I don't care about football

When it comes to the game of football, all I can say is: there is probably nothing everybody cares so much about that I couldn't give less of a damn about.

I live in America, and it seems like everybody around me has this morbid fascination with football. Football..football...football. I see it everywhere...on the news, internet, television...everyone talks about it, and if you're in a bar during a football game everyone in the bar is going berzerk over it, as if their very lives depended on it.

Through all my years and all my days, watching a bunch of brainless hulks endlessly smashing into each other has never been of any consequence to me whatsoever, and I would expect only a small percentage of the population to think that it was. Instead, it seems to be the other way around. I have even had friends explain to me in detail all about line defense, zone defense, etc., and I just don't get why it is such a cultural phenomenon.

I don't care a thing about it; not during the regular season, not during post-season, and I don't care who wins the Super Bowl. People talk about football the way stock brokers talk about the stock market or the way politicians talk about legislative initiatives, and Americans generally think a person who doesn't fall down and worship the game of football is some kind of sociopath.

Why don't they do something productive, like learn another language or go help feed homeless people? Football just makes me want to spew vomit.

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Comments ( 85 )
  • IsitAbnormal

    I'm with you. I'm a guy and I don't care a bit about football. When people asked me who I was rooting for, I said that I didn't even know who was playing (I really didn't).

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  • CGFE3

    THANKYOU! Finally someone who gets it! I'm a girl so its a bit different but I don't get why football is so big. In any country.

    Plus you apparently have to root for the team thats comes from your state or whatever, regardless of whether or not they suck! WTF?

    Just keep it up, maybe if those braindead idiots stay around you enough they'll get their intelligence back.

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    • Tystick

      Fotball is is more than being physical. It is a mental game.You always have to outsmart your opponent. Ever hear of chess?

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  • rowlingstone

    Watching sports is one of the biggest wastes of time mankind has ever come up with.

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  • Ravenswood

    That's how I feel about most team sports. I greatly prefer sports like snowboarding, BMX, trail running, etc., where it's basically just one person against themselves and against nature. Stuff like football and basketball has just never struck the same chord for me.

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    • uh8it

      I'm with you about team sports. Even worse is the thought of having to watching all the commercials before the next play. I really don't like watching TV that much either.
      Believe me I have really tried to get into it. I just can't seem enjoy it.
      I could never sit through a soccer game. Its even worse then baseball.
      I think you can compare life to one big football game.
      like control freaks who will stop at nothing to manipulate your thought to get the results they want.
      Behind every football game is successful wealthy business person obsessed with money and power.

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  • CharlieGunn

    The only reason I can imagine having interest in football is if I'm betting. And in that case, I don't know enough about the teams to make a good decision.

    I think more people don't care about football than you would think; they're just less vocal about it than those who are passionate are.

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  • fluffyshem

    There are more important things to worry about than beefy man tackling each other over a ball.

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    • 3620ornajela

      i totally agree. humans are like little dogs, chasing a ball around, they get excited when a ball is thrown.. whoopeee.. how exciting.

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    • Tystick

      Its not over a ball. Its over yardage. Perfect example why you don't understand football

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      • IrishPotato

        And why would he want to? It's a shitty uninteresting game.

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        • Tystick

          Fluffy shem doesn't sound like a guy name. Then again I could be wrong. And you are entitled to your opinion. You hate football and I like it. I wasn't trolling. I just don't get how people say its gay. These guys go out every game in the risk of getting hurt. If football was gay they would be out on the field twirling ribbons to Culture Club

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          • IrishPotato

            It's not gay at all, it's a sport.
            AND LOL, that last comment made me laugh, and I guess people do have opinions.

            I don't like the sport, but it does take tactics.
            Don't really think there are any "Gay" sports though.

            Oh, and gimme your opinion on this.
            Soccerplayers whine too much.
            They hurt their knee, they stop playing.
            They bump their feet, they stop playing.
            They don't even put full effort into the game during the entire game, since most of the time they're walking back and forth in a slow pace because they're not near the ball.

            Agreed or disagreed?;o

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            • Tystick

              I don't know. I tried watching it once but I couldn't figure out they did the scoring. It just all seemed in a dissarray and I lost interest.

