culd be annoying but tahs no nice yh need help cus everybody gets old some day & wat wuld b this world without old ppls advicee

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  • Flabbergasm


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  • InuYashasWifexxx

    Ugh, I feel you there, op. What about when their hands shake so much? I feel really uncomfortable when an older relative is eating a steak with that big-ass steak knife and their hands are shaking so much, it's like it's gonna fly out and hit me >_<

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    • Francophile22

      Sorry, that's like saying that all old people have false teeth. Perhaps true in 1955. Most old people that DO wind up shaking do not shake until they hit 85-90, and then it's usually a medical condition.

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  • candid

    I can kind of relate to this too, although working in jobs where I have had to deal with them has made me slightly more tolerant and sympathetic.

    There are good and bad things about old people. I don't like how they smell either, how they seem to get very selfish and cranky and complain about everything, how they take FOREVER to do things, such as counting their change out in 5c pieces so they can keep the dollar coins. They also think that their age gives them the right to walk straight to the front of the queue. But they can be interesting and can give you an insight into the past.

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  • godisafaggot


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  • bomaoneuk

    Hahah that was funny. On a serious note though the elderly offer us a lot more than what you said

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  • JohnEats

    Dude, thank you. I just laughed harder than i have in weeks.The part about hearing stuff at 3 AM, it was comic genious, pure gold. I you ever write a play or a book, please tell me.

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  • LOL what a classic 2 posts together one hates young one hates old Ill help yous out

    Middle age people are cunts

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  • thecynic

    Lol... I can somewhat relate to your problem, only my loathing is directed at a different age group. I voted 'no' , but that's really mean and hypocrit of me, lol. I disagree with you, but I can definitely relate. And. You have a point. XD

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  • NeoFalcon

    ummm like if you not going to grow old?

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  • williams8480

    God promises us in the Bible to live 63 or 65 years old. If I have misquoted the age, please correct me. I love older people. First, they are wise and it is a blessing to be able to live at 70, 80, and even 100 years old!!! I love talking to older people, listening to their stories about their younger days, especially the older women, they are funny. You have a serious problem and you need to be careful on what you say about the elderly. The only problem I have ever had with older people is I believe at a certain age they should not be driving. The only reason why is because it is too dangerous. There have been so many trgaic accidents involving older people driving. About a month ago, I was actually driving slow and this elderly woman was pulling out of a side street into a busy intersection. She seemed confused and she actually stopped her car in my lane. If I was going the actal speed limit, I would have hit her on the driver side and I know I probably would have killed her. I cried so hard and can remember thanking God that He allowed me to be the driver that day going slow. Regardless though, I love older people. You should volunteer at a nursing or retirement home and see the light they can bring into your life. I use to volunteer polishing the women finger nails and doing their hair while they talked to me about the good 'ole days and how they use to date. Some of the stories would be so funny.

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    • Miss_Anthrope

      Please don't quote any particular religious texts as "proof" of anything as there is never any way to substantiate the writings therein. In other words, people made it up based on heresay, myths, and wishful thinking!

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      • Francophile22

        Stop your atheist bullshit it is off-topic

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        • Miss_Anthrope

          Don't be defensive, your use of nastiness kills your credibility and it won't make anyone stop questioning the veracity or validity of religion. Live with it.

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          • Francophile22

            It's still off-topic

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            • Miss_Anthrope

              No, not really.

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  • littlemissunderstood

    You hate them because you know that one day you will be just like them and that's not a pleasant truth

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  • Be prepared to hate yourself. Oh, and yeah, it's normal.

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  • Giordique

    Well, Buddy, get ready to hate yourself one of these days. It sounds like you are terrified of getting old, but if you live long enough, you WILL. Most old people are not at all as you describe- and it is unconscionably cruel to mock those with disability, dementia and Alzheimer's.

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  • Voulpata

    I don't think it's normal, but agree with you.
    I've taken care of my Grandfather since I was 14, I'm 22 now. I've never hated someone so much. He showers once a week. He feeds his "service dog" chocolate and let's him eat the pills he drops. I put it in quotes because he has completey ruined the dogs training. The VA hospital has begged him to leave the dog at home because it chases and barks at every moving thing. My grandfather is extremely racist, refused to help my mother out when my father was in the ER, about two times a week for the last three years he's shat himself and since he won't wash his hands he leaves a trail to his room and his bathroom is covered in shit. He won't clean it, so my father does and he never says thank you or sorry.

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  • Missnobody9999

    People feel how they feel right or wrong. I have had nothing but bad experiences with old people. And hope like crazy im not like any of the people I have had to deal with. But no not all of them are like that. Have any of you thought maybe this person's had bad experiences with old people? Through it was harsh maybe theres a reason for these feelings.

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  • KekReptilian

    Eventually YOU will be old and it'll take 5 hours for you to take a dump.

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  • RosieJones468

    Don't like to admit it but they do really get on my nerves! My Granny is extremely set in her ways and very single minded. She's always talking about 'the good old days' like our generation has fucked everything up and she complains about phones and technology constantly that they are not useful wen she hasn't even considered using one! I know she can't help her hearing and sight etc so I'm obviously not blaming her for these but it does get annoying when she constantly shouts 'WHAT??' over and over again. You try to be patient with her but it does grate on you. She always thinks she knows what's best for me and turns her nose up at things I like. I purchased some ripped jeans the other day and she couldn't understand why they were ripped and said they looked messy and I should dress smart (and showed me outfits that basically an elderly person would wear) for me to try on. If she didn't like my outfit she has no right to comment on it!

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  • Nyan6677

    Might I remind you that many of these elders fought for your freedom? Asshole.
    World War 1
    World War 2
    and many more. These are some of the major ones recently.

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  • writersblock

    Okay first of all suicide is a huge no no. Secondly it's not there fault that they are old it's just that this thing called life happened. Who cares if they forget what they had for breakfast? I don't even remember what I had for lunch!

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  • chewy

    Why is this story so popular?

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  • q25t

    I think whether you are normal or not here depends on your age. If you're relatively young, say early twenties or under, I think you will probably grow out of it. I thought like this a little when I was younger and have mostly grown out of it. Once you start working and start to even grow old at all (40s or so) I think you should start to understand everything a lot better. It all comes from perspective.

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  • SanDEstevez

    Old people scare me

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    • Francophile22


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  • PboDude

    I hate old people I'd do a Hitler on them and put them in concentration camps.

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  • churbur

    Dude.. don't kill yourself when you're older. Suicide is the gateway to hell. And plus just fuckin creepy. Don't do that have someone else kill you if anything lol

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