I don't believe that there is a person that doesn't judge from the cover

I believe that everybody judges a person by their cover at first, nobody is ever able to be unprejudiced after looking at how someone looks like. whether it is an ugly person and you ended up becoming a bit distanced to them or being comfortable with a person because they are handsome or beautiful.

I personally always have a bad feeling with beautiful girls, and feel comfortable talking with girls that have normal faces. The beautiful ones definitely have a personality that's warped from their lives of living as a beautiful person. When someone get's praised for their looks or whatever, they definitely would have arrogant thoughts no matter how small it is. This will definitely shape their personality somewhat.

In my experience, this has always been true. the normal ones are kind while the beautiful ones always have this thing about them that I don't like, personality wise. Of course sometimes there are normal one's that are fucked up in the head, those ones are worse than everything.

As for kind beautiful ones, I am always filled with doubt at whatever words they're spouting, but I don't insult them outright of course, it's just in my head. It's like an impossibility for me to go further than being acquaintances with them. I'll always treat them like a person that I just know not friends.

Unfortunately, none have proved me wrong so far, which makes this way of thinking of mine more cemented in my head.

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Comments ( 14 )
  • CountessDouche

    Nah, I'm not really judgey. Every once in a while, I do judge. Like, for example I judge the user WeirdGuy1, who wrote this post (confirmed). I mean, I would judge him for being a disgusting POS who fucked a 12 year old girl, or for the fact that he caused his wife to miscarry after firing a loaded gun in the house during a fit of rage. It's way funnier that he's scared of pretty women though, after ranting on discord about how other men are quote beta. What was that shit they had before VCR's?

    Oh yeah...betamax. you're beta to the max, motherfucker.

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    • I'm afraid to say that i am not weirdguy1, but i'm definitely not telling you who i am actually

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  • RoyyRogers

    Just because you have a biased toward what you perceive as pretty people, does not mean we all share your view. Stop being a judgemental prick.

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    • you can't stop me unfortunately

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  • kikilizzo

    That happens automatically so yes everyone judges by the cover. Point of the saying is wether you give people a chance anyway to show whom they are.

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  • Wow3986

    The "don't judge a book by it's cover" is all bullshit. And yes, that's one other believe people spout but don't actually agree with it. People are bullshitting hypocrites.

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  • bbrown95

    I do believe that most people make at least a few general assumptions about people based off of their appearance, but mostly the way they present and carry themselves vs. their natural features that they can't really control.

    TBH, there are just as many average or below average looking people with arrogant personalities as attractive people, and attractive people don't always get praised for their looks. In fact, they sometimes get treated poorly by people who are jealous of them/otherwise resent them or assume they must be stuck up because of their looks. Now, that isn't to say there aren't ones that fit your description too, but my point is that no personality type is exclusive to above average, average, or below average people.

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    I agree. Even if you're aware of all the ways people automatically judge others based on their looks, you can't help but do it yourself as well.

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  • MonteMetcalfe

    I think it's hard-wired in us as a survival mechanism. We size people up without being conscious of the fact.

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  • EnglishLad

    I don't think there was any malicious traits in your post, you were simply stating how you feel about certain people.

    I do however think that many of your opinions add fuel to the fire surrounding the way you look at others. If you were more optimistic, maybe your worldview would be different and other people would view you as a nicer person to be around too. I'm speculating, of course.

    However, I fully understand that what you wrote reflects your own genuine personality and no-one can try and turn you into something you're not, so it isn't my place to try and change the way you view everyone.

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    • I am indeed a pessimistic person because it hurts way less that way, may be other people can feel it, that's why I'm a loner and nobody ever takes the initiative with me.

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    That's you not me

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Everyone profiles other ppl too when they first meet them. Most ppl dont admit it to themselves but they do.

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  • Curiouskitten444

    Sure why not

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