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  • sweatygirlfetish

    Not a big sports fan myself either. Personally I don't get what the hype is about when it comes to sports like Football, Basketball, and Baseball. Obviously I have nothing against people who do love sports. Two of my brothers love the three I mentioned. Me? No thanks. I'd rather be active doing something else.

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  • Enlightened1

    I always considered my self fairly athletic. I used to play and watch baseball often as a kid. As an adult I really no longer care about watching any major sporting event - especially in front of the TV. However, I almost feel compelled to watch professional sports just so I don't feel isolated. I think the media has basically brainwashed the masses into sport zombies to distract people from the real world. It's a form of dumbing down society so that's all people care about. Somehow it's become manly to sit around the TV, drink beer and get fat while watching other guys compete - truly sad.

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    • 3620ornajela

      i totally agree with you. sports are big business. the people at the top, team owners, promoters, tv networks, they're all making money at the expense of people that are easily amused. what gets me is the fanatics that are so obsessed with this stupid game, or any sports game for that matter, that if their team loses, it affects their personal life. . ....and why do people wear jerseys with their favorite players name on it? does that player wear shirts with YOUR NAME? he doesnt give a fuck about you. you're paying his salary and that's all the football player cares about.

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  • hellacious

    I hate football for the most part, though I do find it funny how it makes men go freaking insane on occasion, lol. I'm extremely competitive and I love nearly all sports, but it just isn't interesting to me. I'd rather watch REAL football, soccer. :)

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  • DireWolf13

    Im the exact same. Sports like that just seem so pointless.

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  • gnome

    i have nothing to do with football either dont even care about it so thats normal.

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  • yaddayadda

    i'm in my 30s. i went to a big-12 college, whatever the fuck that means. i've never in my life watched 60 seconds of an american football game, in person or on tv. i stereotype men over 25 that spend time watching football as overweight insecure closet homosexuals. why else would they get so uppity about a bunch of brainless juicers rubbing all up on each other's junk if they weren't, deep in their subconscious, wishing those meat heads would take them into the locker room and rip into their ass like a freight train?

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    • Tystick

      You just don't understand the game of football. You must be watching gay porn.

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      • IrishPotato

        Why would he? It's a boring game.

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      • Brixton2016

        Football is gay porn. Bunch of guys dog piling on another guy.

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  • RadioDJ

    I hate Football - Why waste your time.
    It's okay playing it, however i'm rubbish at that.

    I Don't see why fully grown men, want to watch a team of fully grown men kick a ball around for 2 hours.

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    • talkaboutallkindsofstuff

      I agree. I don't understand why people are fascinated by watching grown men prance around in tights and playing with a ball. Who cares if this team wins a 'superbowl'. Next year they will get beat by another team. It's not like they have a 'Superbowl of a lifetime and FINALLY figure out who is the best team ever. It's stupid and the puppeteers are running this sport organization profitably. Ok, so who cares if this guy hits a most passes in a single game. Or who cares if the team of the city I'm from wins or loses. I don't care. They are NOT my team. That team doesn't know my name and I don't care to know theirs. Football is stupid and I'm as manly as you can get. I can rebuild an engine, frame a home, climb ladders and even meticulously paint a nice drawing. I am a well rounded person, but football is not part of my life (this includes other sports).. I will say this, however. Fighting sports are the most interesting to me. Fighting is a raw sport. It's not a bunch of goofy rules such as you need to run to this line and score, or you need to kick the ball to this team, etc. It's simple, raw rules. Beat up your opponent or he beats you up. Simple.

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      • 3620ornajela

        I swear, most of what you have stated is exactly what I have said many times before. People are like puppets, and the filthy rich sports team owners and tv networks know how to manipulate the masses and brainwash them into thinking that you are required to be a sports fan to be 'normal'.

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  • BeautifulDisaster1019

    Personally I like Rugby better than football...football has never been a big deal to me. But I'm with Hellacious: It's pretty funny to see a bunch of guys go crazy, mostly over their mistakes or a lose.

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  • grungeartist

    I never cared about football either. (or any other sport for that matter with the exception of tennis). I wondered why people would get so hyped up on something that would begin again all over the following year. I guess it all revolves around the thrill of competition and winning. I never considered myself a competitive person, maybe thats why it never appealed to me.

