I don't accept business cards

A long long time ago pre-Covid, i used to accept business cards. Nowadays, gimme a whatsapp number or a gmail address or do not expect us to ever communicate again; you are dead to me.

Of what use is a business card in Covid times? I haven’t even been to a bookstore in months, so I don’t need bookmarks and I can’t even pick my teeth with it cos it might have the corona virus on one corner. The place where I live, is full of casually disregarded “No Dumping” signs and the only reason your business card isn’t bio-degrading under one is that you are not going to waste either of our times giving it to me.

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Comments ( 11 )
  • Ummitsstillme

    Did you wash your stupid pills before you made this post?

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  • SkullsNRoses

    It sounds like you’re using the virus as an excuse to hate business cards, why not just organically hate them?

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    Before and after COVID-19 alike, there was and is a 99% chance that handing me a business card was and is like asking, "Hey, can you throw this away for me?"

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  • litelander8


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  • COVID-19

    If I'm truly interested in something then a business card communicates attention to detail and legitimacy. Corona doesn't even factor in lol.

    Imagine looking for a car and the sales guy says "hey man here's my number pop me a message".

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    As long as you're polite about then it seems to be pretty responsible imo.

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  • RoseIsabella


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  • bbrown95

    IIRC, didn't the CDC say it was actually pretty hard to catch coronavirus from surfaces? Or did they retract that as well?

    Do you still touch door handles? Because those are some of the most germy, disgusting things that exist, yet most people pay no mind to touching them. Also, your phone is probably the most filthy thing you own. Any credit or debit cards you have probably are as well.

    But, germs are unavoidable and inescapable. If you knew what kind of germs you've come into contact with (or what has happened to a lot of the food you've eaten), you'd be sick. Same with if you took a black light to your home, car, etc. I highly doubt that refusing to touch business cards or books will make a significant difference on whether or not you contract coronavirus. There are too many other ways in which you could come into contact with it, and most of those ways are things people do on a daily basis and think nothing of, and are mostly unavoidable.

    If you are that worried, get some disposable rubber gloves and a can of disinfectant spray.

    But just think about it; if simply touching surfaces were enough to catch the virus, absolutely everyone would have had it by now.

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    • JustAHuman

      I'm not the OP, but I don't touch door handles except in my home. I haven't since COVID started.

      At the grocery stores, the doors open automatically. At other businesses, I hold a sanitizing wipe in my hand, and open the door with that. Then I discard the wipe. I also wipe my phone with a sanitizer wipe.

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  • my_life_my_way

    Seems pretty pathetic and like you are over reacting to corona virus. When you pick up a product in a shop or hold the railing to go down the stairs, they have all been touched by other people. It won’t kill you.

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    • LloydAsher

      It may kill you but it is such a low percentage that you shouldn't care. The only time you should be concerned with a buisness card should be when it says "Anthrex R US"

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