I don't believe in religions
i think for believing in a religion, I have to deeply understand and study all religions....share your thoughts and experiences with me !
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i think for believing in a religion, I have to deeply understand and study all religions....share your thoughts and experiences with me !
Neither do I but I find it important to respect people who believe in religion.
Athiesm and evolutionism are also religions in my opinion because you're claiming you know how we got here. I think no one really knows.
I don't agree with evolutionism being a religion (since it has no relation to whether or not there are gods; for example, there are Christian evolutionsists), but I do agree that atheism is a religion (since it is a belief about the idea of god).
I dont know the exact definition of a religion but when I hear people give the evolution pitch it sounds alot like a religion. (The fish turned into a monkey then a human) i think that way because they werent there to see it for themselves so they dont know for sure. They just have to believe the "evidence" just like other religions believe their old book is evidence. They believe in something although they dont really know.
There is a huge difference between the major organized religions and spirituality. Religion dictates how you should think about your relationship with God, but only you can make that decision for yourself. I’m in the same place you are.
My opinion on religion and lack thereof is that a lot of people will tell you how to live your life and what to believe in. If you're blindly accepting or being pressured to believe and not believe in things, that is not your belief/disbelief. Loads of people claim they know everything and are so disrespectful towards other faiths, but the truth is that none of us *really* know. Anyone could be right and wrong. And as a religious person, saying this takes an amount of humility and does not mean that I believe in my religion any less. Learn about all religions, no matter if you're religious, agnostic or atheist. It's all a long journey figuring things out. Stay safe and good luck! Hope you find what you need.
Makes sense I guess. It makes life meaningful for me though. I get more annoyed by the few hypocritical religious people than decent agnostics.
Anything can become a religion, just like something can become a myth...
I'm only agnostic because for the life of me I cannot truthfully say that i have faith in the christian god. And I feel like it would be pointless to then go to church and effectively lie to an omniscient god.
All I'm doing is Hedging my bets and crossing my fingers that I'm not too much of an asshole to slip into heaven or at least avoid hell.
So basically religion holds you captive with fear, like it does most. Without the promise of eternal life and the threaten of Hell, I suspect that you know deep down inside you would easily dismiss it as one of the most ridiculous things you've heard just as Christians do Scientology, which funnily is actually slightly more plausible sounding albeit ridiculous.
What do you mean, "at least avoid hell"? There are only two options: Heaven and Hell. If you don't choose Hell, then you choose Heaven.
Idk doesnt purgatory exist? I dont know the logistics of another plane of exsistance.
Also I figured it was kinda weird to have eternal punishment for being an evil bastard for relatively a few years. Even hitler, is he still burning 80 years later or was he let go into the ether?
Heaven is where the completely forgiven go. Purgatory is where the mostly forgiven go. Hell is where the unforgiven sinners go. Souls in purgatory are there temporarily; they all go to Heaven in the end. Those who go to Heaven or Hell stay in Heaven or Hell. I would guess that Hitler went to Hell, but humans do not know all that the Lord knows; He is the only one qualified enough to judge the fates of people's souls.
I agree with LloydAsher... and Clunk42 I just have a question...what makes you believe in hell and heaven? do you consider life circumstances and what a human goes through his life and how it will be decided at the end of his fate?
I believe for the same reason anyone else who believes believes: I was told to believe. I was told to believe; I did believe, and now I do believe. I am led to believe that those who are never told to believe, or never try to believe, will never believe. You just have to believe. It's not a question of thinking through which beliefs are rational or not; no beliefs are entirely rational, since they're all based on the simple concept of belief.
You don't have to believe in religions. And having a deep understanding is purely on your part. After all it isn't the "religion" that's important but the faith in something bigger than you.