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  • NickNick

    BRAVO!!!!!!!!! finally someone who doesnt like football!!go for it man,you are like me, football is stupid,and why the fuck does is it soooo famous?idk.. its just stupid..

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    • NickNick

      i meant: why the fuck IS IT SO FAMOUS? not 'why the fuck does it is so...' :)

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  • leftygl

    I used to love all sports especially when I was younger, but as i have gotten older, most sports annoy me as to the people whom play them as well as the media and they are obsessed with them.

    most 1o year olds play the game of football bball and football and we have adults getting paid millions to play a game where most fans are obsessed beyond believe....

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  • I don't just care about football but all sports in general. I just don't see the appeal of them and would rather use my time in bettering myself.

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    • tygeronherbed

      when are you gunna start?

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  • Yeah I'd say that's pretty normal, I also don't care at all about football. However it actually does have a semi-good effect on America because in a way it brings "us" together, that is the people that watch it. While I do find that sad, anything that can help Americans come closer in some way is okay with me.

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  • Lukemazer81

    So, here is the real situation. It's actually very simple. If you were born a boy, and your father didn't show you the game of FOOTBALL and maybe throw the ball around in the backyard....what he did was promote you turning out queer. That's why you can be a man and not like football, you're queer and just don't know it yet.

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  • Esnidy

    As an American living here that went to one of the largest colleges and being engrossed in the epitamy of American culture ... Nothing has peeved me more than the mindless worship of this sport .

    I've tried so hard to sit down and watch games. It sucks because so many people will expect that you know what's going on when they start talking about this player they have on their fantasy team and you just nod at them and say "yea totally .... " . I feel socially disadvantaged at times just by not keeping up

    can be interesting to watch from time to time . But could I sit through a whole season ? Memorize each players stats ? Join a fantasy league and spend several hours following players from different teams ? No thanks I'll pass .

    Maybe being part of her new generation video games have a wider appeal as there's more fantasy , involvement , plot twists , stimulation available Rather than living through a bunch of brainless brutes who don't even know/care about you .

    Do I give 2 shits who the super bowl ? Na I still wake up the next day and live my life which has no relevance to a bunch of boneheads wrestling each other over a ball . One day it's this group of meatheads then it's that one . Yea they may be from your home state so ? Do I owe them something cas they live 100 miles closer ? If they pay me then maybe I'll care otherwise I'm going to focus on the game called living my own life and root for myself .

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  • Terrik1337

    I also don't like football, but I have been given an explanation of why it is popular that I buy into. I think it is because football is a violent simulation of war between states. Sometimes people from different states hate each other for no other reason then they are different. Games like football pit those people against each other and lets them settle their differences without actually killing each other.

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  • reginaFalangi


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  • StrangeDuckDude

    What kills me is how so many American men gauge their manhood based on being a football fan, or the success of their favorite football team... and question the manhood of others who don't!
    If you want to be macho, why not follow boxing or MMA instead? Or if you're a REAL man, how about learning knife fighting (instead of sitting on your fat asses eating pizza, guzzling beer and watching the Stupor Bowl?)

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  • goathunter13

    I one hundred percent agree with you. I can understand watching a sport, but the way people get so into it is insane. It makes me so pissed when I am at a party or hanging with friends and they all decide to go watch football and I'm like sshhhhiiiiiiiitttttttt. I sometimes even leave because I can't stand it. I understand how it works and understand basic plays, and I have tried to watch it my whole life but I can never get into it and will never understand it. I at least see the point of hockey, or lacrosse, or even basketball, where your goal is to actually work as a team and have skill other than just speed and size. I used to play hockey and play soccer now and it is so much better. I also hate how in football people only pay attention to two or three guys while the whole other team gets no credit (the line or defence etc). I think it is such an unbelievable waste of time because I prefer to be active and would rather at least go outside and pass the football than to spend 3 hours watching huge men run into eachother for 8 seconds at a time and then a commercial like every 1st down or so. My whole family (i'm 17) thinks Im weird for hating it because they all like football and at family gettogethers like thanksgiving i am the only one that doesn't watch it. There is so many better things to spend time on than football.

