I don't believe in atheists

Deep down everybody believes in a god, even if they say they don't. When people die, the last thing they always do is pray and hope that god is listening.

You can't know for sure that there isn't a god. So even in a small way, all "atheists" believe in god. If they didn't believe at all, they wouldn't worry about what will happen to them on their deathbed.

Atheists believe in God 6
I don't believe in atheists 11
I don't believe in God 110
I don't believe atheists believe in God 79
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Comments ( 104 )
  • kingofcarrotflowers

    I don't believe in people who don't believe in atheists

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    • EccentricWeird

      I don't believe in people who don't believe in people who don't believe in atheists. So there you big jerk!

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      • kingofcarrotflowers

        I tried to reply and continue the loop but I've only just woken up and my mind melted

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      • Hou

        I don't believe in people who don't believe in people who don't believe in people who don't believe in atheists

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      • kittycatrelle

        Asthma attack on this one....lmfaox 886567

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    • blueglobe_

      I don't believe in any of this bullshit, but I believe in a thing called love!

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      • kingofcarrotflowers

        Just listen to the rhythm of my heat, I believe in a thing called love

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        • blueglobe_

          The rhythm of your heat? Rapey.

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          • kingofcarrotflowers


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            • blueglobe_

              Baby, it's cold outside.

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    • I exist

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      • kingofcarrotflowers

        And so do I, I don't believe in any god on any level

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        • You say that. But you also say you don't believe in people who don't believe in atheists. Yet, here I am.

          When it comes to the crunch, in your darkest moments I think you will find yourself talking to god like everybody else.

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          • Please tell me you are trolling. Please.

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          • I actually agree with you. Man, -5? Ain't that a bitch. Why does that whole thumb down shit even exist, man. That's fucked up. Fucking up people's self-esteems and shit. Damn.


            Fucking blackeyedpeace stole that shit from me.
            I'll give them a extra black eye when i see them fuckers. BLACK EYES, PEACE!

            Anyway, yeah no that was it.

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          • kingofcarrotflowers

            Okay if you're going to troll don't steal lines from the mighty boosh

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            • I honestly don't know what you're talking about.

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        • Erik963

          Stop jacking off to pig porn so much. It is messin with yo head.

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    • kittycatrelle

      I three up laughing

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  • thegypsysailor

    Well, I do not believe in any god of any sort. I do not believe in an afterlife; the only life one gets is the one that one is living.
    If god did exist, I would have to believe he/she is one fucked up, terrible creature to allow all the horrors that there are in this world, today. Bombings, murders and disfigurements, all dealt out on a daily basis, by those believing in one god or another, all in the name of a god? Unbelievable!
    I have never prayed, even when on the verge of imminent death, and I never will.
    In my opinion, the concept of god is something that was conceived to control the masses and is only believed by those too weak to take responsibility for their own actions.
    I repeat; I do not believe in god and I can't imagine that anything could ever change my mind.

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    • whydad

      I dont think there is one but if there were they would have no need to give a shit about us.

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      • whydad

        Also hail satan 666 to da max

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    • kittycatrelle

      Ok..I infer you are, a white male, mid thirties. Secret fetish: Panty sniffing

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      • thegypsysailor

        A white male, but the rest, lol.

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    • Do you remember what you thought about when it seemed like you were going to die?

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      • thegypsysailor

        Every second, each time. No thoughts of god or prayer ever entered my mind.

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        • That's interesting. I think when you are actually about to die it will be different.

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          • thegypsysailor

            Honestly, in a lot of cases, I was way too busy saving myself to even think beyond the immediate circumstance.
            Clarity of thought and intelligent action beats prayer, every time, I would imagine.

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  • Holzman_67

    How do you know what atheists think when they die? How do you know that they pray? Do you have some kind of global telepathic power since the dawn of man where you have listened to the thoughts of dying atheists?
    I'm not sure how you've founded a belief on such unattainable evidence.

    I think you are getting confused with agnostic people.

    Atheists believe they are one with the universe and they find peace within themselves, heaven on earth, the beauty of being alive. I'm an atheist myself and when I die I know I'll just be thinking of my family, my good times and being at rest, one with the universe. I will not be thinking or praying to a god that I do not believe exists.

