I don't fully know the difference between romance and friendship

Like I get the physical part, in a romantic relationship people tend to kiss each other and have sex. And that your not supposed to have more than one partner. But I don't quite get the difference beyond that. If I were to enter a relationship with someone I wouldn't know how I'm suddenly supposed to start acting towards them so its no longer just like a regular friendship. I'm also unsure of when you feel for someone romantically, versus only platonic when you're good friends. Is it normal to find this confusing and what are the differences I haven't mentioned?

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Comments ( 9 )
  • ellnell

    As an asexual ive gotten this question from many.
    I just say the difference is the romantic attraction. You dont feel romantic love for your friends. You also have something more intimate with a partner, you do a lot together and you stay loyal to each other. You also typically wanna touch and be near your partner a lot, and have sex if you arent asexual. Aside from that it's a friendship, your partner is your best friend. Its a pretty useless relationship if you arent friends and have fun together. Why would you start acting differently just because you are dating? That would be rather fake.
    Just be as usual but put in effort to show you love your partner. Hopefully you already make effort in your friendships.

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    • The "you don't feel romantic love for your friends" is obviously not true either, cause many people do fall in love with their friends, and then get sad/mad when they are "friend zoned". There is also a difference between a romantic partner and "friends with benefits" that makes things even more confusing.

      If people didn't want you to start acting differently then why would they specifically ask for a new type of relationship? But I can take the advice, you're even more intimate with your romantic partner and you want to touch them. Anyways, thanks for offering advice, I get this is a really complicated topic.

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  • SkullsNRoses

    In many ways it’s no different. The key differences are more physical affection such as hand holding, cuddling, kissing and sex (unless you’re asexual) and the understanding that if things go well you will eventually move in together and maybe get married and/or have children.

    It’s normal to question whether you like someone just platonically or romantically as well. Society sadly finds very close friendships weird and I have been falsely accused of fancying some of my friends because of the amount of time I spent with them and effort I put into our friendship.

    Although it may be frustratingly vague my answer to your question of how to know if you fancy someone is; you just know you do. If you have to keep asking yourself “Hmmm, DO I fancy this person?” the answer is probably no.

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    • Thanks for explaining. That sounds like a pretty good explanation

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  • Tommythecaty

    I’m the opposite, I don’t see any similarity.

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  • LOLFanProductions

    If someone was interested in me I would get to know them a little before going in head first. I did this with my fiance and it works.

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  • You want to fuck your romantic partners.

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    • That's kinda how I see it, but you have so many down votes

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      • It be like that when you speak the truth.

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