I don't hate anime. i hate its influence on people.
Now I'm probably a hypocrite for saying this but : I hate anime nerds. I really do. But I'm not some person who has viewed them from the outside.
No, I've been there at a time in my life. Let me take you back 7 years to my middle school days.
I discovered anime on Toonami and while I didn't obsess over it at first, I did quite enjoy the show and didn't miss an episode when it aired.
But when I discovered that anime was vastly larger than just the television, it was hook, line and sinker. I was caught and dragged down into the pit.
I collected tons of manga, learned I was decent at drawing because of manga (I'd always had an affinity towards art but this gave me a reason to draw), watched anime alot and got into games.
I had yet to dress up at a convention yet and I had seriously been thinking about it. Until my freshman year of highschool.
I'd heard the highschool had an anime club and I was interested. I mean, a group of like minded people who shared similar interests was a great way to start out my highschool career!
I attended one meeting. And that was it for me.
They wore their costumes to school. No, not lolita outfits. Like full out Squall Leonhart and Naruto costumes. To class. And they were so....so bad.
And the way they talked and how stunted they were shocked me too. I was 14 and I had just started discovering my sexual side. While I wasn't going out of my way to bang guys, I did embrace sexuality and sexual ways.
But the anime people in this group talked about how sex was gross and how they didn't understand how people enjoyed it because 'it was nasty'. Yet here they were talking about their favorite 'sexy' character and reading manga with boudatious beauties doting the covers.
I think it was how these people completely let go of reality and delved into their fantasies that freaked me out.
In my opinion, one has two feet and it is healthy to have one planted in both reality and fantasy. I mean, if both were in reality, then we would have no dreams or inventive ideas. No art, no imagination.
But on the other side, with no feet in reality, you have no idea about human nature or the social norm. Despite our urges to stay children forever, growing up is a necessity to life. Grown ups can enjoy anime and other fantastical things, but they also must realize that there is so much more in the world that is just as fantastic and wonderful (or even more) than in anime.
I must sound very bitter and I'm truly sorry for such a long post, but this how I feel and I want to know if I have a right to hate this or if I'm a hypocrite.
(Ex. I hate Twilight because of the fans.)