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    • I used to think I was an atheist but situations I've been in have awakened me to the fact that I really do believe in god.
      There are lots of stories like this that lead me to believe that 'there are no atheists in foxholes'.

      When people say they don't believe in god because there is no evidence for it, I can understand. That's the default view; if evidence came along supporting the existence of god, I'm sure many people would change their minds.

      In the same way, I can't know the dying thoughts of every person. But my default view is that they do all pray because believing in a god is an intrinsically human thing to do. The evidence is unattainable so I have to go on anecdotes and human psychology.

      Believing that athesits don't pray is based on no evidence. why would you believe something with no evidence to back it up?
      Atheists just don't want to admit that deep down they might actually believe in god.

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      • thegypsysailor

        Why wouldn't I admit it; what have I got to lose? That's a silly argument.
        I don't/can't understand how anyone could believe in a god. It makes absolutely no sense to me. It is totally, 100% irrational.

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        • It seems so irrational to you, that's why you don't want to admit it. What have you got to lose? The pride that you get from thinking that you are a so rational.

          In the split second before you are about to die, being rational doesn't really have a place. All that matters is the sensation you feel that there is a god and that you have believed it deep down all along.

          You may ignore it and go back to your old ways if you survive but deep down its still there. No atheists truly believe there is no god.

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          • Btw, I mean 'admit it' to yourself more than anything else.

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            • thegypsysailor

              What fucking good would it do to admit, in one's very last instant, that there was a god? From what I can tell, most religions have some ceremony or such to admit you into their god's graces (club) and without it you are damned anyway. Your argument has more holes than a sieve.
              My ego (pride) also couldn't care less about a god either.
              How can you tell me what I believe? Who are you to even assume you have that ability? Do you think YOU are a god? Fiddlesticks.

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        • kittycatrelle

          We are the Borg. You will be assimilated

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      • q25t


        "Believing that athesits don't pray is based on no evidence."

        I am an atheist. I don't pray. That seems like fairly good evidence from where I'm standing.

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        • Don't pray - when they're dying. Of course you don't pray now but it will be a different story when death is knocking on your door.

          And that was just a list of people who claim to be atheists from an article misinterpreting that expression. There are no atheists in foxholes - meaning that in life/death situations, everybody turns to god.

          That was just the names of a bunch of supposed 'atheists'. I could give you a list of names of heterosexual females, that doesn't prove that they would never sleep with another woman.

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    • kingofcarrotflowers

      Well said

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      • thank you

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  • anti-hero

    You have no option for me to vote for :(

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    • dingdingdingdingding!!

      ...you are the 1millionth victim of an IIN story that doesn't provide all answerable options!

      ...and here I am...standing one step behind you in the checkout line as usual :/


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      • anti-hero

        I share this award with you and all of my IIN team mates.

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  • Freedom_

    You do not believe in the possibility of people having beliefs that are different from your own. Typical. You do not believe anything other than your own beliefs are in the realm of possibility. Also typical.

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    • Not so. It's possible that there is no god, and people are welcome to believe that. It's just that deep down atheists really do believe in god, their egos just won't let them admit it.

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      • Freedom_

        This logic still revolves around your own personal beliefs. Its hard to let go of such a thing, i know. Your ego won't let you. You want to be right, but let go of that pride and you may find more truth.

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        • Well I really try and form my beliefs on logic. I don't come up with an opinion and then look for evidence to support it; it's the other way round.

          And I don't think my ego really gets much out of this one particular belief; certainly not as much as someone does who clings to the identity of being an 'atheist'. That's a big part of themselves and I can understand why someone would loathe to even contemplate that they could be wrong about their 'atheism'.

          Letting go of my pride, I still come to the same conclusion.

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      • thegypsysailor

        I've already told you, though not on a death bed, that I had no thoughts of a god or prayer, in a moment I believed my death was imminent, several times. Why can't you believe that?
        "If they didn't believe at all, they wouldn't worry about what will happen to them on their deathbed." I had absolutely no worries about what would happen to me next, none at all. I am quite comfortable with the concept that there is nothing after death, absolutely nothing. I've led a great life here on earth and I am completely satisfied with this one, great adventure. For me, it is enough.
        I sincerely hope you are wrong, that all religions are wrong; I do not want to live in either heaven or hell. That thought is repugnant to me; neither place is even slightly appealing.