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  • No, you're not alone. In fact, most of the world feels the same way about this "sport." The only other country I know of that even pays the slightest bit of attention to American Football is Canada. However, even they don't seem to be all that interested in it and would rather watch hockey (now there's a real sport!).

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  • lovetoski

    Most people want to feel as if they belong somewhere and watching football with the Dad, college friends, or family is an easy out. My parents and grandparents simply did not share or pass any allegiance to sports on to me. I have no clue "when the game is on" much less who's playing. As a 20 something single straight male living in the south, I feel like an outsider sometimes as well. But then I realize how much cumulative time my friends are going to spend watching football on the couch while I'm out exercising, learning, and working to fund an early retirement.

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  • EnergyShift

    I think all sports are dumb and a waste of time. I've never understood what's so great about watching a bunch of men play with ball. The same things happen over and over again. Nothing new ever happens. If you've seen one game, you've pretty much seen them all. I've never understood what's so fascinating about it. It's so boring to me, I could easily fall asleep. Just a colosal waste of time.

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  • liaozexin

    why don't u care ?

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  • haylibug

    It just show a sign of intelligence.

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    I hate football too, with a passion. Although since you're American I assume you meant rugby? I hate that even more.

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  • CzechingYouOut

    Thank you! So I'm not alone after all! I don't see what's so special about a bunch of guys running around trying to catch a ball.
    At least your teacher doesn't stop everything and watch some football game. I found physics to be much more entertaining than watching a bunch of criminals catch a ball.

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    • Tystick

      So you must know who Plexico Burress is. Tell me what team he plays for? Oh and by the way Micheal Vick is a QB. That stands for qurterback. And quarterbacks don't catch balls. And by the way most football players aren't criminals!

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  • logologo

    Being a guy, the only way i'll be interested in it is if I was betting on it or if my state wins, we get a tax break.

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  • Just1question

    I didn't even read this I just wanted to say. Football is wank.

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  • timberwolves03

    I feel you. I live in France during summer...and it'as all about soccer...I wish I could run on the field on one evening and shoot the players. U fckn HATE SOCCER

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    • timberwolves03


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  • Football is AMZING

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  • Soulfire45

    We like football because we live in America you dumbass!

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  • yaboiiii

    I hate football, I never know who's on what team because the players switch like every year, and the team that won the superbowl one year might be the worst team in the NFL the next year, there us no consistency. Now basketball, that's an amazing sport, LAKERS BABY!

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  • gs81

    honestly till highschool started for me i didnt even know what football was well i did but you know what i mean i live in canada and everybody is hockey crazy but after going through one season i fell in love with the game its cuz of how much hardwork you have to put in and how much the team comes together dude i get what ur coming from its the same way for me with hockey but dont say stuff like do something productive its a way of life bro you would love the game if u had a open mind about it

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  • Ghebulon

    I don't hate football, but I don't care for it. Rugby and Hockey all the way!

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  • lolcanttell

    we need to rid of the topic poster,save earth,unite hooligans.

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  • saix

    as a guy i always thought it was a gay sport for guys to watch. really?!? even as a kid i thought it was gay. i would rather watch hot gymnast chicks all day long. or cheerleading if there are no guys. or tennis girls if they dont look like guys. i'll watch the super bowl only for the commercials.

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    • Saix, a sport is not 'gay' or 'straight' insofar as it involves watching men versus watching women. Someone who isn't apparently homophobic knows this. Sports involve bodily contact, but nobody on the playing field is getting an erection, so there isn't any sexual implication to it. I find football extremely overrated and sometimes even downright boring, but certainly not sexually offensive.

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  • Wolf-Legacy

    I completely agree with you, and I live in the South. ;-; It's worse down here, it's like people are devoted to the damn sport. I just really don't get it at all. A couple of huge guys crashing up against one another isn't my kind of game. When I say things like "Well.. it's kind of retarded" to some people it's like I killed their dog...