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        • I do believe you! It's just that you weren't actually dying.

          Well that sounds like a good explanation for why you would choose to identify as 'atheist'. If you're comfortable with no afterlife, it makes sense that you would choose to believe that, whether or not its true.

          Why wouldn't you want to go to heaven?

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          • Dywiann

            SoRry, but i have to say that: It is also a kind of stupidity that you cant accept that other people have other opinions...
            Why cant you just accept the fact, that everyone thinks for himself/herself...
            I think it is not a symbol of a big ego to dont believe in any sort of god, but a symbol of a big ego is of course to believe that ONLY your opinion is right...

            By the way: is the imagination that a creator did create us all, and "cares"" about us not selfish!? This is the actual ego, that people like you cant accept the thought that we are just the same like the animals, trees and the beautiful cosmos self...

            They cant accept the fact that mankind is really insignificiant in the cosmos, that we all are just something which was arisen by an amazing chain reaction from the big bang to the beginning of life on earth...

            I think it is a far better ferl to know that we will forever belong into this beautiful cosmos... and even if we are dead... maybe our matter can help a flower to grow... or a child to feed...

            In the end, dont hate, but please accept the fact that there are people whose opinions are different than yours... And please be more agnostic and not such hundred percent convinced that you might be true...
            Truth is hard to find, also it is relative...

            For me, my life belings to the learning and understanding of our world, where i also have to cross so many things i can not know, or know yet...

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          • SkullsNRoses

            Because heaven, if it exists, will be full of close minded people like you.

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            • Close minded?

              You've already decided what heaven is like.

              I've already stated that I think it's entirely possible that god may or may not exist. Yet I'm betting many people posting have already made up their mind about that too. There's no evidence for these things, but everyone is already closing off possibilities.

              And I'M close-minded?? I think it is you that needs to open your mind.

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  • EndlessSuffering

    I don't believe in you either.

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  • 2tfx

    I always wondered what atheists truly believe.

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  • White*October

    I don't agree with you.

    I'm an atheist myself, I'm convinced that there is no god. I respect people who believe otherwise, but for me that's not the truth.

    My grandfather was an atheist too and I remember when he died a few years ago. He did not pray, he didn't worry about what would happen to him after he died. For him it was over, it was simply the end. And that's the way I feel about it too. He died of cancer after spending several years in hospital, he knew death was coming all along and so he had plenty of time and opportunity to pray if he wanted to. He didn't.

    Of course, you can be an atheist and secretly believe in god, I won't blame you for that. But don't say this is true for all atheists because you're not all atheists.

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    • There are no atheists in foxholes.

      I won't talk about your grandfather out of respect.

      But I don't think anyone can say of anyone else, that they didn't connect with god in the last split seconds of their life.

      I'm just saying that everybody has some sort of spirituality and to just ignore that by saying 'don't believe in God' is to ignore how beautiful and complex we all are deep down.

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      • kittycatrelle

        Respect is always a good look, props

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      • Royalburden

        Spirituality is different from religion, friend. Atheists can be spiritual too they just don't choose to use God as a point of interest. You can believe in beauty and complexity without god and simply relish it as a part of nature or a product of chance, simply the reaction to a serious of causes. A beautiful anomaly in the untamed chaos of possibility. For you it's caused by God but for an atheist it is what it is and we are satisfied with just that. It's the nature of Atheism, and frankly I'd much rather be in awe of what is natural and apparent in front of my eyes.

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      • EccentricWeird

        No atheists in foxholes --> atheists value their lives more?

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  • Unimportant

    :-D Troll a little harder.

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    • This is just what I think, so I don't know why you would say that. I'm not the only person that thinks this either.

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      • White*October

        And you're not the only person who does not think this either. I think there are more people that disagree with you than there are people that agree with you.

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  • Royalburden

    I don't believe in Christianity. All Christians actually don't believe in god, they simply recite biblical words to fool themselves. They think they can save themselves by claiming that God is everything but in all reality words are just words.

    God is just words. The real action of good is simply a man-made decision made by an individual and great as it is it doesn't determine anything except that that person is a good person. Miracles are simply unlikely chances come to pass. When you die you die. End of story, its not so terrifying really, your body goes on to be part of the land which is pretty neat if you think about it. Of course with burial rituals that makes the process take a lot longer, which I never understood, why prolong your unity with nature with embalming and burial?

    Christians, Muslims, Jews, etc, you all understand it and feel it to be true, it's obvious in the way you doubt your own religion from time to time. Nothing is determined, you aren't going to be judged or punished. It all lines up to whether or not you as a person can live with the things you've done. You are your own judge because the suffering you give yourself is good enough. It's all you need. People who destroy themselves with guilt understand that, people with regrets, who have people who depend on them, who take responsibility for their own lives understand that. God is simply the name you tack on at the end like a bow, to make it all look either less threatening, or more threatening.

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  • Agirlsbestfriend.

    They are all liars

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  • funkedup

    I'm not offering an opinion, because I don't think you're interested in my opinion or anyone else's. What I'm trying to do is point out your flawed logic, which simply denies, or ignores contrary evidence or experiences without any justification, so by that "logic" if you claim to believe in God, I can just say: "No see, you say you believe in God now, but you don't...you're just faking it. Once you realize that you'll understand." Likewise, if you claim to see a red car, I can just say: "No, the car was not red, once you learn your colors you will understand..." or any variation, like it was not a car, or that you are blind...you are denying the foundation upon which a debate between equals can exist.

    Those who argued that they had near death experiences were rebuked by you in the same manner...they were not really dying, so it didn't count. The man who spoke about his grandfather was simply ignored with tripe about atheists in foxholes. If I say you're not honest about your faith, so your faith doesn't count, it relies on my assertion (without proof) that you are not, in fact, honest about your faith and would turn your back on your faith in a pinch. No one can prove their belief in such a personal issue, that's what makes it faith, either in god or something else. If you want to generate discussion, that's great, but stop writing back to others like you have the capacity to bless or condemn their experiences.

    Also, freedom of speech is very specifically a right humans afford one another in certain circumstances and through legal mechanisms, such as constitutions, human rights legislation, or others. It's not a God given right that just exists and is respected by one and all...far from it, actually. Some of the most devout communities have the lowest capacity to express themselves.

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    • Sweetbird

      The main flaw in this whole discussion is that it is being overlooked that beliefs do change. While it is true that not EVERY atheist probably prays on his bed to God, I'm sure some do. I've been a devout Christian, played with many other religions and every lover or husband I've lived with has been in turn Witch, Hindu, or Buddhism. I have also been dead atheist, convinced I'd never pray again. That lasted four years, then the many miraculous "chance" occurences that made up life finally led me to claim "I just don't know." Because really, how can I assume in my 36 years to have concluded arguments that have lasted for thousands, by minds greater than mine, over generations of thought? Then again my beliefs may change....they have changed before, sometimes on a daily basis. They say the only certainty is change....Don't believe that what you stand so strongly for now, especially in youth, and especially if you have not come in contact with many life-altering experiences, hardship especially--weather that of yours, or anothers. Don't expect those beliefs to stay the same forever, though they do in some individuals.

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      • Sweetbird

        actually this was meant to be a post, not a reply. newb, just signed up today

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  • funkedup

    You have no interest in anyone else's opinion or experience, you simply want to glorify your own *extremely superficial* "theory." So far, every thread has followed this essential pattern:

    You - All atheists believe in god.
    Comment - Disagree due to X.
    You - No, X is not true (based on no actual reason), therefore, all atheists believe in god.

    I could just as easily say that no one really believes in God...and that you're just gaming it so you don't miss out on heaven...and then use some frustrating-as-fuck logic 101 bullshit attempts to refute an actual point-of-view or argument.

    You're an atheist, you don't really believe in God...you have no faith...discuss...

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    • I disagree with your opinion, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. It's freedom of speech - our God given right. Even for atheists who claim they don't believe in God.