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  • VoLoPoK

    people only get excited with football because they have nothing good to do just like everyone on this site

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  • maturat

    Hallelujah! There is intelligent life on Earth after all. I'm a guy and I have just never understood how people can get so excited and wrapped up in football, to the point where their moods are basically controlled by how "their team" is doing. I have received no end of grief for my lack of interest in this boring, brutish sport over the years. Most of my friends were really into it and they just couldn't understand how a guy could not be interested in their beloved pastime. It's like people think that if you're a guy and you don't care about football, there must be something very wrong with you because, hey, ALL guys like football, right? That's just the way it is! Pfah! BS.

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  • cooze30685

    it is 100% normal
    not all people like football
    i dont pay a damn attention to any of football matches even if my country football team competes with a football team from the planet March!
    even if the future of the earth will be determined based on the results of such match i dont care
    i hate fooooooootball the most!!!

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  • casualcrow

    Yea i don't care about football either. I grew up in Greece and like soccer but i'm not that crazy about it either.

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  • sleepingowl

    Sports are stupid to watch, fun to play. I don't take them seriously. Just for fun I might support my college's team but I could care less. It's mostly about bringing people together to eat hotdogs and drink, and support the community, in my opinion. I'd rather play tackle football or something for FUN ;0

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  • AntoniusBlock

    You know, I've tried my best to get the point of (watching) organized sports all my life--and it turns out it really is just stupid. And a little sad--people living vicariously through athletes who wouldn't give them the time of day in real life.

    Football teams playing football teams in various combinations, for results that are of no consequence... another f---ing fascinating season's just months away!

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  • neopythagorean

    Original poster, I couldn't agree more!!!

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  • Don't like football I prefer rugby and I am a zealous follower of Manchester united.

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  • loverofhottyhottness

    i looooooveeeee football! :) its so entertaining!

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  • thecyg

    I can't stand football either...both kinds of football actually!

    Now baseball on the other hand...

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  • dice

    i hate football too

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  • cheerleader55

    eww i hate football!! thats deffinitly normal!
    soccer all the way :D

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  • Bowerbird

    Never cared about football. Maybe if there were less replays, if they cut out all the boring stuff. Maybe.

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  • zchristian

    some crazy fans call it life style i call it mens running around and fighting over a ball some say its not just a game doh yes it is just a game

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    • Tystick

      First of all their not fighting over a ball once again I have to say they are fighting over yardage. Stop hating something you know nothing about

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  • tygeronherbed

    yeah, its not very nice when people talk to YOU nasty, is it?

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  • Deltoran

    I agree

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  • SeniorKenzo

    Same here. I have nothing against football, but I am confused at how popular it is (not to mention how seriously people take it.) I don't even know how the sport works lol. I guess it's just one of those things that gives people something to do and something to talk about. Especially if they don't have any specific hobbies or outlets.

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  • JuliusE

    i feel the saaaaame way buddy. But I love MMA (UFC for all you idiots out there who don't know what the sport is). Football has always seemed gay to me. Bunch of fat dumb mongrels. I would much rather get to the point of it and watch two guys actually fight. But I agree, spend your time on something more valuable like learning another language or paying for the sterilization of the homeless low-lives and mestizos swarming our boarders.

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  • Nitrovxoxide

    A lot of football players donate, help out causes in their spare time and are huge influences on many people in a good way. Yes there is a lot of people that have no life in football and obsess way to much, but other then bashing other football players apart they play an important role on peoples lives. (In other ways) =D

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  • leahquestions

    good for you, I'm sure a lot of people are like that.. I like sports don't have much time to watch. dated an ex pro football player for a while, he was sweet , intelligent and took good care of his kids...I watch once in a blue moon like tennis and basketball better- would rather be playing tennis though.I like watching big strong men athletic sweating LOL

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  • Alaxett

    Something productive? Like waste our leisure time on Sunday while there is annual special event going on? Either way, I totally see where you come from. I used to not care much for football and their rules, until Saints gained alot of my respect. It'll be over quickly in a few days before NASCAR start, like nothing of that ever happened.

    Speak of cultural phenomenon... I think the rest of countries in the world are crazy about their home soccer team, possibly even more than us.

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  • kaitisradx3

    You're a hater. Football positively affects our society. You can feed the homeless but I'll be with my friends watching football this fall yaaaay!!! :)

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