      It goes:
      Me - All atheists believe in God
      Comment - But I'm an atheist and I don't believe in God.
      Me - You say that now, but in your final seconds on this earth you will be searching for and praying to God. It's just what people do when they're close to death. It means that deep down you always did believe in God, you just deny it until your in a dying state.
      Comment - Oh my God, you're right!

      Except the last bit.

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  • If natural selection filtered us ALL out then it would be called natural rejection. What is having a "wrong self reflexion" supposed to mean, anyway? Are you not native english speaker?

    It's pretty weak to not be able to live on earth just because some people disagree with your opinions.
    Hopefully another planet will accept you as one of their own.

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    • Dywiann

      Natural selection is called selection, not rejection - This is just a scientific fact.
      Sorry, I meant "self reflection" - I know this was stupid. And yes, I am not a native english speaker.

      Self reflection only means how you see yourself, your character etc...

      "Some" people... Oh dude... These are more than just a few...
      Those are everywhere and the worst part is that most of them have got positions in government or other leading positions...

      I think if there were not such people in this leading positions the world would be better even there were lots of stupid people (but not in high positions).
      This is the reason.

      Maybe I'm sorry for calling you stupid, but I know even dumber people anyway...

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      • They are mostly in the government and all of the illuminati... I know what you mean, but don't worry

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        • ToxicCrayons

          Do you even know what the illuminati IS? Come back to me when you give up the crack habit.

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          • they are the ones pulling the strings and who really control the world.

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        • Dywiann

          Sorry that i called you stupid lol

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          • thats ok

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  • IncludedSos

    To the person who created this!
    The thing you are talking about relates to a real argument called Pascal's Wager!
    You should read up on it!


    However, not everyone believes in a god because they do not agree with Pascal's wager!
    Be wary!

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  • GreyWulfen

    I hope you are a troll. I seriously hope that. :/
    I am not an atheist, yet I know for certain that there are atheists. Everything else would be a limited, childish view.

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    • Limited and childish? I honestly don't understand the responses I'm getting.

      If I'd said "I think everyone is a little bit bisexual" people wouldn't have disagreed so vehemently.

      I'm saying all atheists believe in god a little bit and they may only find that out in dark times or when they're dying.
      What's limited about it? To say that "religious people believe in god", "atheists don't", end of story.... that is extremely simplistic and childish.

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      • GreyWulfen

        It is childish because you are judging from your own view and are unable to understand the minds of other people. No, atheists don't believe in god, not even a little bit in their "dark times" or whatever.
        That's like saying, all religious people have just a little bit of atheism... makes no sense, since that'd be against the definition of "atheism" or "theism".

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        • I'm the one who is actually trying to understand the minds of others. Most other people on this post seem to think they know best, and are mind-readers.

          Even you, think you know for a fact that atheists don't believe in god. That's like saying that all straight girls have never thought about kissing another girl. That would be a completely ignorant and infantile statement.

          When you actually try to understand the minds of other people, instead of just assuming they think what you want them to think, there's no need to keep pigeon holing everyone as 'atheist', 'theist' etc. just to fit into your simplistic and blinkered view of the world.

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          • Sweetbird

            No, it's not like saying that "all straight girls have never thought about kissing another girl....."

            it's more like saying "All straight girls have thought about kissing other girls."

            ...which would be silly. So tell me why it's not the other way around.

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            • You don't understand what's going on here.

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          • Dywiann

            Then... one sentence: You probably have a total wrong self reflexion...

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            • Nuh uh..YOU probably have a total wrong self "reflexion". Idiot.

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      • EccentricWeird

        He said you were stooped. Is that how you're gonna take it?!

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        • I don't understand

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          • EccentricWeird

            Don't let people imply you are a fool. Tell them nasty things until you feel better.

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  • Dywiann

    You are the reason why i dont want to live on this planet anymore... I wish all of you stupid monkeys get extinct...
    Let natural selection filter you all so that you have to die under your childish, brainless kind of thought...Moronic parasite! Monkeys like you make life on earth the crappiest thing and i hate that i have to share the same space time continuum with bastards like your own

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  • EccentricWeird



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    • Royalburden

      So.....Athiests will shit out their soul or shit ON their soul? I don't quite get it.

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      • EccentricWeird


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    • RoseIsabella

      "Defecation of the soul"... I love that phrase!!!

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